Dynamic Column Chart

we are trying to develope a dynamic column chart .but i faild to achived this can any one know how to create a dynamic column chart .some sample code
i am providing.
var arrCol:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection();
                                                                       var ob:Object;
for(var l:int=0;l<4;l++)
                                                                                 ob=new Object();
                                                                                 ob['category']="diesel Expense";
                                                                                 }else if(l==1)
                                                                                 ob['category']="stationary Expense";
                                                                                 else if(l==2)
                                                                                 ob['category']="Light Bill Expense";
                                                                                 else if(l==3)
                                                                                 ob['category']="security Expense";
//***********  stackedColumnChart is my columnchart object
var columnSet:ColumnSet = new ColumnSet();
        columnSet.type = "clustered";                                                   
         var columnSeries:ColumnSeries;
     var seriesArray:Array = new Array();
for(var i:int = 0; i < arrCol1.length; i++){ 
         columnSeries = new ColumnSeries();   
         columnSeries.yField = arrCol1[i].category ;
        columnSeries.displayName = arrCol1[i].category;
     //   Alert.show("ff"+ arrCol[i].category);
}           columnSet.series = seriesArray;
stackedColumnChart.series = [columnSet];
this code is showing legend properly but does not create any column chart.
please help it urgent......

Which connection you are using?
IF quite difficult if you are working under static data.

Similar Messages

  • Help Creating Dynamic Stacked Column Chart with Multiple Criteria

    Hi all. Im new here and hoping you can help.  I have a dashboard Im trying to rebuild from scratch (our computer had a meltdown and we lost all our files). I did not build the dashboard initially so Im trying to recreate it from the flash file we were able to recover. I have come across a chart that I just cannot figure out how to do.  I can figure out how to write an array in the Excel sheet that pulls the data into a table the way I need it to be but found out after I wrote that that Xcelcius doesn't support arrays so all my data disappears when I go into preview mode (which is especially frustrating since I can see the chart working fine in design mode).  Anyway this is what the data table looks like
    Month         Year            Company      Positive #          Negative #         Neutral #          Positive %       Negative %      Neutral %
    October      2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    October      2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    November  2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyA      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyB      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyC      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    December  2011            CompanyD      1234                1234                 1234                 10                    10                    10
    The original chart was built so that you would choose the month from a combo box and then the company names would show up along the X axis with their % amounts shown in the stacked column.  I know how to make a combo box work and I know how to make a stacked column chart work with static data.  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to get it to work so that when you choose the month from the combo box it filters the data.  I've tried filtered rows but I'm just missing some information that makes it work and I can't figure out what that information is.  It has to be able to get the month/year combo from the combo box and then go to the table, filter it by month and year and then create a multi-row table of data with just the company and the percent values.  Any help would be greatly appreciated!

    Which connection you are using?
    IF quite difficult if you are working under static data.

  • SSRS 2008 Column Chart with Calculated Series (moving average) "formula error - there are not enough data points for the period" error

    I have a simple column chart grouping on 1 value on the category axis.  For simplicity's sake, we are plotting $ amounts grouping by Month on the category axis.  I right click on the data series and choose "Add calculated series...".  I choose moving average.  I want to move the average over at least 2 periods.
    When I run the report, I get the error "Formula error - there are not enough data points for the period".  The way the report is, I never have a guaranteed number of categories (there could be one or there could be 5).  When there is 2 or more, the chart renders fine, however, when there is only 1 value, instead of suppressing the moving average line, I get that error and the chart shows nothing.
    I don't think this is entirely acceptable for our end users.  At a minimum, I would think the moving average line would be suppressed instead of hiding the entire chart.  Does anyone know of any workarounds or do I have to enter another ms. connect bug/design consideration.
    Thank you,

    I was having the same error while trying to plot a moving average across 7 days. The work around I found was rather simple.
    If you right click your report in the solution explorer and select "View Code" it will give you the underlying XML of the report. Find the entry for the value of your calculated series and enter a formula to dynamically create your periods.
    <ChartFormulaParameter Name="Period">
                      <Value>=IIf(Count(Fields!Calls.Value) >= 7 ,7, (Count(Fields!Calls.Value)))</Value>
    What I'm doing here is getting the row count of records returned in the chart. If the returned rows are greater than or equal to 7 (The amount of days I want the average) it will set the points to 7. If not, it will set the number to the amount of returned rows. So far this has worked great. I'm probably going to add more code to handle no records returned although in my case that shouldn't happen but, you never know.
    A side note:
    If you open the calculated series properties in the designer, you will notice the number of periods is set to "0". If you change this it will overwrite your custom formula in the XML.

  • Dynamic column names

    I created a line chart with the following sql statement:
    select null link, periode_jaar, sum(totaal) total from V_KPL_VZ_OWB@rapportage_dwhtest
    where periode_jaar = (Select max(periode_jaar) from V_KPL_VZ_OWB@rapportage_dwhtest)
    group by periode_jaar
    order by periode_jaar
    In the legend of the chart the line is named total. I would like have it named for example: Total 2009
    So how i create the dynamic column? Any ideas? Tnx in advnaced

    tnx for helping, i posted my xml code below where to put the tag: <format>{%Name} ({%Value})</format>
    i assume i have to replace %Name with my sirie name and the %Value with the name i wanted?
    Is it possible to replace %Value with an item like :p1_year
    &#60;?xml version = "1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone = "yes"?&#62;
    &#60;chart type="2DLine"&#62;
    &#60;animation enabled="yes" appearance="size" speed="10" /&#62;
    &#60;hints auto_size="yes"&#62;
    &#60;text&#62;&#60;![CDATA[{NAME}, {VALUE}]]&#62;&#60;/text&#62;
    &#60;font type="Verdana" size="10" color="0x000000" /&#62;
    &#60;names show="yes" width="150" placement="chart" position="bottom" &#62;
    &#60;font type="Verdana" size="10" color="0x000000" /&#62;
    &#60;values show="no" prefix="" postfix="%" decimal_separator="," decimal_places="0" /&#62;
    &#60;arguments show="no" /&#62;
    &#60;line_chart left_space="5" right_space="5"&#62;
    &#60;block_names enabled="no" /&#62;
    &#60;background enabled="yes" type="solid" color="0xffffff" alpha="0" /&#62;
    &#60;base_area enabled="no" /&#62;
    &#60;chart_area enabled="yes" x="80" y="50" width="380" height="280" deep="0"&#62;
    &#60;background enabled="no"/&#62;
    &#60;border enabled="yes" size="1"/&#62;
    &#60;x_axis name="Jaar" smart="yes" position="center_bottom" &#62;
    &#60;font type="Verdana" size="14" color="0x000000" bold="no" align="center" /&#62;
    &#60;y_axis name="%" smart="yes" position="left_center" &#62;
    &#60;font type="Verdana" size="14" color="0x000000" bold="no" align="center" /&#62;
    &#60;values /&#62;
    &#60;legend enabled="yes" x="480" y="50"&#62;
    &#60;font type="Verdana" size="10" color="0x000000" /&#62;
    &#60;values enabled="YES"/&#62;
    &#60;scroller enabled="no"/&#62;
    &#60;header enabled="no"/&#62;
    &#60;background alpha="0"/&#62;

  • Help we column chart display

    I'm extending my dashboard to display printer information.
    From the sample data below I want to display, each printers
    job total count for each quarter.
    Bottom access should show Q2-07,Q3-07-Q1-08 vertical axis
    should show integers.
    From the table below I want to display in each quarter a
    column bar for each printer showing total jobs, and another column
    in same quarter showing page total for each printer
    AEc2880->JOBCOUNT:AEc2880->PAGECOUNT:CreativeFirey240->JOBCOUNT:CreativeFirey240->PAGECOUN T:
    I can either get the grid to show quarters but only on
    printer, or printers but only one quarter.
    <ColumnChart id="colChart" width="100%" height="100%"
    showDataTips="true" visible="true" >
    <CategoryAxis categoryField="Quarter" />
    <ColumnSeries yField="JOBCOUNT" xField="Quarter" />
    <ColumnSeries yField="JOBCOUNT" xField="Quarter" />
    <ColumnSeries yField="JOBCOUNT" xField="Quarter" />
    | PrinterName | JOBCOUNT | PAGECOUNT | Quarter |
    printStartQuarter |
    | AEc2880 | 748 | 1034 | Q2-07 | 2007-04-01 |
    | CreativeFirey240 | 2404 | 5454 | Q2-07 | 2007-04-01 |
    | AEc2880 | 2248 | 6552 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
    | AEiR5055 | 979 | 2845 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
    | CreativeFirey240 | 5017 | 12321 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
    | AEc2880 | 1439 | 6256 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
    | AEiR5055 | 1753 | 5587 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
    | CreativeFirey240 | 4731 | 9990 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
    | AEc2880 | 1817 | 2707 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
    | AEiR5055 | 1158 | 2817 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
    | CreativeFirey240 | 3822 | 9665 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
    Thanks in advance

    Sorry this losses formating:
    I'm posting this hoping that it will point others in a
    direction right or wrong. Also hoping to get some feed back on
    improvements or even 'dude what where you smoking this code is
    Test Data I'm playing with from mysql.:
    | PrinterName | JOBCOUNT | PAGECOUNT | Quarter |
    printStartQuarter |
    | AEc2880 | 748 | 1034 | Q2-07 | 2007-04-01 |
    | CreativeFirey240 | 2404 | 5454 | Q2-07 | 2007-04-01 |
    | AEc2880 | 2248 | 6552 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
    | AEiR5055 | 979 | 2845 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
    | CreativeFirey240 | 5017 | 12321 | Q3-07 | 2007-07-01 |
    | AEc2880 | 1439 | 6256 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
    | AEiR5055 | 1753 | 5587 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
    | CreativeFirey240 | 4731 | 9990 | Q4-07 | 2007-10-01 |
    | AEc2880 | 1817 | 2707 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
    | AEiR5055 | 1158 | 2817 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
    | CreativeFirey240 | 3822 | 9665 | Q1-08 | 2008-01-01 |
    Each row is a printerName, JobCount, PageCount,Quarter,
    printStartQuarter (first day of each quarter)
    I need to display summaries in a column chart of Queue
    (printer) usage. For each Queue summary I need to show total jobs
    sent (printed) and total pages sent (printed) for a given period.
    The one I'm dealing with here is quarterly view. With the
    sample data above I want to show for each quarter total job, total
    pages for AEc2880,CreativeFirey240 and AEIR5055
    If I use the data has is, I only get one queue per quarter. I
    need to have each queue its own column, twice. One for total jobs
    and total pages. Then one row per quarter for it to work.
    AEc2880_TJ - AEc2880_TP - CreativeFirey240_TJ -
    CreativeFirey240_TP - AEIR5055_TJ - AEIR5055_TJ - Quater -
    Now for the big issue, the queues are dynamic. The test data
    is from 3 queues only. There could be 1 to n number of queues and
    not all quarters will be the same as queues get added and deleted.
    This is how I approached this in AS Flex 2, I have flex 3 but
    not installed yet, I can not find much info on the new grouping
    classes to see if they will help.
    Most examples are with the advanced data grid. There is also
    very little information on charting bar the basics around.
    My data comes in from PHP middle ware as JSON.
    First think we need to do is pass the de-serialized array
    into a function that finds all the unique queue names.
    private var groupQueueEvent:ArrayCollection;
    private function setUpHandler(event:ResultEvent):void{
    //get the raw JSON data and cast to String
    var rawData:String = String(event.result);
    //decode the data to ActionScript using the JSON API
    //in this case, the JSON data is a serialize Array of
    var arr:Array = (JSON.decode(rawData) as Array);
    //Send array for processing.
    //function that takes quartly events and finds unique queues
    private function
    populateComboYearArray(eventsArray:Array):Array {
    var queueArrayHashMap : Object = new Object(); //create hass
    array, used to make sure array unique
    var queueArray : Array = new Array; //create arry to hold
    //now run through each row of passed data looking for queue
    for (var i:int = 0; i < eventsArray.length; i++)
    //check to see if this
    queue is all ready in hash.
    if (queueArrayHashMap[eventsArray .PrinterName] ==
    //it not in hash so add it
    .PrinterName] = new Object();
    // now add the queue array
    queueArray.push(eventsArray .PrinterName);
    return queueArray; //send back final array
    private function groupPrinters(data:Array):void {
    //create array to hold unique names
    var printerNames:Array = new Array();
    //process data and get unique queue names back
    printerNames = populateComboYearArray(data);
    var printGroup:Array = new Array;//hold the final array
    var tempRowArray:Object;//used to build each row of new data
    var pgCountColumnName:String;//used to build queue names for
    page count
    var jobCountColumnName:String;/used to build queue names for
    job count
    for (var printRow:int = 0; printRow < data.length; ) {
    //run through each row of data
    tempRowArray = new Array; //create a new row each time
    // we will always want the Quarter and printStartQaurter in
    every row so add now
    tempRowArray.Quarter = data[printRow].Quarter;
    tempRowArray.printStartQuarter =
    // now for the tricky bit, we need to process each queue
    for (var i:int = 0; i < printerNames.length; i++) {
    // we need to see if we have a queue name match not all
    quarters will
    // have the same queue names
    if (printerNames
    .PrinterName == data[printRow].PrinterName) {
    //if match found add to our row
    //make dynamic column name would like to use queue name but
    may be tainted
    pgCountColumnName = "column" + String(i) + "pgcount";
    jobCountColumnName = "column" + String(i) + "jbcount";
    now create the columns with the names and add the data to
    tempRowArray[pgCountColumnName] = data[printRow].PAGECOUNT;
    tempRowArray[jobCountColumnName] = data[printRow].JOBCOUNT;
    // we found a match so move along in outer loop
    // we didn't find a match don't advance outer loop
    // we checked all the queue names advanced outer loop where
    // next time trough we should be in new quarter
    printGroup.push(tempRowArray);// push temporary row to our
    //assign are data to an array collection
    groupQueueEvent = new ArrayCollection(printGroup);
    //assign data to test grid for checking
    detailedPrintReport.dataProvider = groupQueueEvent;
    //assign data to chart.
    colChart.dataProvider = groupQueueEvent;
    //now make up the dynamic series
    //PLEASE NOTE this code does not work yet still playing with
    // testing purpose hard coded in mxml
    var dynamicColumnSeries:ColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries;
    colChart.series = [dynamicColumnSeries];
    for ( i = 0; i < printerNames.length; i++) {
    pgCountColumnName = "column" + String(i) + "pgcount";
    jobCountColumnName = "column" + String(i) + "jbcount";
    dynamicColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries;
    dynamicColumnSeries.yField = 'jobCountColumnName;
    dynamicColumnSeries.displayName =
    dynamicColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries;
    dynamicColumnSeries.yField = pgCountColumnName;
    dynamicColumnSeries.displayName = printerNames
    <ColumnChart id="colChart" width="100%" height="100%"
    showDataTips="true" visible="true" >
    <CategoryAxis categoryField="Quarter" title="Quartly"
    <ColumnSeries yField="column0jbcount" xField="Quarter"
    <ColumnSeries yField="column0pgcount" xField="Quarter"
    <DataGrid id="detailedPrintReport" visible="true"
    width="100%" height="100%"/>

  • Dynamic column name in OBIEE

    Hi all,
    In my report i need to show one chart view. I'm having one prompt. There the user is asked to select a no. for eg. say 10. and a date eg. 10-JAN-09. So my report should show the data from 10-JAN-09 and go backwards to 10 days. if he selects 5 days then only 5 days of data only need to show from that date. This part is ok. The chart has five sections in it. They are
    1) 80-100% of the time period
    2) 60-80%
    3) 40-60%
    4) 20-40%
    5) <20%
    So the legends should vary according to this.
    Suppose if the user selects 10 days then the legend should be,
    1) 8-10 days
    2) 6-7 days
    3) 4-5 days
    4) 2-3 days
    5) less than 2 days
    If user selects 5 means then the legend should be,
    1) 5 days
    2) 4 days
    3) 3 days
    4) 2 days
    5) 1 day
    In the prompt im saving this value in one variable. So all i need to do is to apply aggregation on the variable and place it in the column name. But i dont know where to give it. Please help.

    Hi when you dynamically change the table column that will automatically reflect in the chart legend.
    please check the following link for dynamically changing column header name

  • CFChart Dynamic Column HELP

    I looked over the posts on CFChart but did not find anything
    that addresses my specific problem with the cfchart. So if you can
    help, I'd appreciate it very much!
    What I want to do is take the dynamic name of the column
    derived from the first query and use that name in the Legend. E.G.
    A_R1_DIS is the first dataset, A_R1_J is the second dataset, and
    A_R1_PPLI is the third dataset. Then show a line graph with each
    dataset based on the first query. The X Axis displays the Date/Time
    value and the Y Axis displays the number of points for each record
    of time for each dataset individually. I was able yesterday to get
    all three datasets to display individually but when I tried to show
    the legend it either displayed only the first Dataset name
    "A_R1_DIS" or it displayed "NONE". Currently the code will not
    display any line on the chart and the legend repeats the A_R1_DIS
    as many times as there are records in the table (60+).
    I use the following query to get the dynamic column name
    "SelectedDatasetColName" from the MasterDataList table.
    <CFQUERY name="getSelectedDatasetColName"
    SELECT MDL_TestName + '_' + MDL_DatasetID + '_' +
    MDL_MeaningfulName as SelectedDatasetColName
    FROM MasterDataList
    Here is where I'm using the "SelectedDatasetColName" value:
    ******************************************* queries
    <CFQUERY name="DatasetHistogramQry"
    <cfset i = 1>
    <cfloop query="getSelectedDatasetColName">
    #SelectedDatasetColName# as col#i#,
    <cfset i = i + 1>
    JDay, TheHour, TheMinute,
    convert(varchar(12), JDay, 114) + ' ' + convert(varchar(12),
    TheHour, 114) + ':' + convert(varchar(12), TheMinute, 114) as
    FROM vPositionHistogram
    ORDER BY JDay, TheHour, TheMinute
    Here is the code for the table; which works correct:
    **************************** Report Code
    <CFOUTPUT QUERY="getSelectedDatasetColName">
    <TH>#SelectedDatasetColName# Message Count</TH>
    <CFOUTPUT QUERY="DatasetHistogramQry">
    <TR BGCOLOR="###IIF(DatasetHistogramQry.currentrow MOD 2,
    DE('DCDCDC'), DE('FFFFFF'))#">
    <TD ALIGN="center">#JDay#</TD>
    <TD ALIGN="center">#TheHour#</TD>
    <TD ALIGN="center">#TheMinute#</TD>
    <CFSET i = 1>
    <TD ALIGN="center">#evaluate("col#i#")#</TD>
    <CFSET i = i + 1>
    Here is the output for the table; Dynamic Column Name used to
    repeat counts for each dataset.
    ********************************* output
    Day Hour Minute A_R1_DIS Message Count A_R1_J Message Count
    A_R1_PPLI Message Count
    37 17 36 0 2 35
    37 17 37 19 6 32
    37 17 38 28 30 33
    37 17 39 40 27 27
    37 17 40 66 64 32
    Here is the problem code. I have tried several variations on
    this code but currently all it does is display a blank chart.
    **************************** Chart Code
    Hour:Minute)" YAXISTITLE="Message Counts" SHOW3D="no" ROTATED="no"
    <CFOUTPUT QUERY="DatasetHistogramQry">
    <CFSET i = 1>
    <CFCHARTSERIES QUERY="DatasetHistogramQry" TYPE="line"
    ITEMCOLUMN="#DateTime#" VALUECOLUMN="#evaluate("col#i#")#"
    <CFSET i = i + 1>
    Please let me know if you need any additional info on my
    problem and if you can help, it is greatly appreciated!!!!
    - Debra

    DateTime is a column in the vPositionHistogram (View). Col#i#
    is the variable used to loop through the column names derived from
    the getSelectedDatasetColName query. The view is populated
    dynamically and the columns in it vary depending on the dataset
    used to populate the view. The view can have 1 to many columns.
    That is why I pull the column names from the MasterDataList table
    and use a variable to get the values from each column. My column
    names end up being Col1, Col2, Col3, and so on. I use that variable
    in the loop to get the data from vPositionHistogram for each column
    in the report/chart. I made some headway on Friday before I called
    it a day, but I will try the last suggestion and post my findings
    in a little while. Thanks!

  • Alterts for Column Charts

    I have created a few column charts in Crystal XCelsius and have enabled value alerts so that the bars show up as different colours depending on the data. When I first assign the range for the alerts, the colours show up correctly. However, when I preview the chart, the bars are not coloured correctly-- i.e. not according to the specified range. Has anyone encountered a similar problem with alerts?

    I believe this issue has to do with linking an alert to a cell.  If that cell changes value, then everything seems to go to downhill.  I believe this was supposed to be fixed in SP1, but it does not appear to be.  I have a gauge with a value, a maximum limit, and an alert range that are all linked to dynamic cells, and the values change, but the needle never moves.
    As an example, the lower limit is 0, the upper limit is 10, the value is 5, so the needle points straight.  The user does something to change the value to 2, and the lower limit stays at 0, and the upper limit stays at 10, and the value label changes to 2, but the needle still points up and down.

  • Stacked Column Chart drill down

    I have a stacked column chart. Data is dynamic. Sometimes one column will have 0 as value.
    I need to do a drill down on the ones which has value. In order to do a drill down everytime, I don't want my drill down to be tied to a specific serie...
    How can I do that?

    Hi Wen:
    Let me do a quick demo to you so you can learn how drill down for stacked column chart works
    1. Create a new stacked column chart.
    2. Choose data binding "By Range" and "Data In Columns" binds to range "A1~C2", which has range data as following:
    a, 1, 2
    b, 3, 4
    3. After finishing step 2, there will be two series created (Series 1, and Series 2)
    4. Open drill down tab and check "Enable Drill Down".
    5. Choose "Insert Type" as "Row".
    6. Click "Series 1".
    7. Bind "Source Data" to range "D1~E2" which contains value as following:
    (these are the drill down value you want to insert)
    8. Bind "Destination" to "D3~D4" (empty cells)
    9. Create another component "Grid" under "Other" folder.
    10. Bind grid data to "D3~D4" to present the drill down data.
    11. Preview the xlf file, can click values in series 1, you will see the drill down result. (Grid will be refreshed with new drill down data)
    Hope the demo above can help you in your practice, also you can refer to help documents for more information. Let me know if you have any other questions!

  • Stacked Column Chart (Total and Combination Chart)

    I tried to find the answer at old posting, but failed to find proper solution.
    So here I go again with the same old problems:
    1. Any method / trick to display total on top of each stacked column ?
        (Label is not an option, since it is static and will not move following the height of the stacked bar).
    2. Any method / trick to combine stacked column chart with line chart ?
        (Overlay is not an option, because I think it is too tedious to play around with color and border)
    Thanks for the bandwidth.
    NB: Are there any XCelcius add-on for those 2 functions ?

    Hi Yudie,
    Can you get compromised in the following way ?
    In the X Axis labels, you can get the values concatenated dynamically and displayed. Example given below:
    2008          2009          2010
    P180         P250         P280
    A172        A263         A265
    Whereas P denotes to Plan and A denodes Actuals.  Above to this labels stacked colum wil be there as usual.
    Consider and revert, in case you need any more clarification on this.
    Keep posting.
    With best wishes
    Edited by: Baskar Rajagopalan on Feb 23, 2011 3:36 PM

  • Column Chart displaying blank columns

    I've this column chart whose data provider is set dynamically. The chart has a two Column Series. Occasionally the columns are displayed as blank.
    Although the corresponding labels on x-axis and tool tips are displayed correctly. Has anyone experienced similar issue? Kindly suggest a solution.

    Thanks for the reply. No the data provider is surely not null as the same collection
    is being set as data provider for a data grid too. And data grid always displays the data.
    Besides if the data provider was null it wouldn't have shown the x-axis labels and the
    tool tip values.
    Code Sample:
    Basically chartData is a XMLListCollection object, its being populated on a call back method of a
    HTTPService request.
    The following method is called once the chartData is populated.
    //Populate columns for abcChart
    private function populateColumns():void {
         abcChart.series = new Array();
         var haltsSeries:ColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries();
         var haltsFill:SolidColor = new SolidColor(0xFF0000);
         haltsSeries.dataProvider = chartData;
         haltsSeries.displayName = "Halts";
         haltsSeries.yField = "HALTS";
         var warningsSeries:ColumnSeries = new ColumnSeries();
         var warningsFill:SolidColor = new SolidColor(0xFFFF66);
         warningsSeries.dataProvider = chartData;
         warningsSeries.displayName = "Warnings";
         warningsSeries.yField = "WARNINGS";
    Following is the Columnchart with its children and properties.
    <mx:ColumnChart id="abcChart" showDataTips="true"
    width="100%" height="95%" visible="false"
    <mx:GridLines direction="horizontal">
    <mx:Stroke color="0xCCCCCC" weight="1"/>
    <mx:CategoryAxis displayName="Area"
    <mx:AxisRenderer fontSize="8"
    cachePolicy="off" rotation="40"/>
    <mx:LinearAxis title="Count"
    minimum="0" autoAdjust="true"/>

  • Background Element Size issue in Column Chart

    Hi All,
    I am trying to add multiple chart to hbox dynamically with each chart having vbox as an background element and only first and last chart is having axis.
    for example shown in below image three column chart are getting added out of which second chart dosn't contain either axis on left or right.
    I am facing a problem in making background element of same size means there should not be size difference as shown below:
    How can i make all the vboxes that i have used of same size ?
    Thanks in advance.

    Spacing is done based on the number of columns in the chart. It is better to use one chart and group the data accordingly. It is possible to add multiple axis for a chart

  • Drill Down between 2 stacked column chart with multiple rows.

    Can anyone please help me.
    1) i have to create stacked column chart with Region and cout of calls for previous 3 quarters.
    2) the 2nd stacked column should display the priority with the count of calls for the respective selection of region on the 1st chart..
    to achieve this,
    i'm using 2 stacked column charts and 1 lebel baseb menu.
    from this i can able to get the drill down from label based menu to 2nd stacked column chart but i couldn't able to done the same from 1st stacked coumn chart.
    Becoz my data is multiple row for each quarter.
    please suggest me to achieve the drill down between 2 stacked column charts.
    assume that my data like below.:
    coulmns for 1st stacked column chart : Region, Q2,Q3 &Q4
    Region                Q2                Q3               Q4
    Other              3658              3497               497
    NA - North
    America                3               3               1101
    APJK     1     4     597
    UK               324
    EMEA North     1     1     288
    CORPORATE     1     5     215
    LA -
    Latin America1     2     208
    EMEA     1          199
    EMEA South     1     1     169
    Coulmns for 2nd coumn chart:  Region, Priority, Q2,Q3,Q4 ()which is derived from 1st table.
    Region     Priority     Q2     Q3     Q4
    Other     D: End of Next Day     1568     1613     239
    Other     C: End of Day     983     893     119
    Other     A: 2 Hour     631     610     70
    Other     B: 4 Hour     396     318     56
    NA -
    North AmericaD: End of Next Day     2     2     514
    APJK     D: End of Next Day          3     297
    NA -
    North AmericaC: End of Day               284
    NA -
    North AmericaA: 2 Hour     1          170
    UK     D: End of Next Day               157
    APJK     C: End of Day     1     1     152
    Other     E: 3 - 5 Business Days     68     58     13
    EMEA North     D: End of Next Day          1     136
    CORPORATE     D: End of Next Day          4     107
    NA - North America     B: 4 Hour          1     104
    LA - Latin America     D: End of Next Day     1     1     86
    EMEA     D: End of Next Day               86
    UK     C: End of Day               85
    APJK     A: 2 Hour               79
    EMEA South     D: End of Next Day               72
    EMEA North     A: 2 Hour               69
    EMEA North     C: End of Day               56
    APJK     B: 4 Hour               55
    EMEA     C: End of Day     1          53
    LA - Latin America     C: End of Day               54
    UK     A: 2 Hour               49
    EMEA South     C: End of Day     1          44
    CORPORATE     A: 2 Hour          1     43
    CORPORATE     C: End of Day               44
    LA - Latin America     A: 2 Hour          1     42
    EMEA South     A: 2 Hour          1     32
    EMEA     B: 4 Hour               30
    UK     B: 4 Hour               30
    EMEA     A: 2 Hour               27
    EMEA North     B: 4 Hour     1          26
    NA -
    North AmericaE: 3 - 5 Business Days               25
    LA - Latin America     B: 4 Hour               23
    EMEA South     B: 4 Hour               20
    CORPORATE     B: 4 Hour               17
    APJK     E: 3 - 5 Business Days               13
    Other     F: 6 - 10 Business Days     6     4     
    Other     G: 11 - 20 Business Days     6     1

    Hi Srinivas,
    I'm using label based menu "filterd rows" only but i couldn't bind the drill down with the 1st stacked column chart.
    for mor details:
    1) i'm having 2 stacked coumn charts & 1 lebel based menu but eventhough i couldn't able to achieve.
    if i select the lebel based values then the 2nd stacked column charts is giving detailed valus but if i keep my mouse on the 1st stacked column chart the there is no changes on the 2nd chart..
    somewhere i'm mising the binding data between 1st stacked coumn chart & lebel based menu on drill down part.
    Becoz i'm having multiple rows. so can you please try your and send me the xlf file using your concept.

  • How can we get Dynamic columns and data with RTF Templates in BI Publisher

    How can we get Dynamic columns and data with RTf Templates.
    My requirement is :
    create table xxinv_item_pei_taginfo(item_id number,
    Organization_id number,
    item varchar2(4000),
    record_type varchar2(4000),
    record_value CLOB,
    State varchar2(4000));
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'USES','fever','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'HOW TO USE','one tablet daily','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'SIDE EFFECTS','XYZ','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'DRUG INTERACTION','ABC','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'OVERDOSE','Go and see doctor','TX');
    insert into xxinv_item_pei_taginfo values( 493991 ,224, '1265-D30', 'NOTES','Take after meal','TX');
    select * from xxinv_item_pei_taginfo;
    Item id Org Id Item Record_type Record_value State
    493991     224     1265-D30     USES     fever     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     HOW TO USE     one tablet daily     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     SIDE EFFECTS     XYZ     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     DRUG INTERACTION     ABC     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     OVERDOSE      Go and see doctor     TX
    493991     224     1265-D30     NOTES     Take after meal     TX
    Above is my data
    I have to fetch the record_type from a lookup where I can have any of the record type, sometime USES, HOW TO USE, SIDE EFFECTS and sometimes some other set of record types
    In my report I have to get these record typpes as field name dynamically whichever is available in that lookup and record values against them.
    its a BI Publisher report.
    please suggest

    if you have data in db then you can create xml with needed structure
    and so you can create bip report
    do you have errors or .... ?

  • Need help to develop report with column chart

    I am new to SAP BO world.Could  anyone please help me to design report with column chart.Please guide me how to develop report for the following requirement.I am not aware of variance columns and variance labels.Please provide some guidance or some tutorials(for column Chart) so that I can complete the task. Please reply me as soon as possible.Waiting for reply.Thanks in advance.
    Type: Column Chart
    u2022     Rows: Banking Asset Margin (%)
    u2022     Start / End Columns: PY YTD Act(Prior year year to date); CY YTD Act(Current year Year to date)
    u2022     Variance Columns: # Var (CY-PY Act) for GOLM; Volume; Rate; Non Banking NII; Banking Volatility in NII; Banking Volatility in OOI; Fees/One Offs/Other; Volatile Items; Sophie
    u2022     Sub-total columns: PY YTD Underlying; CY YTD Underlying.
    u2022     Variance Labels: % Var (CY-PY Act) for Total Income and Underlying Income
    u2022     Sub-Total Labels: # Var (CY-PY Act) for Net Insurance Income; Banking Volatility; Other Operating Income
    Additional information
    u2022     Variance columns (bar) colours: Red = Adverse to Prior Year; Green = Favourable to Prior Year
    u2022     Columns to show values. Adverse values to be shown in red text in brackets. Favourable results in black text.
    u2022     All values in Black, but adverse to be shown below the bar.

    This type of question is almost impossible to answer over a forum .
    You need to work with your business to understand what these requirements mean in terms of data modelling and relationships between object entities.
    - Some of these metrics should be delegated to source, and calculated in the update routines to your datatargets (aka Cubes/Tables)
    - Others could be resolved in the semantic layer (Universe)
    - Other will be calculated in the presentation layer as local formulae or variables.
    whilst BusinessObjects is a fairly intuitive tool, it may be unreasonble to expect a new learner to deliver an advanced report with conditional formatting.

Maybe you are looking for

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