E61 Which phonebook + contact manager ?

Which phonebook + contact manager (possibly in sync with Thunderbird ... or Outlook 2003)
would you suggest ?
The one with my E61 + PC Suite doesn't work properly
and I'd like a better control of data and phone from the PC .
Any clue ?
Happy Christmas to everybody

MikeB12 wrote:
I couldn't see how to download just Business Contact Manager.  The only options are to buy Outlook 2007 with BCM or download a free trial of Office 2007.  I don't want to try it because I already bought it!  Interestingly, MS says my PC vendor (Toshiba) is responsible for support of the MS products pre-loaded on my PC.  
How can a get an Office 2007 Small Business Edition CD to go along with my green license sticker?
PMJI, but if you boughtand paid for Office 2007 Small Business Edition, you should have received a disc.  You need to take this up with Toshiba.  I'm assuming that you have retained the invoice for the notebook.

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    I'm sorry to say there isn't much around. It has been a bit of a weak spot for Mac / OS X for ages - but things are possibly improving.
    Any CRM solution for OS X needs really to co-operate with Address Book and iCal - so you can sync your stuff out to PDAs or whatever, and use them in Mail / iWork / Office 2008 etc. that are already written to work with such info in AB and iCal. If it doesn't, you end up with a closed-off app that can't easily work with you on the machine, and which then has to re-do code that already exists. Odd design constraints in earlier versions of iCal and AB made this harder - they were not very aware of other systems / apps. But this is changing in Leopard, and there are some promising things on the horizon (though none really useful solutions avail yet).
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    There are many others about that are really central web-based systems - which is fine provided you don't want to use Mail / AB / iCal or sync any of this to your phone / PDA / .Mac or whatever.
    So, nothing much going on now. But ever hopeful...
    If anyone knows more / other stuff - would be good to know about. We're still travelling hopefully.
    Message was edited by: Gavin Lawrie - correct typo

  • Wanted: A contact manager/address book with a sense of time

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    progandy wrote:
    Franek wrote:[…]what would be the advantage of this? Read/write performance would probably be better with sqlite, but I don't believe I know enough people for this ever to be noticable.
    You don't have to implement as much search logic, only a search mask and a result list.
    skanky wrote:Maybe the triggered script could then run "git blame" and insert the information into a custom field in the contact data file
    I wouldn't store the time info redundantly in the contacts file when it is already stored in the git repo. The frontend program can just call "git blame" at runtime to get the time info to be displayed.  Redundancy could lead to corrupt (contradictory) time data if something goes wrong in the saving process, and at worst, it might create an infinite loop (when the file is changed, "git blame" is called and the time info inserted into the file, which is thus changed, which triggers "git blame" being called again…)
    drcouzelis wrote:
    I'm kind of sad that the best / easiest / simplest solution so far sounds like just keeping a digital version of the original paper-based solution, AKA a plain text file. :/ Benefits over paper include being able to do a search and never having to wonder if that scribble was a "5" or a "6". :P
    Well, I'm not that sad I guess. I do love plain text. It never goes out of style! :D
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  • Migrate Business Contact Manager to Office365

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    ( the link to download BCM seems to be http://www.microsoft.com/en-in/download/details.aspx?id=36513)

    For mailbox migration to Office 365, the right place is Office 365 forum:
    If you have a Business Contact Manager database that was created with an earlier version of the Database Tool, you can use the Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2013 Database Tool to migrate the database so that it will be compatible with Business Contact
    Manager for Outlook 2013. For example, if you created a database in Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2010, you can use the Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2013 Database Tool to migrate that database.
    the Database Tool.
    Click the Migrate a database option, and then click Next.
    In the Database Server Instance list, select the SQL Server instance to which you want to migrate your database, and then click
    In the Database Name list, click the name of the database that you want to migrate, and then click
    When the Task completed successfully message appears, click
    Click Finish if you want to return to the Welcome page of the wizard to complete other tasks, otherwise click the
    Close button.
    your Business Contact Manager database on a server)

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    - Can track history of interactions with contacts (1. automatically get emails from macmail or othe mail service, 2. you can type in blurbs of a phone conversation, 3. you can type in "to do" items like tasks).
    - Can sort "latest activity" and "To do's" by contact.
    I tested Time to note (www.timetonote.com), and although it has these features, they are only available online so you cannot export the history (only the static information like name, email, etc.)
    I'd appreciate any ideas.
    Thank you,

    I don't have that answer for you, but I'd try a utility such as OmniDiskSweeper(which you can find at versiontracker.com) to get a good look at where your space has run off.
    My Library folder (at the root of my system) is about 5.6 GB. Applications: 5.3 GB Users is 33.4 GB and System is 4.5 GB

  • Can't open group contact in contact manager (All (+11) for example

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    Go to either
    http://www.acrobat.com and use
    your Adobe ID to access Share.
    Upload the file and enter my email address. You can get that
    from the Contact page on my site.
    When it is uploaded, email me with a link to this thread.

  • Building an ODBC connection to Outlook Business Contact Manager database.

    I am trying to build an ODBC connection to our Outlook Business Contact Manager.
    It is SQLEXPRESS.  Do I use the More Data Connections Outlook option?  If so, I tried and it prompts me to install something, which I do not believe I have?  Any suggestions?
    Thank you,

    If you are using ODBC then you need to create a DSN in the ODBC administrator first. Then in Crystal select ODBC (RDO) under create new connection, this will list all of your ODBC DSNs.

  • Connect connect to Business Contact Manager

    I get an error when trying to connect to my Business Contact Manager Database
    "Business Contact Manager for Outlook encountered a critical error during start and will be removed from this profile. If you would like to use BCM for Outlook, please restart Outlook and try again."
    I restart Outlook and keep getting this error. Can someone help me please?

    If you just create and work with a new profile, will this issue occur?
    How to create and configure email profiles in Outlook
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

  • Outlook 2013 Contact manager cannot create database

    I have installed my Office 2013 Home & Business on a Windows Server 2012 R2. My outlook 2013 is working. Thereafter I downloaded the 2013 Contact manager and tried to create a database.
    An error message from Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2013 Database Tool says
    'Cannot retrieve the list of SQL Server instances. Please make sure that SQL Server 2005 or greater is installed and that the service is running.'
    I have also installed an older versions of SQL Server 2008 - I have the same error message. It seems that the BCM software cannot detect the older SQL server 2008 also.
    Any pointers for me to resolve this?
    I dont find any thread that deals with my problem. Since then, I have installed the SQL Server 2008 and it still does not read the application. The error is as below.

    Please refer to this kb below:
    Althought the kb is for Outlook 2007, it can still be a reference in your scenario:
    This problem may occur if the SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ) service is not running. The SQL Server service is required by Business Contact Manager. This problem occurs because the Windows Welcome screen may prevent the SQL Server service from starting when you first
    restart the computer after you install Office Outlook with Business Contact Manager.
    Please try if this helps:
    Exit Outlook.
    On Desktop, right-click This PC, and then click Manage.
    Click Services and Applications.
    Double-click Services.
    In the services pane, click SQL Server (MSSMLBIZ).
    Click Restart the service.
    Exit Computer Management, and then start Outlook.
    If the issue persists, what does the event log messages say? If there's not much private, please post the logs in the forum.
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office
    programs. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact
    [email protected]

  • Cannot install Business Contact Manager - trying to run another application

    I am trying to install Business Contact Manager for Outlook 2013, but every time when I run the installation file and the file extraction starts, a window opens trying to install a completely different programme - Wunderlist, which I had on my computer.
    I deleted all of the files related to Wunderlist and tried to install BCM again, but the same thing happens over and over again. I took a snapshot of the error message. After every attempt, I find a file of the type ClickOnce Application Deployment Manifest
    related to Wunderlist C:/Users/rg/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/TemporaryInternetFiles/Content.IE5/T5VFSWN6/Wunderlist.application
    Is this a problem with BCM or Wunderlist? Has anybody had a similar problem? Any suggestions how I can solve this issue?

    Make sure you downloaded Business Contact Manager from Microsoft, if no, please download Business Contact Manager from this link below:
    I actually haven't seen the same issue before, you may perform a clean boot to install BCM, this will help forbid the interference by other programs:
    Melon Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Gmail contact manager does not show the whole page, right side is cut off.

    I use Gmail which seems to have few problems with Firefox 4.0, however, when using the Contact Manager the page runs off the screen and there appears to be no way to adjust the page size in Gmail to fit the Firefox layout. Is there a fix for this?

    Thanks. I had already found the same solution you found. I think the problem occurred when Firefox upgraded and my settings got changed.

  • I need a true multi-user contact management that do not involve the web

    I have over 11,000+ contact in my contact data base and it is getting really slow, especailly when it try to update with iCloud.  I need a  true multi-user contact management that do not involve the web. i.e. I prefer thety sync as most of the time, I do not have access to internet at all!  I would perfer it wil work with apple contact in some way, but I need a robust contact data base... sort of the older style CRM without the web, but with sneaker net ablity and true client server speed!  I really do not feel like wriitng it in a relationship data base and do the hard work and prefer to just pay and get a top notch product.  Address book server seems to be great except I am running moutain lion and it does not work under that OS!
    Any suggesytino would be sincerely appreciated.

    As my friends above have pointed out, the sweet spot on the JVC is the size of a postage stamp; move a few degrees in any direction and the image takes a trip into the dumper. Even that can be worked with except when you're cheek to jowl with a producer and dp - one of whom had extremely bad breath - looking over a cut for approval. The screen is incredibly reflective so you'll see something from the next county over. Other than these two rather large problems, the imaging of the JVC looks nice.
    The Flanders are decent products and I would like to see them in use other than the horrid conditions at NAB, but I wouldn't go overboard with praise for them like some of the grazers do on the Creative Cow. They have a 30 day no questions asked return policy and that gives you a chance to use them which is nice. I really hate their big white logo, if I was to get one I'd have them remove it first.
    $3,000 to $4,000? You really want my opinion? Find a good used Sony BVM or Ikegami HTM, something with low hours on the tube or something that has been recently retubed. Those animals are still out there. Maybe by the time it dies all this flat panel bs may have worked itself out.

  • Address Book and Contact Manager

    Hello everyone
    We recently installed two iMacs in a pure Windows environment with Active Directory, Exchange Server and all the MS stuff. We had no problems binding the Macs to AD and we have use the Microsoft Office 2008 Entourage for Exchange connectivity. The client has a really huge amount of contacts in the Exchange GAL (Global Address List), which he wants the personnel to manage them from the Macs.
    Entourage has not the 'Microsoft Outlook' way to manage the contacts.
    Is there any application that can 'talk' to Address Book or SQL Server for Contact Management?

    Open iTunes and choose Edit -> Preferences. Select the Sync tab and choose to reset sync history.
    Do not check the box under advanced regarding replace contacts.
    Make sure you have at least one contact in outlook & one one your phone.
    Right click the phone in the device pane, select "Reset Warnings"
    Sync, there should be a popup regarding your contacts, asking to merge or replace, select merge.

  • Lync Contact Managment

    Can someone tell me if there is some alternative contact management to Vytru contact manager for Lync? I am wanting to purchase this but can not get a hold of them. Any other suggestions would be great! I am wanting something that is easy like this

    Hello Baze,
    That's a very interesting question. I have been through the same search process for a Lync Contact List Management solution for our organization and i ended up using Contacts Manager for Lync software from Vytru. 
    When we rolled out Microsoft Lync client to our end-users, we received a number of complaints about empty contact lists which badly affected how our user base use Lync and this was a challenge for our IT dept. We started to train the users on how to build
    the contact list on their own in a number of sessions and created an online Lync Wiki with such information. After all users were not happy due to the time and effort it takes to build those lists. The Business Productivity Manager realized that the user-built
    buddy lists are not consistent and thus Lync ROI was not manifested clearly. 
    We had to come up with a central and automatic solution for this problem to make sure we can build pre-set Lync contact list templates and push it to the end users. We tested the following: 
    1- LyncAddContacts VBS. (Free) 
    2- PowerShell Scripts. (Free)
    3- Lync Contact Migrator by Xstran (Commercial)
    4- Vytru Contacts Manager for Lync (Commercial)
    Scripts somehow did some of the functionality we were looking for but was much of a manual process as well. We could not apply this to a large number of users and we could not make updates to the contact list like adding new users or removing users from
    the contact lists. PowerShell Scripts are good but needed some work from our system engineers to work well with them. 
    Xstran's Lync Contact Migrator
    Xstran's solution would do some of what the Scripts can do but with an interface. No Advanced functionality. 
    Vytru Contacts Manager for Lync
    I really love this piece of software. It does exactly what you want it to do and has great features when it come to a full Lync Contact List Management solution. I worked with their team to understand how it fits our organization during the trial period
    and they helped us adopt what they call their Lync contact list management methodology. It is a very easy to use software that enables you to build contact list templates, bulk populate it to all users, make updates to the Lync contact lists without having
    to rebuild it (things like adding a new contact or removing a contact who left). You can also wipe a group from a user(s) contact list or wipe a contact from a user(s) contact list. Some additional cool features are adding images to users, and enabling
    them to Lync pools.
    The Contacts Manager software is not free but it offers great value for the cost, i remember its pricing starts at $299 for their Lite edition. I'm not sure since we have been using it for two years now. 
    The guys there are nice and helpful, I'm sure you can get hold of them at Sales at Vytru Dot Com or by tweeting to them at Twitter (@Vytru). 
    Please let me know if you have any questions on any of the above solutions. 

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