Easiest way to burn files to USB Superdrive

My FIL back in the Uk has a new iMac and a USB Superdrive. He wants to know the easiest way of burning photos to a disc. I don't have one so this is why I am asking.
Is it easiest to open Finder, insert a disc then select what he wants to burn and drag them to a disc icon? drive ? and then he selects a burn icon or menu item to burn to disc ?
He is in his late 70's so needs a step by step instruction list.
Many thanks.

I meant exactly what I said.
When you drag an unburned CD to the Trash, you will see that the Trash icon changes to the Burn icon and it will burn the CD.  After burning, the finished CD will still be on your desktop.  You can then eject the CD.
So, the step by step is:
Insert a blank CD
A window will open, asking you if you want to open the CD with the Finder
Click OK
At this point there will be an "Untitled" CD on your desktop.  (Depending on the version of OS X you are running this will be either a CD icon or a blue Folder icon with the burn image on the cover of the folder.)
Drag the photos to the blank CD (Folder).  Alternatively you can open a Finder window and drag the photos to the "CD drive"
When you are ready to burn, drag the CD icon (Folder) that's on your Desktop to the Trash.  As soon as you start to drag the CD icon (Folder), you will see that the Trash icon will change to the yellow-and-black burn icon.  Drag it to the Trash.
The CD will now get burned

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    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    1. The best way to transfer files from another computer is by using Migration Assistant > http://pondini.org/OSX/SetupLion.html Your new MacBook Pro will ask you to restore from another computer during its initial setup.
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    Toast: http://www.roxio.com
    The only burning solution you'll ever need.

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    Hi lili60,
    The most DVDs and CDs that you can buy are copy protected so I doubt you will be able to copy them. Usually you can only copy disks from friends with private pictures, music, etc. but common disks are copy protected.
    For burning disks you can use the freeware tool CD Burner XP. Thats really nice tool that provide all necessary functions for burning disks. You can download the tool here:
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    In addition..........
    If you have a High-speed connection, the easiest & fastest way is through AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) or any IM that has file transfers.
    iChat has the same ability of transferring large files as AIM.
    Adium has file transfers.
    Yahoo Messenger has file transfers.
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    Create a playlist, add songs, select it then iTunes menu File > Burn.

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    I have an external HD, but having some problems!
    Is there any other ways, easier ways?
    Connect them via a router?

    It depends on what kind of data.
    Document files alone you can transfer via any medium, as long as the applications which open the same documents are compatible with both Macs.
    Applications are limited to the license agreement enforcement of the said application. Some are limited to scattered preference or font files.
    Moving operating system level data between PowerPC and Intel Macs, see this tip:
    Moving between Intel and Intel Mac, or PowerPC and PowerPC Mac, the Migration or Setup Assistant can help:
    Depending on the size of the file, and the network strength, you can often move files using a small network:
    What problems are you having by hard drive? How full is the hard drive?
    How big is the hard drive? Which Mac models and operating system are they using?

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