Elder Scrolls Preorder Pickups

Anyone wanna explain how you get told your preorder is ready Day before release(good idea cuts down on giving away people's preorders on launch day)  And then you show up at the store and the employee rudely tells you cant pick it up yet as its NOT launched?   Does this employee not realize Early access for some started Sunday if they have the imperial edition?   The game very clearly has indeed Launched so why hold someone's preorder if its there in the store?   I am extremely disappointed that the Employees in question were more concerned about making me wait in a Line on Launch day then fufilling my order.   I dont expect to get everything right away but if best buy is going to tell me my order is rdy then they should be willing to give it to me a few hrs earlier as most people PAY for the right to get to the front of the line Not Wait in them on Launch day.
Go to Solution.

What your complaining about is silly. Preorders are only ever allowed to be picked up or recieved on launch day. The reason they send you the pick up email the day before launch is probably because it is their way of reminding you to pick up your order on release and to let you know they have prepared your order. Elder Scrolls Online does not officially launch until tomorrow the 4th. That is why we recieved early access codes to allow us to play until launch. After early access its expected that you enter a key to your account to continue playing. As of right now early access is extended until Sunday April 6th to give time to those who preordered the physical edition to recieve their copies and enter their box codes. 

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    Who has two arrows and is pumped for Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim?
    This guy:  > <
    (hint: me)
    In no other game could I want to log 40 hours of gameplay, not move the plot one bit, and be completely content about that.  So many skills to hone.  So much land to explore.  So much side-questing to do.  And dragons.
    Check out this sneak peak...
    video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player
    Release date: 11.11.11
    Preorder your copy now at your local Best Buy or on BestBuy.com: http://bbyurl.us/ESVSkyrim

    Kyle-BBY wrote:
    Yeah, I admittedly never beat Oblivion but I definitely logged an obsurd amount of hours.  I remember jumping everywhere to level up my Acrobatics skills so I could eventually leap onto buildings.  I think by the time I was ready to move the plot along I had completely forgotten where I need to go and who I needed to talk to.
    I too am a big fan of co-op, especially couch co-op.  I'm not sure how they could pull something like that off with an Elder Scrolls title since the world is so huge but it would be awesome.
    If they put a man on the moon, surely they have the ways to add co-op to the Elder Scrolls series. While single-player is fun, I just feel it is rather isolating, especially when a person is used to playing games that involve others. On the far end of the spectrum I am also looking forward to Saints Row the Third, that game and the two before it are great stress relivers. ;-)

  • Elder Scrolls Imperial Edition Xbox One 12/31/2014

    Has anyone else gotten an email like this?  
    "Your pre-order has a new release date
    Hello Kenneth,
    There has been a change to the release date of the pre-ordered item listed below. The new release date is 12/31/2014.
    To find more information on this order please check your order status.
    If you have any questions, please call us at
    1-888-BEST BUY (1-888-237-8289). If possible, please have your order number handy.
    Thanks for shopping at Best Buy.
    Lisa Smith
    Vice President
    Best Buy Customer Care"
    I got this today about my preorder for Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition for Xbox One and I'm a little confused since I thought it was coming out in June.  I knew it wasn't April 4th like the order page says, but this also seems a little off.  Can anyone help?
    Go to Solution.

    Hello Awingbass2,
    Customers with current pre-orders for the console versions of The Elder Scrolls Online may have received this email recently because we had the release date listed incorrectly on BestBuy.com. We had previously listed the release date for all versions as 4/4/14, however the console versions will not be released on that day, only the PC versions will. I believe the console versions will release in June, but I don’t think an exact date has been announced. Because of that, the release date is being changed to “Release Date Not Yet Announced” which puts a placeholder date in. Once we have an official date, we will update it again which should send you another notification email.
    I hope this helps, but please feel free to let me know if you have any additional questions.
    Matt|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Never got my preoder bonus code for Elder Scrolls Online for my PS4.

    I preordered it in May, picked it up on release day in June, and never got the preorder bonus on my recepit. I am NOT talking about the Explorers Pack. I am talking about this: http://elderscrolls.wikia.com/wiki/Rufous_Mudcrab Now I've been trying to contact Zenimax Online for a month about this and other issues (other issues involving the game, not Best Buy), but I have not been able to get a hold of anyone at all. I was assuming they could just put the code in my account for me. So now I'm trying Best Buy. I have the receipt still with me as proof. I don't know if I didn't get it because my local Best Buy messed up My Best Buy account by giving the account a different name (the phone number I gave them was also under a different persons name). I originally had this preordered at GameStop but changed to Best Buy for the $10 reward certificate. GameStop has never onced messed up a preorder bonus. The one time I do it at Best Buy, it gets messed up. All I simply want is my preorder bonus code.

    Hello Knightmare25,
    I've been playing Elders Scrolls Online and the pre-order bonus we offered was the Explorers pack.  I was able to locate on the publishers website and it states that the bonus you're referring to was part of the Digital Collector's Edition.  I'm pretty sure we didn't even offer this version of the game.
    Let me know if you have any additional questions and I hope you're enjoying the game!

  • The Elder Scrolls Online Wallpaper Contest

    ***Winner Announce***
    Thanks for all of your submissions to The Elder Scrolls Online Wallpaper Contest.
    Four lucky designers have been chosen for their creativity, Your four winners are as follows:
    Grand Price: MSI X99S GAMING 9 AC Motherboard
    Lo Relyn
    Creative Awards: MSI X99S GAMING 7 Motherboard
    Sam Nicko
    Bonus Prize: The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition
    John Nakazato
    Joseph A. Fakhry
    And also, the following winners are for the bonus prize “The Elder Scrolls game codes”
    (Each of you will receive two game codes):
    Andrea Ristic
    Diyan Tuban
    Eduardo Veldi
    Errol Gonzaga
    Edmar L Reb
    Hachi Roku
    Jasper John S. Cecilio
    Nikolaos Daniilidis
    Pandu Ihsan Pondel
    Raymond Morales
    Winners must private message (PM) the admin of our MSI Fan Club their details within 7 days of the announcement of the winner’s list. The details needed are: Full Name, Address, E-Mail, and Contact Number. If the details are not pm-ed to the admin within the 7 days, the winners will be disqualified.
    Keen photographers, illustrators and graphics ninjas amongst you now have the chance to join the "The Elder Scrolls Online" Wallpaper Contest and get chance to win the MSI X99s Gaming Series Motherboards!
    Join the Contest at: http://woobox.com/o8puby
    As an open content, anyone can take part in the “The Elder Strolls Online” wallpaper contest. You don’t have to be an award winning photographer or degree-laden illustrator to take part. All that’s needed is creativity and the know-how to be able to put it into pixels.
    ***Prize Pool***
    Grand Prize: MSI X99S GAMING 9 AC Motherboard *1
    Creative Awards: MSI X99S GAMING 7 Motherboard *1
    ***Bonus Prize***
    The Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition *2
    (For the bonus prize, you have to using the MSI Dragon Shield Logo and MSI X99S GAMING 7 image.)
    ***Evaluation/Winning Criteria***
    Creativity: 60%
    Votes: 40%
    ***Contest Rules***
    1.   The theme for this contest is “The Elder Scrolls Online”.
    2.   Your wallpaper must be submitted in a standard desktop resolution. Accepted resolutions is 1920x1080, image size shouldn’t exceed 2 MB.
    3.   The wallpaper must include the MSI Logo, and also the The Elder Scrolls Online logo.
    4.   The file type can be JPEG or PNG.
    5.   For the bonus prize, you have to using the MSI Dragon Shield Logo and MSI X99S GAMING 7 image.
    6.   By submitting your wallpaper entry to this contest you give MSI the right to use/upload/print
    any wallpaper entries for marketing activities during or after this contest.
    7.   Any copyright infringement or piracy is absolutely forbidden. Your designs should be just that – your own designs!
    You can use the image from game, hand-drawing, or from the Website:
    Also, you can download the logo/product image files at:
    MSI Logo (white)http://goo.gl/UpBkBN
    MSI Gaming Logo http://goo.gl/TyBcnq
    MSI X99S GAMING 7(1) http://goo.gl/o1l6ss
    MSI X99S GAMING 7(2) http://goo.gl/bYn4DF
    MSI X99S GAMING 7(3) http://goo.gl/3I3GjP
    The Elder Scrolls Online Logo http://goo.gl/FxAgUg

    2014/9/18 update
    Haven't join this contest? join it now! http://woobox.com/o8puby
    and also share your wallpaper to your friends!
    Created by: Jasper C.
    Created by: Joseph F.
    Created by:  Løs B.
    Created by: Nils P.
    Created by: Edmar R.
    Created by: Geoff G.
    Created by: George A.
    Created by: Hachi R.
    Created by: Jasper C.
    Created by: Michael P.
    Created by: Raymond M.
    Created by: Raymond M.
    Created by:  Sam N.
    Created by: Yusuf H.
    Created by:  一条の光

  • The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall in AUR, anyone would like to test?

    Recently I found a way to unpack archives used in Daggerfall, so now there is nothing that stops us from having it in AUR. Especially, that Daggerfall is now free, released by Bethesda for 15 years of TES anniversary. The package contains last Daggerfall (2.13 + Comp USA edition quests + fixsave 1.75) - so all official files. You can get it here: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=50316 - please note that I have not tested it on 32 bits, I'm bit worried for the extraction code (it uses bit shifts, it should be OK, but I cannot be 100% certain). It would be cool if someone could report how it works.
    The package requires only dosbox to run and python2+bsdiff+unzip for building. Also, please adjust dosbox configuration to your needs, probably post your best working config so I can update the default config to one that works for most people?
    The unpk.py script is used to unpack PACKED.DAT into ARCH3D.BSA and DAGGER.SND, and to unpack 109 updated files from patch file DAG213.EXE - it can probably be also used to unpack files from other old DOS games. It is based on public domain code and descriptions (with links to sources in comment near beginning), but modified (for example to support archives other than PACKED.DAT). If you want to use it, have fun with it, but be careful - it is very sketchy and bugs can live inside - I only tested it on 64 bit system and Daggerfall archives.
    Soon I will create second package that requires this one, and will add community created stuff like bugfixes, improvements and quests. You will be able to install it anytime and it wil change from time to time as new files are released. It shouldn't break anything, in worst case you will have to start new game to benefit from new stuff.
    Below is the information package shows after install, it's good description of the startup wrapper in package
    You must read and accept the Daggerfall terms of use:
    You should tweak dosbox settings to match your needs:
    To play, make sure you are in games group and use command:
    To setup your sound card, use command:
       daggerfall --setup
    If your game gets corrupted, you can try fixing your saves with:
       daggerfall --fixsave
    or fixing your maps with:
       daggerfall --fixmaps

    One last update for some time. Mods support went quite well and turned out to be easy, so I did it already!
    I'd like to describe the mod system a bit - it's extremely easy:
    1) you create directory in /usr/share/games/daggerfall/mods/<name> - <name> will be name of your mod in system (to enable, do --enable-mod=<name>). In most cases, that's all!
    - all files and directories inside will be copied to /usr/share/game/daggerfall/DAGGER when enabled.
    - original version of files will be remembered automatically, just in case you want to disable mod
    - new files will be marked as new, so they are also removed from system - same for empty directories
    - if two enabled mods modify same file, it's conflict and whole enable process will be stopped, what can you do?
    2) if you are sure, that your mod works well and includes other mod, create file /usr/share/games/daggerfall/mods/<name>.extends and place names of mods your mod extends, one in each line of file.
    - if you enable mod that extends another mods, system will make sure they are enabled before continuing
    - you can create mod sets by creating only <name>.extends without <name> directory
    - file that are changed few times are remembered - i.e. all past versions are stored
    - you cannot remove mod without removing what depends on it
    3) no, really - there is no 3... just <name> directory and <name>.extends file! All is managed by launcher and you don't have to worry about it!
    System itself works using simple
    There already 23 mods packaged in two AUR packages:
    daggerfall-fixes - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=50417 - unofficial fixes to standard features ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Fil … _and_Fixes ), good for 99% of players, you would most likely also want to enable wagon capacity of 1000 and high skills if you want to get original Daggerfall experience!
    daggerfall-addons - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=50422 - unofficial addons to standard features, without gameplay modification ( http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Fil … al_Add-Ons ), good for 90% of players, no gameplay mods, only more quests, text, textures, etc - you might want to disable mod brendan_straight_text and enable brendan_funny_text for some in-game jokes
    From now on I will only fix bugs in launcher/packager and update daggerfall-fixes and daggerfall-addons as new versions come out upstream. I will not package other mods (no, really. I don't plan to because I don't use them when playing and they modify the game too much in my opinion), but it's easy and you can do it if you want, just extract archives to right places. What you might want to package?
    1) Bigger gameplay mods
    - AndyFall
    - DaedraFall
    - The Pirates of Tamriel
    2) Translations
    - French
    - Spanish
    - Russian
    3) Save game editors and cheating tools if you are into this stuff
    4) gui for launcher?? PyQt maybe? Anyone?
    http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Daggerfall:Files is great resource for starting. Oh, and this installation and launcher is compatible with to-be-engine-remake DaggerXL/XLEngine - see http://xlengine.com/ - yay for native linux, windows and mac client!
    And last but not least, tell me if you find any bugs in launcher or extractor, it grew quite a lot - almost 1500 lines of bash and python, so mistakes could crawl in. If not, I announce The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall fully packaged - and Arch is first linux distro I know to have one

  • Any thoughts on the elder scrolls 'emporer of cyrodil' trophy?

    I think this looks like the toughest trophy I have ever seen on playstation. Becoming emporer means being the best player in a (one server europe wide) campaign of a very popular game.I've read the elder scrolls forum thoughts, some seem to praise it saying trophies should have challenge, congratulations to people who do manage it I guess, but I know that I never will, and therefore will never get the platinum trophy either.Is it too tough, or do people enjoy trophies like these?

    It certainly puts the platinum trophy out of my reach. I'm terrible at online trophies lol, so many games where I need 1 or 2 trophies for play but they're multiplayer ones. Still, I'm loving this game. It kinda makes me sad that there's so much negativity around it.

  • Didn't receive $10 reward certificat​e promotion for Elder Scrolls for the Xbox One

    One of the reasons I preordered Elder Scrolls Online for the Xbox One was the $10 reward certificate promotion that was going on. It has been over a week since I picked up the game, and I still haven't received the promotion, but my points issued for the game. Can you please check in to this and issue me the promotion? I was trying to use the promotion to make a purchase, but if I can't get it soon then I'll likely make my purchase from Amazon. Thanks in advance.

    Hello cjstingray,
    I hope you're enjoying The Elder Scrolls: Online!  I just picked up the game yesterday.  
    I was able to locate your My Best Buy account and the points were allocated to your account for the pre-order on 4/30/2015.  You can view your current point totals by clicking the link above.  Let me know if it's not reflected on your account and I'll further investigate.  
    Blake|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Will my laptop play Sims 3 or Elder Scrolls IV

    I was given this HP as a gift and I'd like to know if my laptop will play Sims 3 or Elder Scrolls IV. If not, what would I need to upgrade it? I won't be doing any online gaming, I just want to be able to play these two games and maybe Assasins Creed if possible. The first two games are a definate. Hewlett Packard G70-250US Processor: 2.00GHz Intel Pentium Dual-Core Mobile Processor T4200 Processor Cache: 1MB L2 Cache Memory: 3072MB (3GB) Memory Max: 4GB Video Graphics: Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M Video Memory: Up to 1309MB Hard Drive: 320GB (5400RPM) Multimedia Drive: LightScribe SuperMulti 8X DVD+/-R/RW with Double Layer Support Display: 17.0" WXGA+ High-Definition HP BrightView Widescreen Fax/Modem: High speed 56k modem Network Card: Integrated 10/100 Ethernet LAN Wireless Connectivity: 802.11a/b/g/n WLAN Sound: Altec Lansing Speakers Keyboard: 101-key compatible Pointing Device: Touch Pad with On/Off button and dedicated vertical scroll Up/Down pad External Ports: 5-in-1 Digital Media Reader for SD cards, MM cards, MS and MS Pro, or xD Picture cards; 3 USB 2.0; 1 Headphone out; 1 microphone-in; 1HDMI; 1 VGA; 1 RJ-11 (modem); 1 RJ-45 (LAN) Weight: 7.55lbs Power: 65W AC Adapter; 6-Cell Lithium-Ion battery Operating System: Windows Vista Home Premium with Service Pack 1 Software: Includes Norton Internet Security 2009 (60-days live update); MS Office 2007 Home and Student Edition- 60-day Trial Version Thanks gunniolaf

    It might play them on medium/low settings. The only thing you can upgrade is the memory and it already has 3GB of memory so if you the system memory then you would have to reload your laptop with a 64bit version of windows.
    This laptop is pretty much a entry level laptop.
    **If you like my answer then click the little Star under my username.
    **If my response answered your question then click the Solved button. Thanks

  • Sorry to bother - Elder Scrolls key issues

    I'm sorry for adding onto the already numerous problems that are probably coming up with the release of Elder Scrolls online. I however preordered a copy of Elder Scrolls and received the early access key but I'm being told I was also supposed to receive another key to enter that would allow me to set up subscriptions on the account. As of right now my early access has run out and I'm just stuck in a limbo state, being unable to set up a subscription, and being unable to play. Thank you for taking your time to look this matter over.

    Hello Meyerlol,
    Pre-orders for the digital download versions of the game should have received game keys on the release day. I was able to locate your order and can see that there was something holding up its progress. I’m not sure exactly what the issue was, but I was able to contact another team to have it sent through. It is now showing that it is fulfilled so you should receive an email with further instructions. I apologize for any inconvenience this delay has caused.
    Thanks for connecting with us on the forum and please let me know if you have any additional questions.
    Matt|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Still having elder scrolls pre order problems

    i got a 3 day access instead of the 5 day access i was supposed to get, okay fine. 3 day keys are atached to regular edition versions of the game not the imperial one (which is the one i paid for) now i cant access the imperial race, or my horse... so basically i cant get any of the perks i paid i for............................................................................................................................................ thank you best buy .....

    Hello es035,
    Thanks for contacting us regarding your pre-order for The Elder Scrolls Online. Imperial Edition pre-orders were supposed to come with a 5-day Early Access code, however we did end up running out of those. We had a limited supply and ended up providing some Imperial Edition customers with 3-day codes as a result. I apologize for any disappointment that this caused.
    These codes only grant access to the game ahead of time, the only difference being the number of days. There is no additional content tied to them, and all other Imperial bonuses should be included with the game itself.
    Thanks for posting, and please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.
    Matt|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • It's Elder Scrolls fault????

    Talked to customer service for the second time and they are blaming Elder Scrolls for not providing enough early access codes.  So even though I paided for the Premium Edition I might get the three day early access code ... and a $15.00 digital gift card for my troubles.  So glad I made a point of doing all the betas only to hear about others playing the game today.  

    es035 wrote:
    you guys are lucky i dint get a gift card, all they told me was we ran out of codes here have a 3 day one sorry, bye. Terrible service, it is not zenimax's fault, every code is assigned to a pre order, it is best buys fault for selling pre orders without having anymore keys. You ran out of keys.. stop selling the game if you cant provide the services you are trying to sell. 
    A retail stores purchases so many coderom the company. It is Zeminax fault for some of those codes not working in the first place, hence, other codes have to be used...
    I am not affiliated with Best Buy nor have I ever been employed by Best Buy. All of my thoughts and posts are of my own opinion and personal experience.
    I may not always know the right answer, but I will always tell you what I do know. I also do free computer analysis and consultation via private message.

  • Elder Scrolls Imperial Early Access COde

    I pre-orderd the PC version of Elder Scrolls Online Imperial Edition. And I dont think I ever got an email with my early access code. Or if I did it is long gone. Is it possible to get this reissued? I have the reciept info available if needed.
    Thank you.

    Hello Iphill,
    If you still haven't received your Elder Scrolls Online early access code, then you'll want to send a message to our Gaming-BBY inbox that includes the following information:
    Message Subject: Game Title & Platform
    Message Body: Include...
    • Proof of purchase (Customer Service PIN from in-store receipt or BestBuy.com order #)
    • Email address (the one you provided for the code)
    We'll then be able to investigate why you might not have received your code and follow-up with you as soon as possible. Please note, however, that sending multiple messages will not result in faster response. Please also do not send messages to multiple moderators as all inquiries on this subject will be forwarded to the Gaming-BBY inbox inbox.
    Aaron|Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Elder Scrolls Early Access Code

    I still haven't gotten my Elder Scrolls online early access code. I called support last night and they said I should have one within 24 hrs. It's almost to the end of the 24 hrs now and still haven't received it. Just wanted to make sure I got one before the game was released tomorrow so I can use it to play over the weekend, as my physical copy won't be delivered until well into next week. I think you also need to register the Early Access code anyway on the Elder Scrolls account in order to get the pre-order bonuses.
    Thank you for any help you can provide. Getting a little antsy here to start playing

    Hello dank8,
    I can certainly understand wanting to play The Elder Scrolls Online as soon as possible and I’m really sorry if you haven’t received the Early Access code. I was able to locate your order which looks like it was placed yesterday, 4/2. Your code should have gone out earlier today, however I don’t see that it has. I will send you a private message so that I can continue to assist which you will be able to view by logging in to the forum and clicking on the envelope icon in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
    Thanks for connecting with us on the forum.
    Matt|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

  • Re: Never got Elder Scrolls Online three day access code

    So really to actually get 3 day early access u had to pre-order at least 5 days in advance?

    Hello dcchapman78 and welcome to the forum!
    All customers that pre-ordered the PC versions of The Elder Scrolls Online were supposed to receive an Early Access code. This was not dependent on when the pre-order was placed, however since the 3-day Early Access has now begun, you would have needed to have your pre-order placed by 3/31 to have the full 3 days.
    I hope this helps to answer your question.
    Matt|Senior Social Media Specialist | Best Buy® Corporate
     Private Message

Maybe you are looking for