Eload ramp up stops

Hi, I'm having a problem with ramping up all VUs. The option "Stop ramp-up on agent error" is unchecked. About 1/3 of 2500 VUs will ramp up then it will stop. Is there any reason why this would be occurring? Also, is there anyway to force the ramp up to continue?

The problem with this is if an agent orphans, all the VU's in the process are cut off from the server. Also we discovered that if there is too much load on the eLoad server, it can drop agents.
- Make sure your heap sizes are large enough. (Start/Programs/e-Test Suite/Tools/Configure and Restart the Empirix Application service) You may need to set to a medium or preferably a large test (make sure the machine has enough RAM for the setting you choose).
While the test is running, avoid the "Watch VU Grid" tab as much as possible. Every time the browser refreshes, if there are several VU's running, all that data for the VU grid is going to queue up on the server and put stress on it. We leave ours on any of the other tabs when the test is running.

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    So i was wondering if someone could teach/show me how to go from 100% speed and ramp down to 0%. It might be easier in After Effects, i don't know... But both the video and sound should come to a full stop... Whichever method may be working best.
    I've added a small clip i was trying to work on. I tried to slow down as the car on the left is about to fall off the edge and make it a full stop once he's completely out of the scene and fallen off the platform.
    Desktop 01 13 2015 20 38 30 01 - YouTube
    Thanks in advance and sorry for my horrible english

    not supported in iM08, use your free copy of iMHD6 or follow advice on my site:

  • How can I stop Safari from rampant memory use?

    This is the standard error I get whevener I open up a web page with Safari. The address of the object differs however.
    6/19/13  WebProcess[304]: objc[304]: Object 0x7fe04a41c7d0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
    And indeed, I have left Safari open for about 2.5 hours with 6 tabs open and it has just been leaking. I have 8 gm RAM installed. I currently have 2.1 GB free. 
    I have the a few apps open in the background, but none of these are running tasks that are leaking.
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    Though Java/flash are eating up memory, they are not leaking. It is specifically Safari Web Content which is leaking. I think this may have to do with OSX endlessly sandboxing web content/ some sort of garbage collection issue.
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    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.  See below Screenshot + etrecheck info + Safari Web Content open file list : Thanks.
    Hardware Information:
              MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2011)
              MacBook Pro - model: MacBookPro8,2
              1 2.2 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU: 4 cores
              8 GB RAM
    Video Information:
              Intel HD Graphics 3000 - VRAM: 512 MB
              AMD Radeon HD 6750M - VRAM: 512 MB
    System Software:
              OS X 10.8.4 (12E55) - Uptime: 0 days 3:32
    Disk Information:
              APPLE HDD HTS547550A9E384 disk0 : (500.11 GB)
                        disk0s1 (disk0s1) <not mounted>: 209.7 MB
              HD (disk0s2) /: 499.11 GB (313.46 GB free)
                        Recovery HD (disk0s3) <not mounted>: 650 MB
              HL-DT-ST DVDRW  GS31N 
    USB Information:
              Logitech USB Receiver
              Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
              Apple Inc. FaceTime HD Camera (Built-in)
              Apple Inc. BRCM2070 Hub
                        Apple Inc. Bluetooth USB Host Controller
              Apple Inc. Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
    FireWire Information:
    Thunderbolt Information:
              Apple Inc. thunderbolt_bus
    Kernel Extensions:
    Problem System Launch Daemons:
    Problem System Launch Agents:
    Launch Daemons:
              [loaded] com.adobe.fpsaud.plist
              [loaded] com.adobe.SwitchBoard.plist
              [loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProDaemon.plist
              [loaded] com.microsoft.office.licensing.helper.plist
              [loaded] com.prosofteng.DriveGenius.locum.plist
    Launch Agents:
              [not loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
              [loaded] com.adobe.CS5ServiceManager.plist
              [loaded] com.micromat.TechToolProAgent.plist
    User Launch Agents:
              [loaded] com.adobe.AAM.Updater-1.0.plist
              [loaded] com.google.GoogleContactSyncAgent.plist
              [loaded] ws.agile.1PasswordAgent.plist
    User Login Items:
    3rd Party Preference Panes:
              Flash Player
              TechTool Protection
    Internet Plug-ins:
              Flash Player.plugin
              QuickTime Plugin.plugin
    User Internet Plug-ins:
    Bad Fonts:
    Top Processes by CPU:
                  11%          WebProcess
                   5%          activitymonitord
                   4%          PluginProcess
                   4%          WindowServer
                   4%          Activity
                   2%          EtreCheck
                   1%          fontd
                   0%          lsof
                   0%          Finder
                   0%          opendirectoryd
    Top Processes by Memory:
       654 MB             WebProcess
        180 MB             PluginProcess  
        172 MB             Safari
        147 MB             mds
              139 MB             Finder
              123 MB             Preview
              123 MB             WindowServer
              98 MB              Dropbox
              66 MB              Activity
              41 MB              Dock
    Virtual Memory Statistics
              2.59 GB            Free RAM
              2.56 GB            Active RAM
              1.61 GB            Inactive RAM
              1.23 GB            Wired RAM
              399 MB             Page-ins
              0 B                Page-outs
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/WebProcess.app/Contents/MacO S/WebProcess
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/WebProcess.app/Contents/MacO S/WebProcessShim.dylib
    /System/Library/Keyboard Layouts/AppleKeyboardLayouts.bundle/Contents/Resources/AppleKeyboardLayouts-L.d at
    /System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/A TS.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ATSHI.dylib
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/SArtFile .bin
    /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLEngine.bundle /GLEngine
    /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libGLProgrammab ility.dylib
    /System/Library/Extensions/AMDRadeonX3000GLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacOS/AMDRadeo nX3000GLDriver
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IOAccelerator.framework/Versions/A/IOAccelerat or
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libG PUSupportMercury.dylib
    /System/Library/Extensions/AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver.bundle/Contents/MacO S/AppleIntelHD3000GraphicsGLDriver
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/GPUSupport.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libG PUSupport.dylib
    /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenGL.framework/Versions/A/Resources/GLRendererFloat .bundle/GLRendererFloat
    /System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libcldcpuengine .dylib
    /private/var/folders/12/4y1wl01n0hz99j__5c6yv44m0000gn/C/com.apple.WebProcess+co m.apple.Safari/mds/mdsDirectory.db
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebContentAnalysis.framework/Versions/A/WebCon tentAnalysis
    /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/CoreUI.framework/Versions/A/Resources/ArtFile. bin
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial Bold.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Verdana Bold.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Georgia Bold.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Verdana Italic.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Gill Sans MT Bold.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Gill Sans MT.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Trebuchet MS Bold.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Trebuchet MS.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial Italic.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Trebuchet MS Italic.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Trebuchet MS Bold Italic.ttf
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fram ework/Versions/A/Resources/Extras2.rsrc
    /System/Library/Fonts/\xe3\x83\x92\xe3\x83\xa9\xe3\x82\xad\xe3\x82\x99\xe3\x83\x 8e\xe8\xa7\x92\xe3\x82\xb3\xe3\x82\x99 ProN W3.otf
    /Library/Fonts/Devanagari Sangam MN.ttc
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Arial Bold Italic.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Tahoma Bold.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Verdana Bold Italic.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Consolas Bold.ttf
    /private/var/folders/12/4y1wl01n0hz99j__5c6yv44m0000gn/C/com.apple.LaunchService s-037501.csstore
    /System/Library/Fonts/STHeiti Light.ttc
    /Library/Fonts/Courier New.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Microsoft/Times New Roman.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Courier New Italic.ttf
    /Library/Fonts/Courier New Bold.ttf
    /System/Library/Fonts/\xe3\x83\x92\xe3\x83\xa9\xe3\x82\xad\xe3\x82\x99\xe3\x83\x 8e\xe8\xa7\x92\xe3\x82\xb3\xe3\x82\x99 ProN W6.otf
    count=1, state=0x2
    /System/Library/Frameworks/Carbon.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/HIToolbox.fram ework/Versions/A/Resources/Extras2.rsrc
    /Users/NJBoot/Library/Safari/LocalStorage/https_extensions.apple.com_0.localstor age
    (MY I.P. ADDRESS)::51780->a23-13-209-54.deploy.akamaitechnologies.com:https
    /Users/NJBoot/Library/Safari/LocalStorage/https_developer.apple.com_0.localstora ge
    (MY I.P. ADDRESS):51817->*.112.2o7.net:http
    /Users/NJBoot/Library/Safari/LocalStorage/http_apple.stackexchange.com_0.localst orage

    The screenshot was just from my activity monitor, not sure why it stopped showing up.
    objc[334]: Object 0x7ff35342bef0 of class NSUserDefaults autoreleased with no pool in place - just leaking - break on objc_autoreleaseNoPool() to debug
    This is the warning, which appears everytime I start up Safari. The PID and HEX address vary everytime, but always relate to Webprocess. 
    Running the cmd: "leaks PID -nostacks -nocontext" yields the following output (seebelow). I guess I should run the dylib update. I can try and see if still occurs...?
    Process:         WebProcess [334]
    Path:            /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WebKit2.framework/WebProcess.app/Contents/Mac OS/WebProcess
    Load Address:    0x10eea1000
    Identifier:      com.apple.WebProcess
    Version:         8536 (8536.30.1)
    Build Info:      WebKit2-7536030001000000~9
    Code Type:       X86-64 (Native)
    Parent Process:  Safari [333]
    Date/Time:       2013-06-24 23:36:31.350 -0400
    OS Version:      Mac OS X 10.8.4 (12E55)
    Report Version:  7
    leaks Report Version:  2.0
    2013-06-24 23:36:31.563 leaks[367:707] *** Symbolication:  libsystem_c.dylib is the same in the target process as in the analysis process, but it was loaded at a different address.  That means the dyld shared cache is not up to date, which could affect system performance.  To update the dyld shared cache, run 'sudo update_dyld_shared_cache' and reboot.
    2013-06-24 23:36:31.638 leaks[367:707] *** Symbolication:  ImageIO is the same in the target process as in the analysis process, but it was loaded at a different address.  That means the dyld shared cache is not up to date, which could affect system performance.  To update the dyld shared cache, run 'sudo update_dyld_shared_cache' and reboot.
    Process 334: 247312 nodes malloced for 130241 KB
    Process 334: 20 leaks for 480 total leaked bytes.
    Leak: 0x123d4e000  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x123d4e018  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x123d4e030  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x123d4e048  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x123d4e060  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x123d4e078  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x12445c600  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x12445c618  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x12445c630  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x12445c648  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x12445c660  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x12445c690  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x124ac2900  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x124ac2918  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x124ac2930  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x124ac2948  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x124ac2990  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x124ac29a8  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x124ac2ed0  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2
    Leak: 0x124ac2ee8  size=24  zone: JavaScriptCore FastMalloc_0x110986138   WebKit::WebString  C++  WebKit2

  • When my Ramp stops the set pops back to its original position...?

    I have a set to which I have attached a Ramp behaviour to swivel it on it's Y axis.
    Its works well, but at the 10 second point when the Ramp Y swivel ends, the set jumps suddenly back to its original position.
    How can I get the set to keep its position as it is at the end of the Ramp behaviour?
    ps: Merry Christmas to all on the forum, and thanks for your help during 2008!

    Or you can use the Spin behavior. The object will stay where it is after the spin is finished.

  • FCP clip time remapping / speed ramping question re realtime after changes?

    Hello All,
    My first post here! I tried searches for this topic but didn't find....
    I wasted hours today messing with the keyframe editor to try and ramp parts of a single clip... first time using this feature and couldn't follow the manual! way too difficult to grasp without fluency in 'techygeekconfusic' lingo. Anyway, I don't think the topic was covered from what I read in my version of the manual.
    So I went straight for the keyframe editor graphic display under the clip in timeframe and put in a few points with the pen tool (using time graph blue line) and seemed to be going great until I realised that the segments in the single clip (ten minutes long) that I was adjusting were affecting what came after - ie slowing down the remainder of the clip. And that was all I could get from my manual that this happened without any explanation about stopping it happen by letting the outpoint of the clip readjust automatically for the changes made to that part of clip so that altered clip would be shorter in timeline...
    I then tried again from the start but noting the minus time on pentool arrow when I slid each keyframe point back and subtracting it from the duration in motion tab and that seemed to work for a while...
    but God bless my little brain! what I really wanted to happen - for the blasted thing to readjust itself automatically after I had adjusted a segment of the clip so that the remaining non-adjusted part would play in realtime with a new shorter outpoint in the sequence timeline - just couldn't be realised in my little brain or in the 'user friendly' control panels of FCP.
    I tried to get hold of the 'bezier' point at the end of clip and drag forward at the same rate as each change but could'nt get hold of it! I tried to put two points with pen tool at same time but couldn't isolate them from one another to create four points for adjustment without having still frames between.. blah blah.. I tried to get snapping to the pen tool points for further control but couldn't... duh!
    Please! how do you do it! obviously I have limited intelligence but I need to do this now. I want to adjust the 10 minute clip (DVCproHD 720p24N format - not that this should matter as my sequence settings are same) adjust the clip at maybe 10 different places so that it ramps in speed to cover up some boring areas and then back to normal speed after the changes - not back to some slo mo **! speed.
    I tried cutting with the razor tool to isolate and that didn't work either and other analogue brain type stuff ok I know you are laughing at me now but please help?!! I'm pretty new to this stuff, give me the old reliable Steenbeck and a few real bins and strips of film hanging on clothes pegs and I'll be ok...
    Help will be most gratefully appreciated!!!!!!!!
    Message was edited by: BarraAppleId

    Andy did a very good job explaining the underlying problem with the time remap tool.
    The key thing to remember is the first and last frame are fixed in time. If you speed up the clip, time after that keyframe will have to slow down to compensate. Imagine the clip is a rubber band that has been cut so that it is a long string-like form. Now imagine anchoring each end of it with a push pin to a board. If you grab a point on the band and pull it toward one of the pins, the part of the band on the side you are pulling away from the anchor will stretch (run slower) and the side you are pulling toward will bunch up (run faster). But, when all is done, the start and end will still be at the fixed points.
    The way I've worked through this is to make a general guesstimate of how long the clip will be once all the ramping is complete. For example, I want the clip to start at normal (100%) speed and ramp up to 300% and back down to 100%. I might start with a clip having a constant speed of 200% and then change it to variable and play with it. The key concept is if you can get the overall LENGTH to where it should be, the rest works out fine.
    I have repeatedly asked in the FEEDBACK/New Features page that they add a toggle to the speed/time remap tools. This toggle should allow you decide whether the playback TIME for the clip should be fixed or flexible.
    For example, if you were working with a 4 second clip and wish to slow it down by 50% -
    If 'Maintain Time' is toggled ON, when you decrease the speed of clip by 50% - the clip will still play for 4 sec (but will show only half the total frames).
    If the toggle is OFF, the 4 sec clip will now play for 8 sec and will display all the frames.
    Where this concept becomes really powerful is when it's applied to time remap. If you have 'Maintain time' toggled OFF, as you adjust speed, the end point of the clip will float in time. If you increase the speed, the overall time of the clip will shrink. If you slow it down, the end point moves out in time.
    We need to keep asking ...

  • Start and stop a wiggle at intervels on same layer

    I have a dot that fly's around my comp. When it stops it wiggles and buzzes and then stops wiggling. I need it to move on to the next spot and then wiggle again. Then onto the next spot and repeat. I am able to do this wiggle or buzz once but I don't know how to make it continue at each stopping point. Any help would be great.
    Thank you

    There are a bunch of ways to do this. This one assumes that the layer stops at each even-numbered keyframe:
    dur = 1; // total wiggle duration (sec)
    ramp = .1;// time to ramp int0/out of wiggle
    freq = 3; // wiggle frequency
    amp = 50; // wiggle amplitude;
    n = 0;
    if (numKeys > 0){
      n = nearestKey(time).index;
        if (key(n).time > time){
    if (n > 0 && (n%2 == 0)){
      t = time - key(n).time
      w = wiggle(freq,amp);
      if (t < ramp){

  • Upgrade stopped on phase MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG

    We are Upgrading our SAP CRM System from 5.0 to 7.0 (Ramp-Up version) / Oracle 10 / Windows 2003
    The upgrade process stops with the following error:
    "Checks after phase MAIN_NEWBAS/PARCONV_UPG were negative"
    The Principal Errors are this:
    2EETP345 08:21:27: Retcode 1: SQL-error "1430-ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
    2EETP345 " in DDL statement for "AXT_CAT_DICT
    2EETP334 08:21:27: error in DDL, nametab for "AXT_CAT_DICT" not activated
    2EETP345 08:23:15: Retcode 1: SQL-error "1430-ORA-01430: column being added already exists in table
    2EETP345 " in DDL statement for "RCCD_ENG_LOG                  "
    2EETP334 08:23:15: error in DDL, nametab for "RCCD_ENG_LOG" not activated
    What we did:
    Se14 -> Obj. Name= AXT_CAT_DICT
    Click on Edit Button.
    Click on Check Button -> Database Object
    You get the following error:
    Database object for AXT_CAT_DICT is inconsistent: (Fields,Primary index)  
      Fields: Inconsistent with the runtime object
      Indexes: Inconsistent with DDIC source
    We would like some tips, maybe we can use the SE14 transaction to Check and Rebuild the Table.  But this options seems to be too risky.
    Best Regards,
    Erick ILarraza

    it seams to me that ypou have to drop this column mentioned in log, befor you do that, please check existence of data in this column of table to avoid data loss.
    Kind regards,

  • OLT Ramp down errors

    I have a script that ramps up to 750 users run on 3 agent machines, it includes a sync point so all agents start actions together - performs some navigation and then completes.
    Looking at the session graphs all is fine the 750 users do their stuff and then start to end - and then approx 1/3 through the ramp down the errors begin- not on all the agents but on a max of 14 of the 750
    Most of the errors are cannot connect to server on port 80 WinInet error code 12029 with additional timeouts after 120 seconds reported
    Nothing obvious in the Agent or controller logs
    Running the same scenario for 1500 users makes the errors happen earlier (before max ramp up) but again the majority on ramp down - so I can't be certain if the ramp down timing is a bit of a Red Herring
    Has anyone seen similar on their sessions?

    Are the users only performing a certain number of iterations of the script each, or are they running for a certain time before the test stops them? The way you describe this it could be interpreted as each user only completes a single transaction and then stops (while other VUs are still being added)? Do you actually get all 750 users running at the same time (or have most finished by the time the 750th is launched)?
    How are you adding the users? I'd go for a slow stepped approach e.g. 50 users every 10 minutes (or something along those lines appropriate to the length of time for a single iteration). It really depends on how many samples you want to take at each step. i.e. only 5 completed iterations at every step isn't particularly good, but 100 might be OK?
    That way it should be clear that the system is fine at lower levels (say 100 samples taken with 450 users) but at 500 users things start to struggle.
    Another approach might be to run 1 hour tests at 200 users, then another at 400, then a 3rd at 600 (to get decent samples at each level). It does depend a lot on the average length of a single iteration though.
    I'm always interested to hear how other people approach this sort of thing.

  • How to start and stop looping

    I'm very new to Flash / action script, so I just need to know where to put both the start loop, and the end loop code (below) in my Flash file to make the waving effect on this flag (link below) start and stop when I need it to, because I'm adding a small amount of flash both before and after it. thanks.....
    loopI = setInterval(loopF,40);
    to start the waving and use:
    to stop the waving.
    function loopF(){
        // move the matrix by speed along x to shift the noise
        shift.translate(speed, 0);
        // drawing in the perlin movie clip,
        // create a rectangle with the perlin noise
        // drawn in it with an offset supplied by the
        // shift matrix
        with (displace_mc.perlin){
            beginBitmapFill(noiseBitmap, shift);
            lineTo(ramp._width, 0);
            lineTo(ramp._width, ramp._height);
            lineTo(0, ramp._height);
            lineTo(0, 0);
        // draw the displacement movie clip in the
        // displaceBitmap (used in displaceFilter)
        // apply displaceFilter to the flag
        flag_mc.filters = [displaceFilter];

    i told you and it's in your message:
    loopI = setInterval(loopF,40);
    to start the waving.
    to stop the waving.
    // do not edit the below code:
    function loopF(){
        // move the matrix by speed along x to shift the noise
        shift.translate(speed, 0);
        // drawing in the perlin movie clip,
        // create a rectangle with the perlin noise
        // drawn in it with an offset supplied by the
        // shift matrix
        with (displace_mc.perlin){
            beginBitmapFill(noiseBitmap, shift);
            lineTo(ramp._width, 0);
            lineTo(ramp._width, ramp._height);
            lineTo(0, ramp._height);
            lineTo(0, 0);
        // draw the displacement movie clip in the
        // displaceBitmap (used in displaceFilter)
        // apply displaceFilter to the flag
        flag_mc.filters = [displaceFilter];

  • Gradient Stop Color Box DIsabled

    I can't seem to get a color gradient in ID CS4, just grayscale. I go to the "New Gradient Swatch" screen, name it, select "Linear," but the "Stop Color" box is disabled. Probably something very basic I'm not doing here. I can get color on my document as basic fills, but only B&W gradients. Can anyone advise? Thanks.

    Yes this is an undocumented "feature".
    By clicking around I discovered you can get the color swatch selections to appear in the New Gradient Swatch dialogue by clicking the right (black) end of the grascale ramp at the bottom of box.
    Note to everyone - When someone has a odd complaint it is usually not productive to merely quote from various help docs.

  • Stop sound and start over without "pop"

    I need to be able to interrupt and restart a short (3-4 second) sound file while it's still playing. Seems simple enough, but with both SoundEngine and AudioServices it causing a "popping" sound as it restarts. Is there any way to avoid this? I tried stopping the sound first with SoundEngine before starting it but it doesn't make any difference. (The waveform for the sound starts at zero, in case you're wondering.) Thanks for any help you can give me on this...it's been driving me crazy.

    Yes Craig, my response was assuming you were using AudioQueue - I do not know much about SoundEngine but I see from looking at the code that it is based on AudioQueue.
    I disagree with ramping of the volume - it seems to me this is just masking a problem in management of the buffers. Whatever is in your buffer is what will be sent to the output device when you start it. That is why you prime the buffers in the first place. AudioQueue implements a pause. You may want to update SoundEngine to use that rather than do a start / stop. Although if your intention was to restart the track from the beginning you want to use stop then start and will have to make sure the buffers are cleared out and re-primed with data from the beginning of your audio file. I do not know if SoundEngine is set up to properly handle this use case.

  • How to physically stop mac pro 2008's startup chime

    I have a 2008 Mac pro and since upgrading to Mavericks, nothing at all has stopped the startup chime from blaring out of the speakers at every startup. In normal use, it's annoying, during troubleshooting, it is intolerable in our quiet workplace.
    None of the 3rd party software solutions for silencing the startup chime work in Mavericks.
    The Terminal solution has not worked since Lion, I believe.
    Muting the volume before shutdown does not work.
    Inserting a headphone plug does not work.
    The chime just will not shut up.
    I am not interested in the replies whose main message is one of these: "Wow, never heard that one before." ; "What a small problem." ; "The startup chime is an important troubleshooting tool." ; "I don't have that problem / your problem is wrong."
    But I would be very grateful for instructions on how to disconnect the speaker physically – preferably without doing any harm to my machine. If there is a software solution that works in Mavericks, I will try it but I am not aware of any.

    Thanks, Johnb-one, I ruled out StartNinja because I have tried it before on a couple OS cats but it has never worked for me. I'll try it again just to be sure because they now claim Mavericks-compatibility.
    As per my original post, I have already tried the other two suggestions. They have worked in the past up until Mountain Lion. Apple has really ramped up security around the startup chime with Mavericks.
    As I understand, the startup chime is a completely separate entity from the OS itself. Some versions of OS X have allowed limited access to its volume but Mavericks removed all that.

  • Generating a ramped pulse train

    I have a PXI-6608 counter/timer card that I am using to control a motor via a pulse train. I need to create ramped pulse trains for acceleration and was wondering if there is an easy way to do that in LabView. I have been buiding them a few pulses at a time just changing the frequency and it seems very crude. I was hoping someone has a better idea.

    By "ramped" I assume you mean to sweep the frequency without stopping and restarting the counter. The following link should help you set up your operation to do this. There is an example program at the bottom of the page.
    David Staab, CLA
    Staff Systems Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to make a ramp for a stepper on PCI-6221

    I'm looking for a solution/example in ANSI-C to make a ramp for a stepper that is connect at PCI-6221 CTR-port.
    The function I'm actually using is:
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCreateCOPulseChanFreq (taskHandle, "Dev2/ctr1", "", DAQmx_Val_Hz, DAQmx_Val_Low, 0.0, 1000.0, 0.5));
    DAQmxErrChk (DAQmxCfgImplicitTiming (taskHandle, DAQmx_Val_FiniteSamps ,1800));
    So this works fine when the stepper have to run constantly. But for my application I need the use of a ramp. To change the frequency value I have to write in a running Task, but that is (IMHO) not possible? Please correct me, if I'm wrong.
    I don't not know how to change the value unless to stop the task and start it with new value. But this method is not a solution, cause i always stop the motor and start it with a higher frequency from zero. So what I'm actually do is to look after the correct NI-function for my problem.
    If someone has an idea/example/solution, please post it. I'm thankful for all kinds of feedback.
    Best regards,

    Unfortunately, ramping a stepper is not straightforward using the counter hardware.  Under finite generation, the freq cannot be changed on the fly.  And under continuous generation, where freq *can* be changed on the fly, it must be done under software-timed control.  Also,  under continuous generation, it will be pretty tricky to both change the freq on the fly *and* control the exact total # of steps.
    If you need a well-controlled ramp and a well-controlled # of steps, I'd suggest you start figuring out a scheme to use the hardware-timed digital output port (see also "correlated dio").  The big downside is that you'll need to generate a large buffer of digital states to define your pulse train because you'll probably need to output at something approaching a MHz.  Out of those million samples per second, probably only about 0.1% of them represent transitions.
    When these kinds of apps come up, I always put in a good word for one of NI's Alliance partners - Viewpoint Systems, who sells a digital board that works much more sensibly for these situations.  With the DIO-64, you create buffers containing only the timestamps of the transitions and the digital state at those transition times.  So to generate 1000 steps in a second, you'll buffer 2000 states rather than 1,000,000.  You'd also get ~20x better quantization error for your available step rates.
    I've been requesting a buffered counter output capability from NI since before Y2K, so I'm no longer holding my breath...
    -Kevin P.

  • Can I stop my Mac automatically downloading files.

    Can I make another program, in this case iGetter my default download program instead of my Mac automatically doing the downloads. They just don't work most of the time, and if they stop, then to resume they start from zero. This problem was fixed on the darkside years ago. Surely Apple must allow other defaults when their's is so bad? When I manage to use iGetter I have no problems.

    Love that forthright attitude! (Seems rampant around here. 'Tis good.)
    I do have a NetComm NB6 running  802.11n at 300Mbps (guess I do have a cable), but judging by the pictures on the box I need ADSL2+ for that. Well I only a have wireless broadband service, so plugging it into the phone socket will do Sweet Fanny Adams, as my Dear Ol' Dad woulda said. I use the pathetic interface supplied by my service provider to access my broadband service.
    Now if I plug the non-pathetic router into the Mac ethernet port, from one of the four ports provided using the non-existent cable, everything is hunky dory. The Mac sees it and I have another wi-fi network, and it may be possible to get it to receive my broadband signal (seeing it is wireless), but mate, that is way beyond this Antepodean Wally's expertise. There are no pictures for that!
    If this router will do the job I have not the foggiest idea how to do it.
    ps. I hate this smiley face stuff (couldn't find one that says tongue-in cheek), but I have been mistaken for a rude wanker before today, and thought, seeing we know each other not, I would put them in this one time out of respect for your efforts to help this dumb PC reject.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Multiple paste event in ical?

    I often need to copy and paste an event into many new dates. I'd like to be able to select several dates at once by clicking on the dates (such as you can select several photos in iphoto at once) and paste the event into these dates, rather than sele

  • ORA-12052 when create materialized view

    I following the sample in Oracle document to create materialized viewCREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON sales    WITH ROWID, SEQUENCE(amount_sold, time_id, prod_id)   INCLUDING NEW VALUES; CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW LOG ON times    WITH ROWID, SEQUENCE (t

  • Sender Comunication Channel Should Pick Data from 3 Folders.......

    Hi Experts, Iam doing File-xi-File senario in which sender Adapter have to pick data from three different folders.How should i give the path in comunication channel,how to do this senario. Regards, Kumar

  • Multiple signatures per address

    Is there any way to get Mail to handle a signature per each sending address, under one account? Pretty much every other Mail client out there seems to support this. It seems odd that I can have random signatures, but not ones bound to an address. In

  • Premiere Pro CS5 not exporting audio

    Hi all, I've already searched Google and these forums extensively but can't seem to solve this problem even with all the solutions I've seen. I've never had any trouble in the past with exporting and/or audio, but the project I'm working on won't exp