EMail Disappears

Have a 3G 16GB iPhone. Several weeks ago a problem started. When I start my mail app, I get the normal "connecting", "checking for mail", and "downloading". My email appears for one or two seconds on the screen, then they disappear from the Inbox. I notice that if I quickly touch one to open it, they all stay and work fine. If I'm too slow, they all disappear. Sometimes I can go back to the main screen and relaunch the app but in most cases I have to power off and on. Anyone coming across this?

I have yet to hear of this issue, but here are a few things for troubleshooting purposes:
1. Add another email account to your phone from a different provider. For example, if you are using "[email protected]" then add a "[email protected]" or a simple "[email protected]" and see if you get the same results. This will let you know if it is your email provider that is having the issue, or the phone itself.
2. Remove the email account in question from your phone. Power off/on. Add the email account again, see if problem persists.
3. After your email disappears, leave the mail app open and send yourself a test email from a desktop computer, see if that shows up.
4. If you know someone else with an iPhone, add your email to it, and see if it works. This will tell you if its your iPhone or not.

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    Thanks to everyone for their replies - I thought that it was just me with this issue but clearly not. Also thank you to Mil_Prep and S2Linda's suggestions, unfortunately all three of my email accounts do not have a "Mail Days To Sync" option - I believe that this option only appears in Mail settings if the account is an exchange email account. Even if I was able to adjust the time period of emails to sync, I don't think that it would help because the email(s) that are going missing can be as recent as one day old, leaving all my earlier emails in the same folder intact - some of which can go back to the year 2002 for instance. I am still convinced that it is a bug with headers in iOS5. Last week I even had a related problem where I had a new email merge with an old email. The senders email address, subject title and date remained the same but the body of the text was replaced with an old email from 2006! Very odd....

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    This may be caused by different reasons, but the most likely reason is on the custom setting. To help you investigate what happened to your messages, we'll walk you through a step-by-step process to eliminate possible causes of your missing messages:
    Step1: Check web server - Please check your web serve to see if those missing messages are out there.
    Step2: Search all messages - Try to search the messages that are missing. Remember to click
    All Mailboxes button before searching.
    Step3: Check junk mail setting - They are probably set to delete mail rather than send it to the
    Junk E-Mail folder.
    Step4: View filter - Please check your View filter
    to see if you have set any filter rules to the incoming mails.
    Step5: Forwarding settings - Please check in Account settings dialog to see if you have changed the default deliver location of your account.
    Please follow above steps to see if you can find your missing data.

  • Has anyone found the solution to email disappearing with Apple Mail?

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    This is extremely annoying, and I have seen I am not the only one to which this happens. Has anyone found a fix for this bug? Should I simply keep all my email in my inbox? Or should I just give up on Apple Mail and use Thunderbird?
    I have an old powerbook G4 with 10.4 and Mail 2. Not like it makes much difference, I've seen people complaining about the same issue in later versions of OS and Mail.
    Thanks for any help

    Let's see if we can dind how many Mail files on your computer.
    I'd get EasyFind...
    Here's a direct download link to EasyFind 4.0 which runs in 10.3.9 & up...
    From this page,
    Freeware applications:
        * EasyFind 4.0
        * PhotoStickies 5.6
        * ThumbsUp 4.3
        * XMenu 1.8
    Use it to search your whole drive for case insensitive & show invisibles...
    (dot ee em el ex)
    Find Any File...
    Hold Option/alt when clicking on Find button to Find All.

  • HT4864 my iCloud emails disappear on all my devices after about a week and I can't find where they have gone, none of the devices say to delete from server, I move my samsung note emails to trash after reading - no other accounts are deleted from other de

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    mazzaja wrote:
    I put all read emails to trash on samsung, ipad and iphone but keep on imac and wish to retain there for reference. All other accounts remain but icloud emails disappear. No devices say to delete from server.
    If this is your iCloud email account, whcn you delete an email from any of your devices, they are moved to the trash on all devices/computers, then the trash is automatically deleted after 30 days.  That's how IMAP accounts work.  You can't delete them from your device and keep it on the server because you are reading and deleting from the server itself.
    If you want to keep them on your Mac, you'll need to move them to a folder rather than deleting them.  When you do, they will be moved to the same folder on your other devices.

  • Verizon email disappearing

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    Any time mail disappears from the server, there's a pretty good chance there's some device pulling it off. This can happen even without you intending it to. For example, the default Verizon setup for a long time (and possibly still) configured Outlook automatically unless you were paying attention and unchecked the box during the install.
    The easiest way to fix it is to change your password. Once the device(s) can no longer authenticate, the disappearances should stop.
    If a forum member gives an answer you like, give them the Kudos they deserve. If a member gives you the answer to your question, mark the answer as Accepted Solution so others can see the solution to the problem.
    "All knowledge is worth having."

  • I literally see email disappearing from my account. not in junk or anywhere most recent was an activation email from wordpress. What is going on? i finally had to make a rule that e from wordpress go to inbox and that worked. why is mac stealing my mail?

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    why has every email disappeared?

    Safe Boot, (holding Shift key down at bootup), run Disk Utility in Applications>Utilities, then highlight your drive, click on Repair Permissions, reboot when it completes.
    (Safe boot may stay on the gray radian for a long time, let it go, it's trying to repair the Hard Drive & clear caches.)
    Any change on normal boot after that?

  • IMAP Mac Email disappearing & Reappearing

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    Any thoughts/ideas as to why I am seeing this weird behavior?

    What sort of regular maintenance? No such maintenance is required. You don't have any of that "clean up" software do you?
    I wrote a little diagnostic program to help show what might be causing these problems. Download EtreCheck from, run it, and paste the results here.
    Disclaimer: Although EtreCheck is free, there are other links on my site that could give me some form of compensation, financial or otherwise.

  • Email disappearing from iPad when I download in iMac

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    With her iMac off, when she is traveling, she can download and read email on her iPad. All the email stays there, unless she intentionally deletes something.
    BUT, when she get home from a trip and goes to check email using Apple's Mail on her iMac, which is set to "Remove from server ...," she can WATCH as the email disappears from her iPad -- I have watched this. This has been very frustrating, as I have tried everything I can think of to no avail. My old PowerMac and my older iPod Touch has no problem with GCI email. I have gobs of savedemail on the iPod with the same Mail settings on the PowerMac (I do plan to upgrade to an Intel Mac, this fall, btw).
    Searching the web and here inthe Apple forums, I have so far not found anyone with this situation. It acts like the email content on the iPad is only what is on the servers. When my iMac removes those, they disappear from the iPad. But, I seen no settings on the iMac or iPad that will fix this. I have tried everything I can think of.
    Her Gmail account works fine on her iPad.
    The iMac is set up with POP account. (As is my PMG5). The iPad was forced to set up a POP account (as a possible solution) for GCI email because the default IMAP is where we first discovered the issue of the server appearing to delete email from the iPad.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    Some of the older 30-pin-to-USB cables have catches on the iPad end. The connector block on them extends further from the iPad than the ones without the catch; they are almost square. You have to squeeze the sides of the connector to disengage the catches.
    I'm not sure what being in iTunes has to do with it, though.

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    Unfortunately, no.  If you haven't touched the keyboard since this happened you can try pressing control-Z (undo), otherwise it's gone.

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    Lord K.  Thank you. Yes I am within the 90 time period, however I travel Intertionally and I can not receive not make a call to Apple. I was just at the Genius Bar in Chicago and they said, don't worry about it.  It just floats out there, however, I can not recover my messages on a flash drive. I need to go back to my old computer which I don't have with me.  My messages were in folders for a lawsuit.  It is going to take an incredible amount of work for me to, you have no Idea.  We are talking thousands of pages!  I the defendent will have them during discovery so I am not so worried.  However, I can not bring them to him on a Flashdrive when I meet with him without an extraordinary amount of presssure on my part.  THis is not just some little email issue. This is suing EXPEDIA and

  • Why Is My Email Disappearing

    My e-mail messages are randomly disappearing in Apple Mail. These are all connected to non-Exchange accounts, like Gmail and my own domain (via Google Apps).
    When this happens, if I try to quit Mail, the program hangs and will not close. I have to force-quit to get out.
    I am running OS X 10.8.2 on a MacBook Air.

    We had the same problem at my company just a few weeks ago. Here are some of the symptoms we experienced:
    1. (Note this only happened to ONE of our email accounts--The one that receives the most emails out of any address in our company.)
    2. The problem was happening on both Lion and Mountain Lion.
    3. We had the same email account on multiple different systems at different times with the same "lost email" result.
    4. When the email disappeared from Mail, it disappeared from Google Apps Gmail account as well.
    5. Extreme amounts of confusion and frustration was ongoing.
    We finally tried changing the password to our Gmail account and that became our solution. We have not experienced the problem since.
    Similar to yourself, we couldn't figure out why it was Apple Mail specific and didn't seem to happen with any other third-party app.
    After about a week, we even changed our password back to the original just to do a little testing after-hours. Same result. We lost every email that was in or coming in to our inbox. Needless to say we've stayed with the new password and its working well.
    I would suggest heading over to your account settings ASAP to create a new password. Please let me know if that works for you! It would be very interesting to find out if this is a wide-spread problem/solution.

  • Why is my email disappearing right in sight on iPad

    just recently i had 102 emails shoing on the homepage icon. went to read and they dropped off..just like day nine new ones.., opened up saw two names in heading i wanted to read.. then zap gone., do i need a anti virus security

    We had the same problem at my company just a few weeks ago. Here are some of the symptoms we experienced:
    1. (Note this only happened to ONE of our email accounts--The one that receives the most emails out of any address in our company.)
    2. The problem was happening on both Lion and Mountain Lion.
    3. We had the same email account on multiple different systems at different times with the same "lost email" result.
    4. When the email disappeared from Mail, it disappeared from Google Apps Gmail account as well.
    5. Extreme amounts of confusion and frustration was ongoing.
    We finally tried changing the password to our Gmail account and that became our solution. We have not experienced the problem since.
    Similar to yourself, we couldn't figure out why it was Apple Mail specific and didn't seem to happen with any other third-party app.
    After about a week, we even changed our password back to the original just to do a little testing after-hours. Same result. We lost every email that was in or coming in to our inbox. Needless to say we've stayed with the new password and its working well.
    I would suggest heading over to your account settings ASAP to create a new password. Please let me know if that works for you! It would be very interesting to find out if this is a wide-spread problem/solution.

  • BT Yahoo mail emails disappearing every night

    Every night all the emails in my BT Yahoo Mail inbox are disappearing! I thought nothing of it for a few days due to the email i had received about migrations however after a week i got Yahoo to restore my mailbox to 7 days and then that night all my emails disappeared again! 
    I have lost lots of important emails and need to get these back HELP!!!! 
    All mail folders, sent items, deleted items remain unaffected. I am only accessing email via the BT Yahoo webmail interface.
    IT SUPPORT TECHNICIAN - Comptia A+ Certified, MTA Qualified and MTSC qualified

    Entrusting your only copies of important data to the competence of a mass market cloud provider such as BT and their partners, is not a strategy I could recommend.
    I would urge you to swop to pop3/smtp using an email client such as MSOutlook or open source Thunderbird or similar, and keep your email store on your own machine (and back it up to external media regularly)
    The BT email system is not in a good state at the moment and has been like that for a few years now - at least since 2011 with Yahoo, and Critical Path/Openwave don't seem to be doing much better. Basically they cannot be trusted to look after your data, and they aren't even contractually obliged to do so.
    As for getting your email back - BT may or may not be able to help you, but you are not the only one to lose mail at the moment. Best of luck.
    Personally I have all my BT acounts set to forward any mail immediately to a 3rd party provider, and I moved away from BT for important mail a few years ago because I didn't want to lose important data.

  • Emails disappear on iPhone after opening Outlook and viewing emails there

    Hi everyone,
    I have been scouring the net to see if anyone else has this issue and from what I'm seeing there seems to be no real concrete answer that I could find.
    I just bought the iPhone 4 and what I was trying to do was sync my work email to my phone, which I was able to do successfully and it works great. The contacts, calendar, and emails sync just fine. I can also view all of my folders that I had set up in Outlook.
    Because this set up so beautifully for me, what I tried to do was set up two other employees with the same thing.
    They both have the 3GS model. I went in on their phone and used the Exchange method just as I had done on my iPhone 4, also using the same information (except for their user name and password for their email accounts of course).
    The verification says that it went through fine but what we noticed was that when they open Outlook to view any of their emails, all of the emails on their iPhone disappear. Everything.
    The other thing we noticed was that their folders were also not showing up on their phones, where as my folders were easily accessible on mine.
    Overall, they can send and receive. Their contacts, folders, calendars don't sync, and emails disappear once Outlook is opened.
    Does anyone have any ideas as to why this would be happening and know of any solutions to stop the emails from disappearing on their phones?
    (One of the guys has iOS 3.1.3 and the other guy has iOS 4.0.2 like my iPhone 4).
    Thanks for any help!

    Thank you diesel, I will have to find another way to tell my boss.  Using the Yahoo account and iCloud method he could clear his iPhone of emails and know they would still be on his office computer.  I guess he has a choice to make.
    Thanks again, Louis

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