Embedded FLV problem

If you play an flv with NetStream you can set the smoothing
property so once its scaled it looks nice. If I embed a flv on the
timeline of a swf, how can I smooth this? Smoothing seams only be
available to bitmaps in AS3.

The answer is to exactly copy the code from the CS5.5 and below versions of Dreamweaver.
Bu Nancy is correct. Everyone is moving to other standards for video on websites. Nancy generally recommends Pickle Player and I have been hand-coding using the HTML5 standards. I have generally found that all videos play in all browsers using the new standards, though you do have to support OGG and WEBM video files on your server.

Similar Messages

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    I inserted an .flv file into my DW CS4 html page. I previewed it in my browser, and it worked for a little bit, but now it's not working in any browser, I'm not sure what happened. I included a screen shot in the attachments of what was happening in all the browsers.
    Thanks for any help,
    Thank you,

    Not sure if that was meant for me
    You can tell who was the intended recipient by looking at the header of the message -
    6. Sep 10, 2010 6:50 AM in response to: FordGuy48 <<----
    Re: Problems with embedding .flv files in DW CS4....
    A link to the page would help us diagnose your problem.
    Safari tells me that this file -
    is not where you have told the page to expect it.  Did you upload it?

  • Embedding FLV Video Into PDF Files

    I have been testing out embedding FLV files into PDF's to simplify presentations (no need for Powerpoint, DVD player, DVD player software, etc..).  It is a bit slow when a big video file will load, but I think it is worth it for the simplified presentation method.
    My problem is this, whenever I embed an FLV file into a PDF, it seems to degrade the quality down a notch or two.  I am not concerned about file size since these will always be played locally from a hard drive or CD so I created the embedded FLV file to be high quality and very crisp (720 x 486, ~2200kbs bit rate).  However, no matter how good a file I embed, after it becomes embedded it always looks worse.  At this point, it has mainly been trial and error, but the original quality does not seem to matter as to how it will look in the PDF.
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    Thank you.

    Are you inserting a screen capture FLV of the whole screen.  I use camtasia Studio to capture my desktop in video... and if the playback is NOT at the same size as the original...then it can look blurry.

  • Trouble with Firefox - Embedded .flv screws up layout

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    Thanks in advance,

    Errors on page:
    http://validator.w3.org/check?verbose=1&uri=http%3A%2F%2Fdebraoppenheim.com%2Ftest%2Freel. html
    Add a document type & title to your pages.
    Use validifyer to convert Flash embed code to valid XHTML
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

  • Help with video in Flex - Alternative to embedding .flv?

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    I have tried a couple of solutions based around the idea that the content of the .swf can be treated as a MovieClip, but none of these worked for me.  Any ideas?

    Hi, Keith Lee -
    I'm sorry that I cannot help with your problem, but I'm posting a few URLs that may perhaps help - 
    Working with video: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/as3/dev/WS5b3ccc516d4fbf351e63e3d118a9b90204-7e1a.html
    Getting started with stage video: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/articles/stage_video.html
    Stage video articles and tutorials: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplayer/stagevideo.html
    ActionScript reference: http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/media/StageVideo. html
    Mallika Yelandur
    Adobe Community Help & Learning

  • How can I publish a project so that the link to embedded flv is not lost?

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    How can I publish a project so that the link to embedded flv is not lost?

    I am not really sure, if I understand you right. But try this:
    Don’t place a picture, but draw a box and use the "Fill" command to put a picture into it.
    (Don’t click onto the color swatch, but onto the blue link "Fill".)
    In this case responsivness should work.

  • On export, embedded flv video restart issue

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    Ah, figured it out. Totally my fault- in playback within flash, the video freezes on its final frame, which was the effect I intended, but on export embedded flvs apparently repeat, so I just took a screen shot of the final frame and put that in for the duration I wanted the frame to stay frozen. Your suggestion actually led me to this realization, thank you.

  • When I publish as an .mp4, the embedded .flv videos clip at the end

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    What am I missing? How do I get the embedded .flv videos to play fully?

    Hi there,
    As you told you have checked that there is no transition on the Slide on which you have the video.
    Have you checked the transition effect on that video, whether Fade out only or fade in and fade out is selected. Select that multi slide video and click on the properties panel and check the transition on it.
    Also, if this video is on the last slide, check the fade in and fade out on the project. (edit > Preferences > Project > start and end)

  • How to tween embedded flv file

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    Awesome!!  Thank you!  The flv playback component didn't work b/c when I put a keyframe in there to make the size larger, it just started the movie back from the beginning.
    So then I did the flv inside a movieclip action that you suggested, and it works perfectly!  Thank you very much.

  • Embedded flv smoothing

    any way to enable a more smooth look for embedded flv in a swf? when i scale these flv's down they look a little bit pixelated. thanks!

    Sorry to repeat me, but Flash is simply not up to the task you have in mind.
    1.Long (>30 secs) Timelines combined with videos/Animations will most definitively get out of synch.
    2.Precompressed videos will look even worse than the original (which you already learned)
    3.You are in a constant danger of Flash crashing the longer your timeline gets and the more videos you embed, at this point simply scrubbing the timeline poses a high risk of getting flash to crash and destroying your complete work.
    Believe me when I say you would be better advised to import all these videos and Audiotracks into after effects/premiere/Premiere Elements and then export it for youtube purposes.
    If you absolutely must use Flash:
    Set a ll the video instances bitmapSmoothing property to true and see if that improves the quality.
    so if video1 starts on frame 1 and video2 starts on frame 155
    insert the following Lines of Code at keyframes 1/155
    video1.bitmapSmoothing = true;
    video2.bitmapSmoothing = true;
    //and so on for all videoinstances

  • Problem creating and embedding FLV

    My FLV isn't showing up on the web page. I also can't see
    that Flash generated SWF files in addition to the FLV when I
    created it using Flas > Import > Import Video.
    the code I have is this:
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',''
    http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,0,0','widt h','32','height','32','title','Little
    http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','movi e','little_girl.flv'
    ); //end AC code
    classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="
    width="32" height="32" title="Little girl">
    <param name="movie" value="little_girl.flv">
    <param name="quality" value="high">
    <embed src="little_girl.flv" quality="high" pluginspage="
    type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="32"

    > My FLV isn't showing up on the web page. I also can't
    see that Flash
    > generated
    > SWF files in addition to the FLV when I created it using
    Flas > Import >
    > Import
    > Video.
    FLV files need an embedded player. I would heartily recommend
    Wimpy Wasp
    which I've used extensively without a glitch
    If your site is hosted on a Windows 2003 server, then the
    server has to be
    configured to recognize FLV as a mime type. It may be that
    your server
    hasn't been configured in this way. Unless you're running
    your own server,
    this isn't a DIY job and you'll have to contact your host.
    Some hosts are not helpful and will tell you they can't do
    this or they
    don't offer 'streaming media' as part of their hosting plan.
    I got around
    that problem uploading my FLVs to a friend's server who uses
    a Linux server
    and using absolute links to channel the FLVs through my
    domain. This problem
    does not affect Linux servers.

  • Need help embedding FLV files  on a page

    I am working in apex 4.2 and am having trouble embedding a VLC player in an apex page. So far, I have been able to embed and play wmv or mpeg videos in apex. I am primarily testing in IE. Will worry about other browsers later (Sofari, Mozilla, etc).
    I have downloaded and installed a vlc player. The source code is as follows:
    autostart = "true" hidden="false" width="800" height="500" style="border-style:solid;" type="application/x-vlc-plugin"
    pluginspage="http://www.videolan.org" version="VideoLan.VLCPlugin.2" </embed>
    However, when I go to the page, it still shows a broken link. I am not sure what is missing or where the problem lies. My only other "hunch" is that I haven't added or mapped out a mime-type for video/x-flv to one of the config files on my server. Could this be the problem??? Either way, I'm still stumped. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    I removed the "iTunes Library" file from Home>>Music>>iTunes, which allowed me to get back into iTunes, but I don't know how to connect to the files without it locking up again in the event that the mount to her share on my iMac becomes unmounted again.

  • Embedding FLV in cfm

    Im working on a video databse project thatuses flash and xml
    with a coldfusion backend system and one of the components I need
    is a cintents page that ouputs all the videos stored in the
    database. The problem is this needs to be done dynamically using
    &amp;lt;cfoutput&amp;gt; and the code used to embed flvs in
    html contains plenty of single #, which means cfoutput wont work.
    Does anyone know of a way round this, such as an alternative
    way of embedding the flv files?
    *Edit* Just found the answer, I just need to double the
    hashes and it works fine with the standard code

    Thanks for the tips so far.
    From what I can tell, FLVPlayback with FlashVars looks like the way to go for my present purposes. I am brand-new to both FLVPlayback and FlashVars.
    I am now trying to find documentation on the needed ActionScript. Haven't found it yet. One discussion makes it look as if all you need is
    myFLV.contentPath = path/myFLV.flv;
    which seems clearly wrong, while another suggests something likethis:
    //Import flvplayback library
    import fl.video.*;
    //Init vars
    var myFlashVar:String;
    var my_FLVPlybk = new FLVPlayback();
    //Add new element
    //New element properties
    my_FLVPlybk.x = 0;
    my_FLVPlybk.y = 0;
    my_FLVPlybk.height = 500;
    my_FLVPlybk.width = 750;
    //Skin import
    my_FLVPlybk.skin = "skin.swf"
    //Flashvars code
    var varName:String;
    var paramObj:Object = LoaderInfo(this.root.loaderInfo).parameters;
    for (varName in paramObj) {     myFlashVar = String(paramObj[varName]);
    //Placed in html
    params my_FLVPlybk.source = myFlashVar;
    which looks like it might be close but not quite right.
    Any help?

  • Embedding FLV or MPEG video!!???

    I have the new Flash CC version. I noticed I don't have a 2014 behind it, nor do I have an option to get a 2014 version. That's all fine and dandy. Great.
    I'm having problems embedding flash. When I convert an MPG to a FLV, as the Adobe Encoder CC software suggests (CC 2014 says it won't do this any longer because the development team feels it must spend it's time more wisely on MPEG to waste time on this any more), and try to embed into Flash, I get a message that it didn't work and I need to actually use a product called AMD. Does anyone know if this sounds right? And if Encoder CC doesn't work and I do need the third-party product AMD, why is it that Adobe no longer provides a workable solution?

    ame is adobe media encoder which your already using.   among other things, amd is a graphic card maker.
    if you're seeing a prompt to update your amd drivers, do so.  otherwise, can you attach a screenshot showing that amd recommendation?

  • Embedded FLV Cue Points not working

    I am updating a project which uses an FLVPlayback component to play and navigate FLV videos using embedded Navigation cue points. The FLVs were originally encoded using an older version of AME, CS4 possibly. When trying to replace an FLV with a new one encoded using AME CS6, the embedded cue points do not work. Testing in Flash I get "VideoError: 1003: Invalid seek" when attempting to use "seekToNavCuePoint".
    Comparing the two FLVs using Premiere shows no recognizable differences between them. They are the same format, their cue points are named identically, all are designated as Flash Cue Points, and all set to type "Navigation".
    Digging into the FLV data, I've found that the cue point descriptions are formatted quite differently and I'm wondering if this is the source of the problem:
    Excerpt from the original FLV (AME CS4?):
           xmpDM:trackName="AME Markers"
    Excerpt from the new FLV (AME CS6):
    Completely stumped here, any ideas appreciated!

    More digging into the new FLV shows that while XMP defines the cue points as type "navigation", there is prior data in the file that defines all the cue points as "event". This makes sense, because my SWF is correctly listening for and reacting to an "end" cue point in the FLV, but will not seek to any cue point since they are all set as "event".
    Copying and pasting from Notepad++:
    cuePoints       0       name   q1in  time @BYûçl‹D  type   event 
      1       name   q1out  time @JÜ(õ\  type   event 
      2       name   q2in  time @V£¥ãS÷Ï  type   event 
      3       name   q2out  time @^/ Ÿ¾w  type   event 
      4       name   q3in  time @_Oß;d  type   event 
      5       name   q3out  time @nE™™™™š  type   event 
      6       name   q4in  time @s G® zá  type   event 
      7       name   q4out  time @vNÄ›¥ãT  type   event 
      8       name   q5in  time @w¢Ù ‡+   type   event 
      9       name   q5out  time @zw×
    =p¤  type   event 
      10       name   end  time @€ð bMÒò  type   event 
    Any idea why AME is doing this?

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