Entire edited timeline is 60fps, needs to be 29.97

Alright guys, I made a big mistake. I was given hundreds of GoPro videos to edit into a montage. I converted all of them to Apple ProRes etc etc. Then I edited all of them in my FCP sequence (using FCP 7 by the way). I haven't edited a video in about two years so it was refreshing to get back into it. However, my entire timeline is in 60fps. The sequence and the clips. Which is a huge issue when trying to prepare this video for the web. I tried dropping the 60fps clips into a sequence set to 24fps which obviously didn't work as planned. I also tried exporting a master copy at 60fps, then tinkering with it in mpeg streamclip to try and bring it down to 29.97 without getting the flickery/shuttering look. Am I just out of luck? I've realized that my mistake was big and entirely avoidable, but now I have a fully edited piece that took around a dozen hours and no way to deliver it. Again, I'm sorry for the amateur question but I need some help right now. Is there anything I can do to get this finished video from 60fps to 30 without the shuttering effect?
Cliff notes:
-Entire EDITED timeline (sequence and clips) are set to 60fps
-Needs to be delivered via Vimeo
-Thus, video becomes flickery when processed to 30fps
-Can I fix this without completely starting over?

MilesAnMiles wrote:
…using FCP 7 by the way…
then ask the experts at 'your' forum:
Final Cut Studio
here: FCPX.
In FCPX you would simple copy/paste the entire Projects timeline into a new Project with correct framerate - done.

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    Stop pointing the fingers at each other and get this fixed or years of good will be unraveled. Don't make us all go out and buy custom PC systems that might be faster and better working.
    Steve Jobs would have never settled for this mediocrity and unwillingness to admit publicly that something is broken. He would have gotten it fixed and fixed quickly before it even got to this point. Please … Fix this so I can get back to what I do, working on delivering shows and stop forcing me to waste my time writing posts that undoubtably get lost on def ears!
    — SM, Director, Producer, Editor and owner of LOL Comedy Inc.

    The picture freeze comes randomly so there is no chance of seeing the usage in time and is only in Pr, not the MacPro at all. The time-line picture in Pr freezes and the sound continues to play out. Then when the timeline is stopped and we try and scrub to see movement, the sound scrubs normally but the picture does not. Eventually the clip in that section becomes either a freeze frame for the entire clip or it randomly turns green, sometimes not all green sometimes all green sometimes random lines of color artifacting. Then quitting out of the program is the only way out. Also at this point Pr does not quit completely, we have to do a force quit to shut it down. When it opens back up again the timeline is fine for another 20 minutes or so. Again longest run was about 2 hours before artifacting and freezing out.  Also at any edit point, we then have to render to see it play smoothly, it works intermittently sometimes ok for a period of time after the render. Also if there is no render, then there is nothing but stuttering in that area of the timeline which i know is not suppose to happen.
    FYI: below is the email I got back from the Support Associate I spoke with at Adobe just three days ago (October 3) who's thought was that it was a system wide problem with the OS X and that I should read his attached link (still no solution) which is also where I got some of my rhetoric about finger pointing and although I made it clear I was on 10.9.5 this link talks about problems with 10.9.3: of course, on the opposite side, the AppleCare supervisor I spoke to later in the day blamed it on Adobe Pr stating that no other program was experiencing these problems. Again no solution and more reason for frustration in my original post.
    re: Maveric issues / Abhinav
    http://9to5mac.com/2014/05/21/os-x-10-9-3-breaking-mac-pro-graphics-card-compatibility-wit h-critical-pro-apps/
    Thanks and regards
    Ashish Paul
    Support Associate

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    Trash your Thumbnail Cache, usually located in the Final Cut Pro Documents folder.

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