Equipment(Staus) IE 03------ STATUS, Where this value wuld b stored?

Hi Experts,
Am looking to pull the data of Equipment Status - IE03---->STATUS value, so, pls. let me know that, In which table I hv to look for? Or anz logic I need to write?

check this program for ie03,
this program fetches most of the data for ie03
Report to fetch equipment list in ie03    *
Requested By :
tables: equi,
DATA : BEGIN OF fieldnames OCCURS 0,
       END OF fieldnames.
data : gi_eqkt like eqkt occurs 0 with header line.
data : gi_equi like equi occurs 0 with header line.
data : gi_equz like equz occurs 0 with header line.
data :gi_iflot like iflot occurs 0 with header line.
data :gi_iloa like iloa occurs 0 with header line.
data :gi_crhd like crhd occurs 0 with header line.
data :fi_equz like equz occurs 0 with header line.
*data :gi_iloa like iloa occurs 0 with header line.
data :gi_eqbs like eqbs occurs 0 with header line.
data :gi_fleet like fleet occurs 0 with header line.
data :gi_efhm like efhm occurs 0 with header line.
Data : begin of gi_join occurs 0,
         equnr     like     equi-equnr, "     Equipment Number
         EQTYP     like     equi-eqtyp,"     Equipment category
         cuobj like equi-cuobj,
         swerk like iloa-swerk, " plant maintanace plant
         iloan like iloa-iloan," location
         gsber like iloa-gsber, "business area
       end of gi_join.
Data : begin of gi_final1 occurs 0,
       equnr     like     equi-equnr, "     Equipment Number
       EQTYP     like     equi-eqtyp,"     Equipment category
       ERDAT     like     equi-erdat,"     valid on
       eqktx like eqkt-eqktx, " equipment description
       INBDT LIKE EQUI-INBDT, "start up date
       objty like efhm-objty, "object type
        BEGRU     like     equi-begru,     "AuthorizGroup
        BRGEW     like     equi-brgew,     "Weight
        GEWEI     like     equi-gewei,     "Unit of Weight
        GROES     like     equi-groes, "     Size/dimension
        ANSWT     like     equi-answt, "     AcquistnValue
        waers like     equi-waers, "     Currency Key
        ANSDT     like     equi-ansdt, "     Acquistion date
       HERST     like     equi-herst,  "     Manufacturer
       TYPBZ     like     equi-typbz, "     Model number
       mapar like equz-mapar, "manufacturer part number
       SERGE     like     equi-serge, "     ManufSerialNo.
       HERLD     like     equi-herld, "     ManufCountry
       WARPL     like      equi-warpl, "     Maintenance Plan
       tplnr like iloa-tplnr, " functional location
       HEQUI     like     equz-hequi, "     Superord.Equip.
       tidnr like equz-tidnr, " technical identification number
       submt like equz-submt, " constant type
     ABCKZ     LIKE     ILOA-abckz, "     ABC indic
       EQFNR     LIKE     ILOA-eqfnr, "     Sort field
        ANLNR     LIKE     ILOA-anlnr,"     Asset Number
        iwerk like equz-iwerk, "maintanance planning plant
        ingrp like equz-ingrp, " planner group
         GEWRK     like     equz-gewrk,"     Main WorkCtr
         werk      like     equi-werk,"     Plant for work center
        rbnr like equz-rbnr, " catalog profile
         planv like efhm-planv, "task list usage
         steuf like efhm-steuf, "control key
         EWFORM like efhm-ewform ,"usage value form
      gsber like iloa-gsber, " business area
      swerk like iloa-swerk, " maint plant
      kostl like iloa-kostl, " cost centre
      kokrs like iloa-kokrs, " conrolling area
      werk      like     equi-werk,"     Plant for work center
     end of gi_final1.
SELECT-OPTIONS : p_swerk for eapl-swerk.
SELECT-OPTIONS : p_gsber for iloa-gsber.
PARAMETERS: pfname LIKE rlgrap-filename OBLIGATORY.
  PERFORM fetch_file USING pfname.
FORM fetch_file USING pfname.
            static    = 'X'
            file_name = pfname.
PERFORM col_head.
PERFORM download TABLES  fieldnames gi_final1  USING pfname .
   SELECT A~equnr
         EQUZ AS B ON
         AEQUNR = BEQUNR
         and GSBER IN P_GSBER.
   sort gi_join by equnr eqtyp.
loop at gi_join.
   I_HANDLE             =
   I_LOCK               =
   CHECK_AUTH           = ' '
   I_TCODE              = ' '
     EQUI_NO              = gi_join-equnr
    EQUZ_NO              = '000'
    READING_DATE         = '99991231'
   X_XAKTYP             = ' '
    EQUI                 = gi_equi
    EQKT                 = gi_eqkt
    EQUZ                 = gi_equz
    ILOA                 = gi_iloa
    EQBS                 = gi_eqbs
    FLEET                = gi_fleet
    EFHM                 = gi_efhm
   AUTH_NO_BEGRP        = 1
   AUTH_NO_IWERK        = 2
   AUTH_NO_SWERK        = 3
   EQKT_NOT_FOUND       = 4
   EQUI_NOT_FOUND       = 5
   EQUZ_NOT_FOUND       = 6
   ILOA_NOT_FOUND       = 7
   AUTH_NO_INGRP        = 8
   AUTH_NO_KOSTL        = 9
   ERR_HANDLE           = 10
   LOCK_FAILURE         = 11
   AUTH_NO_BADI         = 12
   OTHERS               = 13
      move gi_equi-equnr to gi_final1-equnr.
      move gi_equi-eqtyp to gi_final1-eqtyp.
      move gi_equi-erdat to gi_final1-erdat.
      move gi_equi-begru to gi_final1-begru.
      move gi_equi-brgew to gi_final1-brgew.
      move gi_equi-gewei to gi_final1-gewei.
      move gi_equi-groes to gi_final1-groes.
      move gi_equi-answt to gi_final1-answt.
      move gi_equi-waers to gi_final1-waers.
      move gi_equi-ansdt to gi_final1-ansdt.
      move gi_equi-herst to gi_final1-herst.
      move gi_equi-typbz to gi_final1-typbz.
      move gi_equi-serge to gi_final1-serge.
      move gi_equi-herld to gi_final1-herld.
      move gi_equi-warpl to gi_final1-warpl.
      move gi_equi-werk to gi_final1-werk.
      move gi_equi-inbdt to gi_final1-inbdt.
      move gi_eqkt-eqktx to gi_final1-eqktx.
      move gi_equz-gewrk to gi_final1-gewrk.
      move gi_equz-hequi to gi_final1-hequi.
      move gi_equz-rbnr to gi_final1-rbnr.
      move gi_equz-submt to gi_final1-submt.
      move gi_equz-tidnr to gi_final1-tidnr.
      move gi_equz-iwerk to gi_final1-iwerk.
      move gi_equz-ingrp to gi_final1-ingrp.
      move gi_equz-mapar to gi_final1-mapar.
      move gi_iloa-abckz to gi_final1-abckz.
      move gi_iloa-eqfnr to gi_final1-eqfnr.
      move gi_iloa-anlnr to gi_final1-anlnr.
      move gi_iloa-tplnr to gi_final1-tplnr.
     move gi_efhm-planv to gi_final1-planv.
     move gi_efhm-objty to gi_final1-objty.
     move gi_efhm-steuf to gi_final1-steuf.
     move gi_efhm-ewform to gi_final1-ewform.
   append gi_final1.
   clear gi_final1.
sort gi_final1 by equnr eqtyp.
*loop at gi_equi.
move-corresponding gi_equi to gi_final1.
read table gi_equz with key equnr = gi_equi-equnr.
*if sy-subrc = 0.
*move-corresponding gi_equz to gi_final1.
*read table gi_iloa with key iloan = gi_equz-iloan.
*if sy-subrc = 0.
*move-corresponding gi_iloa to gi_final1.
append gi_final1.
clear gi_final1.
FORM col_head.
  fieldnames-field = 'equipment number.'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'equipment category'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'valid on'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'equipment descrition'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'start up date'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'object type'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'authorisation group'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'weight'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'unit of weight'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'size\dimension'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
   fieldnames-field = 'aquisation value'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'currency key'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'aquisation date'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'manufacturer'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'model number'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'manufacturer part number'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
   fieldnames-field = 'manufacturer serial number'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'manufacturer country'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'maintanance plan'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'functional location'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'Superord.Equip'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
   fieldnames-field = 'Technical Identification Number'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
   fieldnames-field = 'constant type'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'ABC Indicator'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'Sort field'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
   fieldnames-field = 'asset  number'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'maintanance planning plant'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'planner group'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'main work centre'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'plant work centre'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'Catalog profile'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'task list usage'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
fieldnames-field = 'control key'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
  fieldnames-field = 'user formula'.
  APPEND fieldnames.
  CLEAR fieldnames.
FORM download TABLES   fieldnames gi_qua USING    pfname.
            filename                = pfname
            filetype                = 'DAT'
            data_tab                = gi_qua
            fieldnames              = fieldnames
            file_open_error         = 1
            file_write_error        = 2
            invalid_filesize        = 3
            invalid_type            = 4
            no_batch                = 5
            unknown_error           = 6
            invalid_table_width     = 7
            gui_refuse_filetransfer = 8
            customer_error          = 9
            OTHERS                  = 10.
  IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    MESSAGE ID sy-msgid TYPE sy-msgty NUMBER sy-msgno
            WITH sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
    MESSAGE i002 WITH pfname .
Message was edited by: siva
        siva prasad

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    Hooray, we found the problem! BOO, we already found the problem elsewhere!
    Sooo, it seems we have some kind of Permission problem, have you Repaired Permissions ad rebooted?
    At this point I think you should get Applejack...
    After installing, reboot holding down CMD+s, then when the DOS like prompt shows, type in...
    applejack AUTO
    Then let it do all 5 of it's things.
    At least it'll eliminate some questions if it doesn't fix it.
    The 5 things it does are...
    Correct any Disk problems.
    Repair Permissions.
    Clear out Cache Files.
    Repair/check several plist files.
    Dump the VM files for a fresh start.
    First reboot will be slower, sometimes 2 or 3 restarts will be required for full benefit... my guess is files relying upon other files relying upon other files!
    Disconnect the USB cable from any UPS so the system doesn't shut down in the middle of the process.
    Or we could maybe go back to that window, click on Printers, remove it? (Thinking perhaps the jobs will go away with the printer!?)
    Or would you like to delve into the hidden folders/files to try to handle this?

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    You can make the price of a variant dependent on the characteristic values assigned (Pricing).You can use
    variant conditions to define surcharges and discounts for a variant
    Variant u2013Pricing steps
    Create condition record
    create a procedure where you enter the reference from the characteristic
    Assign the procedures to either the characteristic values
    configure the material in the sales order
    The net price for the material is displayed
    If a value that triggers a variant condition is selected when configuring a material in a sales order, the price of the material displayed under Net value is automatically increased or reduced.
    In addition, the Conditions pushbutton is displayed.
    On pressing this pushbutton,
    One can see which conditions have
    influenced the price.
    I tried to list you as much detail as possible. Hope that you will be able to resolve your issue

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    Many Thanks,

    918440 wrote:
    Hi friends,
    this question is really practical, I already know there is value from application saved in database, I want to search the whole database to figure out which table the value is contained.write SQL that writes SQL to query every table.
    Handle:     918440
    Status Level:     Newbie
    Registered:     Mar 2, 2012
    Total Posts:     20
    Total Questions:     10 (10 unresolved)
    why do you waste time here when you NEVER get any answer to any question you post?

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    It seems that there is no mapping between ECC and CRM sales area.
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  • I have a value 'JPM'.wants to know the table containing this value.

    My application is throwing error becouse of one of the value (JPM) .
    Can i know which table has this value.
    I cannot use USER_TABB_COLUMNS since i dont know the COLUMN_TYPE.
    i dont know wat kind of field is this.
    the schema is not big and it contains approx. 500 objects.
    Kindly suggest.

    Mysterious. This is why I dislike dynamic SQL: you can't tell whether it's really going to work until you run it. All I can suggest is some debugging. I don't really like to encourgae the use of the Devil's Debugger, but you can change the inner loop to show which column it's about to execute and hence try to figure out what goes wrong when it fails....
      2     n NUMBER;
      3  BEGIN
      4      FOR r IN ( SELECT owner, table_name, column_name
      5                 FROM all_tab_columns
      6                 WHERE  data_type IN ('CHAR', 'VARCHAR2')
      7                 AND   owner = 'A'
      8                 AND    data_length >=3 )
      9      LOOP
    10          dbms_output.put_line(r.owner||'.'||r.table_name||'.'||r.column_name);
    11          EXECUTE IMMEDIATE
    12              'select count(*) from '||r.owner||'.'||r.table_name||
    13              ' where '||r.column_name||' = ''JPM''' INTO n;
    14          IF n != 0 THEN
    15              dbms_output.put_line('FOUND='||r.owner||'.'||r.table_name||'.'||r.column_name);
    16          END IF;
    17      END LOOP;
    18  END;
    19  /
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> Cheers, APC

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    Dear Expert,
    I am getting this message no. CL500 (Status changed: missing values for required chars) when I try to save variant class (Class type 300) assignment to material master (Raw Material) with Released 1 status in CL20N; but I do not get this message during assignment for FERT. I can save a FERT with Released1 status to a variant class without any system message. I am using configurable material in purchasing and this message is not valid in this case. Is there anywhere I can turn off this message for raw material just like FERT?

    Hello Han Keat,
    There are notes for this error message. Can you please check note 1537443 and 1431600 if it is in your system
    Thanks Amber

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    Here is my situation
    I have an access to this db (let me call db A) and when I access it, I get following result. I don’t have full access to this db so I cannot experiment a lot here.
    27-MAR-13 AM +00:00 26-MAR-13 PM -07:00 26-MAR-13 PM +00:00 -07:00
    I’m in PST timezone.
    I have my db which I have full access as well as its host.
    I can make result like db A on my db if I started up db and its listener while TZ environment variable equal to UTC.
    Now I saw in other post that someone was trying to retrieve systimestamp value in a job executed via dbms_scheduler.run_job.
    So I did that in two ways. 1 with use_current_session = true and 2 is false for the same.
    On my db, results are the same (both returns time in UTC) but on db A, I got UTC time when use_current_session = true and PST when use_current_session = false.
    So questions are:
    What could be the difference in setup between my db and db A?
    Is there a query, logfile, or anything I should check to find out what can be the difference?
    Any clue about where to check will be appreciated as well and please let me know if there is some additional information necessary to provide me some help on this.
    I tried to find the cause with my db and I could see the same result as db A which is to see UTC time if use_current_session = true and PST time if use_current_session = false by bringing up the db listener after I set TZ environment variable equal to PST8PDT. However this causes systimestamp from sqlplus session become also a PST time.
    The reason I’m playing around with the setup and checking systimestamp value is because we are facing the situation where everywhere except pl/sql job submitted by enterprise scheduler service is pointing wrong timezone (PST instead of UTC) and I’ve been searching the solution or clue for where to look at.

    Hi Stephen,
    I think your first thought about using a javascript timer, call an APEX application process to get the new value and finally set it in the page 0 item would be the way I would take. :)
    +"Also, the message shown may vary depending on who is logged in, i.e. the user session. More than user is logged-in at the same time."+
    In case you use an application process this shouldn't be any problem.
    Some useful links: [Carl Backstrom's example|]
    [My example application includes similar ways of using js and application processes|]
    Best regards,

  • How to Change Field Status Group pertaining Value in SPRO

    Dear Sir,
    We are required to change the value for "Cost Center" as sppressed against a GL in the Field Status Group .
    We followd following path :
    Run Tcode FS00 , giving GL as 351200 , and on "Create/Bank/Interest" Tab double clicked the "Field Status Group" > Double click on "Additional Account Assignment"> Here against the Cost Center it is marked as Suppressed , but we want it to be marked as "Req Entry" .
    Kindly guide me , how can this value be changed please .
    B V Mittal

    u can do it through obc4.
    go to obc4 select the varient. and than go to G004 cost center field statu varient..
    go to additional account assignments and than change status to the required field.
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    Thanks and Regards,

    RaminHashimzadeh wrote:
    SELECT order_nmb FROM BIN_ITEM WHERE regexp_count(order_nmb,'[0-9]') = 0
    Ramin Hashimzade
    But that won't reject strings like 'gfgG%dgh' which aren't pure alphabetic.
    with test_data as (
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    select 'dfF5ssd' from dual
    select 'rgth*dgheh' from dual
    select 'ggf{' from dual
    select 'rwhrhrh' from dual
    select  *
    from test_data
    where regexp_instr(str,'[^[:alpha:]]')=0;

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