Every File I export in AE has a blue/purple saturation overlay on it????

I just started using AE and only for twixtor, i thought my problem was in the twitor exporting that my kayak (in the video shot) turned purple after the render (originally red) amonst other colour distortions.  I literally dragged the .mov / .mp4 /.MTS (i tried them all) right into the timeline and hit Export.  Still has the weird saturation problem.  I have AE CS4 with a Vista operating system, my computer knowledge is below average and would love to get this problem sorted out.

First, make sure that AE is uptodate by running the updater.
Then try this. Open After Effects. Import a video clip. Drag the video clip to the new composition icon at the bottom of the Project Panel. I don't remember if you can drag footage into an empty timeline and create a comp in CS4.
Now add the comp to the render cue and render a test.
If this still doesn't work let us know.
Transcodeing is the process of rendering footage to a production codec. You would use Premiere Pro, another NLE, or even QuickTime Pro to do this. Now you've got a video that has every frame as a unique set of pixels instead of a real frame and then a group of frames that are mathematically calculated from the real frames before and after the group. That's how mpeg compression works. A few real frames, a bunch of frames made up of guestimated data.

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    You may need to register your camera with the the launch service database again, see this post by Alan Roseman: Re: Aperture 3 preview of raw file greenish
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    Please hand type your posts directly into the browser window.  Copy/Paste leaves unwanted code throughout.
    span style="color: #ffffff; font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; background-color: #000000;"

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    What problem?
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    (Sent from my magic glass.) 

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    Hi christinek,
    Can you please tell me how the PDF that you're converting was created? Sometimes, PDF files created by third-party PDF generators (that is non-Adobe applications), don't contain all the tags and file information necessary to ensure a proper conversion to Excel. There are no settings that you can change in ExportPDF to adjust how the file is imported.
    You can tell how the PDF was created by choosing File > Properties in Reader and looking for the PDF Producer on the Description tab. If the PDF was created by a third-party, it just may not be written to spec. Please see Support Policy for PDF Files created by non Adobe applications.

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    Hi All ~ Thanks in advance for your help! 
    I have been on a support chat with Adobe for 2 hours now and they can't figure this out but hopefully one of you can! 
    I exported my files as a LightRoom Catalog
    I zipped the catalog and the smart previews together
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         Camera Raw 7.1 and later (I tried them all just to see - and they all rendered the same result)
         Embed Fast Load Data (checked on)
         Embed Original Raw File (check on)
    I checked the Pixel dimensions on my exported photos and they are smaller
    The original pixel dimensions are:
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    Any help greatly appreciated, thanks!!

    Peter, ID is patched to version 8.0.2 & I followed the steps to replace my preference (and confirmed they were deleted) and I'm still having the same issue of ID crashing whenever I export an interactive PDF.
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    These rules determine which types of audio get conformed:
    Uncompressed audio
    Adobe Premiere Pro does not conform audio in uncompressed clips that were recorded in one of the natively supported sample rates, when you use these clips in sequences with matching sample rates.
    Adobe Premiere Pro does conform audio in uncompressed clips when you use them in sequences with non-matching sample rates. However no conforming is done until you export the sequences or create audio preview files.
    Adobe Premiere Pro does conform audio in uncompressed formats that were not recorded in a natively supported sample rate. In most of these cases, it will upsample the audio either to the nearest supported sample rate, or to a supported sample rate that is an even multiple of the source audio sample rate. For example, it will upsample an 11024Hz source to 11025Hz, since that is the nearest supported rate, and there is no supported rate that is an even multiple of 11024.
    Compressed audio
    Adobe Premiere Pro does conform all compressed audio, such as audio found in mp3, WMA, MPEG, or compressed MOV files. It conforms this audio at the sample rate of its source file. For example it will conform a 44100Hz mp3 file at 44100Hz. However, if the conformed audio is used in a sequence with a non-matching sampling rate, as when a 44100Hz clip is used in a 44000Hz sequence, the audio will play back at the sample rate of the sequence without further conforming.

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    thanks in advance for your help!

    Hi Tom,
    I've returned to this project, and I'm still having similar problems - once I've tried to export a sequence, many (but definitely not all) of the renders are lost on export, or if the export was cancelled.
    I've been careful to ensure that every option is enabled for the "Render All", and we've reloaded the FCS 3 software, but we're still editing from the same original projects (one project per artist for a batch of artists that we're making DVDs for).
    I'd love to hear any more ideas or suggestions.

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    You're going to need to be more specific, as I'm not quite sure I understand what you're talking about.
    If you're referring to copying from an external hard drive or flash drive, and you want to actually move files rather than copy them, you can hold down the option key to force it to do a "move" rather than a "copy." This is not new behavior, though... the Mac OS has worked this way as long as I can recall (and I've been using it since 1984).
    If you're having a problem with trying to move files from one place to another on a single drive causing them to be copied instead, that is likely because of some permissions issue preventing you from actually being able to move them.

  • How do I get a refund on Export PDF that has ALREADY been agreed

    On 1/21-1/22 I tried to 'renew' a subscription for Export PDF. By some error (maybe mine - I just dont understand the whole thing) my Bank was immediately charged for two subscriptions, each at a different price. I immediately "chat"ted with several  reps (it was difficult to get onto the chat and find out how to cancel) and was assured that both would be cancelled and refunded. They weren't!
    I waited a week. Was again frustrated by the chat hookup, and tried the 'cloud' retail product tel #, assuming it was wrong but that I could be switched to the correct one. Had a very pleasant chat, was assured that both would be cancelled and refunded, received 2 e-mails confirming the cancellations, each with a seperate "Case #". Felt pretty good! It had only taken me a week of reasonably diligent effort to get a very simple thing done! IT WASN"T DONE! (Yes, I apologize - I know I'm loud - but by now I've got steam coming out of my ears!)
    Today I got an e-mail, telling me that the refund had been processed and the case # would be closed. I looked at my bank, and only one had been refunded! I reviewed all the other e-mails and the notes from the telephone calls and chats to be sure I hadn't misunderstood something. But, no I hadn't. I went to my Adobe on-line and looked up 'my orders' history. Sure enough one had been invoiced and refunded ( the lesser charge of the two) but the other had ONLY BEEN INVOICED - NOT CANCELLED. And it seems that every piece of this transaction generates a new "order" , "case" or some other "reference #" - none of which are tied together, except by the invoice amount, when it is mentioned - which it typically IS NOT.
    My question, then, is : How can I get past this absolute frustration over every aspect of my interaction with Adobe and GET THIS TAKEN CARE OF?????????

    Hi Stacy,
        What frustration? (Just kidding !)
        As I mentioned, one of the two charges has been  refunded. Credited by
    Adobe on Jan 28, I believe I received it in my bank on Jan  30.
        The other charge, $25.37 of order # AD011017507,  has not been received
    by my bank yet. But this can't be that much of a surprise,  and has nothing
    to do with "10 business days" for refunds to post.
        To this minute, "My Orders" on Adobe website shows  that the order #
    AD011017507  was invoiced on January 22, but that no  credit invoice has been
    posted against this order to this moment!
        Can you begin to understand the frustration of  being unable, through
    all attempts to untangle this mess, starting within  one hour of the original
    order, with I believe nine different "Chats",  telephone calls and, finally
    a "problem" posting,  stretching over more  than thirteen days. Of course
    it doesn't make much sense to devote this much  attention to less than $50
    worth of stuff, but I do not let things like this  dangle.
        And can you imagine how loathe I am to deal with  Adobe for fear of
    some real problem?
        At any rate, I would certainly be pleased if you  can suggest a way for
    me to extricate myself from this. Any help would be  GREATLY appreciated!
        Thanks for your time and any trouble,
        Stephen Ellis
        <removed by admin>
    In a message dated 2/3/2014 4:08:59 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
    Re:  How do I get a refund on Export PDF that has ALREADY been agreed 
    created by StacySison (http://forums.adobe.com/people/StacySison)  in 
    Adobe ExportPDF - View the full  discussion

  • I have acrobat standard and it will not allow me to edit.. every file i go to open it says "there is a active file open and must close in acrobat" other times it says account cannot be validated after I have already paid for it.. please advise

    i have acrobat standard and it will not allow me to edit.. every file i go to open it says "there is a active file open and must close in acrobat" other times it says account cannot be validated after I have already paid for it.. please advise

    Hi Timothy,
    The account cannot be validated error was due to a glitch on our activation server that has been fixed now.
    Please try using acrobat now and check if you are still facing the problem.

  • How can I remove my name from being associated with the GB file I export?

    I am using Garage Band '11, 6.0.5.
    I am editing an audio recording for a friend.
    When I exported the edited recording, it had my name associated with the file as the artist, album, etc.
    I searched and found "My info" (in "Preferences") and deleted my information from ALL name, album, artist fields, but it still exported the file with my name as the artist (but it did not list it as from my album this time)?
    Does anyone know how/where/what I need to do to remove all references of my name associated with this file I'm editing?
    And also, can I change who is associated with a GB file, from file to file (i.e. if editing my audio, use my name & info, if editing for a friend or colleague, theirs?  or is the name associated with my GB account universally embedded into every file, no matter if I want it to be mine or not)?
    Thank you for your support!

    When I exported the edited recording, it had my name associated with the file as the artist, album, etc.
    The problem is, that this information is stored with the GarageBand project, when you first create the project.  You have to edit the Preferences, before you create the project.
    If the project already exists, you can change this option by turning the project into a podcast. Add a Podcast track (Track menu, Show Podcast Track), select the podcast track, and open the Info panel. Then edit the artist field in the Info panel, before you save the song to disk.
    (added: I saw the workaround with the Podcast track first in a post by Edgar).

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