Exporting as Interactive PDFs

When I try to export my document as an Interactive PDF, a window comes up that says "cannot open the file. Adobe InDesign may not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file format may be missing, or the file may be open in another application." I am not sure where to go from here, as it seems I have done everything right so far. Any help would be great! Thank you.

Whoops, I should've been more specific I am not trying to open a file on InDesign. I created an Interactive PDF on InDesign and am now trying to export it so that I can share it with my teacher. The intent is set for web. When I try to export as an Interactive PDF, it will not let me. I get this message when I try- "cannot open the file. Adobe InDesign may not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file format may be missing, or the file may be open in another application." This could be because I have it set to "Preview after saving". It saves the document but when I try to open the document on my computer to preview it, it won't work.

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    I am using InDesign CS6 on Windows 7 professional.
    I have restarted the computer several times. CS6 is all up to date.
    I have experimented on several existing documents as well as brand new documents. It makes no difference.
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    Files crash no matter what the content, I've tried new doc with only a yellow circle. I've tried new doc using only system fonts.
    I've never used interactive PDFs before today, so I have no idea if this is a recent problem or not.
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    Peter, ID is patched to version 8.0.2 & I followed the steps to replace my preference (and confirmed they were deleted) and I'm still having the same issue of ID crashing whenever I export an interactive PDF.
    I've tested it on all four of our computers here, and it does it to everyone--so I'm guessing it's something system-wide on our part. I am going to trying uninstalling some plugins that we all have and report back later.

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  • CS6: Exporting to Interactive PDF Freezes

    Hi guys, I'm relatively new with InDesign and currently I'm having a problem with exporting to interactive pdf. My version is CS6 8.0.1
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    The picture here shows page  28-29 (top) and 30-31 (bottom). Each of these are linked AI files. These AI files have linked jpegs or psd files in them, with types and basic vector objects.
    Then I tried exporting to interactive pdf -->
    however, InDesign keeps freezing around these page ranges:
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    And now I can export to interactive PDF successfully. I opened up the pdf with Acrobat Reader and everything seems normal.
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    - I use iMac 10.8.5 3.4 GHz Intel Core i7 16 GB
    I can continue working for now since I've successfully exported a copy for my client, but it bounds to happen again. Any advice is appreciated, thank you!

    Hi Ankit, thank you for your reply.
    I've managed to update InDesign to 10.8.5 from 10.8.1
    I downloaded the newest version of AAM, and after installing it, the updates under help menu in InDesign finally notified me that there were updates to be made.
    Back on exporting to interactive pdf issue, still doesn't solve the problem.
    If I export the whole document it keeps freezing; however, if I split by exporting page 28-31 (pages where it usually get stuck) by itself, then exporting the rest without page 28-31, then it works. I can get around it so it's not a big problem anymore, but I'd like to get answers to why InDesign would behave this way. Was the overall file too big so it froze? Would be nice if in the future I don't run into a similar problem - it takes time for me to export different sections of the book to avoid the program freezing, then it takes more time for me to merge two pdfs into one.
    Here's what I've done so far:
    - clear InDesign preferences
    - disable Extensis plug-in
    - migrate the pages to a new document
    - update to newest InDesign version
    - save as IDML then re-export
    - package, then re-export
    - first-aid on disk utility on my OSX (no problem found)
    - delete all unused styles
    - change all the embedded .ai files to .pdf (not editable)
    If someone else has any idea, please advice. Thank you

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    Correct! Good solution!
    But you missed a couple steps in your directions:
    (1) Make a rectangle filled with Paper color.
    (2) Make a circle filled with None (this will be the mask for the movie).
    (3) Move the circle over the rectangle. Select both and choose Object > Path > Make Compound Path. This creates a paper-color rectangle with a hole.
    (4) Position the rectangle-with-hole object over the movie to position the mask.
    (5) Use the Buttons and Forms panel to make that object into a button. Give it an action of playing the movie.
    (6) Choose File > Export > PDF (Interactive).
    It works because the button (which has interactivity) is atop another object which has interactivity (the movie).

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    The Go to page button is not supported in PDF. The button appearance will be preserved, but its interactivity will dropped.
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    Although the Go to Page action is not supported for PDF, you can simulate the same action by first creating New Hyperlink Destinations > Page(s). Then select the “Go to Destination” action, and select the Destination > Page #

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    Will it work if I deactivate and reactive? will that work by any chance?
    Its really frustrating.

    Please upload the crash report to http://pastebin.com and post a link here.
    I saw the "Replace, or "trash" your InDesign preferences" thread but am confused as to what I need to delete vs. rename or move.
    It's teh same as the vulcan nerve pinch you tried -- I assume InDesign prompted you to delete preferences and you said OK.
    What happens if you create a new document and Pages (panel) > Move Pages pages 1-83 to the new document, and then recreate 84 and 85 by hand? Does it work? Presumably this is document corruption of some sort.

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    I am using cs5.5 indesign. I am creating an interactive document with simple buttons to move from page to page.
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    Let me give you an example:
    1. I either create my own shape or use one of the sample buttons provided.
    2. I place text over the button along the lines of (click here to proceed)
    3. I convert to a button (if needs) sometimes i use sample buttons so that doesnt need
    4. I add a function (+ to next page)
    5. I set a rolloover state and normal state
    6. I preview it, it works fine
    7. I export to interactive pdf.
    8. The button is invisible!!!!!!!!
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    Please help if possible, I just want to have a simple next page button!!!!!!
    Thanks so much

    Hi there,
    Still trying to fix this problem, does anybody have even a small hint please?
    Everything seems fine, i convert to pdf and the buttons just vanish.....you can still click on the space where they were and it performs the function, just that the image or graphic that has been converted into the button is completely invisible.
    I know it seems a small thing, but I can't send my presentations out without it.
    Any help would be much appreciated, thankyou

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         I have a PC, Windows 7, InDesign CS6, and Acrobat 10.1.6.
         I am really in a panic here since I have to get the PDF to the publisher and am stuck...

    Yes, the "Export to interactive PDF" pops up without my asking for it, and when I "Cancel," the whole process cancels.
      I tried PRINT BOOK and then PDF, but I could not choose the presets that way.
         Oooh, I got it. I missed the little open  at the bottom of the SAVE dialogue box. It must have defaulted to that after the latest Acrobat update. Sorry for the stupidity.

  • HELP! CS5.5 Crashes When Exporting as Interactive PDF

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    I have already tried resetting the preferences (via the Cmd + Ctrl + Opt + Shift (Mac) method) but to no avail. The document crashed again.
    I have also tried saving it as an .idml file and resaving as an .indd file but still, the crash.
    Then recently, I received this error message for the very first time: "Adobe InDesign is shutting down. A serious error was detected. Please restart InDesign to recover work in any unsaved InDesign documents."
    I saw the "Replace, or "trash" your InDesign preferences" thread but am confused as to what I need to delete vs. rename or move.
    I'm using Mac OSX 10.6.8 and running InDesign CS5.5

    Please upload the crash report to http://pastebin.com and post a link here.
    I saw the "Replace, or "trash" your InDesign preferences" thread but am confused as to what I need to delete vs. rename or move.
    It's teh same as the vulcan nerve pinch you tried -- I assume InDesign prompted you to delete preferences and you said OK.
    What happens if you create a new document and Pages (panel) > Move Pages pages 1-83 to the new document, and then recreate 84 and 85 by hand? Does it work? Presumably this is document corruption of some sort.

  • SWF files in InDesign for export as Interactive PDF

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    What version of InDesign? Is it fully patched?
    There was a bug in the initial release of CS5 that caused this type of behavior but it was fixed in a dot release.

  • InDesign CS6 and CS5.5 Export to Interactive PDF

    Hi Guys,
    I am having this huge problem when I tried to export 124 pages including links, buttons (show/hide) and video (mp4) to interactive PDF. However when I tried to use CS5.5 to export, it stops at page 98 and prompts an error that say cannot be exported. In CS6, it managed to pass the page 98 but hangs at page 123 till I got to force quit it.
    I am able to export in pieces but not as a whole and I believe that it could be a memory or ram issue which is beyond my control.
    This is the first time I have encountered this issue. Anyone have solutions for this?
    Mark Plunkett

    I manage to combine them in Acrobat X and the links worked, I was happy but for a while. When I tried to save the combined PDF, same thing happened, it just keeps optimizing running at 100.3% of the resources. What I have noticed using my Activity Monitor in Mac is that InDesign renders it using 1GB or Ram while Acrobat only uses 380MB of Ram when I have 8GB of ram available in my Mac. More the reason why InDesign should have gone into 64-bit in CS6, but was dissapointed it did not.
    I found the cause of the rendering issue, it is not so much about the vector or image size (it does play a part though), it is because I was using too much Show / Hide functions in the Buttons Panel. There seem to be a limit to how much you can use and on how many pages you can have them. I was doing a "Drop down menu" in the PDF with this particular function, each page have about 40 Show/Hide buttons, and there is a total of 124 pages. That is what caused it not to export out successfully, when I removed the buttons, it worked after waiting for 40 minutes of exporting the file, not very happy it took so long, however it got exported.
    I think that both Acrobat and InDesign developers should start looking into able to use Scratch Disk or let the users optimize more Ram to the usage of the software.
    Forgot to mention that this only worked in CS6, not even close in CS5.5

  • Video disappears when exporting to Interactive pdf

    I have just started using InDesign yesterday and am trying to put together an interactive pdf. It is essentially a pdf catalogue with several clients on it. I have carried out all the hyperlinking, but now I want to embed a video into the pdf. I do so by importing a video file and configuring it with the interactive media box. Every time I export he pdf however, the video is completely missing.
    I have tried to convert it with Media Encoder to flash, mp4, avi, h.264 etc. I'm not really sure how I can fix it so that it remains an interactive element in a pdf. I have been playing around with the Adobe pdf presets and still nothing.
    Could somebody please help me? Complete noob here

    You mentioned you have played with PDF presets? Are you sure you have exported Interactive PDF not Adobe PDF (Print)? Those are two different formats in InDesign´s Export File format list... videos are not supported in PDF for print format. And PDF presets works only with PDF for Print, not with Interactive PDF format.
    If you are using proper Interactive PDF format, make sure you have checked (Forms and) Media;  Include All option in export window.

  • How to export an interactive pdf from InDesign at a smaller file size.

    I have a single page InDesign doc with a side navigation panel to the right of each page. This panel has interactive buttons created in InDesign.
    When I export as an interactive pdf, the file size is over 27MB and I need it to be much lower.
    I should mention that this doc was made from an original PRINT InDesign doc of facing pages, which was about 55MB.
    When making it single pages for the interactive doc, the InDesign file size increased to 105MB.
    Can anyone explain this and have any useful tips for saving the pdf down WITH interactivity working?
    Many thanks.

    Okay - With the 15MB pdf, when I go into the PDF Optimizer dialog box, it's telling me that the Fonts are using 40% and the Acrobat Forms are using 29%.
    Anyone know of a way I can reduce either of these???
    Many thanks in advance!

  • Export to interactive PDF with video

    i tried many times to create a simple white document with just a place of "flv" video in the middle.
    I set up the PDF export to interactive...but when i open the PDF i can't reproduce the video, just see the preview image.
    If i export to SWF it works.
    how can i export the content to a PDF and include the video in the pdf ??
    thank you

    Thank you for quick reply.
    unfortunatly it's not that problem.
    i noticed that the PDF file created is just 27 kb!! the video is like 100 Mbytes...so it seems that i haven't included it in the pdf files.
    when i configure the PDF preset in the "Include" frame i have just one choice:
    Interactive elements: "Include Appearance"
    i see that in the tutorial for export they all have a checkbox with "x Interactive documents" then "Embeed all".
    why i haven't this option? maybe cause of this i can't view and include video in pdf?

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    When I export a file to interactive pdf or another swf file it does not show the flipped version of the flash file imported in it.It shows the original unflipped version!!!.. what should i do???

    from the Premiere Pro Help section about importing SWF files:
    " Interactive content and scripted animation are not retained. Animation defined by keyframes in the main, top-level movie is retained."

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