Exposure change in upload?

I have no presets marked to run(that I know of), and my raw images look great, but the first time I look at them individually, they change a full stop brighter... What is going on!  I correctly expose each image and am having to overhaul them in LR.  Please help!

There may be a camera setting like a light optimiser etc that Lightroom isn't able to access, but I'm not familiar enough with the D300s to say. You could also have a default setting through the 'Set Default..' option that becomes available when you hold down the Alt/Option key in Develop-this turns the Reset button at the bottom of the right panel into the Set Default button. You can restore the original defaults from there.

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    Before import:
    After import:

    Bit of advice, NEVER rely on your LCD for decisions, the variables in lighting that effect the way your LCD displays an image are enourmous.
    Learn to use and rely on your cameras histogram, you will find that this does match closely to Aperture.
    If you really want to get super accurate try the following
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    Thanks for the follow up replies.
    Your Edit Menu/Project Settings/General readings suggest that you or the project have not set the correct project preset for the project. If the Canon is the major source of your Timeline content, then the project should not be 1080i (the project's default). It should be
    DSLR [email protected]
    You are going to have to go to a new project to correct that situation. You cannot change the project preset in 13/13.1 once the project preset has been established.
    If the project (automatically) is not giving you the correct project preset, then you need to set it yourself (manually) before you import the source media.
    File Menu/New/Project and Change Settings
    In Change Settings, set for the project preset mentioned above. OK out of there.
    In the New Project dialog that appears, rename the project and make sure there is a check mark next to "Force Selected Project Setting on This Project". OK out of there.
    Then in the workspace, import your source media with Add Media/
    Another factor is the custom made intro that I created in Aurora3d Title Animation. What are its properties and how do they compare with those of the Canon's 1080p29.97. If you remove the Title Animation from the Timeline, do the problems disappear even with the DSLR project preset pointed to?
    Please review and consider.
    Thank you.

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    the .xmp files are only generated if the file you are working on doesn't support metadata but JPG files support it so the information is written inside them. If you want to "flatten" the file so that the pixel information gets changed then you will have to resave the files which isn't something that you should do very often with JPG files (preferably only once).
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    So after searching for a while, I ended up manually adjusting over 1000 photo's, tweaking the exposure and eyeballing the histogram to be consistent (as 'Match total Exposures' didn't work in this manual mode instance). The result is 10x better, BUT I would love to be able to automate this process somehow as it would save me hours upon hours... any ideas? Any simpler ways?
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    Codebreaker3 wrote:
    I'm not sure that you will get good results if you try to normalise the exposure when dealing with large changes in luminance e.g. clouds moving in because that's the way the scene is at that time.
    I understand what you mean, but in my case adjusting the overall exposures to be roughly the same made a huge difference and made the overall timelapse much better... 'smoother', less flickery to watch... it was probably because this time lapse was taken in an indoor stadium so the overall environment wasn't changing like it would in a cloud or nature timelapse. The problem was just that the overall stadium exposure would change according to the weather/clouds outside the stadium. I haven't heard of the Granite Bay Software so thanks for that link... I have tried LRTimelapse and it has a great feature to reduce the exposure changes for long term timelapses, but it also involves removing the images which have extreme exposure changes which is not what I wanted in this instance, I needed every image to remain in the timelapse. I think the manual method unfortunately is the best bet for this sceneriao, but I really appreciate all the ideas and suggestions!

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    Sorry, Apple has no approved method to downgrade the version of iOS on your iDevice. You can voice your displeasure with the iOS by leaving feedback at the appropriate subsection from the link below.

  • Can the case be changed while uploading the data or after uploading ????

    hi all ,
    can u pls help me ???  can the case of the data in a itab be changed while running the program? the data is uploaded to an internal table and then based on loop at that itab the conditions will evaluate to give the result.... but the problem is like wen the data is given in small letters the worste(last)  condition is executing even the data satisfies the condtion which is not supposed to happen. this is due to case sensitive problem ...can u pls help me ....can the case be changed while uploading the data r after uploading ????

    this is the itab declaration ..
    data: begin of it_input occurs 0 ,
           tra          like tstc-tcode,
         end of it_input.
    and then from the uploaded data the prog should check wheather it is having any userexits or not ...
    here comes the code...
    sort it_input by tra.
    delete adjacent duplicates from it_input  .
    loop at it_input.
               it_itab-sno = sy-tabix.
      select single * from tstc where tcode eq it_input-tra.
    if sy-subrc eq 0.
        select single devclass from tadir into v_devclass
                 where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                        and object = 'PROG'
                        and obj_name = tstc-pgmna.
             if sy-subrc ne 0.
             select single * from trdir where name = tstc-pgmna.
             if trdir-subc eq 'F'.
                select single * from tfdir where pname = tstc-pgmna.
                select single * from enlfdir where funcname =
                select single * from tadir where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                                   and object = 'FUGR'
                                   and obj_name eq enlfdir-area.
             move : tadir-devclass to v_devclass.
           select * from tadir into table jtab
                         where pgmid = 'R3TR'
                           and object = 'SMOD'
                           and devclass = v_devclass.
           if sy-subrc = 0.
            select single * from tstct where sprsl eq sy-langu and
                                            tcode eq it_input-tra.
                      if not jtab[] is initial.
               loop at jtab.
                    select single modtext from modsapt  into str
                         where sprsl = sy-langu and
                                name = jtab-obj_name.
                    it_itab-tra        = it_input-tra.
                    it_itab-i_obj_name = jtab-obj_name.
                    it_itab-i_modtext = str.
                    append it_itab.
                    str = ''.
                    it_itab-tra        = it_input-tra .
                    it_itab-i_obj_name = ' '.
                    it_itab-i_modtext = 'No user Exit exists'.
                     append it_itab.
                    it_itab-tra        = it_input-tra .
                    it_itab-i_obj_name = ' '.
                    it_itab-i_modtext = 'Transaction Code Does Not Exist'.
                     append it_itab.

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    In my application I change exposure property programmatically. Unfortunately, it takes abnormally long time until the new exposure takes effect. Ater exposure change, the application obtains from 4 to 8 frames with old exposure, and only then a jump to new exposure occurs.
    With other cameras (Genius, ASUS) the exposure changes immediately: the first frame after the change comes with new exposure.
    Is that delay normal in Creative camera? Is it a way to reduce the delay?

    I'm building application with Creative WebCam Notebook Ultra using DirectShow.
    In my application I change exposure property programmatically. Unfortunately, it takes abnormally long time until the new exposure takes effect. Ater exposure change, the application obtains from 4 to 8 frames with old exposure, and only then a jump to new exposure occurs.
    With other cameras (Genius, ASUS) the exposure changes immediately: the first frame after the change comes with new exposure.
    Is that delay normal in Creative camera? Is it a way to reduce the delay?

  • Any way to batch gradual exposure change?

    I make time lapses and there is a very common frustration where flicker is created by small exposure changes due to the aperture blades not falling in the same position or when using an auto mode where exposure changes and the camera changes exposure values.  To problem is worsened when doing a time lapse during sunset/sunrise when one expects the exposure to change drastically but needs to compensate in order to get the entire scene.
    I've experimented with using Lightroom's "Match Total Exposures" feature which is great at adjusting the exposure to even out the discrepancies between changing exposure values.  But this doesn't take into account the exposure of the scene is expected to change.  So when doing this for a sunset, as I increase the shutter speed to account for the setting sun, Match Total Exposures adds negative EV because it recognizes the longer shutter speed would be over exposing the selected "correct" photograph.
    I would very much like to find a way to use the Match Total Exposures feature to first even out the exposure changes from the changing parameters, and then apply a batch gradual exposure change to the series so that it will know to allow for these changing lighting conditions.
    Lightroom is great for adjusting individual photos or for a series under the same lighting conditions using (sync settings and match total exposures) but with changing lighting conditions is would be great to have the ability to gradually adjust values, not just exposure but other tone values.

    You can probably fairly easily modify the script here.

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    I am having a problem with a swf file that we are using for a
    splash page for a bands website. It is a simple page with some
    audio and two links. The problem I'm having is the font and the
    sizing of things changed after they were uploaded to the server. I
    tested the file with two different browsers before e-mailing it to
    the production company, and everthing worked fine. Any help would
    be greatly appreciated!

    This is a very common problem and very easy to fix.
    The problem is that the font your using is not available on
    the machine(s) being used to view the webpage.
    To get round this problem all you have to do is select the
    items in the Flash IDE individually and select Embed
    Choose Uppercase. Lowercase, Numerals and any special
    characters you need.
    Republish and hey-presto Browser content correctly

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    If you are using iWeb '08 as stated, you will be publishing to a local folder and uploading using an FTP application...
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    See this page for more info about publishing...

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    wat should be the TYPE of  file name and File type ????????  with the respect to changes ....
    thanks . in advance..

    Check out this thread to find the answer

  • Color and quality of photo changes once uploaded to online printing galleries (like Shutterfly).

    The photos are RGB. Shutterfly can't figure out why and says there must be some error in the file when it is saved. Does anyone have a reason and/or solution? The portion of the photo on the left is edited, the one on the right is how the image looks once uploaded. It happens to every single photo.
    I saved for web and uploaded again and the color looks a little better, but still not right. The one on the right is the correct original:
    If photo looks blurry please click on it- not sure what is going on with that either!

    The way I work is as follows (my screens are colour hardware calibrated):
    - create the image
    - convert the image with the sRGB IEC61966-2.1 colour profile, set to perceptual rendering
    - export to web with sRGB profile embedded (optional)
    The last step makes no difference in colour when you view the final results (with or without embedded colour profile) in either IE or Opera: they are identical. In FF and Chrome it does affect the colour quality, with the embedded profile version more correct looking.
    And I would argue AGAINST turning on that option in Firefox, because you are isolating yourself from the rest of the world: at least then you will be aware of the slight colour change, while with the option turned on you cannot know.
    I tend to disagree with this workflow - it means pretty much no-one except you will be able to see the image as intended, because no-one is going to activate that option in Firefox. And what about other browsers?
    Of course you have no control over how everybody else's systems are set up, but that's not your problem, it's theirs.
    Disagree. While you cannot control the setup of others, I am of the opinion we should try our best to provide the best quality, and therefore we should be aware of these issues while we work with and preview our imagery on the web. It feels to me as if this is an ostrich approach: hiding your head in the sand, and hoping the problem goes away.
    To learn more about how specific browsers deal with color profiles and untagged images, check out:
    As for ShutterFly: I just did some testing of my own, and it seems Shutterfly does not care one bit whether a jpg has an embedded sRGB profile or not. I uploaded both versions of mine (embedded and no sRGB profile), and checked the generated thumbnails with this:
    Jeffrey's Exif viewer
    It tells me the processed thumbnails have no profile embedded, so it becomes a crap shoot what the output (printed) quality will be like - you cannot trust the colours in their thumbnails/previews in a browser, because the OS and the browser will have to handle those untagged images.
    It seems the best you can hope for with ShutterFly is to upload your images after you converted them with the sRGB profile in your image editor (Photoshop, Photoline, etc) and exporting the JPGs with an embedded sRGB profile.

  • App for PC to allow download of a Pages File, make changes and upload again

    Is there an app I can purchase for my PC to allow me to download a Numbers file from iCloud and work on it in Pages, so I can make changes to it and re-upload it to iCloud?  I do realize that one can down a Numbers file into Excel or PDF on a PC, however it does not allow upload of a new file into the Cloud after changes are made to that downloaded document.
    Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    couldn't you export from Pages ans MSWord, modify on PC, then open again in Pages?

  • NEF files only allow for exposure changes in CS2

    When I open a NEF file (this happened with both D50 and D200 cameras) they only open a small raw box that allows me to change just exposure.
    When I had a Canon 20D the raw files would open a big box where I could change EVERYTHING and included a preview screen, but I just dont have this for my Nikon files.
    Any ideas?

    To expand on Jeff's message, the Nikon PS plug-in is installed automatically when you install Nikon software. To get ACR, you need to remove or disable (rename, changing the extension) the Nikon plug-in and properly install Adobe Camera Raw, per the installations on the ACR download page.

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