Extending Duration of a Clip

I'm using .mov clip in a segment of a sequence that requires a 20 second duration. Since the clip is only 12 seconds in duration, is there a way to seamlessly loop the clip so that it appears to be one 20 second long clip instead of 12 seconds?
I tried:
1. Making a copy and putting them side-by-side, but I get a black frame break between them;
2. Adding a cross fade, but that breaks the continuity of the clip;
3. Overlapping two copies: this worked fine EXCEPT for a one-frame-or-so 'jiggle'.
Any other ideas for doing this?
(P.S. Can't reshoot since this is stock footage.)

Great QT tip!
And ... I still have a very slight jitter at the edit point; 'good enough for gov't work' as they say, but I prefer a more efficient gov't ... is there a way to fix this jitter, or is this something I have to live with?
Also, I tried to add a crossfade between the clips (as someone else suggested) and trimmed the tail of the 1st clip and the head of the 2nd clip by 15 frames from each. Got the same slight jitter as when I did the cut and paste in QT.

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    If you look at the bottom right of the viewer you'll see a display in a eliptical box with the length in frames of the template (probably 300). Click and drag to the right to increase this number. If you want to significantly increase it, hold the SHIFT key down when you drag and the value will increase much faster. Or if you know how much you want to increase it, you can click in the box and type in a number.
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    Select:  Block pop-up windows
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    In the timeline select the clip whose duration you want to change. Click the adjust button at the top of the viewer and then click the i button and you can set the duration. For multiple clips select them all and in the i button type in the duration you want and it will be applied to all the selected clips. You can also change the duration of a clip in the timeline by putting the cursor over the beginning or end of a clip and dragging. A popup will show the new duration.

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    Please review the following that I excerpted from an older post here regarding Adobe's PRE_help comments about Hollywood Effect and mention of
    Red Noir. Does any of the following apply to any of what is happening to you.
    - Whenever I try to add an effect from the Hollywood Looks menu, it brings up a warning that all my previous effects on that clip will be deleted. However it will let me add those same effects *after* applying Hollywood Looks.
    This is because of how the Hollywood Looks are designed to be used. Since these are effect presets (multiple effects in combination) that result in a specific "look"; they are best applied in isolation. If any previous effect is applied and we still allow a Hollywood effect to be applied, we will not be able to see what the effect does clearly. For e.g. if you already have a Gaussian Blur effect applied to your clip, and then we allow you to apply the "Red Noir" Hollywood effect, the fact that the "Reds" in the scenes will be highlighted and the others converted to B/W will not be clearly seen since the content is already blurred out. So any previously applied effects was designed to be removed. This holds good even if you apply a Hollywood look "on top of" another one. The previous one will be replaced. Having said that, you can customize the look further by either tweaking an already applied filter or by adding a newer effect on top. That is the reason you can apply an effect on top of the Hollywood Effects and not vice versa.
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    If that doesn't work you may be able to play it uninterrupted with this freeware viewer:VLC

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