Failed to setup dm-crypt

Hi, I've recently (within the last hour or so) updated my system and rebooted, only to find that my system cannot decrypt one of my partitions. cryptsetup comes back at me with:
Failed to setup dm-crypt key mapping for device /dev/md3.
Check that kernel supports serpent-xts-essiv:tgr192 cipher (check syslog for more info).
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be anything in the syslog. The kernel has loaded the serpent_generic, serpent_sse2_x86_64, xts, and tgr192 modules.
Is it likely that I've missed something during the update? A missing kernel module or something changed in cryptsetup?
Thanks … Guidelines
Not a Sysadmin issue, moving to NC...

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    Message was edited by: herveyw

    I've managed to get Samba, running as PDC, into a broken state on 10.6.4.
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    Message was edited by: herveyw


    제품 : SQL*NET
    작성날짜 : 1997-11-20
    OPS에서 여러 node를 사용 중 한 시스템이 fail이 생길 경우 사용자의
    application 수정없이 fail-over 시스템으로 접속하는 방법입니다.
    제약 조건 > SQL*NET V2. for windows 95
    SQL*NET V2. for windows
    상기의 Version 이상 이라야 하며 위의 경우 tnsnames.ora 화일의
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    (host=<server 2>)

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    USERNAME - [email protected] 
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    Any ideas how to get past this? Any chance I can restore a backup when the phone is in this state?
    Believe me when I say any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated!!
    Post relates to: HP TouchPad (WiFi)
    Post relates to: HP TouchPad (WiFi)

    Just fixed my veer issues.
    first, the apn should be WAP.cingular not wap.cingular, which is the (incorrect) preset apn.  make sure your WAP in capitalized.
    second, make sure you contact At&t and have them update the IMEI number associated with the sim card.  the number can be found by sliding up the veer and looking on the back, mirrored section.  it's small, but it's there.
    those 2 things solved my issues.  best of luck to you.

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    I see that you are using 9.0.2, but is it the base version ( or the SU1 (
    9.0.2 base is not compatbile with the CUCM 10 and 9.0.2 SU1 is compatible provided the following:
    3.Install ES03 or later version on Unified CCX 902SU1 to work with Unified Communications Manager 10.0(1).
    You can check this in the compatibility matrix:
    Also, please note that we have had a lot of issues with 9.0.2 SU1 ES03 and we have deferred customers from using it. The fixes for the problems in ES3 and the fixes for which ES3 was released has been issued in ES4.
    So please upgrade to 9.0.2 SU1 ES04 in case you need it to get going with CUCM 10.0
    Hope this helps!
    CCIE Voice #40132

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    Thanks, Paul

    Thanks for your helpful reply. I ran the cleaner, checked the log (ok), then ran installer. The installer ran (1 am) and after a brief celebration I looked and PS CS6 was not visible. It did not completely install and no PS CS6 icons were visible--I should have know something was wrong when it did not ask for serial number. I did System Restore, and just ran the CC Cleaner again (targeting PS CS6, since I believe that I need to leave the PS CS5 on the computer for the upgrade to work. Is there anything else that I may need to do to reinstall successfully? I think that the ACR I tried to install caused a problem -- can I target ACR for cleaning / removal further? I have valid serial numbers: loaded PS CS5 from box upgrade yesterday and then bought PS CS6 upgrade also yesterday. Thank you for your good ideas! Paul

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    removed all old versions of iCloud
    downloaded it again
    ran setup
    signed on
    selected Calendars / Contacts / Reminders
    Step 1 of 7 started - copied outlook calendar
    Step 2 failed with error message as above
    I have checked on line and iCloud has all of my Reminders and correctly updates to / from my iPad
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    calendar updates in iPad don't get updated in iCloud neither does it work the other way round

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    wher e you can still find v1

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    Disk utility, input/output error, setup fail

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    In Disk Utility
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    2) Try to partition the disk, failed as well.
    3) Then try erase option again, then ...   it worked !!

  • Netcfg fails to setup wireless

    Getting the following output from netcfg:
    ~]$ sudo netcfg home
    :: home up - Could not set wireless configuration [FAIL]
    for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Device or resource busy.
    Relevant profile:
    DESCRIPTION="A simple WEP encrypted wireless connection"
    ESSID="The Thomas' Net"
    [~]$ lsmod
    Module Size Used by
    i915 67208 2
    drm 108768 3 i915
    fuse 59584 2
    joydev 14208 0
    pcmcia 39192 0
    sdhci_pci 10624 0
    sdhci 19588 1 sdhci_pci
    uvcvideo 62344 0
    compat_ioctl32 11520 1 uvcvideo
    mmc_core 54624 1 sdhci
    psmouse 57116 0
    videodev 37888 2 uvcvideo,compat_ioctl32
    v4l1_compat 17284 2 uvcvideo,videodev
    snd_pcsp 13052 1
    yenta_socket 28812 1
    rsrc_nonstatic 13312 1 yenta_socket
    pcmcia_core 39204 3 pcmcia,yenta_socket,rsrc_nonstatic
    sg 31840 0
    i2c_i801 12444 0
    i2c_core 26144 1 i2c_i801
    serio_raw 8196 0
    iTCO_wdt 15184 0
    iTCO_vendor_support 5636 1 iTCO_wdt
    video 22420 0
    output 5248 1 video
    intel_agp 33136 1
    acer_wmi 18664 0
    wmi 8896 1 acer_wmi
    evdev 13984 6
    thermal 20896 0
    fan 7304 0
    button 9504 0
    battery 14600 0
    ac 7176 0
    usblp 16000 0
    snd_seq_oss 35584 0
    snd_seq_midi_event 9344 1 snd_seq_oss
    snd_seq 58336 4 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq_midi_event
    snd_seq_device 9364 2 snd_seq_oss,snd_seq
    snd_hda_intel 531252 2
    snd_hwdep 10632 1 snd_hda_intel
    snd_pcm_oss 45440 0
    snd_pcm 82952 3 snd_pcsp,snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm_oss
    snd_timer 24720 2 snd_seq,snd_pcm
    snd_page_alloc 11792 2 snd_hda_intel,snd_pcm
    snd_mixer_oss 18944 1 snd_pcm_oss
    snd 65096 16 snd_pcsp,snd_seq_oss,snd_seq,snd_seq_device,snd_hda_intel,snd_hwdep,snd_pcm_oss,snd_pcm,snd_timer,snd_mixer_oss
    soundcore 9632 1 snd
    tg3 133124 0
    libphy 22656 1 tg3
    arc4 4096 2
    ecb 5248 2
    ath9k 257968 0
    mac80211 193840 1 ath9k
    cfg80211 45488 1 mac80211
    rfkill 13776 4 acer_wmi,ath9k
    led_class 6280 2 acer_wmi,ath9k
    cpufreq_powersave 3840 0
    cpufreq_ondemand 10512 0
    acpi_cpufreq 10896 0
    freq_table 6272 2 cpufreq_ondemand,acpi_cpufreq
    processor 46648 4 thermal,acpi_cpufreq
    rtc_cmos 14040 0
    rtc_core 21060 1 rtc_cmos
    rtc_lib 4992 1 rtc_core
    ext3 141328 2
    jbd 57000 1 ext3
    mbcache 10244 1 ext3
    sr_mod 18884 0
    cdrom 39080 1 sr_mod
    sd_mod 29096 5
    uhci_hcd 27552 0
    ehci_hcd 41356 0
    usbcore 160432 5 uvcvideo,usblp,uhci_hcd,ehci_hcd
    ahci 36876 4
    libata 176224 1 ahci
    scsi_mod 119256 4 sg,sr_mod,sd_mod,libata
    [~]$ iwconfig
    lo no wireless extensions.
    wmaster0 no wireless extensions.
    wlan0 IEEE 802.11bgn ESSID:"The Thomas' Net"
    Mode:Managed Frequency:2.437 GHz Access Point: 00:13:46:10:9B:74
    Bit Rate=54 Mb/s Tx-Power=27 dBm
    Retry min limit:7 RTS thr:off Fragment thr=2352 B
    Power Management:off
    Link Quality=100/100 Signal level:-71 dBm
    Rx invalid nwid:0 Rx invalid crypt:0 Rx invalid frag:0
    Tx excessive retries:0 Invalid misc:0 Missed beacon:0
    eth0 no wireless extensions.
    If someone could tell me what I'm doing wrong, I would really appreciate it.
    Last edited by crisnoh (2009-02-24 22:22:02)

    Ok, I thought this was solved, but it is taking dozens of trys to get me connected to wireless now.  Here is the error I get from netcfg:
    [~]$ sudo netcfg home
    :: home up [BUSY]
    wlan0: timed out
    - DHCP IP lease attempt failed [FAIL]
    And here is my output from dmesg:
    [~]$ dmesg | grep wlan0
    wlan0: direct probe to AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0 try 1
    wlan0 direct probe responded
    wlan0: authenticate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: authenticated
    wlan0: associate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: RX AssocResp from ffff8800ba5ba04a (capab=0x401 status=0 aid=5)
    wlan0: invalid aid value 5; bits 15:14 not set
    wlan0: associated
    wlan0: deauthenticating by local choice (reason=3)
    wlan0: direct probe to AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0 try 1
    wlan0 direct probe responded
    wlan0: authenticate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: authenticated
    wlan0: associate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: RX AssocResp from ffff8800ba65c04a (capab=0x401 status=0 aid=5)
    wlan0: invalid aid value 5; bits 15:14 not set
    wlan0: associated
    wlan0: direct probe to AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0 try 1
    wlan0 direct probe responded
    wlan0: authenticate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: authenticated
    wlan0: associate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: RX AssocResp from ffff8800ba76c04a (capab=0x401 status=0 aid=5)
    wlan0: invalid aid value 5; bits 15:14 not set
    wlan0: associated
    wlan0: direct probe to AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0 try 1
    wlan0 direct probe responded
    wlan0: authenticate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: authenticated
    wlan0: associate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: RX AssocResp from ffff8800b9d6404a (capab=0x401 status=0 aid=5)
    wlan0: invalid aid value 5; bits 15:14 not set
    wlan0: associated
    wlan0: authenticate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: authenticated
    wlan0: associate with AP ffff8800ba3a7aa0
    wlan0: RX AssocResp from ffff8800b9c3604a (capab=0x401 status=0 aid=5)
    wlan0: invalid aid value 5; bits 15:14 not set
    wlan0: associated
    Last edited by crisnoh (2009-02-24 22:25:43)

  • OCIEnvInit() fails to setup up environment

    I am using OCI to connect to our remote db and am relying on the library that already exists for connecting. The library is a c++ wrapper on OCI and uses the following to setup environment
    OCIInitialize((ub4)(OCI_OBJECT), (dvoid *)0,
                      (dvoid *(*)(void*,unsigned int))0,
                      (dvoid *(*)(dvoid*, dvoid*, size_t ))0,
                      (void (*)(dvoid*, dvoid*))0);
        OCIEnvInit(&envhp, (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT, (size_t)0,
                   (dvoid **)0);
        **  Initialize error report handle, errhp
        **  Initialize sever context handle, srvhp
        OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp,
                       (dvoid **)&errhp,
                       (size_t)0, (dvoid **)0);
        OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp, (dvoid **)&srvhp,
                       (size_t)0, (dvoid **)0);
        const char *remoteName = ((dbService!=NULL)?dbService:"");
        OCIServerAttach(srvhp, errhp, (OraText *)remoteName,
                        (sb4)strlen(remoteName), (ub4)OCI_DEFAULT);
        /* initialize svchp */
        OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp, (dvoid **)&svchp,
                       (size_t)0, (dvoid **)0);
        OCIAttrSet((dvoid *)svchp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_SVCCTX, (dvoid *)srvhp,
                   (ub4)0, (ub4)OCI_ATTR_SERVER, errhp);
        /* initialize usrhp */
        OCIHandleAlloc((dvoid *)envhp, (dvoid **)&usrhp,
                       (size_t)0, (dvoid **)0);
        OCIAttrSet((dvoid *)usrhp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
                   (dvoid *)userName, (ub4)strlen(userName),
                   (ub4)OCI_ATTR_USERNAME, errhp);
        OCIAttrSet((dvoid *)usrhp, (ub4)OCI_HTYPE_SESSION,
                   (dvoid *)password, (ub4)strlen(password),
                   (ub4)OCI_ATTR_PASSWORD, errhp);All the OCI calls fail to initialize the handles.
         envhp     0x00000000     OCIEnv *
         errhp     0x00000000     OCIError *
         srvhp     0x00000000     OCIServer *
         svchp     0x00000000     OCISvcCtx *
         usrhp     0x00000000     OCISession *
    I am using 10g client on windows.
    Any help on why this fails would be great

    thanks for the reply
    found the problem. The path variable was getting mangled by one of the batch scripts that resulted in the incorrect oci.dll on the path.
    As for adding status check in the library that is out of my control as i am suppose to only use it not modify it :). Orders from high up.

  • Exchange 2010 failing during setup - Managment Tools

    I am hoping that someone can assist me with this error I am getting while trying to install Exchange 2010 on server 2008 R2. It seems that towards of the installation of the Management Tools it fails. Please see my screenshot. Any assistance would be appreciated.
    Here are the steps that I have taken to troubleshoot:
    Uninstalled exchange failed install
    attempted to reinstall - fail
    The firewall was turned off so I turned it back on because I read that someone else had the same issue and it worked for them.
    So far nothing is working for me. I installed Exchange once before as a VM and didn't have any issues at all.
    Phil Balderos

    Did you set the service to automatic and start it? Did you reboot the server after that and then run the setup again?
    Hope this helps. Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members reading the thread.
    Thanks Ed,
    When I first built the VM I stopped the firewall server then disabled it. So when I had to start troubleshooting this issue I started the fire wall and then and set the startup type to manual. I did reboot the server several times when I had to
    uninstall the failed installation.
    Phil Balderos

  • Fail to Setup Portal with Oracle DB

    Hi all,
    When I try to setup the portal using the assistant, it fails in steps two and I found the following errors in the install.log file:
    EXCEPTION:Getting the Database Version ... java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: End of TNS data channel
    EXCEPTION:Getting the Temporary Tablespaces ... java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: End of TNS data channel
    EXCEPTION:Checking the Java Option ... java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: End of TNS data channel
    EXCEPTION:Checking the shared_pool_size ... java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: End of TNS data channel
    EXCEPTION : Sharedpool not a valid int: null
    EXCEPTION:Checking the java_pool_size ... java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: End of TNS data channel
    I don't have these errors when I use Server. Is Portal 3.0.9 not compitable with lastest patch for DB? Thanks.

    when installing you shoud give the service name in the given format like
    It will works

  • HELP: failed to setup and run WL performance monitor, console extension on WL 8.1

    Hi All
    i downloaded and installed the WL performance monitor, console extension package
    As i tried to deploy "performance monitor" web app to the WL server at "Performance
    Monitor > Installation Instructions " screen. I just saw the error msg
    [J2EE:160029]I/O error while reading deployment -
    No such path: null\java\FenwayWL.war. No such path:
    null\java\FenwayWL.war at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo( at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.initializeDeployment(
    Therefore, i used workaround to manually copy "PerformanceMonitor.war" and "FenwayWL.war"
    to <Domain Home>/applications directory for manual deployment. However, it seems
    of no use. I still failed to carry out any operations through "performance monitor"
    node at left panel of admin console. For e.g, i failed to enable "resources" and
    "statistics" monitoring option at "Performance Monitor > Agent Configuration "
    screen. Very thankful somebody can help me to sort out my problem. My platform
    is win2000 + WL 8.1 sp1
    thanks u very much in advance.

    In order to find the PerformanceMonitor web app, the ConsoleExt needs to
    examine your classpath to get the appropriate WLHOME. It does this by
    searching for .../server/lib/weblogic.jar. Please make sure your CLASSPATH
    is correct and matches where PerformanceMonitor is installed. For example,
    the path to .../server/lib/weblogic.jar is the same as to ../common/perf. In
    my world, they both happen to be d:\bea\weblogic81.
    "dso" <[email protected]> wrote:
    Hi All
    i downloaded and installed the WL performance monitor, console extension
    As i tried to deploy "performance monitor" web app to the WL server at
    Monitor > Installation Instructions " screen. I just saw the error msg
    [J2EE:160029]I/O error while reading deployment -
    No such path: null\java\FenwayWL.war.
    No such path:
    null\java\FenwayWL.war at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo(
    at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEUtils.getDeploymentInfo( at weblogic.j2ee.J2EEApplicationContainerFactory.initializeDeployment(
    Therefore, i used workaround to manually copy "PerformanceMonitor.war"
    and "FenwayWL.war"
    to <Domain Home>/applications directory for manual deployment. However,
    it seems
    of no use. I still failed to carry out any operations through "performance
    node at left panel of admin console. For e.g, i failed to enable "resources"
    "statistics" monitoring option at "Performance Monitor > Agent Configuration
    screen. Very thankful somebody can help me to sort out my problem. My
    is win2000 + WL 8.1 sp1
    thanks u very much in advance.

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  • Best way to do a FAQ page

    What is the best way to do a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page? I don't see anyway to link to a place in the page, so the only way is to list the Question & Answer one right after another in a long text box. Any ideas? bob

  • Historical Data Collection

    Hi, In OEM Grid, I noticed a drop down list under Target --> Performance --> View Data. Options were Manual Refresh, 30 sec refresh, last 24 hours, last 7 days and last 31 days. If I want view last 31 days, it tells me that there is no data to displa

  • My brand new ipad mini is slow (retina edition)

    My new ipad mini that I just got today from the apple store is slow it has 64-bit A7 processor but it's no faster than an old ipad 2 that I have in my house. What can I do to maybe speed it up or maybe it just hasn't warmed up enough after my 3 hours

  • Numerical keypad not functioning in Windows partition of Boot Camp

    Unlike other users, the new keyboard is working fine in Windows -- mostly. Any ideas on why the numerical keypad on the far right isn't working? Is there a "Num Lock" key that I need to press when on the Windows side? If so: where? Can't find it on t

  • Stage Shrinks in IE

    I created a banner in flash catalyst and published it to a site not up yet. Recently, I noticed the banner stage changes in IE, but shows correctly in Firefox. I am not sure this is actually a catalyst iss