Fake email from iTunes?

this is the email. My dad received it, but he doesn't even have an apple ID or a credit card attached to his account.
Apple iTunes
July 22, 2014
Billed To:
Order ID:                        Item                                                   Artist
Receipt Date: 07/22/2014              
Order Total: $37.98                                   Lone Survivor                                   
Billed To: Store Credit                               Homefront (2013)                             
Type                                                        Unit Price                                          Order Total
Film Rental (HD)                                      $19.99                                              $37.98
Film Rental (HD)                                      $17.99
Issues with this transaction?
If you haven't authorized this transaction ,click the link below to get full refund.
Go to the Help Centre at: http:/www.apple.com/canada/support/itunes/refund/online/
Copyright © 2014 Apple Inc.
<edited by host>

Definitely fake.
It is a phishing attempt. Do not respond. Do not divulge any personal or financial information. You can use the address below to report the phishing attempt to Apple.
mailto:[email protected]
The link below has information to help identify fraudulent emails.

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    Be ware of fake iTunes emails

    I just went to the LaunchPadPublishing.com site and saw no links besides your email address. Do you have some add-on or plug in on your own local browser that is, perhaps, doing this? If so, it's not on your site. I found this thread because one of my computer clients just complained that I had put Wikipedia links on his site. There aren't any there, so I was trying to see if anyone else had experienced this.
    Try looking at your site in a different browser or from a different computer. If they aren't there, then you have something loaded, whether you put it there or it's some sort of malware that has taken over your browser.

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    They are not from Apple/iTunes, they are phishing attempts to try and get your account and payment details - don't click on any of the links in them.
    If you still have the emails then you could forward them to Apple : [email protected]

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    If you are not getting the email, you can contact Apple Support to have your Security Questions reset:
    Once you get them reset, check your Rescue Email address on Manage Your Apple ID to make sure it is still a functional address. It is not the same as your primary or alternate address.

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    Go into your Purchase History (Store > View My Account, etc) and print out the page with that purchase on it.
    Good luck in the contest!

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    dont give your password. in fact change your apple id password.  treat the email as spam/phishing
    Peace, Clyde

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    Hi Maastricht2014,
    Until and unless you remember the password to your old email address, you will not be able to access the eBooks as those eBooks are only authorized with your old email address only.
    The only workaround or alternative to access your eBooks will be to contact the eBook vendor and ask them to migrate the eBook from your old email to the new one.
    Hope that Helps!
    ~ Arpit

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    Yes. Look at the address carefully - 'tunes' - and the link to enter your information will also be a non-Apple one. Don't follow any links; bin it.

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    I got the same "not available in US Store" and from what I read it should be.
    I also read "in the email you got from iTunes"... I never got an email from iTunes and I submitted our podcast 4 weeks ago. It does come up in the "powersearch/title" when I type in "Brian and Mark Show".
    My questions are:
    1) When I search under Music it doesn't show up on the 5 pages of music shows although it is "findable" under powersearch.
    2) My link on my podpress is listed as this below (from right-clicking/paste on my artwork in itunes) but when I ping iTunes in Wordpress/Podpress it comes back as "your request produced an error [newNullResponse]" Should I worry about or fix this, and if so, how?
    3) Certainly it should show up under the category "music" which it is under by now?
    Can ANYBODY help? We're just getting going and I hate to botch it right out of the gate.
    Thanks in advance,

    I had no trouble accessing your podcast through the "phobos" link you had in your post; no "not available" messages showed up, nor any other errors. Sometimes it takes a little while for a newly listed podcast to show up reliably, so if it gives you this message for a few days, don't panic.
    In regards to the missing email "approval message" . . . I checked your in code, you have about 3 different email addresses in there, and you should also have a (different?) email address associated with the Apple ID you submitted the podcast under. Since I use(d) one email address under all fields when I submitted my podcast, I have no idea from which field the email address is grabbed to send the notification. You might want to try looking under each of those email address before you assume that email was never sent. Don't worry about it too much, though, because it's not really a big deal anyway - your podcast showed up in the Store. You have the ID# from your listing, and that is really the only important info that would have been in the email.
    1) If you are searching under the term "music" in power search, only the top 150 most popular results are going to be displayed. Since you are new, you probably don't have enough subscribers to break into that list, and that's why you are searchable under some terms but not others.
    2) Pinging through Podpress - my guess is that the "newNullResponse" message is standard when you ping through that service - error messages are commonly displayed when you ping through a service, but they still usually ping successfully. If you are truly worried about it, ping iTunes using this address: https://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZFinance.woa/wa/pingPodcast?id=253055793. It will give you a friendly "podcast ping received" message.
    3) Do you mean the "music" category in the browse feature? (Your podcast isn't there . . .?) Oh boy, have you opened up a can of worms. We get reports in here all the time of podcasts not showing up in browse, even though they should. It's a pretty buggy system. Personally, I have 7 active podcasts in the Store, and 2 of them have never showed up in browse. That may not be able to be fixed.
    Lastly, I don't think you have "botched" anything beyond repair - your podcast looks pretty good, especially if you have never done this before. Publishing podcasts can be such a jungle, with all the various tools and methods, and it's unfortunate that a lot of the time you just have to do it and make mistakes to learn how to do it correctly. Don't worry, have heart - you are on the right track.

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    No. Forward the email to [email protected] and then delete it.
    If there's an actual problem, you'll be told when you try to download or purchase something.

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    <Link Edited By Host>

    Thanks for your advice, I went to the apple shop today for a face to face meeting with a tech and he checked everything and could not figure out why I was having this problem so we decided to give up on that account and create a whole new one for me using a different email address.
    Now I can download apps on both my iPhone and ipad2.
    If anyone is reading this in Brisbane Australia go to the Chermside apple shop and ask for Wade. He was fantastic!

  • I don't receive reset security questions email from iTunes

    i don't receive reset security questions email from iTunes and i cant buy anything until i can

    It will not go to your regular email address.
    Forgotten Security Questions/Answers
    You need to contact Apple by:
    1 - Use the Express lane and start here:
    then click More Products and Services>Apple ID>Other Apple ID Topics>Forgotten Apple ID security questions.
    Apple - Support -form iTunes Store - Contact Us
    2 - Call Apple in your country by getting the number from here:
    Apple ID: Contacting Apple for help with Apple ID account security
    3 - Use your rescue email address if you set one up
    Rescue email address and how to reset Apple ID security questions
    For general  information see:
    Apple ID: All about Apple ID security questions

  • How if i wanna receiving email from itunes to my icloud mail account if differences my Apple ID

    my apple id using gmail accoun... Now i already have icloud mail accoun.. And how i wanna make all receiving email from itunes & apple to my iCloud account without change my appd id...???

    Hi Kim,
    The password for your iCloud account and your Apple ID are one in the same, as the iCloud email account is an alias for your Apple ID as well.
    After you set up your @icloud.com email address, you can use it to sign in to iCloud. You can also sign in using the Apple ID you used to create your iCloud account. 
    iCloud: Set up an @icloud.com email address
    Alex H.

  • Received a strange email from iTunes;

    Reads as follows;
    Dear iTunes Customer,
    Thank you for downloading the movie The Three Flavours Cornetto® Trilogy. Unfortunately, the movie you received may have had some noticeable quality issues.  We have corrected the problem and a new copy is available to download, free of charge.  To receive the new version, please re-download the title from your iTunes purchase history.
    For information on how to remove the current version, go to:
    How to delete content you've downloaded from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, or Mac App Store
    For information on how to download the new copy, go to:
    Downloading past purchases from the iTunes Store, App Store, and iBooks Store
    iTunes Support Team
    I don't tend to click on unsolicited links and sure as heck don't remember ordering this movie. I have figured it to be a phishing scam.
    Anyone else?

    Dear ed2345 and Nadine_brizuela,
    As a Network Administrator I understand how these emails at first glance appear to be legitimate. Everything about them seems legitimate. That is why before commenting further, I waited for a response from Apple concerning this matter before confirming my worst fear. And as MiniBeast has stated: "I have figured it to be a phishing scam.", "it raised red flags immediately", "it's definitely a Phishing Scam to steal info." turns out to be correct and the word needs to get out to Apple customers as soon as possible, before any damage may be done.
    As confirmed by Apple it is indeed an Phising scam. The links appear to be legitimate. They seems to point to Apple and above all, the very worst part is that they appear to be emailed from a legitimate Apple email server, when in fact it was not sent from Apple, as confirmed by the following response from Itunes support.
    It is indeed a confirmed scam sent by hackers who could have only pulled this off by a DNS poisoning attack, but for me still seems fishy because of whois confirmation, but Apple confirms it did not come from them.
    What is DNS poisoning: http://www.computer-network-security-training.com/what-is-a-dns-poisoning-attack /
    For me, when I got this email, it seemed fishy to me as well, I opened it and it went to Apple, I closed out that browser and opened a different browser and went to Apple and reset my password and contacted support and then responded to this post above. With DNS poisoning it seems that the links are real because your browser says apple.com/... when in fact the links are completely fake sending you to a completely different server. And it even appears to be emailed from Apple, which, as confirmed by Apple, it was not.
    The word needs to get out especially to all Apple customers, that this particular email is fake and a Phishing attack designed to get the users Apple ID login. I would not have believed it myself unless confirmed by Apple.
    Thanks for choosing Apple.
    Greetings from iTunes Store Customer Support. My name is Mohammed and I am happy to assist you today.
    I understand that you receive two emails from Apple about the movie. I know you must be eager to get this resolved. I will provide the necessary information.
    I looked into this and found that neither the email nor its sender are affiliated with Apple. The email appears to be a phishing attempt, designed to trick users into visiting a website.
    If you still have the email, please forward it to [email protected] so we can investigate it. If the email contains links or attachments, please don't open them.
    Apple will only send you an email asking you to verify an email address in these situations:
    - When you first set up an account
    - Immediately after you add or change a contact email address for an Apple ID
    Also, an email from Apple will never ask you for your password, Social Security Number, or full credit card number.
    If you haven't already done so, I recommend following the suggestions in this article:
    Apple ID: Security and your Apple ID
    Also, here are other articles that you might find helpful:
    Identifying fraudulent "phishing" email
    Identifying legitimate emails from the iTunes Store
    I hope the information provided above is helpful.
    if you have any further queries regarding iTunes Store, please reply to this email. I will be happy to assist you. Thank you for being a valued member of the iTunes family.
    Have a nice day!
    iTunes Store Customer Support

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