FCP 3 Vs. FCP 5.0 Studio

Hi. Am kinda new here on Mac. Can you guyz help me in making a detailed comparison chart of FCP 3 and FCP 5 studio?

WOW worlds apart
man it has been over 3 years since I even looked at FCP 3
do you have FCP 3 right now?
then just check out http://www.apple.com/finalcutstudio/
if you want to upgrade then check out the crossgrade http://www.apple.com/universal/crossgrade/
you get DVDSP, Motion, Compressor, STP, Cinema tools all included in studio along with FCP 5.1
what system are you running? you might not be able to run FCS5

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    You should do this in two stages.
    First of all generate a master that uses the equivalent NTSC codec that your PAL version was made with, then make the DVD SP assets from that.
    Alternatives for standards conversion:
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    Message was edited by: Timothy Willis

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    If you do need backwards compatablity, read up on XML.
    ...and keep your expectations low. XML can be used to backwards, but it will not be seamless.


    I've posted a variation of this question in the QT forum but I think that the MOTION experts might provide valuble input for this quandary. Here's what's happening (I've read the posts under long render times in the FCP forum but nobody has really spelled out what the problem is.):
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    Can someone detail the actual specifics of how motion and fcp differ in accessing/reading data and then how compression actually works as well?
    Any takers?
    Please enlighten me.
    g5 dual 2.7   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   4.5 GB RAM, ATI Radeon 9650

    Thanks for the tip Patrick.
    The scary thing is that I've already checked out that material. I obviously need to re-read it(maybe a couple of times). The nuts and bolts section spells out really the ins and out of Motion and the way it is hardware based and and GPU dependent. I understand that it was overkill. I get that. I'm definitely looking at this as a how can I learn from my mistake angle, not a this computer *****, or this software is buggy angle.
    It might sound worse than it actually was (for Motion that is). Motion was totally functional accessing and modifying the clip. I could add a MIDI behavior and modify the scale of the layer or object. It was a little slow but it was responsive. FCP on the other hand is where I ate dirt. Not only in the compression stage but also just playback. Like I mentioned before after modifying and saving the embedded .motn clip in Motion and bouncing back to FCP it takes FCP about 3-5 minutes just to read and display the current frame. Before that the pointer just pinwheels. How is it that Motion is able to read the clip while FCP almost crashes trying to read one frame?

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    FCP issue?
    Check the rendered clips OUTSIDE of FCP, ie in Quicktime. There may be a scaling/RTE/proxy thing happening if there is not an exact match between the rendered material and the way FCP wants to handle it. Check Audio/Video settings. The anamorphic nature may be throwing a curve.

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    2) Say, Mastered/Edited video in FCP then send to Motion for further effects processing and now do the video be able to return to FCP after saved in Motion?
    Thanks for now and appreciate!

    GAH!! I just now realized what you were talking about with the camera zoom quote above.
    I thought you actually meant a CAMERA's zoom!! No no no... in Motion, you can zoom in the virtual camera if you have something in 3D space created in Motion!! That's what that was talking about.
    No... just 'zooming' in on a video won't be any better in FCP or in Motion whether you make it a 3d world or not.
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    FCP can open FCE's projects, but FCE cannot open FCP's one.
    Michel Boissonneault

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    Dual 2GHz PowerPC G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)   XRaid Final Cut Studio

    Since avid uses the OMFI format then there is no easy direct way to xfer media between the two. You can take the diged files from FCP (which are quicktime) and import them into Avid but they are transcoded to OMFI and I am almost certain (but not 100% - and not at my Avid this month so I can't test) that you loose timecode.
    The couple of time I've had to do just this I had the material dubbed to DVCam for capture in Avid. Simple, cheap. Timecode is fine. Capture in Avid, make the edit, export EDL (taking care not to use fx and things that won't transfer), then recapture from originals in FCP. Good luck.

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    1 Dual 1.8 GHz PowerPC G5, 10 1.25 GHz PowerPC G4s   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   3 LaCie Big Disk Extremes, FCPHD 4.5

    Not to jump in on X's answer, but you Export using QuickTime Conversion... and select the codec as Animation with the colors set to Millions+ (the + is your alpha channel). Also you must export it unrendered or you won't get your alpha channel...
    Just export it as a QuickTime Movie... and put that lower third animation on V2, the exported movie on V3 and set it's composite mode to Travel Matte Alpha... (presumably your sequence is on V1). It will then use the alpha channel of that lower third animation you've got on V2.

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    Are you making sure that "embed Motion project" is checked in the Send To dialog box every time?

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    Not sure what's going on as I've never worked this way, however, you can just find the aif files you've exported and bring them manually into fcp and add these to your sequence (muting your original audio). 

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    This will get you to FCP7:
    From there you might be able to open in FCP7 and export an older version XML to go back to FCP6.  YMMV

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