Fcp3 to dv tape problem

Using my Canon xl1 as a tape deck, I am trying to record from my timeline to DV tape but not picking up anything on the tape. Set up as follows: Firewire direct to computer (will log and capture from a test tape), external video on & all frames, set to output video (DV-NTSC), Canon set to vcr mode, timeline clean-no in out points. Hit record, timeline puts out on monitor and nothing on the DV! Restarted computer-just in case. Any ideas? Done it in the past, no problem. Missed something?

Do you have an external monitor attached to the a/dv pass through on the Canon? You should. This will show you if the video is making it out.
Do you have ANY other firewire devices on this firewire bus? Hard drives, Canopus converters, etc?

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    Message was edited by: helpineed

    What version of FCE, MAC OS, Quicktime ?
    What king of material do you capture, standard def DV, HDV ?
    May be it's a timecode break. Did you play this tape portion on camcorder itself to see if there is a gap between the last shot and the next one?
    Michel Boissonneault

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    I have a Z7 which should operate pretty much like the FX1. I did this about a month ago and remember struggling with it. Here are my notes, which may or may not help. It is only vague in my mind at the moment, sorry.
    1. I am pretty sure when editing I had Render Control set to ProRes, as you do. When I did print to video, I copied my whole sequence, then put it into a new HDV sequence where the render was set to HDV. This took a long time--2:1 on my MacPro Dual 3GHz. I also have starred here--"When copy to HDV sequence, check titles/etc to make sure aspect ration still OK."
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  • Editing to Tape problems

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    I am trying to edit to tape going form FCP 504 to a Sony DSR 45 DVCam deck. There seems to be no problems going to the SP Deck, however if I enter the in-point (as per manual) in the master mode edit to tape window, and then drag the sequence over, nothing seems to happen. I thought this may have somethign to do with the "insert timecode" button, which seems to remain yellow all the time... is this switched on or off? Either way I couldn't get it to change state.
    I have striped the tape at hour 10:00:00:00. The mastering window never seems to calculate the running time when hooked up to the Sony DSR deck, so I guess its just not seeing the sequence.
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    Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
    G5 dual 2Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   AJA card, 3GB RAM, DVCam & SP Decks

    Once again hmmmm.....
    I set all my setting for the DVCAM deck to use firewire and all the FCp settings for firewire. Even this ws not working! So I then repatched the video using the components in and hey presto its all works.
    It seems I am using the firewire to control the deck but the AJA Kona to output the actual video signal, eventhough no setting should be using the Kona - only direct firewire to firewire! Is this the opposite to what you said patrick? It all just seems so random really, but I guess it has something to do with the Kona and how thats controlling output... not sure.
    Just glad to be back up and running, although I have heard that the problem you suggest re frame accuracy may become an issue, but I read that it only usually has an effect on long programs.
    Thanks for your help, however please do suggest any reasons behind why only this set up works for me. I'd love to know whats going on for future problem solving.
    Regards, Nick
    G5 dual 2.7 Gb   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   AJA card, 3.5GB RAM, DVCam & SP Decks

  • Edit to tape problem

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    Fist I try to to put black and timecode on my miniDV but it lunches the camera and rec images form the the lence. It means it uses my tape. Ok, I have a used tape with timecode.
    I try to assemble on the tape a sequence and FCP tels me the my tape has no timecode.
    This is unbelievable. I'v don every thing. My DV cassette is not locked, it is on the rec mode. The 2 camera I tried to do the operation with has no specific lock mode in the menus to stop the cassette receiving information from the FireWire.
    My A/V settings are all the same. DA PAL 48khz anamorphosé fore sequence and capture preset and for the device control panel i tried FireWire PAL and Basic but it is the same problem.
    What can I do ?
    Thanks for reading.
    Message was edited by: Napoléon23

    Another thought... capture a short clip in imovie, and see if it can record back to one of the cameras... if it does, that sort of rules out a hardware problem. I'd trash the preferences in any case. Just because it's a new install it doesn't mean they aren't corrupt.
    Further, any time you install a new OS or a new version of Studio, it's really best to do it cleanly performing an erase and install of your startup disk of the OS, update it, then install studio and update it all the way too.
    But all that said, your problem is not common, so it's likely either a bad install of software, or a hardware problem.
    Further, If you're using firewire drives and looping through them, that is often the culprit of this sort of behavior.

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    Because of the way video is streamed over FireWire from a miniDV, it really isn't possible that you're getting the video and not the sound, Team. They're all one file!
    There are only a few possibilities that I can think of:
    1) Your camcorder is recording the audio at a non-standard sample rate or audio format (something other than 12 bit 48K).
    2) Your camcorder is equipped with a dubbing feature and, for some reason, the audio is configured to record to channels 3 and 4 rather than 1 and 2.
    But you're right. If if either of these were true, why would it work with version 1 and not version 2?
    So one other possibility is:
    3) The ASIO is configured wrong in version 2. Seems strange that that's the case on two computers -- but it could be.
    The test is to play the video you've captured with version 2 in Windows Media Player. Is there sound?
    If there is sound, you know that version 2 captured the audio okay but the program isn't playing it right.
    If there is no sound, then there must be an issue with how the camcorder is configured.
    As I said, audio and video streaming over FireWire from a miniDV are not two separate files! So there's no way the program could get one and not the other. The only possibility is that, for some reason, one program is seeing it and the other isn't.

  • I also have print to tape problems

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    Mac Pro    

    Hi Shane
    I have upgraded my old system to the newest (new Mac Pro + lastest fcp)
    As the fcp programe came from the USA, and I'm in Ireland, all the default settings was on NSTC.
    So I went and changed them all to PAL.
    Then when I tried to print to tape, and the problem occurred, I went back to the settings, and found that I Left 1 setting on NSTC. I then chaned it - that's why I thought it may be the source of my headache.
    The footage was filmed in PAL, and I checked, captured in PAL aswell.
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    Mac Pro    

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    1. RS422 is the normal method of control of this deck for when I'm capturing into FCP as it's quicker to cue up and generally has more responsive tape transport.
    2. Switching to FireWire control for output involves diving into the menus to change some settings and then switching back again when I want to capture.
    3. If there is a problem during the edit to tape, I would like to be able to use insert editing which (if I'm correct), is not possible under FireWire control. The deck is edit capable BTW.
    Has anybody got this deck to work for output from FCP using RS422?

    Try trashing or moving your FCP prefs. here's a dandy utility: http://fcprescue.andersholck.com/
    It will reset to all standard settings, and I'd experiment with LTC+VITC and VITC alone in/with the machine's device settings, if a preset doesn't work.
    Post the exact versions of FCP, OS, and QuickTime you are running too. You're doing this on which mac?

  • Importing tape problem

    Hi, I'm having the same problem as this guy:
    When trying to import from tape, the image on the screen in glitching, but not on the camera view finder. FCP X is then creating hundreds of mini clips that only last like 3 - 4 seconds. I tried deleting preferences file, restarting the program etc.
    I'm using snow leopard and a canon xl1. Playback in the camera is good. Never had such problem with FCP 6.0
    Any suggestion, besides whipping my hard drive?
    thank you

    thank you for replying, but I probably didn't describe the problem properly ...
    You suggest dragging a clip from the event into the project and then creating a Still Frame from it.
    I cannot do this because iMovie will not import these clips *at all* - i.e., they are not physically present on the Mac although they show up on screen during import.
    Here is what happens:
    - Let's say I have three clips on my Digital Video Tape:
    - the first is a short, "real" scene,
    - the second was generated by pausing the source camcorder and recording this paused frame on the master camcorder for a few seconds
    - the third is another "real" scene.
    The resulting DV master tape (which I am working with) plays back properly on the camcorder: scene 1, scene 2 (a paused frame), scene 3.
    When importing this into iMovie, I end up with these files in iMovie's event folder:
    "clip-2009-07-02 01;55;37.dv" 34 MB
    "clip-2009-07-02 01;56;10.dv" 0KB <-
    "clip-2009-07-02 05;51;26.dv" 21 MB
    I.e, iMovie discards these clips upon import - so there is nothing to generate a still frame from.
    So I need to get around the import problem.
    Even a third-party tool for importing such "paused still frame" clips from a DV tape would help. I just need to get them onto the Mac HD.

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    I am running win98se on both machines. Originally I could remove backup software from win98 and when I reinstalled it the tape drive would be recognised. Then it would disappear again when the unit was switched off. But now nothing so I have reinstalled all software on a clean hdd and still no sign.
    The floppy drive can only be recognised on the final connector. I have tried the tape on this with no fdd,still no joy.
    BIOS problem?
    Floppy controller problem?
    Any ideas

    I think during the course of trying to get it to work, it requested the gm16.dls file.  However, I think I finally got it installed from the Windows disk.  Could this still be causing the problem?
    Also, I tried out my SB Live! card from my primary system - the drivers installed and the card worked fine.  I would prefer not to have to buy a seperate sound card, if I can get the on-board one working.  
    Thanks again,

  • Intermittent trackpad tapping problem

    Macbook Air 2.16; 10.6.4
    Often my Air trackpad doesn't respond to single and double tapping. At first I thought it was less sensitive to tapping when you tapped nearer to its edge, but that doesn't seem to be true. Sometimes I have to tap 4,5,6 times before it works. Any ideas as to cause and/or cure?

    I would reset the SMC and PRAM to see if it solve the issue. Worst come to worst, reintalling the OS can also help. But before you do something that drastic, open a test account on your computer and see if the issue appears in the other account. If it does, then it's likely a hardware issue and a visit to the Apple Store would be a good idea. If the issue can't be replicated in the test account then it's mostly software and a reinstall of the OS would do the trick if you can't find the cause of the issue. Backup everything of course.

  • Print to Tape problems

    Keep getting the prompt "Check HDV/DV Input" when attempting to Print to Tape. My AV Devices are set to HDV(1440x1080)30p. I'm using the Canon XLH1 as a deck. Have changed firewires and rebooted. The item property of the sequence I'm trying to print is HDV 1080p30. The camera is on Mode Set HD and Frame Rate at F1, which is 30F.

    I get the desktop image when I play and record to the deck.<<</div>
    What are you playing? If you simply play the timeline in FCP you should get what's in your timeline recorded to your deck, not the desktop.
    Any way, glad the other option worked.

  • Final cut pro print to tape problem

    So i needed to print this news package on a tape, when i go to do it, all seems well until i play it back. all i see is black screen. We use firewire to a jvc mini dv tapedeck and mac book pro with fcp 7.03. Need help greatly.

    Make sure your camera is getting a signal...
    #8 External Monitor Viewing.
    Shane's Stock Answer #8:
    A simple path is mac > firewire > camera or deck > rca cables > tv
    Then start up your camera and tv, then open fcp.
    Then go View > External video > all frames
    Video playback should be Apple firewire NTSC (If you are using an NTSC set)
    Audio playback should be Audio follows Video
    Techinially, this should send synched video to your TV
    If for some reason you can't view your timeline on your external monitor, there are a few things to try:
    1) Make sure that the camera/deck is connected and powered on BEFORE you open FCP.
    2) In the Final Cut Pro menu select AUDIO/VIDEO Preferences and make sure your signal is being sent out thru Firewire DV.
    3) Go to the menu and select VIEW>EXTERNAL>ALL FRAMES.
    4) Click in the % box above the image and select FIT TO WINDOW.
    5) Go to VIEW->refresh A/V devices
    6) Make sure the Log & Capture window is closed
    If you want it to play in both the canvas and the external monitor you need to go to the FINAL CUT PRO menu and select AUDIO/VIDIO settings and make sure MIRROR ON DESKTOP is selected under the PLAYBACK OUTPUT section

  • Print to tape problems-Get the audio but no video

    I'm going from a QT file I brought into FCS and rendered, et al to tape. I'm able to get the audio track output but no video!
    The QT original of my film was 720x486 NTSC 4:3 H.264 and is a .mov file format. Bringing this into FCS, FCS asks whether I want to automatically convert the thing to fit the specs offered in tape output - which, when I actually look in the dropdown for output settings, don't have a 720x486 but does have the usual 720 x 480. FCS chooses the 720 x 480. Ok, so fine. It converts the clip to 720 x 480 and playing back the rendered clip t 720 x 480 looks fine and saves to a QT file fine but when trying to get onto DV tape, the video won't print. I do know it's possible to get a print to tape of my film since a week or so ago, someone made a digibeta output of my film for me using FCS and it came out just fine (I didn't pay attention to what they were doing exactly and perhaps they did some magic that someone else here might be able to fill me in on...).
    Anyway, I'm stuck - canNOT get the video track to output to tape. Any clues appreciated. I've been through the output setting module a million times, tried creating a new QT file original to work from, and have confirmed that the recorder works fine because other QT files we created worked fine - though they were 720x480. But shouldn't the conversion FCS does from 720x486 to 720x480 suffice????

    H.264 isn't supported as an editing format in FCP... convert the files to a supported format. If it seems to be OK in playback in the Canvas, I'd suggest you export it as a QuickTime Conversion movie and choose DV as the format... reimport that and print to a DV deck/camera.
    H.264 is a delivery format, not an editing format... resizing it probably hurt the picture too BTW... If it's really critical, then you should do the above to the source clips and re-edit, but choose ProRes as the codec, and keep it 720X486... no resize that way. Re edit in a ProRes sequence matching the frame rate and size. FCP will set it up for you when you drag to it just as it did before, but it will not resize in that case.

Maybe you are looking for