File missing or offline error

I am getting the above error in Lightroom 4.  Every image and folder in my library has a ?.  I have not moved or renamed any files and all deletions have been done in LR.  The images are located on an external disk but the LR was shut down prior to ejecting the disk.  The disk was reconnected pror to starting LR.  I am unable to reconnect any images or folders.  I locate and select the images and folders but the ? remains.

You should only be getting this message when you have moved the photos to a different location (from where they were when you first opened them in LR).

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       Registry troubleshooting steps for advanced users

  • HELP: Lightroom Shows Files missing or offline but they are not.

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    Hi Mike. The filenames didn't have a "/" in them. They were similar to this: \Turkey 2008\Disk 1\Turkey Sept 2008 _MG_0081.JPG
    The only way I could get LR 2 to find the images was to remove the folder from the Catalog, delete the folder of the drive and then use the LR 2 "import from device" command. This imported the files, and I was then able to use LR 2 to rename them.
    I still don't understand why they were not "findable" in the catalog though. I should be able to copy images to an internal drive, rename them with any program, then import them into LR 2 and have them available. Perhaps LR 2 was "watching" the folder and automatically added the originally named images to it's catalog.
    Confusing huh?

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    i had moved my images via a flash card from one hard drive to another and left the xmp files on the main drive.
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    Good suggestions.

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    Uninstall everything you can find, then run cleanscript:
    Create a new admin user and reinstall from there.

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    Thankyou peter...

    Hi Victoria, thankyou for the reply to my problem. This issue only seems to arisen since the last lightroom update.
    When I click on ? message is IMG 1311 JPG. Could not be used because the original file could not be found, would you like to locate it? Then shows previous location.
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    Please HELP! 

    Looks like I found the fix on my own.  For anyone else that has this issue, this is what I did. 
    1.  Uninstalled all iTunes/Apple software
    2.  Ran a search on my computer (from my start menu) for Itunes and deleted all the files that came up (If you right click on each file that appears, it will tell you where they are saved on your computer)
    3.  Ran a search on my computer (from my start menu) for Apple and deleted all files that came up (If you right click on each file that appears, it will tell you where they are saved on your computer)
    4.  Restart
    5.  I was finding that the issue was with the new version of Itunes (Itunes 10)  so I searched for Itunes 9 and downloaded that version instead. 
    6.  Once the download was complete, I let itunes update to the Itunes 10 version and it's now fixed.
    Works like a champ now! 
    I tried doing steps 1-4 and installing Itunes 10 about 5 different times but kept getting the same error.  As soon as I dowloaded version 9, it installed with no errors at all. 
    ****Since you deleted all of the files off of your computer, it is importat to right click on your iPhone or iPod when it apears in the itunes library and select the option to have Itunes "Transfer Purchases" before you sync it.  That way all your apps and music will transfer from your phone/ipod to your itunes library and they won't be lost.******

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    Try rebuilding your iTunes Library:
    (This will cause all devices to see your library as a "new" library)
    1. Open iTunes.
    2. File>LIbrary>Organize Library: Consolidate Files.
    -This process may take some time.
    3. Quit iTunes.
    4. Browse to your iTunes Folder.
    5. Drag the files to the desktop, but leave the folders in place (folders will be iTunes Media, Album Artwork, Previous iTunes Libraries)
    6. Open iTunes.
    7. File>Library>Import Playlist.
    8. Direct iTunes to import the "iTunes Library.xml" that is sitting on your desktop.
    9. Once the process is complete attempt to resync your iPod.

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    WinClone 3 is OS X and saves Windows image it makes for restore - that should work but you will have to try and you would need to make a new image unless it also works with a native Windows system restore image. It is now supported and has come a long way.
    Paragon Clone OS works and does disk-to-disk clone just like CCC you end up with two bootable drives. But does not work with your setup. It would let you clone and move your Windows install to an SSD or another disk drive though and be bootable.
    During its clone process it checks for errors which is very helpful and lets you know - something CCC and others should adopt more of.
    I wish for our/my sake you had re-read and rewritten the long 'story' and broken it into a brief list of facts we needed.
    OS X
    Backup (though external is much safer) and you want bootable OS X clones as well as TimeMachine
    There are a number of things to do like chkdsk and others as well as Windows DVD to do automatic system repairs and find out why.
    AppleHFS - the abilty to mount and read HFS volumes can be notorious.
    I would rearrange and redo your storage setup and how you use the 4-5 internal hard drive bays.

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    I am running InDesign CS5.5 and trying to open an In Design File but getting an error message. " Cannot open the file "PDavidLCover.indd". Adobe InDesign may not support the file format, a plug-in that supports the file format may be missing, or the file me be open in another application."Please help I really need to get this file open.

    Since you've shown us the folder contents it's a good bet it isn't in use (no lock file). And it doesn't look like the file is mis-named as there doesn't seem to be anything else there that would be the .indd file (but just in case, open it in TextEdit and paste the first few lines here so we can see what the file header says), so the most likely case is the file is damaged. Is that on a removable device of some sort?
    You can try the tool at Repair corrupt InDesign Adobe files on Mac OS X  or send me a link to the file by private message and I'll try the recovery tool I have for Windows.

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    Hi all,   a mystery needs solving any suggestions much appreciated:
    We are trying to install Exchange Server 2013 on Windows 2012 server.
    The ISO File being used is: SW_DVD9_Exchange_Svr_2013w_SP1_MultiLang_Std_Ent_MLF_X19-35118
    All preparation and requisites in place.
    During Stage 2 Copying files, we receive an error code 1603 and installation halts.
    The error states:
    Installing product F:\exchangeserver.msi failed. Fatal error during installation. Error code is 1603. Last error reported by the MSI package is 'Source file not found: F:\Setup\ServerRoles\ClientAccess\Owa\prem\version\resources\themes\base\0\microsoft.o365.controls.timeline.mouse.css.
     Verify that the file exists and that you can access it.'.
    We have verified that the Path in the error is correct and exists BUT the file is not present within the 0 folder.
    We have downloaded the ISO from our Action Pack resources twice and attempted 4 separate installations.
    We have tried both Mailbox/Client Access  and Mailbox only installations.
    The missing file: microsoft.o365.controls.timeline.mouse.css. Hopefully the only file misisng???
    Any ideas anyone, could we source a different ISO or copy of the file or ?????
    Many thanks in advance

    Had the same issue with Exchange 2013 SP 1 Downloaded as an ISO from the Volume License Center, installing on a new Server 2012R2 STD box. I found the equivalent file in another ISO but discovered it was just an empty CSS file. So the easiest way is to not
    bother trying to find the file but: 1) open notepad, 2) set save to "All Files", and 3) save an empty CSS file with that filename then place it in the directory indicated in the path given in the error. (Make sure it saves as
    a CSS and not as a TXT.)
    I reran the install and it completed without issue.

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    Although you used the new USB 3.0 port, the actual connection speed is still USB2.0, as the iPod Dock connector, does not have the 10 times faster USB3.0 signal pins, the connection speed is still 480Mbits/s
    I assumed that you have tried the other USB 2.0 port to no success..
    Can you do the iPod Disk diagnostic as posted earlier by tt2, it wont fix your problem, but helps in troubleshooting.
    Have a nice day!

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