Films cancellati

Salve a tutti,
qualcuno sà se esiste un metodo per riscaricare i film acquistati in iTunes Store?
Mi spiego meglio.
Per la musica ho un menù dove posso scaricare gli acquisti fatti in precedenza, per i films invece no.
Se vado sul singolo film e provo a riacquistarlo mi dice che l'ho già acquistato e di "verificare la presenza di download disponibili", operazione che ho fatto ma senza successo (mi risponde che non ci sono download disponibili).
Qualcuno sà aiutarmi?

Is this via Home Sharing? You haven't moved across to the Unwatched tab?

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    Maybe it is in the Purchased category of iTunes,
    Try going there

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    According to the FAQ "Once you've started to watch the movie, you have 24 hours to finish watching the movie (even if you start watching before the download is complete). You can watch the movie as many times as you want within this 24-hour period": iTunes Store movie rental usage
    If you are having problems you should contact iTunes Store Customer Services.

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    One possibility is that you accidentally opened a new/different catalog.
    Look at File->Open Recent and open the catalogs shown there and see if your photos appear

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    You are at the mercy of the content owners/copyright holders. They decide what the Apple can sell in each iTS.

  • Help! Am trying to change the speed of a film clip and am having probs

    Hi there all, this is my first foray into Apple Supp Communities, so thanks in advance for your help:)
    I have downloaded an 8min HD video from my new Panasonic camera into imovie. All good. Now for some reason when I click on the movie
    it is halved in time - showing a much speeded-up visual, although the sound track is at the same old speed.
    I have tried to find a way to slow it back down to normal speed to no avail.
    I next checked tutorials and came across one showing how to double-click to use inspector to change speeds, reverse etc.
    Excellent except when I double click, the film plays only.
    I have checked this community site and came across what appeared to be my answer - to change imovie preferences ,
    Followed the following instructions (see below) -thank you John, but alas, alak, I find when I go into library preferences, I do not find any file referring to
    imovie, the closes I come to is the whole ilife file which doesn't open to any more options (ie does not give me imovie to choose or delete etc).
    How frustrating!!!!
    Can anyone please tell me how to locate the file so that I can delete/update it?
    I have purchased the computer without the original disks so don't know if that poses a problem if I delete something!
    Thanks again,
    iMovie's preference file is in your user Library>Preferences folder and is named - delete (trash) this file after closing iMovie. When next opened, iMovie will create a new file with the default settings. You may need to change some settings to suit your own preference.
    There should be a Browser tab in iMovie's Preferences once this new file is created. In that tab is an item "Double-click to Edit/Play" - select Edit. Double-clicking a clip should now bring up the Inspector.
    By skimming over a clip (not clicking) you should be able to see the gear icon at the beginning of the clip. Clicking this icon will cause a panel to appear, from which you can select various items, some of which will open the Inspector.
    It's important that you locate and delete that preference file. As your Browser tab is missing, something is clearly amiss with that file.

    In iMovie'11 (version 9.0.x)
    on top menu row - Apple/iMovie/File/Edit/Cut (Can vary dep. on language - in Swedish Apple/iMovie/Arkiv/Redigera/Klipp . . . )
    down Cut menu - Slow playback/Raspid Playback/Re-play in Slow Motion and onvards
    Here one can select the Pre-Set speeds
    Are you familiar with getting 'inspector' to run?
    No - but I guess that Double Click on clip/sequense or ctrl-Click on it might open it.
    Yours Bengt W

  • List of missing features in CC 2014 for film editors

    hello everyone,
    I was thinking about some features I miss in CC 2014 (and I really was hoping they will be there, because the most of them are just basics...) and made a list which I want to send (again...) to Adobe as feature request. Premiere improved a lot in last years, but there are still some basic functions which you absolutely need as a professional editor, which still aren`t implemented. What do you think about the list? or maybe did I overlook some of the new features in CC 2014? Just so you know, I`m using Premiere mostly for editing movies (shorts, but will edit my first feature film this year), also promotional films, but much more less. So my biggest concern right now is if Premiere is the right choice for editing a feature, which of course means a lot of material, probably Red Raw.
    so here`s what I totally miss in Premiere:
    1. auto sync/auto merge: synching by timecode or waveform all of the video and audio clips in the bin/in the timeline at once and not one after another. and merging them all at once, not one after another. it works of course, but it takes ages!
    2. merged clips should be more flexible,
    - it should be possible to use the option "interpret footage" on merged clips, sometimes you have to modify them after they were merged and you`re already editing for a long time.
    - replacing raw footage should also replace the footage in the (already merged and edited in a timeline) merged clips
    3. the aaf export is much too simple, there are a lot of options I miss there. it is great solve in Avid and in automatic duck in Final Cut, something like that would be great
    4. the possibility to change color space in the project and play out. yes, this option is available in After Effects, but you can`t always use it, because there is some footage you can`t import in AE (like titles!)
    5. .. which leads me to the last point: it should be possible to export the titles from Premiere with an alpha channel (I`m using the titles as the subtitles)
    bugs that need to be fix:
    - audio dropouts!
    Are there any feature films editors here? what is your experience with working on big projects on premiere?

    Since I don't know how to edit my own posts . . .
    Another missing feature, automatically filling in formulas when a new row is created. For instance, say you have 3 columns, 1 + 2 = 3. In Office 2004, when I add a new row, that formula is automatically inserted. It's just one of those nice little time saving features that would be nice.

  • Sound problems with film made in iMovie when burned to DVD in iDVD

    I have upgraded to iLife 09 and for all the bad that people have to say, I actually like it a lot. Anyway, it gave me the encouragement I needed to play with some old home movies I had stored with the aim of producing DVDs to give to my friends, and hopefully showing off the slick production values I have come up with.
    So after spending a week getting to grips with iMovie and editing an old holiday film with all the cuts, transitions, chapter markers and music etc that I wanted, I ended up with an hour long movie that I was happy with.
    Then to iDVD. After trying out all sorts of ways to go from iMovie to iDVD to ensure the best quality, I have finally given up trying to replicate the on screen quality of the movie in iMovie with the finished DVD, and just opted for the easy to use 'share to iDVD' option. The quality is not great, but then the footage is old anyway so not too much of an issue.
    Then I spend another few days playing with and learning iDVD and again end up with a finished product that I am happy with, with nice looking menu's and a slideshow etc.
    So I come to burn the final DVD, for which I pick the 'Professional burn' option which takes 4 hours but I am happy to wait if it means the best quality possible, and my DVD is done.
    I then play the DVD to discover my problem - the sound in the movie is not right. To explain further, in my movie I have reduced the sound of some of the film clips to nothing and placed music over the top. When played and previewed in iMovie it works fine - the music plays and the sound that is attached the the video does not. When previewed in iDVD it works fine - just as I had edited it in iMovie. But then when I burn the DVD, some of these sounds are present again which completely wastes all my hard work at the editing stage.
    I have searched and searched for help on this but am unable to find any.
    Sorry for the very long description and story behind my issue, but it is massively frustrating. Basically, at some point during the 'burn to DVD' stage in iDVD it decides to completely ignore most of the sound edits I have made on the movie in iMovie.
    If anyone can help it would be much appreciated.
    Many thanks in advance.

    Many thanks. Looking at that thread it looks like there are a few others having the same issue as me. Might be to do with not using the predetermined rates for clip slowdown and inputting my own.
    The frustrating thing is that I have only done this once right at the start of my hour long movie and if I change it now it with though the timing of my whole film out.
    Not much else I can do though I suppose.

  • MSI Workstation 2D/3D Animation Short Film Contest

    OBJECT :MSI Workstation 2D/3D Animation Short Film Contest
    THEME:From Dream to Design –What is your dream? Life dream, dream journey, dream job, or a day dream? MSI Workstation hopes accompany you to reach your dream! Now, put MSI Workstation logo & at least one product photo in your animation work to tell us “what is your dream?”. Everyone will have chance to reach his dream and to win big prizes! Good luck and good dream!
    Download MSI logo & product photos
    ELIGIBILITY:Open to all creative animation fans, students and professionals. We are on the lookout for daring ideas, new pictures, surprising stories and for anyone who is full of creative ideas, dare to pursue their dreams and make it all possible.
    ACTIVITY:15 May 2014 to 28 July 2014
    DEADLINE :28 July 2014 02:00:00 GMT
    Event Website:
    PRIZES :
    3D Film Award
    1st Place- 3D Film Award
    MSI Workstation - GT70 2OK
    Reference Marketing Value (USD): $2599
    "MSI GT70 2OK workstation laptop certified by AutoCAD & Solidworks. Equipped with the latest NVIDIA Quadro K3100M graphics. GT70 2OK workstation is your best and most efficient tool to work on animation designs and visualization artworks. (*marketing name may change)"
    2nd Place- 3D Film Award
    EIZO ColorEdge CX241
    Reference Marketing Value (USD): $1599
    The CX241 comes with a built-in SelfCorrection sensor that automatically maintains your color settings so you can enjoy its 99% Adobe RGB coverage, brightness uniformity, and other features for creative work.
    3rd Place- 3D Film Award
    Wacom Tablet Intuos Pro Medium
    Reference Marketing Value (USD): $349
    Designed for creativity - This innovative pen tablet combines Wacom’s finest pen capabilities with intuitive multi-touch gestures and gives you the precision and control you demand when using professional software and time-savers to speed your workflow.
    2D Film Award
    1st Place- 2D Film Award
    CrazyTalk Animator 2 Pipeline + Essential Content Library 1
    Reference Marketing Value (USD): $2299
    Include CrazyTalk Animator 2 Pipeline + Essential Content Library 1. CrazyTalk Animator 2 provides an exciting new approach to traditional 2D animation with innovative new tools that allow users to apply 3D motions to 2D characters. New powerful tools have opened new possibilities for freely editing 2D motions and viewing them from any angle with a single click. Combined with functional features like facial puppet and auto lip-sync, it has become the most creative tool for 2D character animation.
    2nd Place- 2D Film Award
    EIZO Foris FS2332
    Reference Marketing Value (USD): $699
    "The FORIS FS2332 is a 23-inch home entertainment monitor with an IPS panel, LED backlight, and EIZO's Smart Resolution technology that make it optimal for watching videos, photo editing, and reading digital contents.The IPS panel has 178° viewing angles and exhibits minimal change in contrast and hue when viewed from an angle. The LED backlight reduces the monitor's power consumption and does not contain mercury. "
    3rd Place- 2D Film Award
    Wacom Tablet Intuos Pro Small
    Reference Marketing Value (USD): $249
    The Intuos Professional Pen & Touch Small is the ideal small-format choice for anyone with a serious creative passion in photography, art or design. The streamlined size packs a lot of power into a small desktop space and combines Wacom’s finest pen capabilities with intuitive multi-touch gestures.
    Jury Favorite Award
    Jury Favorite Award
    iClone Animation Pipeline + iClone Essential Content Library 1
    Reference Marketing Value (USD): $3099
    The iClone Animation Pipeline pack includes iClone5 PRO, 3DXchange5 Pipeline,and Mocap Plug-in (software). The iClone Animation Pipeline is a revolution for CG animation and game development. This toolkit contains a complete set of animation tools for quick character generation and smart motion editing, and is supported with an extensive on-line content marketplace. By utilizing intuitive real-time character motion tools alongside Autodesk’s Human IK technology, iClone makes it easy to convert characters and retarget both facial and body animations to your native working environment via standard FBX, BVH and OBJ formats. iClone also supports basic motion capture with Microsoft’s Kinect sensor, which gives you the raw motion data that saves you time and helps to turn your PC into a powerful production studio with minimal cost and increased production speed
    Final Winner of MSI 3D Short Film Animation contest coming out!!! Congratulations to all winners and your great works!
    MSI will contact you for prize sending. MSI and Reallusion select together the winners by judging the Story Concept and Content- Originality & Creativity(40%), Techniques- 3D techniques, Character & Scenes Design (30%), Brand Messages Embedded Method (20%), Music and Other Design Elements (10%)

    Quote from: katapultax10;110785
    I submit my entry, does it take in account ? on the contest page it say it is active until 1 september, but on the forum it says it is active until "" DEADLINE :28 July 2014 02:00:00 GMT "" can any admin/administrator reply to see if I`m in ? I call my entry ""MSI - From Ruin to Success "" and it can be watched here :
    It still uncpmpleted I wait to render the entire project, then It still  need a little bit of editing (that is not the problem ..) (render time take a lot especialy on my dual core machine :| :mad:)
    Best regards,
    Sasu Catalin Iulian
    Dear katapultax10,
    Thanks for your submission. Your work has been uploaded on the site. thanks!

  • Is there any way to browse all sales excluding rental only & short films?

    Is there any way to browse all film sales excluding rental only & short films?
    I am finding the laborious process of clicking through page by page in cover view annoying to the extreme to search new additions to the available film sales lists every week or so. The display page is always slightly deeper than my window so it means having to scroll down to view the last row of covers and click next page.
    Apple... Is there any chance of having an auto scrolling (with pause and previous/next feature) film cover flow with description view of each film large enough to view the image, preferably filling the screen, perhaps also a feature in Front Row that will show available films to buy/rent in iTunes or an RSS screen saver that could give you a constant update of the last 10/20 films added?
    Something that will make the task of searching for titles you might like to buy less of a 'task' and more intuitive. I don't really want to browse by Genre and a Cover image only view tells you nothing about the film.
    If the screen in front of me gave me a constantly (controllable when required) changing view, similar to the content displayed in Front Row of a title you have selected i'd be happy.
    Message was edited by: Rob Wilton

    Could you please tell me how to view all the movies I have rented?

  • I get this error when I go to imovie, I have instalerat on via appstore, but it does not work. The QuickTime components necessary to view, edit, import and export various types of films are not installed. The components included in the iMovie installer. R

    I get this error when I go to imovie, I have instalerat on via appstore, but it does not work.
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    I get this error when I go to imovie, I have instalerat on via appstore, but it does not work.
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  • Arrow key and space bar do not work scrolling in PDF document with film file?

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    Adobe 11.0.10 MBP with Yosemite.
    Many thanks for input!

    Hi Melfour-
    Here is a Support article detailing how to work with your Firefox PDF preferences:
    [[Opening PDF files within Firefox]]
    Hope that helps.

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