Find intersection/union between two maps

I'm trying to find out state changes between two maps.
I have two maps A and B, what I need to do is to find keys in A that doesn't exists in B and keys in B that doesn't exist in A.
If keys exists in both A and B I want to compare the values of those keys.
What would be the most effective way to implement this.
My first plan was to loop through the keys in A to find in B and loop through keys in B and find in A but I guess there is a more effective algorithm.
I'm also thinking about using java.util.Collections to find intersection/union between the keys in the maps but then I need to do a lookup in both
Any suggestions?

Fredrik wrote:
My scenario is this:
I'm writing a Swing app for administration of a clustered environment.
The keys in the map contains ip-address of cluster nodes, the value is a status/state for a node in the cluster.
I want to signal state change for the node in the GUI.
A state change happens if there is a new node in the cluster which means a new entry in the map since last checked or if a node
leaves the cluster a remove of entry in the map since last checked or if the status/state for the entry/ip has changed since last checked.
/FredrikBy your above senario, i don't think you have two objects of Map, there is only one object and you want to signal the change in GUI, whenever a object is added , removed or only value is changed (Key is same) to the Map.
Then i'll suggest below things:
1) to override hashcode and equal method. (Because whenever the put or putAll methods are called the hashcode and equal method checks in the bucket for equal and similar hashcode, and if its equal , then change the GUI for the existing Map).
2) As suggested earlier, override remove methods. (Whenever any object is removed, accordingly you can change the GUI).
3) As suggested earlier, override put and putAll method( whenever a new object is added, accordingly you can change the GUI).
And for this, i don't think you have iterate through the Map.

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    You may use openrowset statement, (OPENROWSET (Transact-SQL))., but before you use this, you must configure your server
    SELECT a.*
    FROM OPENROWSET('SQLNCLI', 'Server=Seattle1;Trusted_Connection=yes;',
         'SELECT GroupName, Name, DepartmentID
          FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Department
          ORDER BY GroupName, Name') AS a
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          FROM AdventureWorks2012.HumanResources.Department
          ORDER BY GroupName, Name
    With this you can define a connection using native client to server Seattle1, and execute a query there, The results will be spooled on your server.
    Server=[SERVER_NAME];datasource=[YOUR DATABASE NAME];user_id=sa;password=sapassword'
    if you use FQDN on your Query, than the datasource parameter in connection string can be letf out.
    take care of performance, it can be very slow,

  • Unable to find line break between two lines in attachment file.

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    I am trying to send mail through SMTP server with an attachment of oracle report, but I am unable to find line break between two lines, when I down load the attachment from mail and open attach.txt file by double click on it. Next line starts right after previous line ends, it should starts with new line.
    In order to send an attachment file, I am reading source file line by line and put MIME protocol’s attachment instance, contain of source file is being properly written into target file if I open that attachment on cmd prompt.
    Following code may help you to understand the case.
    Thanks in advance.
    My code is as follows:-
    create or replace procedure bec_file_test
    v_subject varchar2, -- Subject of the email
    v_body varchar2, -- Body of the email
    v_from VARCHAR2 default '', -- sender mail id
    v_to varchar2 default '', -- Field To of the email
    v_cc varchar2 default '' -- cc address
    ) is
    -- variable to hold the smtp server connection
    v_smtp_connection utl_smtp.connection;
    -- variable to hold the smtp host name
    v_smtp_host varchar2(100) default '';
    -- variable to hold the smtp port
    v_smtp_port number default 25;
    -- composite of {CR}{LF} caridge return and line feed.
    CRLF varchar2(2):=CHR(13)||CHR(10);
    cursor pr_rec is
    select requisition_no,line_no,release_no,a.contract,
    substr(a.Bal_qty,1,8) BAL_QTY,
    a.wanted_receipt_date WAN_REC_DT,
    a.latest_order_date LAT_ORD_DT
    from bec_pr_line_rep a
    where a.Bal_qty>0 and a.header_state not in 'Closed'
    and upper(a.state1) like 'RELEASED' and a.contract not in ('U1ENG','ULENG','U1FND','U2FND')
    and a.buyer_code='70306'
    order by a.part_no;
    v_msg_line varchar2(2000);
    -- v_buffer varchar2(20000);
    --ALTER SYSTEM SET utl_file_dir = 'D:\Database\temp'
    --COMMENT='Temporary change on Dec 14'
    SELECT name, value
    FROM gv$parameter
    WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';
    --drop directory my_directory
    --CREATE or replace DIRECTORY my_directory AS 'D:\database\temp';
    --GRANT read,write ON DIRECTORY my_directory TO PUBLIC;
    begin ---writing data into a file.
    fHandle := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY', 'pending_pr_summry.txt', 'w');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Pending PR to process (detail report)');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle,TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'MM-DD-YY HH:MI:SS AM'));
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt' );
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    for pr_temp in pr_rec loop
    v_msg_line:=to_char(rpad(pr_temp.requisition_no,12,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.line_no,3,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.release_no,3,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.contract,7,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(nvl(pr_temp.project_id,' '),7,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(nvl(pr_temp.act_seq,' '),12,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.part_no,12,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.description,35,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.bal_qty,10,' ')||'|'||
    rpad(pr_temp.uom,6,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.wan_rec_dt,14,' ')||'|'||
    lpad(pr_temp.lat_ord_dt,14,' '));
    end loop;
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(fHandle, ' Regards : IFSAPP ( Application owner ) ');
    UTL_FILE.FCLOSE(fHandle); ------------writing into file is successfuly done here!
    --Reading of file starts here containt will be added in attchment file
    fHandle :=UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MY_DIRECTORY','pending_pr_summry.txt','R' );
    -- establish the connection to the smtp server
    v_smtp_connection := utl_smtp.open_connection(v_smtp_host, v_smtp_port); /** OPEN CONNECTION ON THE SERVER **/
    -- perform a handshake with the smtp server
    utl_smtp.helo(v_smtp_connection, v_smtp_host); /** DO THE INITIAL HAND SHAKE **/
    -- set the 'from' address of the message
    utl_smtp.mail(v_smtp_connection, v_from);
    -- add the recipient to the message
    utl_smtp.rcpt(v_smtp_connection, v_to);
    -- send the email
    v_msg_line:='Date: ' || TO_CHAR( SYSDATE, 'dd Mon yy hh24:mi:ss' ) || CRLF ||
    'From: ' || v_from || CRLF ||
    'Subject: ' || v_subject || CRLF ||
    'To: ' || v_to || CRLF ||
    'Cc: ' || v_cc || CRLF ||
    'MIME-Version: 1.0'|| CRLF || -- Use MIME mail standard
    'Content-Type: multipart/mixed;'||CRLF ||
    ' boundary="-----SECBOUND"'||CRLF||
    CRLF ||'-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 7bit'|| CRLF ||
    CRLF ||v_body|| CRLF;     -- Message body
    v_msg_line:='-------SECBOUND'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: application/octet-stream;'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Type: text/plain;'|| CRLF ||
    'name="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Transfer_Encoding: 8bit'|| CRLF ||
    'Content-Disposition: attachment;'|| CRLF ||
    ' filename="pending_pr_summry.txt"'|| CRLF || CRLF;     -- Content of attachment
    -- check file is opened
    IF utl_file.is_open(fHandle) THEN
    -- loop lines in the file
    BEGIN -- Content of attachment
    END IF;
    --end of attachment containt     
    when utl_smtp.invalid_operation then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Invalid Operation in Mail attempt using UTL_SMTP.');
    when utl_smtp.transient_error then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Temporary e-mail issue - try again');
    when utl_smtp.permanent_error then
    dbms_output.put_line(' Permanent Error Encountered.');
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('Exception: SQLCODE=' || SQLCODE || ' SQLERRM=' || SQLERRM);
    end bec_file_test;

    Pending PR to process (detail report)01-17-13 12:43:19 li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade |500|kg |30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 2| |NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | |1|NMDCJ|6001|100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1|pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    where as source file is like that:-
    Pending PR to process (detail report)
    01-17-13 12:43:19 PM li Re Site Prj Id Act seq Part no Description Qty UOM want rec dt lat ord dt
    MAT/250370 | 2| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0104000016|Angle 50 X 50 X 6 IS:2062 Grade | 5500|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
    MAT/250370 | 3| 1|ISCSP | 4977| 100004207| 0105000002|Channel 100 X 50 IS:2062 Grade A | 1000|kg | 30-NOV-2012| 20-nov-2012
    MAT/250579 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 2991|kg | 13-DEC-2012| 03-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 1500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 3| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020002|TMT Bar 10 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 3939|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 39000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 4| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 2| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020004|TMT Bar 16 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 12183|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250606 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005860| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 9500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 4500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 6| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020006|TMT Bar 25 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 17500|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250607 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6001| 100005580| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 22000|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/250194 | 7| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005818| 0109020008|TMT Bar 32 mm Fe 415 IS:1786 | 27060|kg | 29-DEC-2012| 19-dec-2012
    MAT/251138 | 1| 1|NMDCJ | 6002| 100005825| 3501000001|Cement 50 kg | 1 |pkt | 25-DEC-2013| 14-dec-2013
    Ignore alignment. It is well formatted in source file.

  • Need to find the Difference between two table

    Hello ,
    I have stucked in program as below scenario:-
    I have two tables of huge data of same structure in a same schema.I need to find the difference exact values in tables.
    By using MINUS we can find the difference between two table ,i need to find the what exact difference in the there values with colunm and value at that column.
    Example TableA
    Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5.... col50
    10 ABC 2001 EE 444 TT
    40 XYZ 3002 RR 445 TT3
    80 DEF 6005 YY 446 YY8
    Col1 col2 col3 col4 col5.... col50
    10 ABC 2001 EE 444 TT
    40 XYZ 3002 RR 445 TT3
    81 DEF 6005 Yu 447 YY8
    I need to the out put like this :-
    The Diffence between two table is
    TableA.COL1=80 TableB.Col1=81, Different
    TableA.Col4=YY TableB.col4=Yu,Different
    Please suggest me to write the pl/sql program for the same
    thanx in advance

    Thanx friends for all your efforts
    I have a sample code for the same,this will compare the two tables for single row in each table .
    what r the modification needed for the multiple rows of values in the two tables??
    Please suggest!!
    TYPE t_col
    l_col t_col;
    j NUMBER := 0;
    l_sql VARCHAR2 (2000);
    col1 VARCHAR2 (30);
    col2 VARCHAR2 (30);
    val1 NUMBER;
    val2 NUMBER;
    status VARCHAR2 (30);
    CURSOR c1
    SELECT column_id, column_name
    FROM all_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = 'TEST1';
    FOR i IN c1
    j := j + 1;
    l_col (j) := i.column_name;
    FOR k IN 1 .. j
    l_sql :=
    'SELECT '
    || ''''
    || l_col (k)
    || ''''
    || ', '
    || 'TEST2.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ', '
    || ''''
    || l_col (k)
    || ''''
    || ', '
    || 'TEST1.'
    || l_col (k )
    || ', '
    || 'DECODE(TEST2.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ' -TEST1.'
    || l_col (k)
    || ', 0, ''NO CHANGE'', ''CHANGED'') FROM TEST2, TEST1';
    EXECUTE IMMEDIATE l_sql INTO col1, val1,col2, val2, status;
    IF status = 'CHANGED'
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line( 'TEST2.'
    || col1
    || '='
    || val1
    || ', TEST1.'
    || col2
    || '='
    || val2
    || ', '
    || status);
    END IF;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('Error:- ' || SQLERRM);

  • Find the difference between two columns in an ssrs matrix ? MSCRM

    Hi All,
    I am working in reporting part of our project (On-line MSCRM 2013) & in reporting services.
    I am trying to create report using fetch xml based. Below is the snap what we required the result.
    Kindly help me, how to get the difference in both column. (Its a matrix table where year is grouped).
    We need difference between both year Like (Plan Revenue of 2013 & Plan Revenue of 2014 difference in Plan Revenue Diff section) and same for Actual
    Mohammad Sharique

    Hi Bro,
    I used parametrized option for year and done the report,Currently we are getting values in Difference column now i want to show
    that value in percentage. How can we show the percentage based on that value. Means i want to show the Difference in Percentage. 
    Kindly help me i tried but getting some issue. Below i am mentioning the code and snap with result.
    Below expression using to showing Plan Revenue in Percentage for year.
    Sum(IIF(Fields!new_year.Value =Parameters!StartYear.Value,cdec(Fields!new_planrevenueValue.Value/1000), cdec(0)))
    - Sum(IIF(Fields!new_year.Value =Parameters!EndYear.Value,cdec(Fields!new_planrevenueValue.Value/1000), cdec(0)))
    /IIF(Sum(IIF(Fields!new_year.Value = Parameters!StartYear.Value,cdec(Fields!new_planrevenueValue.Value/1000), cdec(0)))>0,
    (Sum(IIF(Fields!new_year.Value = Parameters!StartYear.Value,cdec(Fields!new_planrevenueValue.Value/1000), cdec(0))))
    Result issue is as below in snap with highlighted in red colour.
    Kindly help me on this issue also :)

  • Extract Time from date and Time and Need XLMOD Funtion to find the Difference between Two Time.

    X6 = "1/5/15 5:16 AM" & NOW ....................difference by Only Time
    not date
    X6 date and Time will be changing, Its not Constant
                Dim myDateTime As DateTime = X6
                Dim myDate As String = myDateTime.ToString("dd/MM/yy")
                Dim myTime As String = myDateTime.ToString("hh:mm tt")
                Dim myDateTime1 As DateTime = Now
                Dim myDate1 As String = myDateTime1.ToString("dd/MM/yy")
                Dim myTime1 As String = myDateTime1.ToString("hh:mm tt")
    Need to use this function to find the Difference between Two Time. due to 12:00 AM isuue
    Function XLMod(a, b)
        ' This replicates the Excel MOD function
        XLMod = a - b * Int(a / b)
    End Function
    Output Required
     dim dd  = XLMod(myTime - myTime1)
    Problem is myTime & myTime1 is String Need to convert them into Time, Later use XLMOD Funtion.

    As an addendum to this, I thought I'd add this in also: If you have two valid DateTime objects you might consider using a class which I put together a few years ago
    shown on a page of my website here.
    To use it, just instantiate with two DateTime objects (order doesn't matter, it'll figure it out) and you'll then have access to the public properties. For this example, I'm just showing the .ToString method:
    Option Strict On
    Option Explicit On
    Option Infer Off
    Public Class Form1
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, _
    ByVal e As System.EventArgs) _
    Handles MyBase.Load
    Dim date1 As DateTime = Now
    Dim date2 As DateTime = #1/1/1970 2:35:00 PM#
    Dim howOld As New Age(date1, date2)
    MessageBox.Show(howOld.ToString, "Age")
    End Sub
    End Class
    I hope that helps, if not now then maybe at some point in the future. :)
    Still lost in code, just at a little higher level.
      Thanx frank, can use this in Future....

  • Function Module to find the Difference between two times.

    Hi All,
    Wud you plz let me know the Function Module to find the Difference between two times.
    Input Time1( Hours:Minutes) Time2 ( Hours:Minutes)
    Need Output in Hours:Minutes only . ( No seconds Needed )
    Ex :
    Input :
           06:00 to 18:00 Output : 12:00
    and  20:00 to 06:00 Output: 10:00 with +ve sign only. No -ve sign.

    check this .
    data : p_timel like sy-uzeit,
           p_timeh like sy-uzeit,
           diff like sy-uzeit,
           di(8) type c .
           p_timel = '200000'.
           p_timeh = '060000'.
           diff = p_timeh - p_timel.
           concatenate diff+0(2) ':' diff+2(2) into di.
           write:/ di.
    also check for this.
           p_timel = '060000'.
           p_timeh = '180000'.
    see if this can be implemented in ur code .
    or else  u can try with  Fm L_TO_TIME_DIFF passing startdate enddate starttime endtime with UOM as MIN
    hope this helps regards,

  • Find record count between two time stamps

    Hi All,
    Problem: My custom table having a datetime column ;
    I want to find records processed between two time stamps.
    say: records between 2010-04-28 10:15:00 and 2010-04-28 12:30:00
    Could you please help me in this.
    Thanks in advance

    use To_date function in where column on that Dat_col
    WHERE date_col BETWEEN TO_DATE ('2010-04-28 10:15:00',
    'mm-dd-rrrr hh24:mi:ss')
    AND TO_DATE ('2010-04-28 12:30:00',
    'mm-dd-rrrr hh24:mi:ss')

  • Find the difference between two dates for the specific month and year

    I have two dates, start date is 30/12/2012 and end date is 04/01/2013. Using datediff I found the difference of days between two dates. But I find the no of days in January 2013. ie output is 4 instead of 6. I input month and year to find the no of days
    for that date. In this case I input Jan 2013. How can I sql this ?

    I don't understand how most of the answers provided here not analytically solving the problem with many cases possible.
    First let me understand you:
    You have 2 dates range and you want to calculate day range for specific month and year between the original date range.
    declare @for_month int = 1 --January
    declare @for_year int = 2013
    declare @StartDate date = '2012-12-20'
    declare @EndDate date = '2013-01-04'
    WHEN (DATEPART(MONTH, @StartDate) = @for_month and DATEPART(MONTH, @EndDate) = @for_month) and ((DATEPART(YEAR, @StartDate) = @for_year or DATEPART(YEAR, @EndDate) = @for_year)) THEN
    DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDate,@EndDate)
    WHEN (@StartDate < cast(CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as date)) and (@EndDate between (cast(CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as date)) and (cast(DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, cast( CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as date)) + 1, 0)) as date))) THEN
    WHEN (@EndDate > cast(DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, cast( CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as date)) + 1, 0)) as date)) and (@StartDate between (cast(CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as date)) and (cast(DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, cast( CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as date)) + 1, 0)) as date))) THEN
    DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDate,DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, @StartDate) + 1, 0))) + 1
    WHEN ((DATEDIFF(DAY, @StartDate, cast(DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, cast( CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as date)) + 1, 0)) as date)) >= 0) and (DATEDIFF(DAY, cast(CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as date), @EndDate) >= 0)) THEN
    DATEDIFF(DAY, cast( CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as datetime), DATEADD(d, -1, DATEADD(m, DATEDIFF(m, 0, cast( CONVERT(varchar(4), @for_year) + '-' + CONVERT(varchar(2), @for_month) + '-01' as datetime)) + 1, 0))) + 1
    END as [DD]
    I don't know how you calculate day range between 01/01/2013 and 04/01/2013
    is 4, it is actually is 3 but if that is the case, you can add 1 from the condition.

  • Find datetime difference between two fields and add the difference to the current datetime.

    Hi all,
    First I need to find the difference between the two date times fields (D1 and D2) and than add the diffence between them to the curent datetime to generate new datetime field (D3).
    2013-05-09 12:12:57.000              2013-05-09 12:12:57.000
    2013-05-10 12:12:57.000              2013-05-09 5:10:01.000
    2013-05-09 9:13:27.000                2013-05-11 11:00:21.000

    You can try this
    SELECT  DATEDIFF(Day, D1, D2) as Date_Diff from Table_3 
    Replace day with
    other units you want to get the difference in, like second, minute etc.

  • How to do find the difference between two time stamps

    Hi all,
    i have a table with 2 columns called GMT time and Local time . so i need to find difference between these two time stamps.
    i tried like this
    select to_date(GMT_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:hi:ss')-to_date(LOCAL_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:hi:ss') from date_table
    the result is coming as follows ..
    i did not under stand the out put.
    In my table GMT_TIME= 2011-06-26 00:00:00 and LOCAL_TIME=2011-06-25 17:00:00 ..
    please help me how to get exact hours between two dates ..

    Hi Sreedhar,
    Your output (0.2916666) has the unit day.
    You should multiply with 24 to get the unit hour.
    select ( to_date(GMT_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:hi:ss')-to_date(LOCAL_TIME,'yyyy-mm-dd hh24:hi:ss') ) * 24 from date_table;Rgds,

  • Find the difference between two internal table

    how can i see the difference between two interal tables?
    The requirement is as follows
    1. We have a transparent table, which stores the employee data with EMP ID as key.
    2. We load the transp table data into a interal table (B).
    3. We get data from legecy system as file and it gets loaded into another internal table (A) (this also has the same EMP ID key and this will have latest addition/update to those emplyees).
    Now we need to seperate out these data into three interal table Inserted (I), Deleted (D) and Updated (U).
    We want to do followign things
    I = A - B
    D = B - A
    Both A and B will have around 40k records. Hence we are trying to avoid the looping.
    Please suggest the best option for us.
    Thank you in advance.

    RAGHAV URAL wrote:
    > how can i see the difference between two interal tables?
    > The requirement is as follows
    > 1. We have a transparent table, which stores the employee data with EMP ID as key.
    > 2. We load the transp table data into a interal table (B).
    > 3. We get data from legecy system as file and it gets loaded into another internal table (A) (this also has the same EMP ID key and this will have latest addition/update to those emplyees).
    > Now we need to seperate out these data into three interal table Inserted (I), Deleted (D) and Updated (U).
    > We want to do followign things
    > I = A - B
    > D = B - A
    > Both A and B will have around 40k records. Hence we are trying to avoid the looping.
    > Please suggest the best option for us.
    > Thank you in advance.
    > Raghavendra
    Hi Raghavendra,
      Currently as of my knowledge, these operations are only possible through LOOPs. But LOOPign can be really fast here if you properly utilize the SORTING, READ with BINARY SEARCH and FIELD-SYMBOLS usage. I would say:-
    Steps for Insert:-
    SORT: A, B.
      IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
        APPEND <WA_A> TO I.
    Steps for Delete:-
    SORT: A, B.
      IF SY-SUBRC NE 0.
        APPEND <WA_B> TO D.

  • Find driving distance between two points without using API by use of Lat & Long?

    Using Google geocode API :
    We performed get distance between search criteria entered by user and all related clubs by lat & long  stored at db.
    2. Two different points such as  
    (origin: Lat1 & Long1) and (destination: Lat2 & Long2)
    We tried for to get distance between these two points,
     (Lat2 & Long2) to (Lat1 & Long1)
    But distance which we get by calculation is simple straight line distance 
    Origin Destination
    (Lat1 & Long1) (Lat2 & Long2)
    3. This is not driving distance as google shows in exact Km
    4. For that Google provide another API (distancematrix API)
    5. But there is limit for DistanceMatrix-Service without ClientID and client key
    100 elements per query.
    100 elements per 10 seconds.
    2 500 elements per 24 hour period.
    But as element request exceeds it shows : OVER_QUERY_LIMIT error  
    6. In case of Client ID and Client key
    In Distance Matrix 100 000 elements per 24 hour period,a maximum of 625 elements per query and a maximum of 1 000 elements per 10 seconds.
    As per this one there is option to get purchase these API but basic question is remain same for us if we are requesting single origin and multiple destination then how element calculation done by google?
    But in document google says :
    The information about each origin-destination pairing is returned in an element entry. An element contains the following fields:
    Status: See Status Codes for a list of possible status codes.
    Duration: The duration of this route, expressed in seconds (the value field) and as text. The textual representation is localized according to
    the query's language parameter.
    Distance: The total distance of this route, expressed in meters (value) and as text. The textual value uses the unit system specified with the
    unit parameter of the original request, or the origin's region.

    Any information that you see in a google map webpage can be retrieved using the API.  The best way of finding the tags on the webpage is to manually perform the query using an IE webpage.   Then capture the source and save to a file so you
    can use a text editor to look at results.  I often on a webpage use the menu : View -  Source and then copy the source to a text file.

  • Help I need to subtract times to find the difference between two times?

    Hello there, I really need help.
    I'm trying to make this attendance tracking system so that when a user enters his or her ID the system wll remember his/her check in time. However I also need to find out either how late the person is or how early to store their over time and late.
    So I get the time by using a timestamp, so I'm left with a timestamp that I store into the db. But the problem comes when trying to compute for the late or over time. To do that I have to get the normal login/checkin time from the employee schedules table in the db and either subtract that time from the checkInTime to compute for how late or subtract the checkIn time from it to find early.
    The thing is, the schedule is stored in datetime format in the db since the db is sql. Also I have no idea on how to subtract the two dates via java. The month, date and year stored in the sql db are just fillers, all I need computed is the time difference of the hours and minutes between the checkInTime and the schedule.
    I've tried to use datediff: SELECT e.employeeNumber, datediff('hh', startTime, checkInTime) as lateTime from employeeschedules e, timandattendance, contractualemployees c where c.scheduleNumber=e.scheduleNumber and t.employeeNumber=c.employeeNumber and t.checkInNumber=1;
    But it keeps on giving out various errors: You have an error in your sql syntax check your manual that corresponds to your sql server version. for the right syntax to use near , checkInTime) as lateTime from employeeschedules e, timandattendance, contractualemployees c where c.scheduleNumber=e.scheduleNumber and t.employeeNumber=c.employeeNumber and t.checkInNumber=1;
    My sql server is My SQL 5.0.5
    Now I'm thinking of useing Gregorian instead, but I don't know how to use Gregorian and dont know the various methods. Can someone tell me what to do, provide some sample codes and references that I can use to accomplish what I need to do?

    NewtonsApple_2 wrote:
    Now I'm thinking of useing Gregorian instead, but I don't know how to use Gregorian and dont know the various methods. Can someone tell me what to do, provide some sample codes and references that I can use to accomplish what I need to do?it may help...

  • How to find structural differences between two tables?

    I want to find the difference in structure between objects in two 11g databases:
    Here I want to identify:
    tables/ Views with same columns, same datatype, precision and constraints
    Identify if the same indexes and triggers are present.
    I do not want to compare the data.
    can someone give suggestions on this please?

    my first resource for SQL Developer questions is (That) Jeff Smith:

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