Finding the max value using partition by

I've the following requirement where i need to select the max value from the data
SELECT 48003 , 'SLNG' ,'INS','A-' FROM DUAL)
SELECT distinct  ID, RTNG_TP_CD,RL_CD,MAX(RAT_CD)  over (partition by id) RT_CD
For a single id if there are 2 RTNG_TP_CD then select the max(rat_cd) by displayin rtng_tp_cd =SLNG
Expected Output
48003 , SLNG , INS , A-Thank You

SELECT 48003 , 'SLNG' ,'INS','A-' FROM DUAL)
SELECT distinct ID,decode((select count(*) from t where,1,RTNG_TP_CD, 'SLNG') RTNG_TP_CD,RL_CD,MAX(RAT_CD) over (partition by id) RT_CD

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    I have the following query where i need to find the max value
      with t as  (
       select 'L1' R_nm ,'Data' R_Data , 'Obj' R_Obj , 'Wd' r_prec , '2' val  from dual
       union all
       select 'L1' , 'Data', 'Obj' , 'No', '4' from dual
    union all
       select 'L2' , 'Data', 'Obj' , 'No', '4' from dual )
       select t.*, max(val) over(partition by r_nm,r_data,r_obj)  rk from t
      My expected output should be
    r_nm    r_data     r_obj   r_prec   val     rk
    L1        Data         Obj     Wd       2       1
    L1        Data         Obj     No       4        2
    L2        Data         Obj     Yes      1       1
    Thank You

    It looks like you're not interested in the MAX at all.  It looks like you want to rank the rows, such that the one with the lowest value is assigned the number 1, the row with the 2nd lowest values gets 2, ..., and the row with the N-th lowest value gets N.  If doesn't matter if the MAX is 4, or 2, or 420.
    Here's one way to do that:
    SELECT    t.*
    ,         RANK () OVER ( PARTITION BY  r_nm, r_obj
                             ORDER BY      val
                           )  AS rk
    FROM      t
    ORDER BY  r_nm, r_obj
    ,         val
    Depending on how you want to deal with ties, you might want to use ROW_NUMBER or DENSE_RANK instead of RANK.

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    Thanks Rob! I knew it must be something available somewhere. That should allow me to do the needed calculations. Awesome.

  • Finding the min value in a hashtable

    I'm trying to work out the lowest value contained in a hashTable. So far I've got.
    import java.util.Enumeration;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class StoreValuesDouble extends Statistic {
          * Each object of the class (StoreValuesDouble) will have these attributes.
          * When you call the StoreValuesDouble class you can use
          * myDoubleValues (a Vector holding Double types),
          * Hashtable (a Hashtable using Double types as values and keys) and
          * nullValues (an Double currently set to 0.0).
         Vector<Double> myDoubleValues; //declare a variable myDoubleValues that is of data type Vector
         Hashtable<Double, Double> myValues; //declare a variable myvalues that is a data type Hashtable
         Double nullValues = 0.0; //Double attribute to count the number of null values contained in the vector
          * pass myDoubleValues to inValues
          * @param Vector /<Double/> a vector holding Double values
          * @param inValues the values in the vector
          * @return
         public void DoubleStat(Vector<Double> inValues) {
              myDoubleValues = inValues;
          * calculate the mean of myDoubleValues
          * @return mean of myDoubleValues as a double
         public double meanDouble() {
              double mean = 0;
              Double currentDouble;
              double nonNull = 0;
              for (double j = 0; j < myDoubleValues.size(); j++)
                   currentDouble = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int) j);
                   if (currentDouble != null) {
                        mean += currentDouble.doubleValue();
              return mean / nonNull;
          * calculate the standard devitation of myDoubleValues
          * @return standard devitation of myDoubleValues as a double
         public double standardDeviationDouble() {
              double m = meanDouble();
              double t = 0.0;
              Double currentDouble;
              double n = 0;
              for (double j = 0; j < getDoubleValues(); j++) {
                   currentDouble = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int)j);
                   if (currentDouble != null) {
                        n = currentDouble.doubleValue();
                        t += (n - m) * (n - m);
              return Math.sqrt(t / (myDoubleValues.size() - 1.0));// n - 1 as sample varience
          * return the number of values of myDoubleValues to help calculate the mean & standard deviation
          * @return the size of myDoubleValues as a Double
         public double getDoubleValues() {
              return myDoubleValues.size();
          * compute the number of null values
          * @return a double value representing the number of null values
         public Double getDoubleNull() {
              Double nbNull = 0.0;
              // test if myIntValues is null
              if (myDoubleValues == null) {
                   System.out.println("Please enter values that are not null!");
                   return 0.0;
              // if not null, parse all values
                   // for each value, test if it is null or not
                   Double currentDouble;
                   for (double i = 0; i < myDoubleValues.size(); i++) {
                        currentDouble = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int)i);
                        if (currentDouble != null) {
                             /// nothing to do
                        else {
              return nbNull;
    //find the MIN values in the Hashtable to give us the range (with the MAX value)
         public Double MinDouble()
              Double MinDouble = null;
              Double currentValue;
              for (double j = 0; j < myDoubleValues.size(); j++)
                   currentValue = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int) j);
                   if (currentValue != null){
                   if (currentValue <= MinDouble) {
                        MinDouble = currentValue;
              return MinDouble;
         /*find the MAX value in the Hashtable to give us the range (with the MIN value)
         public double MAX()
          * Create an instance of StoreValuesDouble to hold vector values and number of times the values
          * appear. StoreValuesDouble automatically contains the variables defined above
          * (myDoubleValues, myValues and nullValues) we have to initialise myDoubleValues and myValues
          * as they have been defined but not initialised. nullValues has been defined (int) and initialised (0).
          * @param Vector /<Double/> a vector holding Double values
          * @param inValues the values in the vector
          * @return
         public StoreValuesDouble(Vector<Double> inValues) {
              myDoubleValues = inValues; //the attribute myDoubleValues defined in the StoreValuesDouble class
              //is the inValues parameter, this allows us to store the Vector in inValues
              myValues = new Hashtable<Double, Double>(); // create an instance of/initialise Hashtable
          * Now define the methods to make the instance StoreValuesDouble do what we want it to do
          * (ie parse all the double values of the myDoubleValues Vector attribute.
         public void computeDoubleValues() {
              Double currentDouble;//local variable to store the current read Double object
               * Use a for loop to read through all the values contained in the vector
              for (double i = 0; i < myDoubleValues.size(); i++) {
                   currentDouble = myDoubleValues.elementAt((int)i);
                   //currentDouble is now the Double object stored at i
                   //to check that i is not null we use the if statment
                   if (currentDouble != null) {
                        //i is not null so we want to add it to the hashtable. Rather than writing a lot of code
                        //here to do checking and adding we just call a method that can be written seperately
                   else {
                        //i is null so we just count it by adding it to our nullValues attribute
          * Update the current distribution of Doubles
          * @param Double for the value of the key
          * @param inDouble for the value entered into the Hashtable (the object)
         public void updateDoubleTable(Double inDouble) {
              //First test that variable inDouble is not null
              if (inDouble != null) {
                   //update the table myValues this involves two tasks
                   //1)see if the double object has already been seen
                   //so we create a local variable to test the Hashtable
                   boolean alreadyPresent;
                   alreadyPresent = myValues.containsKey(inDouble);
                   //here we check whether inDouble is already in myValues
                   if (alreadyPresent) {
                        //if it is present we need to increase the counter
                        Double counter = myValues.get(inDouble);
                        //local variable counter to get the value associated to the key inDouble
                        Double newCounter = new Double(counter.intValue() + 1.0);
                        //update counter values and then ...
                        myValues.put(inDouble, newCounter);
                        //put into myValues
                        //as Hashtable can store only Objects, we cannot use primitive types
                        // so we use Objects related to primitive types as Integer, Float, Double
                        // or Boolean (here, we use Double)
                   } else {
                        //store the double and set it's counter to 1
                        myValues.put(inDouble, new Double(1));
              } else {
                   //do nothing
         //now we want to display the values
         public void displayDoubleTable() {
              // to display the distribution, we need to parse all the keys of the
              // hashtable and access to the value associated to each key
              Enumeration<Double> keys = myValues.keys();
              Double currentKey;
              Double currentValue;
              System.out.println("Hashtable Information:");
              System.out.println(myDoubleValues.size() + " Double objects in initial vector");
              while (keys.hasMoreElements()) {
                   currentKey = keys.nextElement();
                   currentValue = myValues.get(currentKey);
                   System.out.println("The value " + currentKey.doubleValue()
                             + " has been seen " + currentValue.doubleValue()
                             + " time(s) in the initial Vector");
              System.out.println("There were " + nullValues
                        + " null Double object(s) in the inital Vector");
         }As part of the StoreValuesDouble class. And to display it.
    package statistics;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class TestStatDouble {
         static Vector<Double> doubleVector;
          * Create and initialise a vector of values and compute the mean,
          * standard deviation, distribution and MIN/MAX values.
         public static void main(String[] args) {
               // initialise the values in initValues
              // create an instance of StoreValuesDouble taking double as the parameter
              StoreValuesDouble is = new StoreValuesDouble(doubleVector);
              //Display the results
              System.out.println("Number of null values: " + is.getDoubleNull());
              System.out.println("Number of non-null values is: " +(is.getDoubleValues() - is.getDoubleNull()));
              System.out.println("Number of all values: " + is.getDoubleValues());
              System.out.println("The mean is: " + is.meanDouble());
              System.out.println("Standard deviation is: " + is.standardDeviationDouble());
              System.out.println("The lowest value is " + is.MinDouble());
               * now I want to display the results from the displayTable method in the StoreValuesDouble
               * class so I create an instance of StoreValuesDouble and use the computeDoubleValues and
               * displayDoubleTable methods.
              StoreValuesDouble storeValues = new StoreValuesDouble(doubleVector);
          * create the class method initValues() to add values to the Vector doubleVector
         public static void initValues()
              doubleVector = new Vector<Double>();
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(10.9));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(15.95));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(17));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(1));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(4));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(10.499));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(10.4999));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(17));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(-15));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(14));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(20));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(-3));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(9));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(1.5));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(10.22));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(15.23));
              doubleVector.addElement(new Double(17.91));
          * class method to print values contained in the vector doubleVector to the console.
          * @param doubleVector the Vector to be displayed
         public static void displayVectorContent(Vector doubleVector)
              Double currentDouble;
              System.out.println("Double values within the Vector:");
              for (int i=0; i<doubleVector.size();i++)
                        currentDouble = (Double) doubleVector.elementAt(i);
                        if (currentDouble != null)
                             System.out.print(currentDouble.toString() + " ");
                   catch(ClassCastException cce)
                        System.out.print(cce.getMessage() + " ");
         It compiles fine but when I try and run it I get a
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
         at statistics.StoreValuesDouble.MinDouble(
         at statistics.TestStatDouble.main(
    TestStatDouble 37 is
    System.out.println("The lowest value is " + is.MinDouble());139 is
    if (currentValue <= MinDouble) {I guess the problem's in my if loop but I'm not sure why. Any help would be appreciated.
    Message was edited by:

    Couple of points about your code:
    1. Don't declare your instance variables as solid types, declare them using their interfaces (where applicable), so in your case don't specifiy that you are using Vector or Hashtable, use List and Map. This will allow you to easily change your code to use a different collection, if and when appropriate. Also the unnecessary overhead of Vectors synchronisation means that you should use ArrayList instead of vector (that means that you will have to use get(int) instead of elementAt() but that's a very small price to pay.
    2. Declare local variables as close to their point of usage as possible. (Unless you need to do this for your course work, in which case you don't have a choice).
    3. Use the appropriate data type. For your count of null values you should be using an int or a long (you can't have a fractional count value!) Also, this should have been obvious to you, when you had to cast the value to an int for use with your lists. (Using double as an index is a very bad idea... And before you go posting the question, do a search on why floating point precision may not give you the results you expect)
    4. Code defencively... e.g. in your meanDouble() method, you set nonNull to 0, and then you do a division using that value. What do you think is going to happen if your loop doesn't execute once? Division by zero... You should handle these cases, rather than letting them fail ignominiously.
    5. If you are doing code like this...    if (currentDouble != null) {
            // / nothing to do
        } else {
        } Why have the empty block? You should just do the inverse.
        if (currentDouble == null) {
        } Far simpler, and expresses exactly what you are trying to do, not what you are not trying to do.
    6. Enumeration --- What version of java is that course being run in? I can see that you are using autoboxing, so it has to be 1.5 so, WHY is your lecturer encouraging the use of Vectors, Hashtables, and Enumerations!?!?!
    Anyway, that should be enough to be going on with.

  • How to find the RGB Values of a Color for Hyperion

    When customizing your Hyperion forms, we come across situations where we need the exact RGB value of a given color. This article explains a simple technique to find the RGB values using MS Paint and the Calculator applications that come as standard applications with your operating system.
    Here are the steps to find the exact RGB value of a given color.
    1) View your Hyperion form using IE, scroll down until you see the color you want to find the RGB value and press the "Print Screen" button (in your keyboard).
    2) Open MS Paint and click Edit -> Paste or simply Ctrl+V. What you saw in the browser will be copied as a new untitled image.
    3) Select the Color Picker tool and click on an area that has the color you want to match.
    4) Now go to Edit Colors... option and click on the "Define Custom Colors >>" button. The color you picked will be selected on this palette. At the bottom right hand corner you will see the Red, Green and Blue values you need. Note down the R,G,B values (given in decimal).
    5) Now we need to find out the hexa-decimal values that correspond to those decimal values. This is where we use the simple Calculator. Open the Calculator application from Program -> Accessories. Switch to the scientific mode by clicking View ->Scientific.
    6) By default it will be in the decimal number mode. Enter the R value (238 in this example) and click on the Hex radio button. The corresponding hexa-decimal value (EE in this case) will be shown in the dial.
    The selected color in this case has the same value for R, G and B. (In fact, all shades of gray has the same values for R, G and B.) Therefore, the RGB value of the background color that we need is #eeeeee. Repeat step 6 to find out the hex value for the Green and Blue elements, if they are different.
    If you find it difficult to pick a color, zoom the image by pressing Ctrl+PageDown or using View -> Zoom -> Custom... option.

    These tips are to find the RGB color of HFM default row where row is text and text lines in data columns are also visible to business users as Yellow as an input cell. By applying the same RGB color you can apply the same color to your data cells or rows. This post shows how to identify color from any web view-able object.

  • How to find the maximum value among four fields in a single record

    Hi Gems...
    I have a record in which there are 4 currency fields.
    Now i would like to know the maximum of these 4 fields.
    I tried with Max functions in which i put all the 4 values...but it is showing error like ") is missing" though it is there.
    Can we insert more than 2 values in Max function?
    Or else is there any other option to find the max value among the 4 values which lies in a single record

    Hi Anil,
    Say suppose i have a single record in which 4 premiums of a particular bond exists.
    for eg:
    Prem1      Prem2        Prem3          Prem4
    129000.00      388000.00   228000.00   14800.00
    Now this is a single record for a particular bond ... now i need to calculate the max value among these 4 premiums.
    How would we proceed to achieve this?
    Edited by: Jitendra Yuddandi on Feb 3, 2009 1:04 PM

  • How to find bpel instance in 11g based on the index values using Java APIs

    Hi ,
    In SOA10G we had option to find the instances based on the index value using Java APIs like below.
    WhereCondition criteria= new WhereCondition(SQLDefs.CX_index_1 + " = ?");
    criteria.setString(1, "indexValue");
    Locator mLoc = getLocator();
    IInstanceHandle[] foundInstances = mLoc.listInstancesByIndex(criteria);
    Please tell me how to achieve the same functionality in SOA 11G using Java APIs

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    I am going to create a 13row by 10 colume two dimensional array.
    how to use my findTheHighest method to find the highest value in my two dimensional array.
    .When i compile this program , i got those as following;
    "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsExce
    at TaxEvolution.findTheHighest(
    at TaxEvolutionClient.main("
    public class TaxEvolution{
    public double[][] salesTaxRates;
    public TaxEvolution()
      salesTaxRates = new double[13][10];
    private void fillProvinTaxRates()
      for ( int row = 0; row < salesTaxRates.length; row++ )
        for ( int column = 0; column < salesTaxRates[row].length; column++ )
          salesTaxRates[row][column]= (int)(Math.random()*5000) + 1;
    public double findTheHighest()
        double highest = salesTaxRates[0][0];
        for ( int row = 0; row <= salesTaxRates.length; row++ )
          for ( int column = 0; column <= salesTaxRates[row].length; column++ )
             if ( salesTaxRates[row][column] >= highest )
                   highest = salesTaxRates[row][column];
        return highest;   
    public double[][] arrayTaxEvolution()
      double[][] returnTaxRates = new double[13][10];
      for ( int row = 0; row < salesTaxRates.length; row++ )
        for ( int column = 0; column < salesTaxRates[row].length; column++ )
          returnTaxRates = salesTaxRates;
      return returnTaxRates;
    public class TaxEvolutionClient{
    public static void main( String[] args ){
      TaxEvolution protaxRateList = new TaxEvolution();
      double[][] taxRateList = protaxRateList.arrayTaxEvolution();
        for ( int i = 0; i < taxRateList.length; i++ )
          for ( int j = 0; j < taxRateList[0].length; j++ )
            System.out.print( taxRateList[i][j] + "\t" );               
            System.out.print( protaxRateList.findTheHighest + "\t" );


  • Finding the largest values of an array without using if condition

    I am trying to find the largest values of an array without using any if condition. Can any one tell me the solution for that..

    I am trying to find the largest values of an arrayThe 'S' to values suggests that you want not only the largest one, but multiple ones among the largest ones. The best way, I think, is to sort the array, so that its largest values are grouped topgether. If the type is already Comparable, the following single line does the job:
    Collections.sort(myArray);After this, the last values of the array are the largest ones.

  • How to get the max value of a set of percentage values?

    I've tried to get the max and min value of a set of calculated percentage values. Such as
    Jan Feb March Apr May Jun    Min  Average   Max
    0,5 0,8  1,1      0,4 1      0,6     0,4   0,7         1,1
    The average value works fine. But with "min" and "max" I have a problem.
    I've tried to get the value with the following ways:
    - Create a new calc. keyfigure and make a sum of all values: (Jan + Feb + ...) and set the calculation in key figure properties to Min/Max.
    - Create a new calc. keyfigure and make a sum of all values and set the aggregation to Min/Max
    - Create a selected keyfigure with a filter to the necessary periods and set a calculation to Min (Aggregation is not possible here)
    - Create a new cal. keyfigure with all periods and the function Min. e.g. min(Jan, (min Feb, (min (....)
    None of this solutions provides the right min and max value. When I use an amount value (e.g. Euro) instead of these percentage values the keyfigure with the min and max function works. The others all provide wrong values.
    Is there a solution to get the right min and max value???
    It would be a great help when you have any hints.

    Hi Aduri,
    thanks for your answer but your solution doesn't work.
    The problem is that the periods are defined in a structure with offsets such as
    - period-11
    - period-10
    - period
    in this structure elements there is also the keyfigure "netvalue" defined.
    In the rows of the report there is another characteristic such as company code.
    Is there a solution to find the max and min values of the period values for each company code? Or must I change the data model e.g. copy the keyfigure and make a new keyfigure with another aggregation level?
    Thanks for any hints!

  • Finding the largest value...

    Hi guys,
    I'm creating a method where it finds the largest value in a list of integers, using a loop. When it finds it, it's stored in the "max" and returns the "max".
    Here's the code...
        public Integer findMax()
            List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(4,8,2,10,24);
            int max = 0;
            for(Integer i = 0 ; i < list.size() ; i++) {
                if(max == list.get(i))
                max = i;
            return max;
        }It complies, but when i run it, it doesn't actually get the largest value (which should be 24). It's still 0 when i Inspect it.
    Does anybody know where i'm going wrong with this?

    Well i went through the method and it seems to be printing 0 five times...
        public Integer findMax()
            List<Integer> list = Arrays.asList(4,8,2,10,24);
            int max = 0;
            for(Integer i = 0 ; i < list.size() ; i++) {
                if(max >= list.get(i))
                max = list.get(i);
            return max;
        }After looking looking through the API, i used the length, instead of size, but when i compile the program it says it can't find the method. Do you know what else i have to change or add in the code for it to compile?
    DrClap wrote:
    if(max == list.get(i)) Can you explain, in words, what this comparison was meant to do?I've edited that, because that's wrong.

  • How to retrieve the max value from a cursor in procedure

    In a procedure, I defined a cursor:
    cursor c_emp is select empno, ename, salary from emp where ename like 'J%';
    but in the body part, I need to retrieve the max(salary) from the cursor.
    could you please tell me how I can get the max value from the cursor in the procedure.

    Here is one sample but you should just get the max directly. Using bulk processing should be a last resort.
      CURSOR c1 IS (SELECT * FROM emp where sal is not null);
      TYPE typ_tbl IS TABLE OF c1%rowtype;
      v typ_tbl;
      max_sal number;
      OPEN c1;
      max_sal := -9999999999999;
      LOOP                                                 --Loop added
        FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO v LIMIT 3; -- process 3 records at a time
            -- process the records
           DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Processing ' || v.COUNT || ' records.');
            FOR i IN v.first..v.last LOOP
                 if v(i).sal > max_sal then
                   max_sal := v(i).sal;
                 end if;
            END LOOP; 
      END LOOP;
      DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Max salary was: ' || max_sal);
    Processing 3 records.
    Processing 3 records.
    Processing 3 records.
    Processing 3 records.
    Processing 2 records.
    Max salary was: 5000

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    I want to do a simple thing but found it impossible.
    I want to find the previous value of a non-DB item in a form.
    I tried creating a text item and populating it using PRE-TEXT-ITEM but that does not work.
    WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM does not work either because WVI fires only after item value has changed.
    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: Channa on Apr 2, 2010 4:34 AM

    Channa wrote:
    I want to do a simple thing but found it impossible.
    I want to find the previous value of a non-DB item in a form.
    I tried creating a text item and populating it using PRE-TEXT-ITEM but that does not work.
    WHEN-VALIDATE-ITEM does not work either because WVI fires only after item value has changed.
    Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: Channa on Apr 2, 2010 4:34 AMPlease make it clear what is your requirement then possibly we can provide you a better answer
    You can use Global variables for to store old values also on Post-query populate a value in separate field or Parameter

  • How to find the nearlest value in 1-D array ?

    Hi.. everybody..
    I need to seperate the raw data(1-D) into 2 group of array by the center value and then make the average value in each array. But I also still have the problem about if the center value is not the same of some value in the 1-D array. I cannot use the split function.
    "How to find the nearlest value to the center point that I calculated, in the 1-D array ?"
    Thanks a lot for anybody help

    In a general sense, since I'm not sure what your data values are or how far away your calculated center is from the true value, I would do it one of two ways:
    1) Use a threshold value and scan the array until the threshold is reached (assumes constantly increasing values in the array).
    2) Use either a) round to nearest integer b) round to + Infinity (round up) or c) round to - infinity (round down). If you don't have decimal values, you'll have to devide the values by a power of 10.
    2006 Ultimate LabVIEW G-eek.

  • Query to print the max value of time of the latest record from table

    i wrote this query
    which should return max fx_time of the latest or current value of fx_date
    plz help
    this wuery is giving current date fx_date but with all values not the max value of fx_time.
    time_stamp, source,
    (select max(fx_date) JIM from CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_TXN
    ,(select max(fx_time) TIM from CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_TXN GROUP BY FX_TIME )
    what change should i do

    Try this:
    time_stamp, source,
    (select max(fx_date) JIM from CURRENCY_EXCHANGE_TXN
    FX_TIME )
    Please always use [ PRE ]  and [ / PRE ] tags when ever posting any code.

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