Fixed size topic pane

Hello all. I am using RoboHelp 7 and my output is webhelp. If
the user changes the width of the TOC it changes the size of the
topic pane. This distorts information and makes tables espeically
hard to read. If the user needs to change the sixe of the TOC I
would like the topic pane to stay the same width and just have a
scroll bar at the bottom. Can someone help me with this?

Hi Sam
I can think of a couple of ways to accomplish this. Neither
is particularly difficult but both will require hand tweaking each
Method one: Use an invisible table
With this approach you basically select all the content in
the topic and cut it to the Windows Clipboard. You then insert a
single cell table and configure the width as desired. Then hide all
borders so it doesn't show. Then paste the content back in.
Method two: Use some HTML code
With this approach you edit each topic to insert a DIV tag
that sets the width of everything that follows. You would insert a
closing DIV tag at the end of the topic.
Below is a sample:
<div style="width: 400px; position: fixed;">
Topic content here
Hopefully this helps... Rick

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    Take a look at Item 13 in That covers the fix to the merged CHM help problem that was used before Adobe fixed it in 902. Part of the problem was the HHP getting rewritten so maybe something there will help.
    Any merged CHM help users able to pitch in here?
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

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    Try deleting the child from the TOC and readding it. If that does not work, can you post an image of what you are seeing. You can do so via the camera toolbar icon.
    Read the RoboColum(n) for a tips, tricks and musings on the Technical Communication Suite products.
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    If the toolbar and left pane are loading, the scripts must be
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    Yes, use Absolute positioning. Refer to the NB Help screens for details.
    NetBeans support is provided by the NB website (a mail list) and the Nabble forums. Please post NB questions there. These forums are for Java language topics, not IDE support questions.

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    When you got that image in form of a file, just load it and invoke the image's getScaledInstance(...)-method.
    Here's how it could work:
    import java.awt.*;
    public class Test {
    public static void main(String[] argv) {
      // define where the image comes from:
      URL toImage = new URL("file:/C:/test.jpg");  // or the like
      // get the image:
      Image image = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(toImage);
      // scale the image to target size (40x40 here):
      Image smallImage = image.getScaledInstance(40, 40, Image.SCALE_DEFAULT);
      // you might want to do other things like displaying it afterwards
    }HTH & cheers,

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    Hi Mette,
    what region template and which theme are you exactly using? For most region templates you can pass in additional style attributes with the "Region Attributes" property in the "Attributes" section of a region definition.
    So for example you could use
    style=\"height:500px;overflow-y:scroll\"(remove the \ out of the code example)

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    Hi Theokrat,
    "The HDD was setup with approximately 5 Tb storage pool as double parity."
    "My first VM has a 4 Tb fixed VHDX. Thus there was only about
    1 Tb free space left for the second VM."
    "And for the VMs I'm asking about I set up those options to point to my HDD which is the D drive."
    So, there are two VMs (the first VM has 4TB disk , the
    second VM has 1TB disk )and all of the VMs'  files
    are stored on the 5TB HDD (the 1TB VHDx is dynamical) .
    You turned off the second VM when it was paused due to lacking of disk space (before this the first VM is off ).
    When you start the first VM , it still can not start and the error arose again ,right ?
    If there is no any other factor led to disk usage increasing , I think the issue might be the startup memory of first VM is larger than or equal to the second VM's .
    Please try to check that , if it is true , you can try to set lower memory for the first VM then start it again .
    Best Regards
    Elton JI
    are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this
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    Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.

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    I am using inputfile component to test file uploading so I created a simple upload page. When I finished upload the file, the input text field will "shrink" its size and change the size to adjust the file name. Is there any way to set a fix size for input text field?
    Here is some part of the code:
    <af:form id="f1" usesUpload="true">
    <af:panelHeader text="File Uploader" id="ph1">
    <af:inputFile label="File to upload" id="if1" autoSubmit="true" valueChangeListener="#{fileBean.fileUpdate}"
    value="#{fileBean.file}" partialTriggers="if1"
    <af:commandButton text="Save" id="cb1"/>
    public void fileUpdate(ValueChangeEvent valueChangeEvent) {
    RichInputFile inputFileComponent = (RichInputFile)valueChangeEvent.getComponent();
    UploadedFile newFile = (UploadedFile)valueChangeEvent.getNewValue();
    UploadedFile oldFile = (UploadedFile)valueChangeEvent.getOldValue();

    you can set columns attribute in af:inputfile. Please see highlighted area i have inserted to you code
    <af:form id="f1" usesUpload="true">
    <af:panelHeader text="File Uploader" id="ph1" columns = "34" >
    <af:inputFile label="File to upload" id="if1" autoSubmit="true" valueChangeListener="#{fileBean.fileUpdate}"
    value="#{fileBean.file}" partialTriggers="if1"
    <af:commandButton text="Save" id="cb1"/>

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    I want to know is how can i set the window to a fixed size with boundaries such that my graphics 2D picture in the swing window will not go off the edges of window when i do some transformations with the 2D picture.
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    so far ive got a frame window of size 350 by 350 with my 2D picture inside it made up of shapes etc...
    when i apply some transformation to it (moving it) for a distance it goes disappeared off window beyond 350 and will come back if i move it back.
    So how do i restrict the window so that when picture reaches the edge, it will not be able to move any further?
    Do i set some specific bounds to the JFrame?
    i hope i've explained it properly

    In a 2D coordinate system the horizontal values are represented by some letter, usually x. In the same coordinate system the vertical values are classically represented by y.
    Note: In your code, if you wish, you can replace x and y with anything you desire--p and q or perhaps jeff and alice or any variable name you wish, but for simplicity, and usually ease of understanding because almost everyone has had 100's of math problems drilled into their head with (x, y), x and y are used as convention.
    In Java the screen coordinates run from 0 to the width-1 for x and 0 to height-1 for y of the component you are using to display.
    So logically when you have a value of x or y that goes beyond the addressable bounds of your display, then you have to make some type of adjustment--when your value dips below 0, you reset it to 0, when your value goes above what ever width-1 or height-1 then you have to set that value to width-1 or height-1.
    This all assumes that when you hit the wall, floor, or ceiling you stick there until you change directions--if you wish to wrap then you set your value to the opposite bound--so if you go below 0, you would then pop out back in on the right side--your appropriate x would be set to width-1 instead of 0 and in the case of y going below 0 your y would be set to height-1. This is also to say that when you descend below your minimum, then you would pop back out on the opposite side you went out on--so x greater then width-1 would get set to 0 and y greater than height-1 would get set to 0.
    That is not even a start on if you want to include elastic collisions, angle of impact, any type of deceleration force, or anything else.
    In any case... I would recommend that you add more math to your studies, I've never met an engineer or computer science grad that said: "Wow, I really regret taking all that math in college (or HS), I never use it."

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    public void start(Vector<String> addresses)
          //Create a Runnable object of each address in "addresses"
           Vector<FindAgentRunnable> runnables = new Vector<FindAgentRunnable>(1,1);
            for (String address : addresses)
                runnables.addElement(new FindAgentRunnable(address));
           //Create a thread pool of size 100
            ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);
            //Here i added all the runnables to the thread pool
             for(FindAgentRunnable runnable : runnables)
    }Now i wants that this thread pool execute the task infinitely i.e once all the tasks are done then restart all the tasks again.
    I have also tried to add then again and again but it throws a java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException
    public void start(Vector<String> addresses)
          //Create a Runnable object of each address in "addresses"
           Vector<FindAgentRunnable> runnables = new Vector<FindAgentRunnable>(1,1);
            for (String address : addresses)
                runnables.addElement(new FindAgentRunnable(address));
           //Create a thread pool of size 100
            ExecutorService pool = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(100);
                for(FindAgentRunnable runnable : runnables)
                    pool.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
                catch (InterruptedException ex)
                    Logger.getLogger(AgentFinder.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex);
    }Can anybody help me to solve this problem?
    Thnx in advance.

    Ravi_Gupta wrote:
    *@ kajbj*
    so what should i do?
    can you suggest me a solution?Consider this thread "closed". Continue to post in your other thread. I, and all others don't want to give answers that already have been given.

  • How to make Navigation and Topic panes scroll independently?

    Can anyone suggest how to make the default Multiscreen HTML layout navigation and topic panes to scroll independently, to accomidate a long index or TOC? Currently, scrolling toward the end of the index, for example, causes the topic pane to scroll also. Selecting an index entry scrolls the topic to the location of the appropriate content, but also scroll the index, taking the selected entry out of view. I would like independent scrolling of nav pane and topic panes.
    I'm using RoboHelp HTML 10, FrameMaker 11, TCS4.
    Thanks you.

    Your post has been moved to the Multiscreen forum. That does not change the link.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Fixing Size of Column in Cross Tab

    Plz tell me how to fix Size of my case the data in column is not fixed so the output in PDF shows different size of Columns.I want want to fix them.
    plz help
    thanks in advance

    You can call (on your table) getColumnModel().getColumn(i).setWidth(), but that information is lost once you call tableStructureChanged in your table model. To solve this problem I use my own TableModel, which sets the with of the columns every time they are created:
    public class MColumnModel extends DefaultTableColumnModel {
         private int [] widths;
        public MColumnModel(int[] widths) {
              this.widths = widths;
         public TableColumn getColumn(int index) {
              TableColumn column = super.getColumn(index);
              if (column == null)
                   return column;
              column.setPreferredWidth(metaWidths [index]);
              return column;
    }Be sure to call setColumnModel before you call setModel on your table.
    The widths are relative. If you want to set absolute widths, you have to call
    Der Hinterwaeldler

  • CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER with fix size

    Is it possible to create instance of CL_GUI_DOCKING_CONTAINER with fix size?

    lv_style = cl_gui_control=>ws_child + cl_gui_control=>ws_border + cl_gui_control=>ws_visible.
        CREATE OBJECT docking
            repid                       = repid
            dynnr                       = dynnr
            side                        = docking->dock_at_top
            ratio                       = 80
            style                       = lv_style
            cntl_error                  = 1
            cntl_system_error           = 2
            create_error                = 3
            lifetime_error              = 4
            lifetime_dynpro_dynpro_link = 5
            OTHERS                      = 6

  • Is it possible to make a fixed size page in muse, so it doesn't resize?

    I want to make a fixed size page (pic1),
    but there always an extra space on the bottom… pic2

    Thank you for reply - I will check it out…
    Date: Wed, 18 Dec 2013 09:07:46 -0800
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: Is it possible to make a fixed size page in muse, so it doesn't resize?
        Re: Is it possible to make a fixed size page in muse, so it doesn't resize?
        created by Zak Williamson (Adobe) in Help with using Adobe Muse CC - View the full discussion
    Assuming the screenshots are of the same page, the one that's taller is either taller because the minimum page height has been changed or due to some page content (that's not marked as a Footer Item) being located in the new space. This may be an empty text frame or the transparent area of a widget, text frame or other object.
         Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed a screen image in your message please visit the thread in the forum to embed the image at
         Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page:
         To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at In the Actions box on the right, click the Stop Email Notifications link.
               Start a new discussion in Help with using Adobe Muse CC at Adobe Community
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