Flash 10 + Mac OSx 10.5.7

I wound up with multiple versions of flash and was getting error messages that apps couldn't find my flash
I ran uninstaller
I know I still have Flash Player 10 working, because it's running - I have the menu in the top left corner of my screen.....
But, when I try to run an application - such as the screencast from www.pivotaltracker.com, the flash isn't found, and the screencast won't run.
What am I doing wrong?
What needs to be done?
Thank you

I try to install and it installs up to 29%, or 35%, or 36%. Mine has been doing this for a week. I wish some tech people from Adobe would read these and fix this! I can't watch YouTube or any other flash video. Pisses me off that we are forced into Adobe and thus forced to wait on them to act! Any other options for flash players that aren't Adobe? I assume the video would have to be in that other format? Back to square one.
I have tried on other browsers to access videos to no avail. I have tried to download from other browsers and install to no avail. Given the myriad of other respondents regarding this same issue, I'm guessingno one else has found a suitable fix.

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    Operating System:  Mac OSx 10.5.8
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    Jman3600 wrote:
    My mac uses an Intel core.
    Does this mean that I am unable to use flash player in my browser untill I upgrade my operating system?
    Yes and no...
    If it's a Core™Duo, you're stuck with 10.5.8, because it's a 32 bit processor.
    If it's a Core2™Duo, then you can upgrade to Snow Leopard for just $19.99 through Apple.
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    I'm assuming your attempting to use the online installer, downloaded from get.adobe.com/flashplayer.  Please try the offline installer, posted at the bottom of the Installation problems | Flash Player | Mac page.

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    Hi, I will try to help you the best I can. We don't seem to have many Mac helpers on the forum. First, I need to ask is did you use the Uninstaller for Flash Player first to remove the old Flash Player files?
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    are you trying to simply get a safari page to open or are you
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    If you just want safari to load in OSX, why not use getURL???
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    ryann tierney wrote:
    Ty for the help. It finally installed successfully! However, i'm still unable to view any videos & in response I recieve a 'missing plugin' response. any thoughts on this??
    Try this one next: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/2454737?start=15&tstart=0

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    Flash Player for Mac OS X 10.3.9:
    Camino 1.6.11 (the newest for Mac OS x 10.3.9) can be downloaded from this link:

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    I just figured out a possible solution to the bouncing folder issue. Instead of double clicking on the "Install Adobe Flash Player" icon in the .dmg folder, right-click (control-click) and select "Show Package Contents" from the resutling pull-down menu.
    Then select the following file: (folder) / Contents / Resources / Adobe Flash Player.pkg
    Double-click to open. It should open the installer app "Install Plugin" and will run after you click continue.
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    Huge pain in the *** though! It really feels like Apple and Adobe both don't want you to easily find and install this version of the Flash Plaer, even though many websites still require the plugin to view certain content. In my case, it's content shown on my son's school's e-learning website Egenuity.com — which for us is s non-negotiable, since it's his eduction—not a video game. 
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    Player Version - MAC 10,3,181,35
    Debug Player - No
    OS Mac 10.7.0
    Video Yes
    Audio Yes
    Local File I/O Yes

    Similar problem here. No sound on YouTube or Vimeo via Flash players. The scrubbing bar in Google Music stands still and does not play (Google Music runs via Flash). I've scoured forums for an answer for weeks. My Audio Midi Setup is okay. (44.1 khz, 16-bit) and system preferences (sound) is set to the correct output. I will have audio in Flash for a while after I first start my computer. After a few hours, very randomly, flash videos will no longer have audio. As one forum stated, opening Garageband and hitting a few notes on the keyboard will correct the problem. For me, this does not. I cannot play any sounds in Garageband. Also, deleting Flash player preferences in ~Library/Preferences/... does not do anything. It should be noted that system sounds still work for me and all music plays in iTunes and Spotify.
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    Flash Player version - 10,3,183,7
    MacBook Pro (Mid-2009)
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    RAM - 8GB 1333 MHz DDR3
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    Please install the latest available version for Mac 10.6.8. it will work.

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    Can someone help me and tell me if my assumption is right?
    Thank you very much!

    Is this a PowerPC?  See
    What version of Flash Player should I use with my Power PC based Mac?

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    hi . i have Intel based iMac. i erased whole hard disk. now it flashes folder icon with question mark... i have no internet or orginal dvd.... i want to clean install any mac osx..friend got mac book pro and osx in dmg format . what are my options?

    On your friend's computer with an internet connection, log into the Mac App Store with your ID and download Yosemite from the Purchases section of the Mac App Store. The make a bootable USB install media using
    Then boot from that on your computer and install
    You need an internet connection to install via Recovery mode

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    Exit Code: 34
    Please see specific errors below for troubleshooting. For example,  ERROR:
    -------------------------------------- Summary --------------------------------------
    - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer_8.1_AdobeCameraRawProfile8.0All {D5BBDFC0-C716-46B1-8908-85B0EA49FFA1}' information not found in Media_db.
    I have been unable to fix this on my own and with what I've found online. I'll list what I have done so far to try to fix this issue. I have tried to use the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner Tool but the issue is since PS, BR, AE, and FL won't install I can't clean them to try a fresh install. I tried installing the CS6 versions to see if it would dowload the 'Camera Profiles Installer_8.1".
    Any help on fixing this ASAP would be much appreciated!

    Hey Guys I am experiencing the exact same iusse I spoke with adobe and they weren't able to solve the issue here's  log.
    I'm pasting the fatal errors from photoshop hope this helpful
    06/18/13 12:02:45:614 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 19669 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 12:02:46:615 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 19669 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 12:02:46:615 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 19669 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 12:13:17:103 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 26756 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 12:13:18:104 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 26756 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 12:13:18:104 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 26756 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 12:20:13:772 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 31392 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 12:20:14:774 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 31392 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 12:20:14:774 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 31392 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:07:14:983 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 16841 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:07:15:984 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 16841 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 13:07:15:984 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 16841 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:19:33:315 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 24315 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:19:34:316 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 24315 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 13:19:34:316 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 24315 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:21:06:794 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 25240 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:21:07:796 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 25240 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 13:21:07:796 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 25240 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:21:30:440 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 25537 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:21:31:441 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 25537 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 13:21:31:441 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 25537 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:47:18:185 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 9822 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:47:19:186 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 9822 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 13:47:19:186 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 9822 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:47:58:563 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10207 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:47:59:565 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10207 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 13:47:59:565 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10207 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:48:24:091 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10483 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:48:25:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10483 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 13:48:25:092 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 10483 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:54:20:032 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 14779 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 13:54:21:034 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 14779 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 13:54:21:034 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 14779 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 14:15:39:774 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 28845 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 14:15:40:775 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 28845 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 14:15:40:775 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 28845 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 14:27:33:665 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 37134 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 14:27:34:666 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 37134 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 14:27:34:666 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 37134 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 14:49:31:860 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 48667 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 14:49:32:862 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 48667 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 14:49:32:862 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 48667 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 16:05:56:669 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 16619 |  - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s)
    06/18/13 16:09:05:111 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 19310 |  - 0 fatal error(s), 2 error(s)
    06/18/13 16:29:47:953 | [FATAL] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 11765 | Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    06/18/13 16:29:48:954 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 11765 |  - 1 fatal error(s), 0 error(s)
    06/18/13 16:29:48:955 | [INFO] |  | OOBE | DE |  |  |  | 11765 | FATAL: Payload 'Camera Profiles Installer {539AEF15-3A2B-4A31-A587-7E90F7D9C700}' information not found in Media_db.
    Error Code: 34 Mac OSX 10.8.4 for Photoshop CC, Bridge CC, After Effects CC, and Flash CC

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