--Flash to Premiere--

Hi there,
I am using a Dell computer, running windows vista, has
plenty of space. I have both Macromedia Studio 8 (which means Flash
8) and Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0.
I'm trying to export video out of flash, and import the
video to Premiere to use in a video I'm building. I have tried
exporting from Flash .avi, .mov, picture sequences, everything.
When I import these into Premiere, it imports fine, however when I
put the videos on the timeline, the videos are black.
I thought I'd fiddle with the setttings, to no avail. The
best setting is an .avi one, and I can get a little bit of fuzz,
however it doesn't look good at all. The exported Flash files look
fine when played regularly (on the quicktime viewer), however when
I put them in Premiere, it's always black.
I thought this was a problem with Premiere, however I tried
to import the files to After Effects too, which didn't work. I also
downloaded other quicktime and .avi files from the internet, which
imported into Premiere just fine (and looked great). So, I'm
thinking that it's a problem with Flash.
I browsed the internet, which said that exported Flash files
are not a real video format when you're using windows (damn you mac
users! I'm jealous!)
My question is if anyone has any ideas or tricks to get
around this.
Thanks in advance,

My suggestion: export from Flash as an image sequence (PNG).
That will give you a long sequence of stills. Then you'll have to
batch-convert those to TGA format (can be done quickly and easily
in Photoshop, using automation). Then you can import the image
sequences into Premiere, tagging the first image as "image
sequence". This method ensures the best possible quality for each
and every frame. It's the method I've always used to bring Flash
movies into Premiere. Quicktime just has too many quirks and
settings to worry about.

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    A link with many ideas about computer setup http://forums.adobe.com/thread/436215?tstart=0
    Work through all of the steps (ideas) listed at http://ppro.wikia.com/wiki/Troubleshooting
    If your problem isn't fixed after you follow all of the steps, report back with the DETAILS asked for in the questions at the end of the troubleshooting link

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    Unless you are animating vector elements and/or buttons (which would suit Flash), either app can be used.

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    The MS DV CODEC should be installed on your system already. Whether Flash can Export to it could still be an issue. I'll have to check my version of Flash (think that it's Studio 8, but I've had it around from version 2) to see what all of the options are.
    I've been handed many Flash animations that were Exported as .MOV with the Animation CODEC, and these have edited fine.
    Other than the huge file sizes, AVI [Uncompressed] should work fine too. You might have resource issues, but that would depend on your system, more than on your NLE. I've used these with no issues many times.
    Another likely candidate would be the free Lagarith Lossless CODEC. I use it for intermediate transfer and it edits fine in PrPro. I would assume that it would be the same in PrE, but cannot verify this.
    On Monday, I'll be on my workstation with Flash and will tell you the exact version, plus the Export options available.
    Good luck,

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    Same issue here exporting to MPEG2. I'm using Premiere Pro CC 2014 on a Mac Book Pro. My source video is AVCHD. I'm getting a frame of black at a regular interval of 1 second.This only occurs with Premiere Pro CC 2014. My older version of Premiere Pro CC exports it fine.

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    Thanks for all the suggestions!
    I was able to make the project work in both Flash CS5 and Flash Catalyst.
    Flash Catalyst was a quick fix to getting the Premier video into a SWF that I then loaded the php code into the web store.
    Flash CS5 Pro did the same thing and facilitated adding clickable links along the video timeline.  This was accomplished by basically doing all the wrong things according to tutorials and advise.  Here is the process.
    Develop a video sequence comprised of flat art and/or video in Premiere Pro.  You can use all of the transitions and effects to create a video that is appealing and alluring.
    Export as a FLV (note, not FL4 as it will not load on the timeline)
    Open FL and import the video from your computer file
    Select the second option to load the video on the timeline as SWF.  Note, this lets you add an action track at the frame transitions so that you can assign a URL to that segment of the video
    Use Code snipets to add the URL go to action and change the URL to the page you want in the action center.  Copy that action frame and paste it into the frames associated with that segment.  As a suggestion, if you are like me, all the majority segments have the same duration, so you can copy the keyframe sequence and paste it into the frames associated with the other segments.  Then change the url in each segment by selecting all the frames and changing one to the URL you want.  It will change all in that segments action track.
    Export to SWF.
    If you are using it in an html page, you will have all that you need.  In my case, I upload it to the server and then reference it in the php code.
    Again, thanks for all the help!
    BTW, the issue with using a exported SWF relates to audio sync with the video.  Since I do not use sould files for my work, it is not an issue.

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    Thank you!

    A lot depends on what kind of camcorder your video came from and how you got it into your computer -- and which settings you selected when you set up your Premiere Elements project.

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    Thanks a million ya'll!!
    <3 Suzy

    The swf is 1920 x 1080 and looks perfect when played in Flash Player.  It looks good in PremPro, but not after it's exported through the render queue  in any format it seems. 
    I tried to use the same size sequence settings, and I also tried to resize it (scale) to 720 x 480 in PremPro.  I also tried varying ther frame rate (orig Flash is 24)  but i tried 29.97 then 24.  No luck!
    I cannot figure out how to export an flv from Flash.   When I File>Export I get avi, swf, mov, and a few others but not flv.  I'm googling like craazy, but it's so much more helpful to talk to someone.  Thanks for trying to help me.

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    Also what size should i make my document in Flash. i have tried 720x480 but this proved to be insufficient. i tried doubling that and then shrinking in premiere which seemed to work quite well when exported ad HD (thou jittery).
    The reason i want to do this is because we have an expo coming up and i want to create a profile for business i work in. This profile will be displayed on a 40inch HD LCD and run from a DVD where the dvd will have to loop.
    The only programs i have are adobe create suite CS3 so we will have to work within these limitations.
    If anyone can help it would be much appreciated
    Intel core duo 2.2Ghz
    2Gb ram
    80GB hard drive
    Windows XP
    Adobe premiere CS3 With all updates as of last week and Flash Ants third party plugin
    Adobe Flash CS3
    Adobe Captivate 3
    Flash Player 10

    The reason i want to do this is because we have an expo coming up and i want to create a profile for business i work in. This profile will be displayed on a 40inch HD LCD and run from a DVD where the dvd will have to loop.
    My best advice is to create the whole thing in Flash and run it from a Laptop.  Just skip the whole 'video' idea on this one.  It'll ruin your whole day.

  • How do I publish a video in flash from Premiere Elements 13?

    I've created a video I wish to publish on my website using flash, as I have with previous videos.  However, I no longer see flash as a choice unto itself.  If I choose "Flash Video for YouTube," the warning pops up that "The video duration exceeds the maximum duration supported by the destination."   It's not actually for YouTube, but I don't see any obvious was to create flash output other than for YouTube.
    In previous versions, flash output was an option with no (practical limit) on the output size.
    Is there some option/choice I'm missing?

    No flash video export and no workaround that I have ever seen for this Premiere Elements 13 situation.
    Premiere Elements 13 no longer offers the Publish+Share/Computer/Adobe Flash Video as last seen in version 12/12.1. It is what it is. No workarounds
    that I have seen. Even the webDVD feature has been removed from Premiere Elements 13.
    Other considerations in what you wrote
    a. Premiere Elements' built in feature has its file size and duration limits (for 13/13.1) 2.2 GB and 15 minutes. YouTube extended time accounts do not
    work in the Premiere Elements built in feature.
    b. Use of the YouTube preset "flash video for YouTube" uploads the Timeline content to YouTube where YouTube does the file conversion to flash format
    for display there. Any copies of your own uploads to YouTube have been available, but as .mp4 and not FLV or F4V.
    That is what I have been able to put together with regard to the questions that you presented.
    Any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Thank you.

  • Encoding to Flash in Premiere Pro 2.0 - encoding time

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    This is a 10 minute project. It took 1 hour and 58 minutes to encode!
    I'm running a 4 or 5 year old program (Premiere Pro 2.0) on a 4 week old laptop with i3 processor and 6MB of RAM. So I don't think the machine isn't up to the task.
    Is this typical that a 10 minute video takes nearly 2 hours to encode to FLV? Or am I doing something wrong?
    Thank you in advance for your advice.

    In my case, this is 3 physical (not partitions) SATA II HDD's, where I spread the I/O load over all three.
    C:\ OS, programs
    D:\ Projects w/ Scratch Disks
    E:\ Media and Page File (this system)
    In the particular case above, the test Project happened to be on my E:\, along with the media, and my Page File. That is not how I normally work, but decided to leave it alone, for this timing test. It is obviously not the ideal, when it comes to "spreading the load," and is not my recommended scheme. The Export was also to that same E:\, so there should have been a bit of an I/O bottleneck there.
    I also went against my normal workflow, as I did not shut down anything, including AnitVirus, spy-sweeping and pop-up blocking, plus I had 5 tabs open and active in Chrome (my browser). Again, this should have created a bit of a CPU bottleneck.
    Still, with all those things being done in a less than ideal situation, the time was pretty good. Not sure how much I could have shaved off the Export process, had I set things up in my normal fashion, and created an ideal environment.
    Sorry to not define the terms early on.
    Good luck,

  • How do I prevent imported Illustrator files from have the jaggies in Flash.

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    I have imported them as both vector and bitmap with no success.  Any help here would be greatly appreciated.  I'm on a Mac running 10.8.2 and using Flash CS5.5.

    Here is a list of caveats from Adobe concerning Flash & Illustrator vector art.

  • What's the difference between flash and premier

    I know Flash is usually used for game production and Premier for video creation, but I saw poeple also can use Flash for video production as well. So I need to know what are the differences between the two of them.

    Flash is used most often for animation, and especially interactive animation.
    Premiere is used for video production, but with certain limitations, such as version support, or lack of it, can work with Flash animations.
    There is some cross-over, just as there is with Premiere and After Effects, but each program has specific uses.
    Good luck, and that is the very short answer. Others will likely be able to give you a point-by-point difference between Flash and Premiere.

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    for the first time, and we are bringing a large HDTV to play to
    movie. Do I need specific settings in flash in order for it play
    corectly on a large HDTV? I have never before created a DVD using
    Flash, Adobe Premiere and Encore either. What are the best file
    size an settings for optimun playback?

    Getting your stuff out on TV or DVD or whatever means you need to experiment and see what works best.
    Make misstakes, encounter unforseen issues, these are the best learning school.
    Oh and get yourselve some dvd-rw´s for testing.
    For the HDwmv 720P wil do just fine (i am not sure Pro2 can do this). I use them to. I have my pc hooked up to a HD projector via hdmi. Looks great on a big screen.

  • I cant download after effect and flash cc

    I clicked download button (free trial)
    but My creative  cloud isn't work
    so I did re install but nothing changed
    some programs (flash CS6, premiere pro (can't uninstall), illustrator cc, photoshop cc)  can install
    I dont know why flash cc and after effect can't install
    Win7 32bit

    One reason that might be the cause for the failure to install is that the newer versions of some applications require a 64-but system.  You indicate your system is only 32-bit.  Check the system requirements against your machine to see where they don't match.
    After Effects - http://helpx.adobe.com/after-effects/system-requirements.html
    Flash - http://helpx.adobe.com/flash/system-requirements.html

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