Flipping image in midp 2.0

Hi All,
I am trying to flip the image which is in integer array ( int[] ) format. I use drawRGB() method which takes int[] to paint. At one point of time i need to rotate the image ( which is in int array ) by 180 degree and paint it on the screen. ( ofcourse using drawRGB() method ).
Any suggestions........

The easiest but slowest way is using setClip to limit 1 line (of pixels). Then shift and repeat drawing the image.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. You're taking pictures of the stamps for inclusion into iPhoto and they are coming out reversed, right? You're not actually scanning them.
    Check all of the menus on the camera to see if there is an option to flip the image. It sounds like there should be one. Are normal photos flipped? Are you using a "macro" mode on the camera? Check those out to see if the answer is in there somewhere.
    Do you Twango?

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    You can't flip horizontally in iPhoto. What I do is to export to the desktop and then open with the contextual menu item QuickView (you can get it at VersionTracker.com), rotate and save, and then import back into iPhoto. If you have a different 3rd party application that have flip images you could do that, even using it from within iPhoto by setting it up as your editor of choice for that particular item.
    Do you Twango?

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    Nope, printing to a PDF "unflips" the image. And I get the same behavior printing to both my Epson photo printer and a Samsung laser printer. Not a huge deal, if I un-rotate the image and print, it prints flipped. Tried it with a recent digital (not scanned) image and got the same behavior. I discovered the "problem" after scanning a B&W negative taken back in 1973. I use an Epson V600 scanner and normally flip and rotate as part of the scanning process; however the scanner had problems determining the edges of the 35mm frame since it is a picture of a window surrounded in black. I had to resort to using the marquee and manually selecting the frame to scan. Doing so doesn't allow you to flip and rotate during the scan, so you have to do that in Aperture.
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    Here is an image to clarify-
    My question: How can I get the image to render properly in the PDF?
    Rotate Code:
    //rotate logo around the X axis
    logoRotX.text = "Rotate X: 0"
    logoRotateX.value = 0;
    logoRotateX.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, logoRotateXPos);
    function logoRotateXPos (event:SliderEvent): void
        logoRotX.text = "Rotate X: " + event.target.value;
        container.rotationX = event.target.value;
    //rotate logo around the Y axis
    logoRotY.text = "Rotate Y: 0"
    logoRotateY.value = 0;
    logoRotateY.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, logoRotateYPos);
    function logoRotateYPos (event:SliderEvent): void
        logoRotY.text = "Rotate Y: " + event.target.value;
        container.rotationY = event.target.value;
    //rotate logo around the Z axis
    logoRotateZ.value = 0;
    logoRotateZ.addEventListener(SliderEvent.CHANGE, logoRotateZPos);
    function logoRotateZPos (event:SliderEvent): void
        logoRotZ.text = "Rotate Z: " + event.target.value;
        container.rotationZ = event.target.value;
    Save PDF code:
    createPdfBTN.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, makePDF);
    function makePDF(evt: MouseEvent)
    var myPDF : PDF = new PDF (Orientation.PORTRAIT,Unit.INCHES, Size.LETTER);
    // add a background image
    var PDFsampleData: BitmapData = new BitmapData(BGContain.width, BGContain.height);
    var PDFjpg:JPGEncoder = new JPGEncoder(100);
    var PDFba:ByteArray = PDFjpg.encode(PDFsampleData);
    var timesbold:IFont = new CoreFont(FontFamily.TIMES_BOLD);
    myPDF.setFont(timesbold, 12);
    myPDF.addText("Disclaimer: This image is for visualization purposes only and is not a proof.",.5,10);
    // save PDF
    var fileReference:FileReference = new FileReference();
    var pdfByteArray = myPDF.save(Method.LOCAL);
    fileReference.save(pdfByteArray, 'Your Sample.PDF');

    I fixed this by using ScaleX and ScaleY instead of rotateX and rotateY. Now, the PDF renders fine.

  • Script or function for flipped images

    My team is an in-house creative team on a MAC environment. We do our own preflighting. From time to time vendors send us backward images. Some slip through the cracks before placing them in InDesign and we have to manually inspect each image before sending to a print vendor. Is there a script or an InDesign function that checks for this?

    This sets the flip of every link and its frame to none. Note that the flip is relative to the Transform Panel's Reference Point
    tell application "Adobe InDesign CS5.5"
              tell active document
                        set IDLinks to links
                        repeat with myCounter from 1 to count IDLinks
                                  set absolute flip of parent of item myCounter of IDLinks to none
                                  set absolute flip of parent of parent of item myCounter of IDLinks to none
                        end repeat
              end tell
    end tell

  • Using 35mm Lense adapter (flipped images)

    Guys, i use cameras with mini35 mm apadters that flips my image...
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    Realy, hard way, but...what if normal, cinematographers cant shut without 35mm adapters?
    what to do?
    Maybe somebody knows better ways?

    If it was me, I'd buy a flip unit for that adapter. Failing that, apply the flip-flop to ALL your footage after capture, render, export and reimport the flopped files and start from there. You might have to jump through some timecode hoops if you ever have to recapture (and reflop), but with a bit of care you should be OK.
    Just a suggestion. The flip unit's the way to go if you do this all the time.
    10 out of 10 for Jim's solution though!

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