FMLE stops encoding

Recently we installed FMLE 3x, we stream to two servers using the FMS and backup URLs. We are finding with some frequence that FMLE stops encoding to one of the URLs. I will appreciate a lot some information about a possible cause/solution for this problem if some one here has experienced this behaviour.
Thanks in advance !!

Are you getting any status message in Encoding Log tab of FMLE related to connectino break with that FMS server.
If any disconnection message is there then FMS is dropping connection from FMLE
If not then please check the RTMP buffer value from Publishing stats at Encoding Log tab. If buffer value is increasing then that means FMLE is not able to push complete data to FMS either due to network congestion or due to Network latency. If this is the case then you can try using Auto Adjust feature of FMLE for single stream as for MBR Auto Adjust feature does not work.

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    When FMLE stopped,Remote RTMP stream to FMS 4.5 with rtmfp?
    edit  "applications/multicast/main.asc" ?
    HELP ME !!! THANKS!!!
    * File: main.asc
    * The server-side portion of the multicast sample application.
    * This app accepts publish and unpublish requests from FMLE, and republishes
    * the live stream from FMLE into a target Flash Group.
    // General Constants
    // "Constants" representing multicast event types.
    var TYPE_FUSION = 1;
    var TYPE_IP = 2;
    var TYPE_P2P = 3;
    // StreamContext Description, Constants and Functions
    * Type: StreamContext
    * This application tracks the context for live streams published to the server
    * that are being republished into a Flash Group. The StreamContext "type" used
    * for this is just an Object containing the following members:
    *   client         - The encoding/publishing client.
    *   streamName     - The source Stream name as published by the client.
    *   type           - The multicast event type.
    *   groupspec      - The groupspec identifying the Flash Group and capabilities.
    *   address        - IP multicast address (optional for pure P2P events).
    *   netConnection  - A loopback NetConnection used for the mcastNetStream.
    *   mcastNetStream - The NetStream used to republish the source Stream into
    *                    the Flash Group.
    *   netGroup       - An (optional) NetGroup handle for the target Group.
    *                    Only present for Fusion or P2P events.
    *   state          - One of the state constants defined immediately below
    *                    this comment.
    var STATE_INIT            = 0; // Starting state for a StreamContext.
    var STATE_CONNECTING      = 1; // Establishing loop-back connection.
    var STATE_CONNECTED       = 2; // Connection established.
    var STATE_PUBLISH_PENDING = 3; // Attempting to publish.
    var STATE_REPUBLISHING    = 4; // Actively republishing to multicast.
    var STATE_UNPUBLISHING    = 5; // Shutting down multicast republish.
    var STATE_UNPUBLISHED     = 6; // Unpublished successfully.
    var STATE_DISCONNECTING   = 7; // Shutting down loopback connection.
    var STATE_DISCONNECTED    = 8; // Connection shut down. Done.
    * Registers a source Stream published by the specified client, along with the
    * context for the multicast event, as a StreamContext Object.
    * @param client - The Client publishing the stream.
    * @param streamName - The source Stream name.
    * @param params - The parameters resulting from parsing the source Stream's
    *                 query string.
    * @return The new StreamContext Object for the registered Stream.
    function registerStream(client, streamName, params)
        var streamContext = { "client": client,
                              "streamName": streamName,
                              "type": params["fms.multicast.type"],
                              "groupspec": params["fms.multicast.groupspec"] };
    if (params["fms.multicast.interface"])
      streamContext["interfaceAddress"] = params["fms.multicast.interface"];
        if (params["fms.multicast.address"])
            streamContext["address"] = params["fms.multicast.address"],
        streamContext.state = STATE_INIT;
        trace("Registered multicast context for source stream: " + streamName);
        return streamContext;
    * Updates the indexed lookups installed for the passed StreamContext Object
    * with the application.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object to (re)index.
    function updateStreamContextLookups(streamContext)
        application.streamTable[streamContext.streamName] = streamContext;
        if (streamContext.netConnection)
            application.netConnTable[streamContext.netConnection] = streamContext;
        if (streamContext.mcastNetStream)
            application.mcastNetStreamTable[streamContext.mcastNetStream] = streamContext;
        if (streamContext.netGroup)
            application.netGroupTable[streamContext.netGroup] = streamContext;
    * Provides access to the StreamContext Object for a registered source Stream
    * by name.
    * @param streamName - A registered source Stream name.
    * @return The associated StreamContext Object; undefined if the source Stream
    *         name is not registered.
    function getStreamContextForSourceStream(streamName)
        return application.streamTable[streamName];
    * Provides access to the StreamContext Object for a given server-side
    * NetConnection hosting a multicast NetStream.
    * @param netConnection - A server-side NetConnection.
    * @return The associated StreamContext Object; undefined if the passed
    *         NetConnection is not indexed to a StreamContext.
    function getStreamContextForNetConnection(netConnection)
        return application.netConnTable[netConnection];
    * Provides access to the StreamContext Object for a given multicast NetStream.
    * @param netStream - A multicast NetStream.
    * @return The associated StreamContext Object; undefined if the passed
    *         NetStream is not indexed to a StreamContext.
    function getStreamContextForMulticastNetStream(netStream)
        return application.mcastNetStreamTable[netStream];
    * Provides access to the StreamContext Object for a given NetGroup associated
    * with a multicast NetStream.
    * @param netGroup - A NetGroup.
    * @return The associated StreamContext Object; undefined if the passed
    *         NetGroup is not indexed to a StreamContext.
    function getStreamContextForNetGroup(netGroup)
        return application.netGroupTable[netGroup];
    * Unregisters the StreamContext from the application.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object to unregister.
    function unregisterStreamContext(streamContext)
        if (streamContext.netConnection)
            delete application.netConnTable[streamContext.netConnection];
        if (streamContext.mcastNetStream)
            delete application.mcastNetStreamTable[streamContext.mcastNetStream];
        if (streamContext.netGroup)
            delete application.netGroupTable[streamContext.netGroup];
        trace("Unregistered multicast context for source stream: " +
    // Application callback functions
    * Initializes global StreamContext lookup tables.
    application.onAppStart = function()
        application.streamTable = {};
        application.netConnTable = {};
        application.mcastNetStreamTable = {};
        application.netGroupTable = {};
    * Handles a publish event for the application by validating the request
    * and bridging the published stream into a target Flash Group. Invalid
    * publish requests are ignored and the publishing client's connection
    * is closed.
    * @param client - The publishing client.
    * @param stream - The published stream.
    application.onPublish = function(client, stream)
        //trace("Handling publish request for source stream: " +;
        var params = parseQueryString(stream.publishQueryString);
        if (!validateStreamParams(params))
        var prevContext = getStreamContextForSourceStream(;
        if (prevContext)
        // Register source Stream, and kick off the async process that will
        // eventually wire-up the associated multicast NetStream.
        var streamContext = registerStream(client,, params);
    * Handles an unpublish event for the application by shutting down
    * any associated multicast NetStream.
    * @param client - The unpublishing client.
    * @param stream - The source stream being unpublished.
    application.onUnpublish = function(client, stream)
        trace("Handling unpublish request for source stream: " +;
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForSourceStream(;
        if (streamContext && (streamContext.state <= STATE_REPUBLISHING))
    // Callback functions for NetConnection and multicast NetStream/NetGroup wiring.
    * First step in setting up a republished multicast NetStream; open the loopback
    * connection it requires.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the publish event.
    function openMulticastConnection(streamContext)
        var nc = new NetConnection();
        nc.onStatus = netConnectionStatusHandler;
        streamContext.netConnection = nc;
        streamContext.state = STATE_CONNECTING;
        nc.connect(resetUriProtocol(streamContext.client.uri, "rtmfp"));
    * Status event handler for the loopback NetConnection used by the multicast
    * NetStream. Advances setup upon successful connection, or triggers or advances
    * tear-down as a result of connection loss or an unpublish and clean shutdown.
    * @param info - The status info Object.
    function netConnectionStatusHandler(info)
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForNetConnection(this);
        trace("Multicast NetConnection Status: " + info.code +
              (streamContext ? ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName : ", Not associated with a source stream."));
        if (streamContext)
            switch (info.code)
            case "NetConnection.Connect.Success":
                streamContext.state = STATE_CONNECTED;
                // If event type is Fusion or P2p, wire up a NetGroup for neighbor
                // bootstrapping and maintenance ahead of (re)publishing the stream.
                var type = streamContext.type;
                if (type == TYPE_FUSION || type == TYPE_P2P)
            case "NetConnection.Connect.Failed":
            case "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected":
            case "NetConnection.Connect.AppShutdown":
                trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to establish server-side NetConnection for use by multicast NetStream. " +
                      "Status code: " + info.code + ", description: " + info.description + ", Source stream: " +
                streamContext.state = STATE_DISCONNECTED;
            case "NetConnection.Connect.Closed":
                if (streamContext.state < STATE_DISCONNECTING)
                    trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Unexpected server-side NetConnection close. " +
                         "Status code: " + info.code + ", description: " + info.description + ", Source stream: " +
                streamContext.state = STATE_DISCONNECTED;
                // Ignore.
    * Initializes the multicast NetGroup following a successful connection of its
    * underlying loopback NetConnection. This hook is optional and only runs for
    * event types of Fusion and pure P2P.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the multicast publish.
    function initNetGroup(streamContext)
        var ng = null;
            ng = new NetGroup(streamContext.netConnection, streamContext.groupspec);
        catch (e)
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to construct NetGroup. Error: "
                  + + (e.message ? " " + e.message : "") +
                  ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
        ng.onStatus = netGroupStatusHandler;
        streamContext.netGroup = ng;
    * Status event handler for the multicast NetGroup. Advances to initializing the
    * multicast NetStream upon successful NetGroup connect. Otherwise, triggers
    * shut down.
    * @param info - The status info Object.
    function netGroupStatusHandler(info)
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForNetGroup(this);
        trace("Multicast NetGroup Status: " + info.code +
              (streamContext ? ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName : ", Not associated with a source stream."))
        if (streamContext)
            switch (info.code)
            case "NetGroup.Connect.Success":
            case "NetGroup.Connect.Failed":
            case "NetGroup.Connect.Rejected":
                trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to connect multicast NetGroup. " +
                      "Status code: " + info.code + ", description: " + info.description +
                      ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
            case "NetGroup.MulticastStream.UnpublishNotify":
                // At this point, multicast publishers will be notified;
                // continue shut down.
                // Ignore.
    * Initializes the multicast NetStream following a successful connection of its
    * underlying loopback NetConnection.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the multicast publish.
    function initMulticastNetStream(streamContext)
        var ns = null;
            ns = new NetStream(streamContext.netConnection, streamContext.groupspec);
        catch (e)
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to construct multicast NetStream. Error: " +
         + (e.message ? " " + e.message : "") +
                  ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
        var type = streamContext.type;
        if (type == TYPE_FUSION || type == TYPE_IP)
      var iAddr = (streamContext.interfaceAddress) ? streamContext.interfaceAddress : null;
                trace("Multicast NetStream will publish to IP address: " + streamContext.address +
          " on interface address: " + ((iAddr) ? iAddr : "default") +
                      ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
                ns.setIPMulticastPublishAddress(streamContext.address, iAddr);
            catch (e2)
                trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to assign IP multicast address and port for publishing. Address: "
                      + streamContext.address + " on interface address: " + ((iAddr) ? iAddr : "default") +
          ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName);
        ns.onStatus = netStreamStatusHandler;
        streamContext.mcastNetStream = ns;
        streamContext.state = STATE_PUBLISH_PENDING;
    * Status event handler for the multicast NetStream. Advances state upon successful
    * connect and publish, or upon successful unpublish. Triggers tear-down if we fail
    * to attach to a source Stream to republish.
    * @param info - The status info Object.
    function netStreamStatusHandler(info)
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForMulticastNetStream(this);
        trace("Multicast NetStream Status: " + info.code +
              (streamContext ? ", Source stream: " + streamContext.streamName : ", Not associated with a source stream."))
        if (streamContext)
            switch (info.code)
            case "NetStream.Connect.Success":
                if (!this.attach(Stream.get(streamContext.streamName)))
                    trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Failed to attach multicast NetStream to source. Source stream: " +
        //var stream;
                //stream = Stream.get("liveStream");
                this.publish(streamContext.streamName, "live");
            case "NetStream.Publish.Start":
                streamContext.state = STATE_REPUBLISHING;
            case "NetStream.Unpublish.Success":
                streamContext.state = STATE_UNPUBLISHED;
                // Wait for unpublish notify event if the context has a NetGroup;
                // otherwise continue shut down now.
                if (!streamContext.netGroup)
                // Ignore.
    * The common tear-down hook. Other functions that manage or shut down
    * the StreamContext Object delegate to this function upon detecting a fatal
    * error or during shut down.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the source Stream and
    *                        (potentially wired-up) multicast NetStream.
    function destroyStreamContext(streamContext)
        // Unregister by Stream name immediately; lookups by NetConnection, NetGroup
        // and multicast NetStream remain in place until tear-down is complete.
        delete application.streamTable[streamContext.streamName];
        switch (streamContext.state)
            streamContext.state = STATE_UNPUBLISHING;
        case STATE_CONNECTING:
        case STATE_CONNECTED:
            // Delete status handler callbacks and cleanup in case we arrived here
            // as a result of a force close.
            if (streamContext.netGroup)
                delete streamContext.netGroup.onStatus;
            if (streamContext.mcastNetStream)
                delete streamContext.mcastNetStream.onStatus;
            streamContext.state = STATE_DISCONNECTING;
            // Fall-through.
        // At this point, we either never got to the republishing state or we've
        // proceeded through the clean shut down steps above. Everything for this
        // StreamContext can go away.
    * Utility function used to force close a StreamContext in the event that we
    * start handling a republish of a Source stream before the context for its
    * prior incarnation has been torn down.
    * @param streamContext - The StreamContext Object for the source Stream.
    function forceCloseStreamContext(streamContext)
        trace("Force closing previous multicast context for source stream: " +;
        prevContext.state = STATE_UNPUBLISHED;
    // Client callback functions
    * A no-op. Answers the RPC in the fashion expected by encoders, but the real
    * work happens in application.onPublish.
    * @param streamName - The name of the stream being published.
    Client.prototype.FCPublish = function(streamName)"onFCPublish",
                  {code:"NetStream.Publish.Start", description:streamName});
    * A no-op. Answers the RPC in the fashion expected by encoders, but the real
    * work happens in application.onUnpublish.
    * @param streamName - The name of the stream being unpublished.
    Client.prototype.FCUnpublish = function(streamName)"onFCUnpublish",
                  {code:"NetStream.Unpublish.Success", description:streamName});
    * If the client invoker's ip matches what was captured for a currently publishing
    * stream, assume it's the same client and reset the stream. Otherwise, ignore.
    * @param streamName - The name of the stream being released.
    Client.prototype.releaseStream = function(streamName)
        var streamContext = getStreamContextForSourceStream(streamName);
        if (streamContext &&
            (streamContext.client.ip == this.ip) &&
            (streamContext.state <= STATE_REPUBLISHING))
            // Only tear-down an orphaned stream if it's not
            // already shutting down (see state check above).
    // Helper functions
    * Validates that a newly published stream has correct metadata (e.g. query
    * string parameters) to republish into a Flash Group. This function also
    * writes a message to the application log for any validation failures.
    * @param params - The quiery string parameters for the source Stream.
    * @return true if valid; otherwise false.
    function validateStreamParams(params)
        var empty = true;
        for (var param in params)
           empty = false;
        if (empty)
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Stream query string is empty.");
            return false;
        if (!params["fms.multicast.type"])
    trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Stream query string does not specify a 'fms.multicast.type'.");
            return false;
        var type = params["fms.multicast.type"];
        if (type != 1 && type != 2 && type != 3)
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: 'fms.multicast.type' has invalid value: " + type);
            return false;
        if (!params["fms.multicast.groupspec"])
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Stream query string does not specify a 'fms.multicast.groupspec'.");
            return false;
        // Fusion and IP require an address:port.
        if ((type == 1 || type == 2) &&
            trace("MULTICAST PUBLISH ERROR: Stream query string does not specify a 'fms.multicast.address'.");
            return false;
        // No obvious validation issues.
        return true;
    * Parses the supplied query string, and if valid, returns an Object populated
    * with the name-value pairs contained in the query string. The simple processing
    * here does not preserve multiple name-value pairings having the same name; the
    * last value seen wins. Parameters with no value are mapped to "" (empty String)
    * in the returned Object.
    * @param queryString - A query string portion of a URI, not including the leading
    *                     '?' character.
    * @return An Object containing a key-value mapping for each name-value parameter
    *         defined in the query string; Object is empty if the query string is
    *         invalid.
    function parseQueryString(queryString)
        var result = {};
        var decoded = "";
            decoded = decodeURIComponent(queryString);
        catch (e) // Invalid URI component; return empty result.
            return result;
        if (decoded.length)
            var params = decoded.split('&');
            for (var i in params)
                var pair = params[i];
         var sepIndex = pair.indexOf('=');
                if (sepIndex != -1)
                    var name = pair.substr(0, sepIndex);
                    result[name] = pair.substr(sepIndex + 1);
                    result[pair] = "";
        return result;
    * Utility function used to swap out the protocol (scheme) portion
    * of a given URI with an alternate.
    * @param uri - The full URI.
    * @param desiredProtocol - The replacement protocol.
    * @return The URI with its protocol replaced.
    function resetUriProtocol(uri, desiredProtocol)
        var sepIndex = uri.indexOf("://");
        return desiredProtocol + uri.substr(sepIndex);

    HELP ME !!! THANKS!!!

  • FMLE Bug: Encoder changes video input from Composite to SVHS

    I have a video signal on the Composite input of my video card and I am encoding using FMLECmd.exe
    The problem is that when I change the video input to "Composite" using the Video Device's Property Pages,
    FMLECmd.exe sets it back to SVideo again after it stops encoding.
    So, before each encode I need to bring up the Property Pages go and change the input to "Composite" again.
    How can I work around this FMLECmd bug, any ideas?

    FMLE saves Advance Device Property settings in profile file. When you change Input type to Comosite, make sure that you save a profile for that setting.
    Next time when you start FMLECmd, start it with saved profile and it should work with Compsite input this time.
    What you were doing is probably not closing FMLE after making changes in Device property page due to which settings are not getting saved in startup.xml profile and next time when FMLECmd starts with startup.xml by default it was loading prevoius settings having SVideo input.
    So try closing FMLE GUI after changing device property page and then start FMLECmd with stratup.xml file or save these settings in some other proifle file and start FMLECmd with saved profile file
    Let me know if this works for you?

  • Media encoder STOPS ENCODING!! help!

    I am encoding my premier pro project in Media encoder, but it stops encoding every time. It happends on different locations, its not in the same spot every time. I had sooo much problem with permiere cc.
    Any one knows a solution to this???
    I am exporting H.264 HD 1080p 25
    I really need to get my project done

    Peferling... I have a positive update! I went to the area that typically made things die. I noticed it was at the tail end of where I inserted a sequence into another sequence. I also noticed I had three tracks in that section with graphics. So I copied all the tracks from the inserted sequence... then removed the inserted sequence and re-inserted the actual tracks. At this point I no longer had an inserted sequence. I then simplified the three tracks of graphics into one. Re-applied my transitions and did last tweaking. I once again tried exporting as H.264 HD... et voila! It worked! Something must have been breaking it.
    For now I'm okay and have been able to export into other formats. I want to thank you so much for your input. Regards, Nelson

  • Media encoder stops encoding at the end of the video (Premiere CC 2014)

    I've finished editing a video (just under 4 minutes). When I try to export it to a windows media file (HD 1080p) it always stops encoding at around the 50% mark.
    I have tried exporting to a shared network drive as well as the local hard drive with the same results.
    I have it set to: Mercury Playback Engine Software Only
    I have tried to export directly from Premiere and from Media Encoder.
    I looked at where it stops when exporting from Encoder through the preview window. It seems to reach the end of the video and stops right where I fade out to white and the music ends. The interesting part it that the timer shows 50% left to complete
    It doesn't crash... it just sits there with the timer increasing and never continues
    I'm not using any plugins.
    At the point where it stops, I have a "Dip to White" transition on the one video clip and no audio transitions applied to the soundtrack since it ends nicely with the video.
    Please let me know if there's anything else I can/should explain to get some help. Thank you so much for your help.
    System details:
    Operating System: Windows 7 Professional 64-bit (6.1, Build 7601) Service Pack 1 (7601.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144)
    Language: English (Regional Setting: English)
    System Manufacturer: Hewlett-Packard
    System Model: HP Z230 Tower Workstation
    BIOS: Default System BIOS
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4790 CPU @ 3.60GHz (8 CPUs), ~3.6GHz
    Memory: 16384MB RAM
    Available OS Memory: 16070MB RAM
    Card name: Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600
    Manufacturer: Intel Corporation
    Chip type: Intel(R) HD Graphics Family
    DAC type: Internal
    Display Memory: 1696 MB
    Dedicated Memory: 64 MB
    Shared Memory: 1632 MB
    Current Mode: 1920 x 1080 (32 bit) (60Hz)

    Peferling... I have a positive update! I went to the area that typically made things die. I noticed it was at the tail end of where I inserted a sequence into another sequence. I also noticed I had three tracks in that section with graphics. So I copied all the tracks from the inserted sequence... then removed the inserted sequence and re-inserted the actual tracks. At this point I no longer had an inserted sequence. I then simplified the three tracks of graphics into one. Re-applied my transitions and did last tweaking. I once again tried exporting as H.264 HD... et voila! It worked! Something must have been breaking it.
    For now I'm okay and have been able to export into other formats. I want to thank you so much for your input. Regards, Nelson

  • Adobe Media Encoder CS4 stops encoding!

    OS: Windows XP 32 bit SP3.
    Hello, I've been working with Premiere Pro CS4 and Media Encoder CS4 since 2008 and it always worked fine. Now i've got a big problem that I don't understand: Media Encoder CS4 stops encoding at about 10-12 seconds after the encoding starts.
    The curious thing is that the software really does not crash, it just stops encoding, the time counter freezes, but Media Encoder does not crash itself, you can add or delet video, edit preferences, etc.
    It doesn't matter what kind of video I try to encode, I've tried Premiere sequences but also independent video files. It always happens the same and I really don't know what to do.
    I have the latest versions of both software... can anybody please help me??

    That software and OS are both pretty old.  You may find there aren't too many people still using them to help on this one.

  • Media Encoder Stops Encoding with the New CS5.5

    I just upgraded to CS5.5 a yesterday and having some issues encoding an 1 1/2 program for a DVD. The program doesn't seem to crash per se, just stops encoding. The task manager says it's running. I tried to encode the same sequence, but shorter and have the in and out points go through the part where it always stops and it worked fine. It's just when I try the entire sequence it stops. Anyone have any experience like this with CS5.5 just coming out?
    Thank you,

    Well, my problem happened with CS5, not 5.5. I don't encode enough to be able to say that it continues to be a problem. However, I would still pull up my CS4 AME if I needed to encode something again. But honestly, it sounds like the same problem as I had. My problem may have been further complicated by running CS5 as 64 bit.
    For the record, I was never able to fully encode the f4v file I was given. AME behaved as though it was corrupt at the same point each time, shaving off about a half hour of the presentation. For several days I thought it was only a half hour presentation! I was given this file by an a/v company that caters corporate meetings. It was a video that combined a Powerpoint presentation and the audio from the podium. I asked for a file that I could use for Flash because their world is all Quicktime.
    As I said, in the end the only way I could salvage this project was to extract the audio by encoding the f4v with Quicktime Pro and then use a third party software to marry it to the PPT presentation for a flash movie. That is a whole other issue I wish Adobe would look into, being able to encode PPT for flash. Corporations are doing some really cool presentations for business but MS just doesn't play well with Adobe Flash. It would really help me to be able to take my client's stuff and put it up on the web easily.
    The young guy I work with said it was the lack of Quicktime codecs on my computer that was the hangup because in all likelihood they encoded the f4v with Final Cut Pro.
    I work in a broadcast HD tv station. We are attempting to transition our clients commercial material to database for use on-air using computer files they provide (to get away from video tape). I can't tell you how much trouble missing codecs has been with this. Clients make their stuff in all kinds of environments and it can be professional or amateur. Sometimes the video is there but the audio is missing or vice versa. Sometimes one 30 sec spot will be fine, but the next one in the same file will take a 30 sec spot and stretch it into a 5 min timeline, losing the audio and playing the video slo mo. Our editing system is Grass Valley's Edius so that adds a whole new problem with codecs. It took us a long time just to figure out how to open a .mov on a timeline. So in the end we replaced one headache with muliple tape formats to a bigger headache with multiple codecs and proprietary software programs.

  • AME CS4 Stops encoding after about 10 min without failure message

    Can anybody help me with the following problem?
    I have edited a Video of about 15 min length in Premiere Pro CS 4 and now i am trying to export it.
    But no matter which format or resolution i choose, the adobe media encoder stops encoding after about 10 minutes withoit giving any failure message. It does not really crash, it just stops, timer is frozen, but the media encoder program still reacts to inputs! When i let it start encoding again nowm it won't start encoding at all so i have to restart the computer in order for it to start encoding, but it will again encode for only 10 min again!
    I am using an acer i7 3610qm laptop with 4 gb ram and win 7 64bit
    I have updated to the latest versions of premiere and media encoder and also i have tried deleting the preferences, no change...
    Does anybody have a clue?

    You might also want to check your GPU settings in Premiere (File > Project Settings > General).  If the Renderer is set to CUDA,  switch to Software Only and try encoding the sequence again.

  • Why FCPX stops encoding ?

    Hi there,
    I have some clips on the timeline to encode. It took about 30 mins to encode. I am on Mountain Lion.
    I make so some changes and re-encode it again.
    Every time it took about 30 mins to encode.
    Then, I made some changes again. As it will take 30 mins, I went for a drink. When I came back, the screen is blank/back and it stopped encoding !
    Previously, on my Snow Leopard iMac, it will still continue to encode even though it went blank/black (when I came back, usually the file has been encoded !)
    Any ideas why ?

    My response in bold below:
    Russ H wrote:
    You mean you are manually rendering? That may not be necessary unless you're getting unsatisfactory playback from the time line. (I never render unless I have to.)
    Not sure what you mean but I have background rendering on (previously and now)
    Does blank/black mean the absence of orange render bars? Perhaps you had Background Rendering on in your previous setup.
    Blank/Black means the whole screen goes blank/blank after you leave it alone/untouch for a while. (Something like when you put the computer to sleep)
    I also notice when I upload a file to vimeo, as it will take a while, I usually go away & leave it alone for a while & come back later (& I just hit the return button to wake the computer from the blank screen and it will show my file has been upload).
    But this time, when I hit the return button, it will continue to upload (the percentage then start to increase while it stops uploading when in blank/black).
    I hope you understand what I am trying to say ...

  • Media Encoder stops encoding but doesn't stop running!

    What I mean by this is,
    I set up a bunch of files to begin encoding into various different forms, carefully check the settings and hit the go/run/play button and things kick off nicely.
    Using the Dynamic Link option to encode right out of Premiere Pro CC project sequences.
    Trouble is that occasionally I will return to the machine to see that the current file is still encoding and it's taking way longer than expected. On closer look though, the thumbnail is not moving and the remaing time is just slowly going up and up.
    AME shows that all is well and it seems to be working but actually nothing is happening and I have to stop the process, reload the files and start all over again!
    Time is precious right now and I can't trust AME to do the job!
    Anyone else had this experience?
    Formats I am encoding into: H.264 for BluRay; H.264 for Web; Mpeg2 for DVD. Use a mix of VBR 2-pass for the physical discs and CBR for the web (as this is what Vimeo recommend). Shorter files of about 15-20mins or less seem to have more luck than any file over 30mins.
    Any help greatlly appreciated.

    Hi Thomas,
    Thanks for your reply.
    It doesn't appear to be the problem though. The encode I have running at the moment has been going for the last 13 hours and in the last two hasn't once got any further along!
    Current elapsed time for a 30 minute film going to MPG2 is 13 hours and 18 minutes! Seems a touch excessive for just muxing!
    Any other ideas? Would be really grateful for any advice as Adobe Media Encoder is becoming very unreliable and I have tonnes of encoding to do!
    Many thanks

  • Flash media live encoder 3.2  no input sound after stopping encoding

    We have adobe media live encoder 3.2 in Windows 7 64 Bits. We use a usb adquisition interface.
    We start streaming every thing is ok. i we click on stop the imput sound is no longer available. In order to have the sound again we have to remove the device from the windows control panel unplug the usb cable and then plug the cable again.
    Any idea please?

    I'm sorry you're running into this crash.  Unfortunately you've posted in the Adobe AIR forums, would you mind reposting over one the Flash Media Live Encoder forums?

  • Media Encoder CS4 stops encoding half way through

    I am going a little bit insane.
    Running PP and Media Encoder CS4 on Windows 7 and attempting to export a 5 minute film on preset 'Download NTSC Source' (but this happens no matter what settings I use): Media Encoder runs for approximately 5-6 minutes, loads the sequence, begins to encode and then stops.
    It doesn't spit out an error message, it finishes the file (a 6MB .wmv file (on these settings) that plays a blip of white and then ends) but never gets further than four minutes through what should be a 35 minute encode process.
    I've trashed the prefs, I've run all the updates, I'm using XP Compatibility mode ... I literally cannot figure out why the process should just ... stop.

    Welcome to the forum!
    Do you have any titles, graphics or MOV files near the beginning of your sequence?  I think there was a bug in CS4 that would trash the encode if they were there.  It was eventually solved -- either through an update or in CS5.  Make sure your copy of CS4 is fully updated.

  • FMLE stopped working

    I downloaded FMLE approximately one week ago and it started up fine for the first few days, then for the past 5 days when starting it up, it won't start up.  It displays the banner for FMLE, then does nothing else.  On task manager there is no program running.  I am using a sony vaio AW with windows 7 64 bit.  Of note 2 days after this download, there is a windows update that was done on  april 14 and 15.  Has anyone reported this update being a problem?  I tried uninstalling the FMLE and reinstalling but still the same problem.  I tried uninstalling procaster by livestream and that didn't help.  I can get you more information if needed.

    There are 2 xml files  under the program filesx86/adobe/flash media live encoder/ folder one is preset.xml and the other is config.xml.  Neither of these has a <device> tag in it but does have <audio> and <video> tages that have a <channel> tag in the preset file.  Should i load the program into another machine and import a profile.xml file into the FMLE program file folder?  Is this what is missing -  a profile.xml file?

  • IMovie stops encoding shortly into a project.

    I've had this problem for a while now and none of my usual fixes (deleting .plists and repairing disk permissions) have worked.
    When I set iMovie HD to encode something (usually to MP4 with Expert settings for a reasonable file size, but this has happened with everything I've tried), it will either seemingly finish encoding or the progress window will disappear part of the way through without any error messages or indications that something is wrong.
    When I play back the encoded file the video will suddenly freeze at a random point while the audio carries on. Quicktime Player's currently on version 7.2.0.
    When played on VLC Player I get the following error:
    main: decoder is leaking pictures, resetting the heap
    main: picture 0x2a4be34 refcount is -1
    Also, since iMovie HD is nothing but trouble and I haven't found a decent alternative, transitions are rendering in a juddery, jittery fashion which disrupts both sound and video. That and the audio will cut out the end of each clip a second or so before the next one starts. But the problem highlighted above is the main reason for my desk having a forehead-shaped dent in it.
    Currently have 104.65 GB left so I'm pretty sure it's not due to lack of disk space.
    2 GHz Intel Core Duo iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

    mm... premiere is 7.0 and media encoder 7.0.1 but the software says up to date. Creative cloud manager said everything is up to date but this morning adobe updater said there was some upgrade to premiere and its currently updating.
    At any rate, it may be updating because last night I uninstalled everything and refreshed premiere's settings and was able to export something. When I opened up premiere though, it said that something was missing from the previous project and i just ok'd it. Thinking back to it though, I remember it was something involving mercury so I looked that up and its some sort of playback engine from NVIDIA
    I never installed such a thing nor do I know what that could have to do with rendering since its called a playback engine but things seem to be working now. For that matter, I don't see how uninstalling premiere removed an NVIDIA component but w/e. Hope that helps anyone who may run into this problem and hope it doesn't come up again for me.

  • Problem with capture device.  Incorrect samples given by the device.  Stopping encoding session.

    Hi all,
    I am trying to capture my screen to stream starcraft 2 on ustream.  im using VH capture and fmle.  As of now it will only output and input an area near the top left corner.  As soon as i try to resize it to the full screen i get the error i put in the subject header.  My system is beefy enough (i7 8gb ram), but my video card is a radeon 5770.  could that be a problem?  What else can i do to fix this?  All ATI drivers, VH capture drivers and fmle are up to date, i just installed and updated everything today 11/24/10.
    VH capture settings
    Capture tab:
    Left: 560
    Top: 240
    Width 240
    Height 360
    These settings are the default and the only settings that will work.

    Please attach the session log file.

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