Folio articles and analytics

I have a book that I want to convert from 100 pages that was designed in InDesign.
In order for analytics to work to analyze which articles were viewed the most, do I have to have separate InDesign files as articles or will Analytics tell me which page was viewed the most for a single InDesign file? That would basically mean 100 InDesign files...

Hi Chris - thanks for your reply. The entire InDesign document was built as one document - not chapters. There are no chapters as it's an artbook. Do I need to put each page with content in it as its own InDesign document and make it an article or will analytics track each page of there being only one article and give me information on each of these pages?

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    1. AFAIK, tapping on a web area does not bring up the nav bar. I'll leave that to someone else to answer
    2. With Site Catlyst Analytics(JavaScript API) yes, its possible to capture all of the individual tabs/HTML analytics. The default Analytics would only report as web content

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    I am beating my head against the wall since last week:
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    Mike, I basically have to do the same. The idea to use DPS for something else than glossy magazine or corporate catalog, is my brainchild, and losing hopes feels like euthanazing a pet, to say the least.
    With the only exception: I don't see DPS as an inferior product. Rather, it is a raw product, brought to the light before it is really ready, in order (as it is often, if not always, happens in hi-tech industry) to corner the territory before competitors catch up.
    As you could see in other threads, there are no books or training courses available yet, and I believe Adobe team is not quite sure what can and cannot be done with DPS. A part of the minefield is Apple iOS, that enforces certain limitations to ensure system stability. And I am sure, there is a lot of other factors in play that we are not aware of, and probably never will be.
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    Just my 5 cents...

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    On Wed, Dec 25, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Peter Villevoye

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    I created the showModule.xhtml in the web.view.module\src\main\resources folder and test the application and Now I'm getting the error in both deployment ways.
    a) Local deployment: Same result
    Error 500--Internal Server Error
    com.sun.faces.context.FacesFileNotFoundException: /showModule.xhtml Not Found in ExternalContext as a Resource
    at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory.resolveURL(
    at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory.resolveURL(
    b) Remote server:
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    at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory.resolveURL(
    at com.sun.faces.facelets.impl.DefaultFaceletFactory.resolveURL(
    Please check the below screenshots for the mappings captured in the properties window.

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    Could you describe where you find this in the menu in IE and what it's called?
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    Hi Michele,
    Select the paragraphs where you want to change the spacing.
    Format Panel > Text > Spacing
    You can change 1.0 - Single to something else, or type a number in Before or After.

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    Oracle BIWA Summit 2008, December 2-3, 2008 (
    Oracle World Headquarters, Redwood Shores, CA
    IOUG Business Intelligence, Warehousing and Analytics SIG
    ”Transforming Data To Information For Competitive Advantage”
    Oracle BIWA Summit 2008 is a forum for business intelligence (BI), warehousing and analytics professionals to exchange information, experiences and best practices. With over 75 presentations and workshops and the entire event focused on BI, Warehousing and Analytics (BIWA), you will get the knowledge and information critical to be successful in your work. You will hear experts present novel and interesting use cases of Oracle Database-centric BIWA topics through keynotes, technical talks, hands on workshops, discussion panels and more.
    Call for Presentations & Technical Workshops
    You are invited to submit an abstract for a Presentation (50 minutes) or hands-on Technical Workshop (110 minutes) to the Oracle Business Intelligence, Warehousing, and Analytics (BIWA) Summit 2008 at the Oracle Conference Center in Redwood Shore, CA! See submission instructions and important dates below.
    Oracle Business Intelligence, Warehousing, and Analytics (BIWA) SIG
    The Oracle BIWA Special Interest Group (BIWA SIG) functions as a special interest group of the Independent Oracle Users Group (IOUG). BIWA SIG represents a worldwide association of persons who share a vested interest in successfully deploying Oracle Database-centric BIWA products, features and Options—that is, the Oracle Database “BIWA” platform. Oracle Database BIWA platform includes, but is not limited to:
    * Oracle Database, Oracle OLAP Option, Oracle Data Mining Option, Oracle Partitioning Option, Oracle Spatial Option, Oracle Warehouse Builder, SQL Statistical functions, SQL Analytics, Oracle Text, Oracle Multimedia, regular expression searches, text mining, BI Publisher
    * Query and reporting tools, BI tools and BI dashboards including Oracle Business Intelligence SE, Oracle Business Intelligence EE, and similar tools from Oracle partners and ISVs
    The Oracle BIWA Summit 2008 is designed to accelerate users' success with Oracle products by providing a forum for sharing information and best practices, discovering novel and innovative practices, and exposing issues and limitations concerning Oracle products.
    Come hear from the industry leaders, visionaries and experts including:
    * Jeanne Harris, co-author, with Tom Davenport, of the best-selling book “Competing on Analytics: The New Science of Winning” (Harvard Business School Press, 2007) and Executive Research Fellow and Director of Research at the Accenture Institute for High Performance Business
    * Ray Roccaforte, Vice President of Data Warehousing and Business Intelligence Platform, Oracle Corporation
    * Juan Loaiza, Senior Vice President Systems Technology, Oracle Corporation
    * Dr. Usama Fayyad, Chief Data Officer and Executive Vice President, Research & Strategic Data Solutions, Yahoo!
    Hands-on Technical Workshops
    Oracle BIWA Summit includes hands-on workshops using provided laptops running the latest release of the Oracle Database and BIWA-related software.
    -Learn from the experts
    -Hands-on opportunities to work with the software
    - 2-hour in-depth hands-on workshops
    Partners and Sponsors
    BIWA partners and sponsors will be exhibiting their products and services at the BIWA Summit 2008. And don’t miss the fast-paced fun Lightning Rounds!
    -Partner and Sponsor Exhibits
    -Evening Reception for all BIWA attendees on Tuesday Night, December 2 sponsored by Partner and Sponsors
    -ISV Partners and Sponsors Lightning Rounds (just before lunch each day)
    BIWA themes include: "Transforming data to information for competitive advantage", and “Better Information Better Results”

    Yes changed,i am just working on the BI Composer part. applied JDEV 13952743 patch then extended script..
    got some error then rollback jdev patch file then reapplied.
    Applying JDev 13952743 Patch file.
    E:\>cd E:\opatch_top\13952743
    E:\opatch_top\13952743>set PATH=%PATH%;D:\Oracle\Middleware\Oracle_BI1\OPatch
    set ORACLE_HOME=D:\Oracle\Middleware\oracle_common
    set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
    set PATH=%JAVA_HOME%\bin;%PATH%
    set PATH=%ORACLE_HOME%\OPatch;%PATH%
    E:\opatch_top\13952743>opatch version
    E:\opatch_top\13952743>opatch apply
    used below command for rollback
    opatch rollback -id 13952743

  • Unable to create custom analytic in dashboard and analytics in infoview

    Hi all,
    i am unable to create a custom analytic in dashboard and analytics in infoview, the error i am getting is there is no xcelsius template available consult xcelsius .
    Need help ?
    Abid Paul

    Hello Falk,
    thanks for the reply
    this is not the error i am getting in Xcelsius.but this is the error which i am getting in INFOVIEW BO edge standard 3.1 when i am trying to create custom analytic in corporate dashboard FROM INFOVIEW.
    THE error i am getting is there are no xcelsius templates availabe consult xcelsius.
    i would really appreciate if you could help me regarding this
    Regards and thanks

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    I have instead Adobe Flash Player 10.0.....Do I need to install another software (like Crystal Reports) to have this display showing graphs and stuffs?
    If yes, what other steps do I need to perform to get this graphical display out?

    Hi Hemant,
    The user has all authorizations. I have even given the user admin right to the user.
    The behavior of the explorer is as if there is a feature that is not activated or installed as it does as if it wants to open...but it now comes out with a cross like sign.
    The only requirement I saw in the installation is guide is for adobe flash player which I have since installed. Are you aware of other tools to install to display analytics n reports?

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