Font styles in source xml are not set  on footnote text

Hi,<br /><br />   could some please help. Not sure what iam missing.<br /><br />Iam using the following code to add footnote for each footnote element in imported xml. Iam running the script after importing xml. footnotes are added successfully but the font styles are not applied to the footnote text. The alerts in the code are as expected.<br /><br />Sample XML:<br /><para>This is begin</para><br /><para>Test footnote one follows<footnote id="f0"><para> FN1 This is<italic>italic</italic> and <bold>bold</bold>.</para><br /></footnote></para><br /><para>This is the second section</para><br /><para>Test footnote two follows<footnote id="f1"><para> FN2 This is<italic>italic</italic> and <bold>bold</bold>.<br /></footnote></para><br /><br />Code:<br /><br />var myGlueCodePath = app.filePath + "/Scripts/xml rules/glue code.jsx"; <br />var myFile = File(myGlueCodePath); <br />app.doScript(myFile); <br /><br />main(); <br />function main(){ <br />     var myDocument = app.activeDocument; <br />     if (app.documents.length != 0){ <br />          var myRuleSet = new Array ( <br />          new processParaBold, <br />          new processParaItalic <br />          ); <br />          with(myDocument){ <br />               var elements = xmlElements; <br />               __processRuleSet(elements.item(0), myRuleSet); <br />          } // End With <br />     } // end if <br />     else{ <br />          alert("No open document"); <br />     } // ende Else <br /><br />     var myXMLElements = new Array; <br />     myXMLElements = myGetXMLElements("//footnote"); <br /><br />     if(myXMLElements.length > 0){ <br />          for(var myCounter = 0; myCounter <= myXMLElements.length-1; myCounter++){ <br />               var myXMLElement = myXMLElements[myCounter]; <br />               var myStartIndex = myXMLElement.texts.item(0).insertionPoints.item(0).index; <br />               var myStory = myXMLElement.texts.item(0).parentStory; <br />               var myFootnoteString = myXMLElement.texts.item(0).contents; <br /><br />               myXMLElement.texts.item(0).contents = ""; <br />               var myInsertionPoint = myStory.insertionPoints.item(myStartIndex); <br /><br />               var myFootnote = myInsertionPoint.footnotes.add(); <br />               myFootnote.insertionPoints.item(-1).contents = myFootnoteString; <br />          } <br />     } <br />} <br /><br />function myGetXMLElements(myXPath){ <br />     var myXMLElements = new Array; <br />     var myRuleProcessor = app.xmlRuleProcessors.add([myXPath]); <br />     try{ <br />          var myMatchData = myRuleProcessor.startProcessingRuleSet(app.documents.item(0).xmlElements.item(0)); <br />          while(myMatchData != undefined){ <br />               var myElement = myMatchData.element; <br />               myXMLElements.push(myElement); <br />               myMatchData = myRuleProcessor.findNextMatch(); <br />          } <br />          myRuleProcessor.endProcessingRuleSet(); <br />          myRuleProcessor.remove(); <br />          return myXMLElements; <br />     } catch (myError){ <br />          myRuleProcessor.endProcessingRuleSet(); <br />          myRuleProcessor.remove(); <br />          throw myError; <br />     } <br />} <br /><br />function processParaBold(){ <br />     var myDocument = app.activeDocument; <br /> = "processParaBold"; <br />     this.xpath = "//footnote/para/bold" <br />     this.apply = function(myElement, myRuleProcessor){ <br />          //myElement.texts[0].applyCharacterStyle(myDocument.characterStyles.item("bol d")); <br />          alert("test bold: " + myElement.texts.item(0).contents); <br />          var myCharacterStyle = myDocument.characterStyles.item("bold"); <br />          if(myCharacterStyle != null){ <br />               alert("bold exists"); <br />               myElement.texts.item(0).applyCharacterStyle(myCharacterStyle); <br />          } <br />          return false; <br />     } <br />} <br /><br />function processParaItalic(){ <br />     var myDocument = app.activeDocument; <br /> = "processParaItalic"; <br />     this.xpath = "//footnote/para/italic" <br />     this.apply = function(myElement, myRuleProcessor){ <br />          //myElement.applyCharacterStyle(myDocument.characterStyles.item("italic")); <br />          alert("test italic: " + myElement.texts.item(0).contents); <br />          var myCharacterStyle = myDocument.characterStyles.item("italic"); <br />          if(myCharacterStyle != null){ <br />               alert("italic exists"); <br />               myElement.texts.item(0).applyCharacterStyle(myCharacterStyle); <br />          } <br />          return false; <br />     } <br />}<br /><br />Thanks

If you add document xml tag map style, the style process can be ignored.
1. Do myStotry.placeXML(justImportedXMLElement);
2. iterate the backward in justImportedXMLElement: get the footXMLElement, skip children;
var myText = footxmlElement.texts[0];
var ix = myText.insertionPoints[0].index;
if(ix == 0){ix = 0;}
var end = myText.insertionPoints[-1].index;
myText = myStotry.insertionPoints.itemByRange(ix-1, end+1);
myText.move(LocatcionOptions.atEnd, myStotry.insertionPoints[ix-1].footnotes.add().insertionPoints[-1])]);
This will be quicker then the upper.

Similar Messages

  • Comboboxes are not set  on the 1st time a row is clicked in the dataTable

    I have somewhat the following setup:
    I have a DataTable that is filled with a listof objects, a actionListener is handeled when a row is clicked.
    Under the Table there are two ComboBoxes (lets call them Category and Item) that get their values from lists of Objects. The values of the list that backs the Item combo depend on the selected value of the Category combo.
    Lets assume the values look like this:
    Together with some textboxes, they should represent the values of the clicked row in the Table.
    Now the problem:
    When the comboboxes have a different value than the row that is be&iuml;ng selected the values of the comboboxes and textboxes are not set correctly until the 3rd time the row is clicked.
    It also doesn't go into the onClickMehod in the backing bean before the 3rd click. This is checked by a logger.
    an example:
    before clicking, the category combo is set to "CategoryB", the Item combo is set to "ItemB1" and the textboxes are empty. The row that is going to be clicked has as its category "CategoryA" and as its Item "ItemA1"
    1st click:
    the form still shows the values like they were before clicking, the log doesn't show that the method is triggered
    2nd click:
    the Item combo is set to "ItemA1", the category is still set to "CategoryB", the textBoxes are still empty. The log still doesn't show that the method is triggered
    3rd click:
    the Category combo is set to "CategoryA", the Item combo is set to "ItemA1", the textboxes also have their correct values.
    the code is as followed:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="" %>
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <h:form binding="#{backingBean.pageLoad}">
    <h:dataTable binding="#{backingBean.dataTable}" columnClasses="COL1, COL1, COL2, COL2, COL3" value="#{backingBean.myObjects}" var="myObject" width="100%" headerClass="HEADING" rowClasses="ROW1, ROW2" rows="10">
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:commandLink actionListener="#{backingBean.sortDataList}" styleClass="rowHeader">
    <f:attribute name="sortField" value="getItemCategory" />
    <h:outputText value="Category"/>
    <h:commandLink shape="rect" styleClass="rowtext" value="#{myObject.item.itemCategory.description}" actionListener="#{backingBean.rowSelect}" />
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:commandLink actionListener="#{backingBean.sortDataList}" styleClass="rowHeader">
    <f:attribute name="sortField" value="getItem" />
    <h:outputText value="Item"/>
    <h:commandLink shape="rect" styleClass="rowtext" value="#{}" actionListener="#{backingBean.rowSelect}" />
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:commandLink actionListener="#{backingBean.sortDataList}" styleClass="rowHeader">
    <f:attribute name="sortField" value="getDescription" />
    <h:outputText value="Certification"/>
    <h:commandLink shape="rect" styleClass="rowtext" value="#{myObject.description}" actionListener="#{myObject.description}"/>
    <f:facet name="footer">
    <h:panelGroup style="text-align:right">
    <h:commandButton value="first" action="#{backingBean.pageFirst}" disabled="#{backingBean.dataTable.first == 0}" />
    <h:commandButton value="prev" action="#{backingBean.pagePrevious}" disabled="#{backingBean.dataTable.first == 0}" />
    <h:commandButton value="next" action="#{backingBean.pageNext}" disabled="#{backingBean.dataTable.first + backingBean.dataTable.rows >= backingBean.dataTable.rowCount}" />
    <h:commandButton value="last" action="#{backingBean.pageLast}" disabled="#{backingBean.dataTable.first + backingBean.dataTable.rows >= backingBean.dataTable.rowCount}" />
    <h:commandButton value="Append New" action="#{backingBean.ClearFields}" />
    <h:inputHidden value="#{backingBean.sortField}"/>
    <h:inputHidden value="#{backingBean.sortAscending}"/>
    <h:inputHidden value="#{backingBean.myObjectId}"/>
    <br />
    <br />
    <table style="border-collapse: collapse; width:100%" cellpadding="3" border="1">
    <td style="text-align:left; width:20%; background-image:url('images/lbar.gif'); font-family:Arial; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold" colspan="3">Detail</td>
    <td style="text-align:right; width:20%; background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family:Arial; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold">Category </td>
    <td style="width:80%; background-color:#CCCCCC;font-weight:bold">
    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{backingBean.selectedCategory}" onchange="submit();" valueChangeListener="#{backingBean.CategoryChange}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{backingBean.selectedCategories}"/>
    <td style="text-align:right; width:20%; background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family:Arial; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold">Item id </td>
    <td style="width:80%; background-color:#CCCCCC;font-weight:bold">
    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{backingBean.selectedItem}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{backingBean.selectedItems}"/>
    <td style="text-align:right; width:20%; background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family:Arial; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold">Item Description </td>
    <td style="width:80%; background-color:#CCCCCC;font-weight:bold"> <h:inputTextarea value="#{backingBean.description}" cols="60" rows="5"/></td>
    </html>the backing bean:
    public class BackingBean{
    -- Declaration of properties --
    public void rowSelect(ActionEvent event) {
    // Get selected MyData item to be edited.
    logger.debug("Select row");
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    if ((sortField != null) && (myObjects != null)) {
    Collections.sort(myObjects, new DTOComparator(sortField, sortAscending));
    catch(Exception e){
    logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
    context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));}
    logger.debug("Setting fields");
    myObject = (MyObject) dataTable.getRowData();
    description = myObject.getDescription();
    itemCategory = myObject.getItem().getItemCategory();
    item = myObject.getItem();
    docDisabled = !certified;
    selectedCategory = itemCategory.getId();
    myObjectId = myObject.getId();
    logger.debug("Fields set");
    public void sortDataList(ActionEvent event) {
    String sortFieldAttribute = getAttribute(event, "sortField");
    // Get and set sort field and sort order.
    if (sortField != null && sortField.equals(sortFieldAttribute)) {
    sortAscending = !sortAscending;
    } else {
    sortField = sortFieldAttribute;
    sortAscending = true;
    // Sort results.
    if (sortField != null) {
    Collections.sort(myObjects, new DTOComparator(sortField, sortAscending));
    public void CategoryChange(ValueChangeEvent vce){
    try {
    logger.debug("SelectedIndexChange: Category: {}",vce.getNewValue().toString());
    selectedCategory = Integer.parseInt(vce.getNewValue().toString());
    logger.debug("SelectedIndexChange: Category");
    itemCategory = itemCategoryService.retrieveItemCategoryById(selectedCategory);
    logger.debug("Showing Category: {}", itemCategory.getDescription());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    logger.error("Error occured: {}",e.toString());
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectedItems() {
    selectedItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    logger.debug("selectedCategory: {}",selectedCategory);
    if (itemCategory!=null)
    logger.debug("Category Object: {}",itemCategory.getId());
    logger.debug("items recieved: {}",items.size());
    for (int count = 0; count < items.size(); count++) {
    selectedItems.add(new SelectItem(items.get(count).getSeq(),items.get(count).getName()));
    catch (Exception e){
    logger.error("Error occured: {}",e.toString());
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));
    return selectedItems;
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectedCategories() {
    selectedCategories = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    for (int count = 0; count < itemCategories.size(); count++) {
    if (itemCategories.get(count).getItems().size() != 0)
    selectedCategories.add(new SelectItem(itemCategories.get(count).getId(),itemCategories.get(count).getDescription()));
    if (selectedCategory == 0)
    selectedCategory = itemCategories.get(0).getId();
    catch (Exception e){
    logger.error("Error occured: {}",e.toString());
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));
    return selectedCategories;
    -- other getters and setters --
    }I've already tried to use the action attribute instead of the actionlistener attribute, also tried to add immediate="true" to all fields and columns.
    Did try to add onclick="submit();" to the rows.
    What can be done to fix it??
    ps: the enviroment is JSF + Spring + Hibernate

    The <h:messages/> tag is where the validation exception is shown, but no validation is used on the form, no other exeptions are sown.
    the List<Categories> is filled at a setPageLoad method which is bound to the form by <h:form binding="#{backingBean.pageLoad}">.
    The List<SelectedItem> of the categories box is filled in its getter and filled with the values of the List<Categories>
    And both the List<SelectedItem> of the items box and the List<Item> are filled in the getter of the List<SelectedItem> of the items box
    so instead of that i should rewrite it to something like this:
    public BackingBean() {
        selectedCategories = new List<SelectedItem>();
        selectedItems = new List<SelectedItem>();
        categories = CategoryService.retrieveCategories(); //gets all categories
        items = ItemService.retrieveItemsByCategory(selectedCategory); //gets the items
        for (int count = 0; count < categories.size(); count++) {
            selectedCategories.add(new SelectItem(categories.get(count).getId(),categories.get(count).getDescription()));
        if (selectedCategory == 0){
            selectedCategory = categories.get(0).getId();
        for (int count = 0; count < items.size(); count++) {
            selectedItems.add(new SelectItem(items.get(count).getId(),items.get(count).getDescription()));
        if (selectedItem == 0){
            selectedItem = items.get(0).getId();
    public void CategoryChange(ValueChangeEvent vce){
            try {
                if (vce.getPhaseId() != PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION) {
                } else {
                    selectedCategory = Integer.parseInt(vce.getNewValue().toString());
                    category = CategoryService.retrieveCategoryById(selectedCategory); // gets the category Object
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error occured: {}",e.toString());
                FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectedCategories() {
        return selectedCategories;
    public void setSelectedCategories(List<SelectItem> selectedCategories) {
        this.selectedCategories = selectedCategories;
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectedItems() {
        return selectedCategories;
    public void setSelectedItems(List<SelectItem> selectedItems) {
        this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
    }The bean is request scoped.

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    Thanks in advance,
    Oliver Jelinski

    Hello again,
    When I wrote "notification" I wanted to write "acknowledgement". So again: does anyone know, how acknowledgements are sent by the apply process (which port)? And when I am right, they are sent to the propagation process, which gives another acknowledgement to the capture process. Does anyone know how this second acknowledgement ist sent?
    Thanks again, looking forward to reading your comments,
    Oliver Jelinski

  • Why some of the tables are not set cacheable by default.

    Hi all.
    in the case management analytics in OBIEE. (Case Management Analytics Fusion Edition)
    Some of the tables for example (W_CASE_D, W_INCIDENT_D, W_LEAD_D) are not set Cacheable.
    That means, select table, right click, properties, Cacheable is NOT ticked in.
    does any one knows the reason why ?

    Hi Srini.
    Sorry, I think you did not understand my question.
    basically some tables are set as 'Not Cacheable' in Case Management Analytics, I am not sure, why ?
    do you know may be why ? all tables are marked as 'Cacheable' when looked from Table > Properties.
    But few ((W_CASE_D, W_INCIDENT_D, W_LEAD_D) NOT, WHY ? is it on purpose Oracle has done this way ?

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    I have a scenario here where initially the environment property for force setting challenge questions during first login was not set to true.
    But it has been set to true later. But for users created prior setting this property to true, the forgot password link is taking to a page to answer challenge questions which obviously is not working.
    Is there anyway to handle this scenario without doing ADF customization? For example say, to force all previous users also to set challenge questions for whom the challenge questions are not set.

    Hi, In your scenario, since user has forgotten his/her password and he has not set his answers to questions, so the only option left is calling Help Desk. Help desk guys should educate end users that go to OIM->My Information -> Set Security Questions. This is the only easy way I can think of.

  • Indicators "goods receipt" "invoice expected" are not set! Bug or feature?

    Hi all,
    we are using SRM 5.0 classic scenario.
    A freetext shopping cart without vendor assignment creates a PR in the backend (4.6C). In this PR the indicators for "goods receipt" and invoice expected" are not set. Is this ab bug or a feature.
    In former realeases these indicators are set automatically for the document flow.
    What do I have to do to set the indicators automatically in SRM 5.0.
    Best regards

    in classic scenario those flags are set according to the account assignment type and the settings in backend transaction OME9. On the one hand these settings can be overruled by BADI(s), on the other hand this behavior has also been noticed due to a malfunction which was corrected with note 1175255
    (pls also take into account the corrections for the backend!).
    I hope this is a first approach for solving the issue.
    Michael Haslinger

  • Some of my contact names are not appearing when they text message me.  They are just showing up as their numbers. I have them saved in my phone so i am not really sure why their names aren't showing up when they message me?

    some of my contact names are not appearing when they text message me.  They are just showing up as their numbers. I have them saved in my phone so i am not really sure why their names aren't showing up when they message me?

    I have this identical problem.  For a while my group texts didnt show up on my ipad.  Then one day they did, maybe everyone in the group started using the same os version or something.  Ever since my first reply to the group there have been complaints of multiple threads.  I can not find a pattern for when my group text's decide they want to create a new thread. (it doesnt happen every time)  Everyone in the group has deleted the thread, we've all toggled imessage on/off etc.  There still hasn't been a solution.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • Styles grouped in .css are not reflected in Paragraph styles in RH

    I'm test driving TCS2 in Windows XP.
    I watched RJ Jacquez' excellent video on FM9 and RH8 integration.  He suggested grouping similar styles in the .css to make it easier to make changes.  I did as he suggested and grouped all of my heading styles together since I want them to have the same look and feel.  However, They are not showing up in Paragraph styles in RH, but under Other.  I'm a newbie to .css, so it's probably something simple.
    Using Dreamweaver, II created a style for all of my headings and named it Heading1, Heading2, Heading3 (exactly what they are called in FM).
    I then created all of the attributes, such as font-family, that I wanted to apply to all of them.
    I then deleted all of the individual heading styles.
    I saved in DW, then updated in RH.  My Heading1, Heading2, Heading3 style is displayed under Other.
    My questions:
    Why is it displaying under Other?
    How do I map my FM settings to the newly created style?
    Thanks for the help!

    In your CSS you have to tell what kind of style you are adding, the so called selectors. You use selectors so the browser (or RH) knows what elements you want to style. My guess is that you simply added the paragraph style names in the css, without use of the selector. You CSS probably looks something like this:
    Heading1 {}
    To solve your problem, change it in P.Heading1. The style will now show up under the paragraphs.
    I'm don’t use FM, but my guess is that you use Heading1 etc as headings in your document. In HTML, you normally use headings for these and not paragraphs. You may want to change the styles in your CSS with h1, h2 etc. You can then map your FM headings to the HTML headings.
    See also:
    ·         CSS info:
    ·         HTML headings:
    This e-mail is personal. For our full disclaimer, please visit

  • Indicator - If the Document is Sourcing-Relevant is not set

    hi All,
    We are using SRM7.0 scneario PDP, creating PR in ECC once it is released transered to SRM creates SC, we do not have any approval for SC it will get auto approved once created.
    SC should be available in SOCO since we have Defined Sourcing for Product Categories as "*" and Soucring always carried out,
    further when we check for some of SC's which are available in SOCO indicator was set at BBP_PDIGP-SOURCE_REL_IND, and it is a but for some of them it was not set.
    Any idea why this indicator was not set.
    please share if you ever face the same issue.

    Did you tested this functionality in SRM shopping cart process? Create a shopping cart with multiple line items and check whether this is working fine or not within SRM.
    Also refer SAP note  1432540 ( Sourcing relevant flag is not updated properly)

  • Can Windows Server Backup spread a single backup job across multiple disks if they are not set up as a virtual disk?

    This may be a dumb question, but I can't seem to find any definitive information after having done many, many searches.  Short question is - can Windows Server Backup spread a single backup job across multiple disks if they are not in a storage
    pool or some other RAID/JBOD structure?
    I'm running Server 2012 Essentials with all Windows Updates installed.  I have been backing up approx 2.8TB of data (Bare Metal Recovery, C:, S: (shared folders), and system reserved) for the past year+ onto a storage pool made up of two-2TB external
    USB drives.  Backup is slow (takes approx 1.5 days to complete), but generally works.  Not surprisingly I was constantly getting capacity low messages so I decided to increase my backup storage pool by adding a 3TB drive and another spare 750GB drive
    for a total of 7.75TB.  Instead of having four separate external USB enclosures, I bot a 4-bay enclosure - model #S3540BU33E to simplify this (or so I thought!).
    The first problem I had was adding the two new drives to the existing storage pool. I think that is because the Startech uses a JMicron USB controller that reports identical uniqueid's for all drives so only one shows up in the GUI interface for creating storage
    pools. After doing research on this, I set up a new storage pool and virtual disk using all four drives via Powershell and thought I was good. However, when the backup ran, it failed after filling the first drive, saying there was no remaining capacity. In
    reality there were three remaining empty drives and there storage pool reported almost 5TB of avail capacity. I assumed this was due to the identical uniqueid issue so I decided to try a different tactic.
    Instead of using a storage pool that combines all four disks into one virtual disk, I just added each of them to Windows Server Backup as individual drives thinking it would manage them collectively. I.e., when a drive filled up during a particular backup,
    it would just start using the next drive and so on. Apparently this was a foolish assumption because the backup failed again as soon as the first disk filled up.
    So now I don't know if this is still an issue with the identical uniqueid's or if Server Backup actually can't spread a single backup across multiple individual drives that aren't in a pool or other virtual disk implementation. Hence, my original question.
    My guess is that it does *not* spread them across individual disks, but I just wanted to get confirmation.

    Thank you for following up on my question.
    Unfortunately the article you referenced doesn't address what I am trying to accomplish.
    The article focuses on saving the same backup job to multiple disks and rotating the disks between on and offsite for enhanced protection.  However, it still requires that an individual backup job fits on a single disk.
    What I am trying to determine is if a single backup job can span across more than one physical disk (during the backup process) without those physical disks being in some type of virtual disk implementation (e.g., storage pool, RAID, etc.).

  • View Object attributes are not setting

    I have created a table region and attached a row header view attribute to it.I have a created a transient attribute also.
    I am setting transient vo attribute in process request of the controller but the values are not reflecting in the table.
    I am giving the complete code,please help me.
    OATableBean tableBean=(OATableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("TableRN");
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this, " xxchrchecktableBean "+tableBean, 1);
    OAViewObject oaviewobject = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("XXCHRCwkVendorReviewVO1");
    if(oaviewobject !=null)
    String vendorDetailsArray[]=new String[5];
    int fetchedRowCount=oaviewobject.getFetchedRowCount();
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this, "fetchedRowCount="+fetchedRowCount, 1);
    OARow oarow = null;
    if(fetchedRowCount >0)
    for (int i=0;i<fetchedRowCount;i++)
    if(oarow !=null)
    Edited by: user13060916 on Aug 24, 2010 10:58 PM

    try your code in this way ,
    OATableBean tableBean=(OATableBean)webBean.findChildRecursive("TableRN");
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this, " xxchrchecktableBean "+tableBean, 1);
    OAViewObject oaviewobject = (OAViewObject)am.findViewObject("XXCHRCwkVendorReviewVO1");
    if(oaviewobject !=null)
    *//oaviewobject.executeQuery(); // dont execute VO*
    String vendorDetailsArray[]=new String[5];
    int fetchedRowCount=oaviewobject.getFetchedRowCount();
    RowSetIterator rowItr = vo.createRowSetIterator("rowItr");
    pageContext.writeDiagnostics(this, "fetchedRowCount="+fetchedRowCount, 1);
    OARow oarow = null;
    if(fetchedRowCount >0)
    for (int i=0;i<fetchedRowCount;i++)
    if(oarow !=null)
    let me know case of any issues

  • Business Area not set in IT0001 during Batch input

    I'm trying to load the IT0001 trough a batch input, but the fields for cost center, business area function and organizational assignment are not derived from the position.
    The batch input is running the entry action.
    But if I run the action normally, the fields are field in correctly.
    Can anyone help me? Thanks a lot.

    The problem was the information passing to the dynpro. In the ABAP coding we were setting those fields to ' '.
    Thanks a lot

  • OamAuthn cookies are not set with encrypted value in https login with FFbro

    we have developed a custom login page which is deployed on oam server itself .
    In custom login page we are passing 3 userinfo like username ,passowrd and request id as part of authentication parameter .
    We have developed our own javascript to pass all these information using ajax call .
    Below are the snippet of ajax method which is posting the data to oam server .
    var uname = $("#username").val();
    var pwd = $("#password").val();
    pwd = pwd.replace( /&/g, '%26' );
    var requestId = $("#request_id").val();
    var oamAuthenticationUrl=$("#oamAuthUrl").val()+'/oam/server/auth_cred_submit';
    var postdata = "username=" + uname + "&password=" + pwd + "&request_id=" + requestId;
    $.ajax( {
    type :'POST', url : oamAuthenticationUrl, data :postdata,
    complete : function (xmlHttp, statusCode) {
    // some code if user login is done successfully ......
    Here we are making login page call using ssl port Like our login page is https://oamserver:14101/.....
    This code is working perfectly fine in internet explorer but in firefox oracle access manager is not setting any value to oamAuthnCookeis.
    I mean before logging and after logging value of oamAuthnCookies remains same like
    LoggedoutContinue .

    This is a known issue of CEP (Common Extensibility Platform, a DLL that supports displaying extensions). Code like “document.cookie” in HTML extension is invalid because CEF (CEP integrated CEF3 to display HTML Extensions) intentionally disables cookies on "file://..." for a variety of reasons.
    However, CEP stores cookies at:
    Windows: "C:\Users\yourusername\AppData\Local\Temp\cep_cookies"
    Mac: "/Users/yourusername/Library/Logs/CSXS/cep_cookies"
    Please let me know if more information is needed, thanks

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