Indicators "goods receipt" "invoice expected" are not set! Bug or feature?

Hi all,
we are using SRM 5.0 classic scenario.
A freetext shopping cart without vendor assignment creates a PR in the backend (4.6C). In this PR the indicators for "goods receipt" and invoice expected" are not set. Is this ab bug or a feature.
In former realeases these indicators are set automatically for the document flow.
What do I have to do to set the indicators automatically in SRM 5.0.
Best regards

in classic scenario those flags are set according to the account assignment type and the settings in backend transaction OME9. On the one hand these settings can be overruled by BADI(s), on the other hand this behavior has also been noticed due to a malfunction which was corrected with note 1175255
(pls also take into account the corrections for the backend!).
I hope this is a first approach for solving the issue.
Michael Haslinger

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  • Relationship between Goods Issue, Goods Receipt & Invoice Created

    Hi Friends !
    Facing issue in Prod.
    In production, where goods receipt quantity reverts back to 0 in BW after when the invoice is created in SAP. This is after BW was already updated with the correct GR quantity and the delivery complete flag.
    Initial load          0005051554     000300     1     01/21/2011     00/00/0000              0     0
    Change 1 - Goods Issue     0005051554     000300     1     01/21/2011     00/00/0000              0     0
    Change 1 - Goods Issue     0005051554     000300     1     02/14/2011     00/00/0000              53     0
    Change 2 - Goods Receipt     0005051554     000300     1     02/14/2011     00/00/0000             -53     0
    Change 2 - Goods Receipt     0005051554     000300     1     03/08/2011     3/8/2011        X         53     53
    Change 3 - Invoice created     0005051554     000300     1     03/08/2011     3/8/2011        X        -53     -53
    Change 3 - Invoice created     0005051554     000300     1     03/21/2011     3/21/2011        X         53     0
    Issue : Last record change 3 should have GR_QTY = 53.
    Please help how Goods Issue, Good Receipt & Invoice are linked together. Also advise what should be the expected result. How to proceed further. Thanks.
    With Regards

    The values for Change 3 are as per standards.
    i.e. That is how the system functions.
    Ex: Your Order Qty can be 100 & you can Receipt only 50 if you want to.
    Now, GR_QTY = 50.
    Coming to Invoice, you can invoice even 100 if you want & then receipt the remaining 50.
    If you are Invoicing the full PO quantity, Goods Receipt will be 0.
    If you see the field Transfer Process or Transaction Key (BWVORG), it would be clear for you.
    For PO creation the value is 1.
    For a Goods Receipt the value is 2.
    For an Invoice Receipt the value is 3.
    Record with the different Process Keys, will signify the action taken on the PO.
    When you mark 'Delivery Completed', you are telling the system that we do not require more of this particular material.
    So, if you have ordered 100 Qty & receipted & invoiced only 50, & then you mark the Delivery Completion, you will not be able to receipt more of that material for this PO.
    (It might sound a little confusing. If you can get some help from your MM consultant, it would be great.)

  • Comboboxes are not set  on the 1st time a row is clicked in the dataTable

    I have somewhat the following setup:
    I have a DataTable that is filled with a listof objects, a actionListener is handeled when a row is clicked.
    Under the Table there are two ComboBoxes (lets call them Category and Item) that get their values from lists of Objects. The values of the list that backs the Item combo depend on the selected value of the Category combo.
    Lets assume the values look like this:
    Together with some textboxes, they should represent the values of the clicked row in the Table.
    Now the problem:
    When the comboboxes have a different value than the row that is beïng selected the values of the comboboxes and textboxes are not set correctly until the 3rd time the row is clicked.
    It also doesn't go into the onClickMehod in the backing bean before the 3rd click. This is checked by a logger.
    an example:
    before clicking, the category combo is set to "CategoryB", the Item combo is set to "ItemB1" and the textboxes are empty. The row that is going to be clicked has as its category "CategoryA" and as its Item "ItemA1"
    1st click:
    the form still shows the values like they were before clicking, the log doesn't show that the method is triggered
    2nd click:
    the Item combo is set to "ItemA1", the category is still set to "CategoryB", the textBoxes are still empty. The log still doesn't show that the method is triggered
    3rd click:
    the Category combo is set to "CategoryA", the Item combo is set to "ItemA1", the textboxes also have their correct values.
    the code is as followed:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="fmt" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="h" uri="" %>
    <%@ taglib prefix="f" uri="" %>
    <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
    <h:form binding="#{backingBean.pageLoad}">
    <h:dataTable binding="#{backingBean.dataTable}" columnClasses="COL1, COL1, COL2, COL2, COL3" value="#{backingBean.myObjects}" var="myObject" width="100%" headerClass="HEADING" rowClasses="ROW1, ROW2" rows="10">
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:commandLink actionListener="#{backingBean.sortDataList}" styleClass="rowHeader">
    <f:attribute name="sortField" value="getItemCategory" />
    <h:outputText value="Category"/>
    <h:commandLink shape="rect" styleClass="rowtext" value="#{myObject.item.itemCategory.description}" actionListener="#{backingBean.rowSelect}" />
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:commandLink actionListener="#{backingBean.sortDataList}" styleClass="rowHeader">
    <f:attribute name="sortField" value="getItem" />
    <h:outputText value="Item"/>
    <h:commandLink shape="rect" styleClass="rowtext" value="#{}" actionListener="#{backingBean.rowSelect}" />
    <f:facet name="header">
    <h:commandLink actionListener="#{backingBean.sortDataList}" styleClass="rowHeader">
    <f:attribute name="sortField" value="getDescription" />
    <h:outputText value="Certification"/>
    <h:commandLink shape="rect" styleClass="rowtext" value="#{myObject.description}" actionListener="#{myObject.description}"/>
    <f:facet name="footer">
    <h:panelGroup style="text-align:right">
    <h:commandButton value="first" action="#{backingBean.pageFirst}" disabled="#{backingBean.dataTable.first == 0}" />
    <h:commandButton value="prev" action="#{backingBean.pagePrevious}" disabled="#{backingBean.dataTable.first == 0}" />
    <h:commandButton value="next" action="#{backingBean.pageNext}" disabled="#{backingBean.dataTable.first + backingBean.dataTable.rows >= backingBean.dataTable.rowCount}" />
    <h:commandButton value="last" action="#{backingBean.pageLast}" disabled="#{backingBean.dataTable.first + backingBean.dataTable.rows >= backingBean.dataTable.rowCount}" />
    <h:commandButton value="Append New" action="#{backingBean.ClearFields}" />
    <h:inputHidden value="#{backingBean.sortField}"/>
    <h:inputHidden value="#{backingBean.sortAscending}"/>
    <h:inputHidden value="#{backingBean.myObjectId}"/>
    <br />
    <br />
    <table style="border-collapse: collapse; width:100%" cellpadding="3" border="1">
    <td style="text-align:left; width:20%; background-image:url('images/lbar.gif'); font-family:Arial; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold" colspan="3">Detail</td>
    <td style="text-align:right; width:20%; background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family:Arial; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold">Category </td>
    <td style="width:80%; background-color:#CCCCCC;font-weight:bold">
    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{backingBean.selectedCategory}" onchange="submit();" valueChangeListener="#{backingBean.CategoryChange}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{backingBean.selectedCategories}"/>
    <td style="text-align:right; width:20%; background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family:Arial; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold">Item id </td>
    <td style="width:80%; background-color:#CCCCCC;font-weight:bold">
    <h:selectOneMenu value="#{backingBean.selectedItem}">
    <f:selectItems value="#{backingBean.selectedItems}"/>
    <td style="text-align:right; width:20%; background-color:#CCCCCC; font-family:Arial; font-size:smaller; font-weight:bold">Item Description </td>
    <td style="width:80%; background-color:#CCCCCC;font-weight:bold"> <h:inputTextarea value="#{backingBean.description}" cols="60" rows="5"/></td>
    </html>the backing bean:
    public class BackingBean{
    -- Declaration of properties --
    public void rowSelect(ActionEvent event) {
    // Get selected MyData item to be edited.
    logger.debug("Select row");
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    if ((sortField != null) && (myObjects != null)) {
    Collections.sort(myObjects, new DTOComparator(sortField, sortAscending));
    catch(Exception e){
    logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e);
    context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));}
    logger.debug("Setting fields");
    myObject = (MyObject) dataTable.getRowData();
    description = myObject.getDescription();
    itemCategory = myObject.getItem().getItemCategory();
    item = myObject.getItem();
    docDisabled = !certified;
    selectedCategory = itemCategory.getId();
    myObjectId = myObject.getId();
    logger.debug("Fields set");
    public void sortDataList(ActionEvent event) {
    String sortFieldAttribute = getAttribute(event, "sortField");
    // Get and set sort field and sort order.
    if (sortField != null && sortField.equals(sortFieldAttribute)) {
    sortAscending = !sortAscending;
    } else {
    sortField = sortFieldAttribute;
    sortAscending = true;
    // Sort results.
    if (sortField != null) {
    Collections.sort(myObjects, new DTOComparator(sortField, sortAscending));
    public void CategoryChange(ValueChangeEvent vce){
    try {
    logger.debug("SelectedIndexChange: Category: {}",vce.getNewValue().toString());
    selectedCategory = Integer.parseInt(vce.getNewValue().toString());
    logger.debug("SelectedIndexChange: Category");
    itemCategory = itemCategoryService.retrieveItemCategoryById(selectedCategory);
    logger.debug("Showing Category: {}", itemCategory.getDescription());
    } catch (Exception e) {
    logger.error("Error occured: {}",e.toString());
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectedItems() {
    selectedItems = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    logger.debug("selectedCategory: {}",selectedCategory);
    if (itemCategory!=null)
    logger.debug("Category Object: {}",itemCategory.getId());
    logger.debug("items recieved: {}",items.size());
    for (int count = 0; count < items.size(); count++) {
    selectedItems.add(new SelectItem(items.get(count).getSeq(),items.get(count).getName()));
    catch (Exception e){
    logger.error("Error occured: {}",e.toString());
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));
    return selectedItems;
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectedCategories() {
    selectedCategories = new ArrayList<SelectItem>();
    for (int count = 0; count < itemCategories.size(); count++) {
    if (itemCategories.get(count).getItems().size() != 0)
    selectedCategories.add(new SelectItem(itemCategories.get(count).getId(),itemCategories.get(count).getDescription()));
    if (selectedCategory == 0)
    selectedCategory = itemCategories.get(0).getId();
    catch (Exception e){
    logger.error("Error occured: {}",e.toString());
    FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));
    return selectedCategories;
    -- other getters and setters --
    }I've already tried to use the action attribute instead of the actionlistener attribute, also tried to add immediate="true" to all fields and columns.
    Did try to add onclick="submit();" to the rows.
    What can be done to fix it??
    ps: the enviroment is JSF + Spring + Hibernate

    The <h:messages/> tag is where the validation exception is shown, but no validation is used on the form, no other exeptions are sown.
    the List<Categories> is filled at a setPageLoad method which is bound to the form by <h:form binding="#{backingBean.pageLoad}">.
    The List<SelectedItem> of the categories box is filled in its getter and filled with the values of the List<Categories>
    And both the List<SelectedItem> of the items box and the List<Item> are filled in the getter of the List<SelectedItem> of the items box
    so instead of that i should rewrite it to something like this:
    public BackingBean() {
        selectedCategories = new List<SelectedItem>();
        selectedItems = new List<SelectedItem>();
        categories = CategoryService.retrieveCategories(); //gets all categories
        items = ItemService.retrieveItemsByCategory(selectedCategory); //gets the items
        for (int count = 0; count < categories.size(); count++) {
            selectedCategories.add(new SelectItem(categories.get(count).getId(),categories.get(count).getDescription()));
        if (selectedCategory == 0){
            selectedCategory = categories.get(0).getId();
        for (int count = 0; count < items.size(); count++) {
            selectedItems.add(new SelectItem(items.get(count).getId(),items.get(count).getDescription()));
        if (selectedItem == 0){
            selectedItem = items.get(0).getId();
    public void CategoryChange(ValueChangeEvent vce){
            try {
                if (vce.getPhaseId() != PhaseId.INVOKE_APPLICATION) {
                } else {
                    selectedCategory = Integer.parseInt(vce.getNewValue().toString());
                    category = CategoryService.retrieveCategoryById(selectedCategory); // gets the category Object
            } catch (Exception e) {
                logger.error("Error occured: {}",e.toString());
                FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
                context.addMessage("ERROR", new FacesMessage(e.toString()));
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectedCategories() {
        return selectedCategories;
    public void setSelectedCategories(List<SelectItem> selectedCategories) {
        this.selectedCategories = selectedCategories;
    public List<SelectItem> getSelectedItems() {
        return selectedCategories;
    public void setSelectedItems(List<SelectItem> selectedItems) {
        this.selectedItems = selectedItems;
    }The bean is request scoped.

  • How do i check the list of invoices which are not posted into sap.

    Hi All,
    Iam displaying(ALV) the list of invoices and epayments for both PO & non PO transactons which are being processed in workflow but not posted in sap.
    (Non po transaction is th eone with out reference of a PO)
    How to check and list out the invoices that are not posted in sap. where does this get stored.
    please help.

    Hello Jyothi,
    U can give try with EKBE table for getting invoices for PO. In this table there is a field vgabe which has various status. U can try that. Now for Non PO, u would be directly creating invoice doucment using FB60(i guess) which would create an entry directly into BKPF/BSEG. U can scan BKPF for the date range company code document type KR which vendor invoice.

  • Goods receipt  for purchase order not allowed for a particular wbs

    hello everybody..
    Am creating a good receipt for a purchase order using the T-CODE-: MIGO...
    While doing so am getting an error as " goods receipt  for purchase order not allowed(wbs element)".
    What can be done to rectify this error?
    Plz do help me....
    Moderator message: not directly related to ABAP development, please have a look in the appropriate functional forum, study the long text of this error message.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Dec 1, 2010 5:52 PM

    Hi Br. Ajay M,
    Released the order and Status line as follow
    but the error changed while reverse the document
    item 0001 Order is invalid.
    Many thanks for your kindly reply.

  • This message could not be delivered because your SMTP settings are not set. Please use the Accounts Preferences panel to set the SMTP options for your account.

    I am not able to send out an email. I keep getting the following message: This message could not be delivered because your SMTP settings are not set. Please use the Accounts Preferences panel to set the SMTP options for your account. Can someone help me with this?

    We need some information, starting with the email provider (eg. Google, Yahoo, Bellsouth, etc)

  • 2lis_02_scl or 2lis_02_itm - goods receipt/invoice receipt number

    Hi Gurus,
    there is a field:
    BUDAT - Posting date of goods receipt/invoice receipt for purchase order;  Table: EKKO/EKBE
    in 2lis_02_scl and 2lis_02_itm Data Sources.
    As I can see, for every Purchase Order Item I get three records:
    - one record for the last Invoice Receipt (with Posting date of invoice receipt in BUDAT field) 
    - one record for the last Goods Receipt (with Posting date of goods receipt in BUDAT field)
    - one record for something else.
    Do I understand it well? What is the third record?
    I would to get Material Document Number, that is, Invoice Receipt Number for the first record and Goods Receipt number for the second one. How can I make it?

    you should be able to use Movement Type field to differentiate between Invoice or Good Reciept.

  • Customer receipts and payments are not flowing into PS module

    Dear Team,
    I am new to the PS module..... Customer receipts and payments are not flowing into PS module. Kindly let me know the missing configuration steps.
    Thanks !!!

    Sagar Kapadia wrote:
    > 1) What is the pre-requisite configuration for activation of Commitments and Project Cash management in the PS system?
    > 2) Is there any word of caution which needs to be kept in mind at the time of activation?
    > 3) once activated, what will the impact on the data? Are there any chances of data inconsistency?
    Only one pre-requisite is the creation of FM area.
    As I suggested earlier, please read SAP help which will answer all your queries.
    Please follow the below path...
    SAP Help Portal >>> SAP ERP Central Component >>> Financials >>> Project System >>> Payments >>> Project Cash Management.

  • HELP: "Goods receipt purch. order" is not allowed (ORD #######)

    hello sap mm gurus/friends,
    i would like to ask how do i go about resolving the error message:
    "Goods receipt purch. order" is not allowed (ORD #######)
    upon receiving the items in sap. The PO has an account assignment "F" (Order) against an internal order (ORD #######).
    i came upon similar threads, and it was suggested that i should add "RMWE" (Goods receipt for purch. order) to Permitted Business Transactions. how do i do this?
    thanks very much in advance.

    Hello Kami,
    i was actually doing a goods receipt (MB01) against an invalid internal order. what i did was i requested the purchase requisitioner to choose a valid internal order that has been released and has not yet been fully consumed.
    i hope this helps. 
    Best Regards,

  • Invoice outputs are not printing after saving the document..!

    Invoice outputs are not printing after saving the document. Eventhough we maintain all condition records not only that Processing log also it showed that it has been processed on some date. but customer not received the printout

    Edited by: Sadanandam Kasarla on Mar 16, 2009 12:07 PM
    Edited by: Sadanandam Kasarla on Mar 16, 2009 12:08 PM
    Edited by: Sadanandam Kasarla on Mar 16, 2009 12:10 PM

  • Why some of the tables are not set cacheable by default.

    Hi all.
    in the case management analytics in OBIEE. (Case Management Analytics Fusion Edition)
    Some of the tables for example (W_CASE_D, W_INCIDENT_D, W_LEAD_D) are not set Cacheable.
    That means, select table, right click, properties, Cacheable is NOT ticked in.
    does any one knows the reason why ?

    Hi Srini.
    Sorry, I think you did not understand my question.
    basically some tables are set as 'Not Cacheable' in Case Management Analytics, I am not sure, why ?
    do you know may be why ? all tables are marked as 'Cacheable' when looked from Table > Properties.
    But few ((W_CASE_D, W_INCIDENT_D, W_LEAD_D) NOT, WHY ? is it on purpose Oracle has done this way ?

  • Forgot password for users for whom challenge questions are not set

    I have a scenario here where initially the environment property for force setting challenge questions during first login was not set to true.
    But it has been set to true later. But for users created prior setting this property to true, the forgot password link is taking to a page to answer challenge questions which obviously is not working.
    Is there anyway to handle this scenario without doing ADF customization? For example say, to force all previous users also to set challenge questions for whom the challenge questions are not set.

    Hi, In your scenario, since user has forgotten his/her password and he has not set his answers to questions, so the only option left is calling Help Desk. Help desk guys should educate end users that go to OIM->My Information -> Set Security Questions. This is the only easy way I can think of.

  • Workflow notifications of AP Invoice approval are not transferring.

    Workflow notifications of AP Invoice approval are not transferring in ERP 11i. The voucher remains in the INITIATED status for long and approval notification is
    not reaching the approvers login for approval.

    Using the Sysadmin responsibility, please submit "Workflow Background Process" with the below parameters and see if it helps:
    Process Deferred: Y
    Process Timeout: Y
    Please also see the following notes;
    How to Manually Process the Events from Workflow Queues When The Deferred Agent Listener Won't Start [ID 953103.1]
    Workflow Background Process Does Not Progress Shipped Lines: Stuck in Fulfill - Deferred [ID 804133.1]
    Hope this helps!
    Best Regards

  • Parameters are not created for M0001 feature

    Hi Friends,
    During Hiring activity in IT0002 after entering all the fields, while saving i got a warning message - parameters are not created in M0001 feature. Please give me your views & answers why i got this message.
    Edited by: sharada vemula on Apr 4, 2010 11:31 AM

    Go to PE03 enter M0001
    create a structure till Personal Area and enter **** unless you want to maintain Administrator group in here.
    Hope this helps

  • Service entry without an entry date/not linked to goods receipt/invoice?

    Dear Gurus,
    I created a service entry against line 10 of PO. When viewing the service entryu2019s u201CAccept. Datau201D tab, there is a document date and a posting date.
    When viewing the u201CHistory tab,u201D the created dated is 01/12/11...
    When viewing the POu2019s u201CPurchase Order Historyu201D tab, the Service Entry does not have an entry date Additionally, when I go to the u201CGR/IR Assgtu201D view, the service entry is at the very top of the view But the goods receipt and invoice processing document are at the bottom, grouped together, but without the service entry.
    Please help as why is it happeing like this?

    Dear Gurus,
    I m creating service PO and later on doing service entry sheet w.r.t the service entry sheet, i m entring entry date, posting date and all other relevant informations...and saving the SES and later on releasing it...
    after this, I am going to PO history tab, there i m seeing the SES number but entry date field is missing...
    May i know the reason?
    Pls help...

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