Fonts aren't being acknowledged in Indesign CS6 on a PC

I down loaded Helvetica Std Full Family Fonts that I purchased from Adobe onto my PC but Indesign CS6 doesn't acknowledge it.  Any suggestions?

Look for files called AdobeFnt*.lst (where the * is a two digit number) and trash those. There are probably hidden. These files will be regenerated the next time you restart any program.

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    Message error from Indesign : Default font substituted for missing font
    I am currently using version "InDesign CS6 Middle East," which normally supports the Arabic language ...
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    Can I uninstall Mac OS X Lion and install an old OS version in my computer, for example MAC OS X Leopard ? Any solution please ?
    Is there an update or plugin indesign for Arabic? (except ScribDoor, because in this case, it is useless)
    Thank you!

    For questions regarding Adobe apps, it is probably really best to ask Adobe or use their forums:
    I am amazed that an arabic font from 1996 would work correct anywhere today given the changes in technology that have occurred.  Is it really not possible for you to use a modern Unicode Arabic font for your work?  There are lots of them -- Apple gives you a half-dozen or so.  And there is a list at
    Whether you can downgrade your os depends on your hardware.  If it came new with 10.7 installed, then it is not possible.

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    After upgrading from 10.8, palettes and drop downs that used to have their text in regular weight Lucida Grande now have them in something slightly less legible (maybe Geneva?). The bold Lucida Grande (e.g. when you have a swatch or paragraph style selected) is as it always was, but somehow the regular weight is gone.
    The main dialogue boxes and windows also all work fine, it's just the palettes and drop downs etc.
    Illustrator CS6, Photoshop CS6 and Bridge CS6 also seem as they were under 10.8. InDesign CS4 and CS5 also unchanged under Mavericks compared to 10.8 – so only InDesign CS6 has the problem as far as I can see.
    Have tried it on two Macs and had the same experience.
    I did read that Apple had introduced a new version of Lucida Grande with four weights instead of two, so I wondered if that had something to do with it, but Font Explorer on both Macs I've tried only show two weights of Lucida Grande. I did try reinstalling Mavericks in case I'd accidentally deleted something, but that made no difference.
    Anyone else noticed this?

    Yep, here's one of the swatches palette in CS6 and the print dialogue in CS6; plus the same two in CS5 on same machine.
    On the CS6 swatches, the unselected colours aren't in Lucida (the 1's don't have the bar at the bottom) but the selected swatch is. In CS5, all in Lucida.
    On the print dialogue, it's just the white panel on left of box which has always been Lucida before, as it is still on CS5 grab, but changing to something else in CS6.
    Blink and you miss it!
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    CS5 swatches:
    CS6 print dialogue:
    Compared to CS5:

  • InDesign CS6 (Mac) will not package fonts

    I have hundreds of fonts on my machine and have never had any issues with packaging fonts until CS6. CS5.5 works great, even today with the same files that will not package in CS5.5. However, I cannot use 5.5 due to the other 7 designers all using CS6. None of them are having issues - they are also all on PCs with me being the only Mac user.
    "Cannot copy necessary fonts" is the error that I get when packaging anything that uses a font other than the default system fonts. Our primary font is Gotham, which we have 12 licenses for. Scala, also licensed, is another problem child. These all package fine in CS5.5.
    Machine specs:
    Macbook Pro
    OSX 10.7.5
    2.3 Ghz
    16 GB memory
    Fontbook is our font manager
    I have tried Fontnuke, Font doctor, resetting permissions, deleting InDesign prefs, copying the fonts in question into my Applications font folder, basically any solution that I could find online has been tried with the same error message presented at every package attempt.
    Any help would be seriously appreciated. Its embarrassing for the Sr. Art Director to be the only one on the team that cannot package correctly.
    Thank you

    I believe I have this problem, or very similar, in both CC and CS6. It happens on both machines I use, detailed below, when I convert from previous version InDesign files:
    Machine #1, Mac Pro:
    InDesign CS6 v8.0
    Mac OS 10.8.5 (12F45)
    3.06 GHz 6-Core Intel Xeon, 24GB RAM.
    Machine #2, iMac:
    InDesign CC v9.2.1
    Mac OS 10.9.2 (13C64)
    3.4 GHz Intel Core i7, 16GB RAM
    1. I open a packaged inDesign file in InDesign CS6, converting it from the previous version (CS5 in this case, according to IDentify.jsx). The fonts are all working.
    2. I resave the file as a CS6 file, fonts are all still working as long as I don't reopen the file. (However, if I close the file and reopen it, it will show fonts missing.)
    3. I package the file from CS6, no font problems shown in packaging.
    NOTE: I do not get a "could not copy fonts" error at all.
    4. I open the new CS6 inDesign file inside the package folder. It will say "Fonts Missing: Calibri" or similar, showing some of the fonts missing, not all.
    5. I can easily manually copy the fonts from the old package into the new package and fix the issue. The fonts are not damaged, missing, locked, or have any visibly different permissions from the other font files when I get info.
    So for me the problem happens particularly with the resaving of files from older versions of InDesign, not necessarily with packaging them. If I open a CS5 file and resave as a CS6 file, then reopen that file, it typically has a few fonts missing. This happens to also effect packaging even though it will show all fonts present in the Package window and give no error message.
    Checking the CS5 fonts package, it contains both a AdobeFnt14.lst and a AdobeFnt13.lst. Not sure if this pertains to the problem or not, searching these files reveals that both contain the "Calibri" font that went missing on CS6 conversion.
    I have tried resaving and repackaging a CS6 file (not converting from CS5) with the same fonts that went missing in the conversion and they all were copied fine.
    Obviously this is devastating if I package and send a folder out only to find out it secretly didn't have all the fonts!
    I have tried "fix permissions" and "clear font caches" but this has no effect on the problem.

  • InDesign CS6 + Yosemite + Copy/Paste = Missing font

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    I'd like to find a resolution as to why copying and pasting broke this font even though the same missing font works fine simultaneously in a different document. Any suggestions/questions/thoughts/solutions would be very welcome.
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    27" iMac (Mid-2011) 3.1 GHz i5
    32 GB RAM
    1 GB Video
    Adobe InDesign CS6 8.1
    Update: Looking through the font list, Franklin is being listed as a different font. Though the character palette, the font selected is ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book; the font listed in the Type drop-down menu is Myriad Pro, and once that was deactivated, Helvetica.

    i don't see how that could be the case because I originally installed the font, created and packaged the ad, and the font is available for typesetting in a new document while this problematic document is open without being connected to the server.
    I upgraded to creative cloud 2014 and this particular document is still a problem. This font issue is limited to this sole document. I'm guessing it has something to do with the copy and pasting. Tomorrow, I'll try replacing the font to something else and then copy/pasting it in the same way if it recreates the same problem with a different font.

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    Thank you Willi for responding.
    Which fonts are affected? - I'm assuming all of the fonts are affected since no fonts are able to be packaged.
    Are all used fonts installed? - Yes
    Did you have your fonts in a Document Fonts folder beside your old file and saved your new document on a different place? - Before I upgraded to Mavericks I was able to package everything for this exact same file so I do have fonts in the packaged folder (referring to my 2013 file) so even though the fonts aren't in a Documents folder (they are inside the package "Fonts" folder) so I think the answer to your question is yes.
    Does your font folder have the same permession as the folder before? - I believe so because I never changed the permissions for the fonts
    Do you use CS6 as part of the Creative Cloud and are you using TypeKit fonts? Or are you using the boxed version? - I am trying to avoid using Creative Cloud since I already have CS6 that I have already paid for. What I am reading on the internet, however, is that Adobe is forcing people to move over to CC when they upgrade to Mavericks due to problems like I am having now. I am not sure if this is true/untrue but I am definitely concerned. I can not afford right now to start paying a monthly fee (especially after I have already paid for CS6). I am using a boxed version of CS6 and I am not using TypeKit fonts.

  • Font issues in InDesign CS6

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    Well, those fonts may simply not allow embedding. There is such a flag which font creators can set and Adobe apps honor this and do not embhed fonts they are not allowed to.... Anyway, ask in the ID forum and provide more details like what fonts you actualyl use, what system, what PDF settings and so on...

  • Fonts not showing in InDesign CS6

    Hi there,
    I've seen a similar question to this before through a Google search and I tried the advice listed such as placing the affected fonts in: C:\Program Files(x86)\Adobe\InDesign CS6\Fonts; as well as searching for fonts with a **after its name.  Doesn't work.  The files originated in CS5 and pops up saying there are two missing links (fonts) which are Avenir Book and Avenir Black.  I've done the "Find Font" and the only one that shows is Avenir Book.  Avenir Black isn't even there, even after re-installing and relocating to the new folder.  Secondly, even after I save the file after "finding" Avenir Book, upon re-opening it still says it's missing.  Is there anything else I can try-short of uninstalling InDesign CS6 (I still have CS5 installed)?  Also, I'm not that familiar with InDesign, it isn't a program I use much.

    Is this the same computer where the files started out in CS5?
    There are probably quite a few different cuts of Avenir (certainly over the years it has been available as TT and T1 in both Windows and Mac formats, and I have an OpenType version here from Linotype). Some possibilities for why CS6 might not see a font are that you have installed a different version, you have more than one version installed or it is installed in more than one location, or that it is looking at a different internal name in CS6. Typically, if the fonts are showing as missing, but are, in fact installed, using Find Font and substituting the same font will solve the problem.

  • Bengali Unicode fonts in InDesign CS6

    Dear InDesign Gurus,
    How do I type using "Bengali" (Unicode) fonts in InDesign CS6?  I've tried to copy/paste the text from an existing word document on to an InDesign document, but it shows up with square blocks!   I'm using Windows 7 Pro 64Bit OS.
    Is this even possible?  Would someone please provide me some detail steps?
    Many thanks in advance.

    As I said, I'm fairly new in ID, would you kindly tell me the steps so that I know what to do?
    I am working with a ID Magazine template.  Obviously the template has blocks and pre-written text inside those blocks.  If I try to delete the text (without deleting the BOX + contents within) and paste the Bengali text from some other document, some of the characters do not stay in place.  Whereas, if I just create a text box and paste the text inside the new box, texts show properly. 
    So my question to you Gurus is... how can keep the template I'm using and just replace the text within text box and save time.   Would someone plz guide me?
    Thanks for your professional help!

  • Using Indian language (Mangal) font for ePub in InDesign CS6?

    I created one Indian language epub in Indesign CS6 wiht "mangal font". See correct file for your ref.
    But when I set text in Indesign & export that document for ePub & check in Adobe Digital Edition. I saw one character has missing. see below image:
    Why this happened? Could any budy help on this topic? I need solution for this. or tell me which devnagari font has use for Adobe digital Edition?

    Hi Ellis,
    Please find download link below:
    Inside of zip are test document, font, InDesign file & picture of original text for your ref.

  • Create a pdf with all the fonts embed in indesign CS6

    I created a ps from Indesign CS6 & CS7 with all fonts embed,
    and drop it on to distiller and made a PDF. Where upon font seem to split into outline, but random as done files for this job and no dramas at all using same fonts/indesign and distiller setting.
    any ideas to resolve this?

    Hi Evoteam,
    Please check the Distiller PDF settings and make sure Embed fonts option has been checked.
    Hope this helps.
    Sumit Singh

  • PDF created with InDesign CS6, Helvetica Neue font, causes lower-case "r's" to be bold

    The pdf was created from InDesign CS6 using Windows 7. I cannot recreate the problem on my machine, but it is happening on a coworker's machine. The only character affected is the lower-case r. It appears bold when viewing the pdf of his machine. I am also running Windows 7 and it looks fine to me. My boss is using a Mac and it also looks fine to her. Does anyone know what might be causing this problem?

    Hmm...until it's isolated to the 'r' it surely sounds like the typical effect often caused by the "Enhance Thin Lines" preference setting in Acrobat/Reader/browser-x-plugin, which most commonly affects l's and i's.
    It's also true that various servings of Helvetica Neue are at the center of many such tales of woe.
    I'd recommend some simple testing on the co-worker's computer with PDF's produced under the same conditions using different fonts; perhaps some varied weights of the same Helvetica Neue.

  • InDesign CS6 - fonts problems (Document fonts fight with system installed fonts, "font incomplete")

    First, Indesign function to automatically open fonts from "Document fonts" folder is fantastic, quasy font manager. BUT, fonts is available ONLY for THAT indesign document, no other application can use it, even from CS6 suite. This is probably the most stupid decision about how this function must work. IDEALLY, fonts will be available for ALL application inside CS package until indd doc is closed. If I need some font for editing links in photoshop, illustrator I need to install them. This workflow have wrong concept.
    We now have problem, sorry Indesign have problem. Example, I need type1 font mt-symbol for mathtype AND for Indesign. This font is installed in c:\windows\fonts folder. Everything work fine. When I make package from Indesign and reopen indesign indd document inside package, Indesign report that mt-symbol IS INCOMPLETE. WHY, BECAUSE CONCURENT FONTS from both C:\windows\fonts folder AND FROM "Document fonts" folder. If I rename "Document fonts" folder, Indesign open font only from system and everything work properly.
    THIS IS BIG PROBLEM, fonts circles around workflow/folders and always will be duplicates in "document fonts" and system\fonts folder because different application need same fonts.
    Any solution?

    Another problem with the Document Fonts folder that we just noticed: in CS5, you could place Windows Type 1 fonts (.pfm and .pfb) into the Document Fonts folder on a Mac and InDesign would activate them.
    This no longer works in CS6. (Bug report filed.)
    Huge bummer, as this was a great timesaver and workaround in a high-production prepress environment when working with old Windows files. Hopefully this was not an intentional change and will be restored in a later bugfix release, or at worst in CS7.

  • Changing the UI font size in InDesign CS6?

    How can I change the UI font size in InDesign CS6 (as with Photoshop CS6)?

    It's not possible, sorry.

  • InDesign CS6 - Exporting Issues, PDF being sent to Photshop and saving as a psd rather than the requested pdf? Please help!

    I have an issue in InDesign CS6. It has been happening the last couple of days now.
    When i export to pdf. regardless of quality instead of being saved as a pdf it is being sent to Photoshop which then saves the file as a psd...
    I have updated InDesign to the latest CS6 update which helped the issue yesterday but today the same problem is back. Help please what could be the problem and how do I fix it?
    Any advice is very appreciated.

    ExportPDF is a subscription service for exporting PDF files into Word and Excel, from Adobe Reader. I suspect you need the InDesign forum, as InDesign is the product here.

Maybe you are looking for

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