Fonts looking pixelated

I use my Photoshop Elements 10 for most of my design work. Just recently all my words are looking pixelated when I print the projects. I normally save them in jpeg at the maximum quality and print from there. What is causing this?

Have you somehow turned off antialiasing? Check the options bar.

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    You are welcome Miss Modular.
    Even on web jobs people do not use that option too often, so really wish they would not assign a keyboard command to that, which is what I suspect happened to you.

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    Alex, it depends on the license you are using the fonts under. Sadly,
    "nobody" knows what that means or cares about it. But it depends on the
    type foundry you licensed the fonts from.
    Beste Grüße,
    Johannes Henseler
    NORDSUEDDESIGN Büro für digitale Kreation
    Alfterstraße 16
    50969 Köln
    +49 177 629 63 55

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    When you go into Photoshop, make sure that you select a high def alternative to create your menu, not SD.
    Create a new file, select Film and Video and look in the list for HDV 1080p or HDTV 1080p as a start point. If you use anything else, you won't get the resolution that you need for HD.

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    Using 1080p, on a 1080p monitor.
    *All fonts look awful*
    System font (top bar, finder, everywhere) Safari as well. Everything.
    Fonts look pixelated.
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    Thanks for your help.
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    I think your font smoothing may be messed up a bit. That happened to some people when when upgraded from Leopard to Snow Leopard. From the picture you posted, it appears the fonts are a bit more jagged than they should be. Here are the instructions I copied from another Mac Web site a long time ago. They aren't mine but I have used them successfully.
    If you’ve got an LCD panel that you think looks worse than it did before upgrading to 10.6, you can try this fix to see if it makes things better. How? Just open Terminal (in Applications -> Utilities) and paste this command, then press Return:
    defaults -currentHost write -globalDomain AppleFontSmoothing -int 2
    The 2 at the end is equivalent to the old “Medium - Best for flat panel” setting in 10.5. You can also use 1 for light smoothing, and 3 for strong smoothing. This change will only affect newly-opened applications—anything already running will have to be restarted to see the affect of the changes. As such, you may want to experiment with a document in Text Edit, trying the three alternatives, and then after you find the one you like best, rebooting your Mac (so that it will take effect system wide).
    Note that if you go back into the Appearance panel and toggle the font smoothing setting, you will override your manually-set value—so don’t do that if you value your newly-smoothed fonts.

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    When Im using adobe illustrator or photoshop, the fonts and designs look pixelated!
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    That was great to hear.
    I have just read this tread:
    So therefore I was worry about Illustrator which I use most of all programs.
    Thank you !!

  • Fonts and AI files look pixelated

    And yes i have it on high Quality view.  I don't know if it is a hardware issue or an adobe issue.  please help.  Basically all fonts and files that i place look pixelated.  they print and PDF fine but it doesn't help much while i'm trying to design the pages.  I'm currently on a 15" Dell Laptop with m880 graphics card and 8GB of memory.  I'm also using CS5.5.

    I've been playing with your files, and at first everything was fine, then I suddenly lost the previews, and just as suddenly resotored them shortly after. Took me awhile to find the trigger.
    I don't know why it is happening, but here's waht has been causing it here: Horizontal scrolling, but only when I use the side-to-side scroll action on the scroll wheel of my mouse. When you move the page around (at least with Live Screen Drawing set to delayed as I have it) the screen preview drops temporarily to Typical Quality while the page is in motion. Once it stops, it's supposed to return to High Quality, but for some reason it's failing. It seemed to be happening when an image started to leave the window, but curiously I seem to get the same effect if zoomed out and I scroll horizontally with the wheel, while keeping everything in view, but then try to move one of the links around with the selection tool. I was able to reproduce the latter behavior in a new doc for a few minutes using your logo and one of my own images, but now it has stopped in that file. I don't recall ever seeing this before on my system, but it's possible I didn't pay much attention as it's an intermittent problem that is self correcting:
    Using the Hand tool or the scroll handles on the sides of the document window restores the preview!
    My testing with other files is hardly exhaustive, but it looks to me like the phenomenon is isolated to the links in this file (it didn't happen with my own links in other files). I don't know why. I suspect it may have something to do with the file having been initailly created in CS4 and converted in CS5.5, but I can't swear to it.
    Bottom line: I can describe and reproduce the problem consistently with this file, but I can't explain it or fix it. I may do some further testing, if you don't mind, and depending on waht happens I may want to send in a bug report and attach your files. Would that be OK?
    New hardware is unlikely to make any difference.
    Before I forget, you have a linked .indd in the upper left corner on the background layer that is doing you no good at all and should be deleted. I found it using Find Font...

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    Please help! Thanks

    check the layers pallet.
    things can get pixelated, or look so, when you put many on top of each other.
    ie. with the bottom text I copied it then hit paste in front a few times.

  • Exporting PDF format for web viewing, fonts look bad

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    Ok, just checked through all the flattening preview highlights and everything looked fine in that. Since my exported document looked perfectly fine in acrobat, but sort of pixelated in mac's preview, is there any way around that?
    If you are serving the PDF via a web address it will very likely be viewed in a browser (not downloaded and opened in an app like Preview or Reader). All of the browser displays have slightly different anti-aliasing, which you can see if you zoom in on a screen capture of the text. Here's a line of text from your PDF at 100%, magnified to 400% in Photoshop. From top to bottom Safari, Chrome, Firefox:
    There's nothing you can do about the anti-aliasing quality of the different browsers and apps. The PDF you posted has live transparency, so it isn't a flattening issue.

  • Font looks weird on mac

    I'm working on a pc. I'm using a dynamic font which I've
    embedded into my .swf file and the file looks exactly the same on
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    pc. But on my cousins computer - a mac- the font looks the same
    except one character, the "W", always looks kinda filled in, making
    it look a little different from the rest. All words are in caps, so
    I've only embedded caps. How do I stop this?
    Can anyone help?

    well you could 'break apart' the text, unless it is dynamic
    text you are changing, this in effect changes the text into vector
    art. If the font is embedded it should display the same even on a
    MAC, it might have something to do with it not being a fixed with
    font or the fact that you have the text box placed at a non-integer
    point, say x: 102.3 y: 72.1 This might cause the Mac to skew the
    letter, make sure the text box is 102,72. Not sure why flash needs
    to have points of a pixel anyway!

  • Why does the text look pixelated

    I am using Helvetica Neue and when I publish the site the text looks pixelated.

    Best practice is to use a Web Font, if possible. If not, use a Web Safe Font and only as a last resort use a System Font (since it will be converted to an image). An image is slower to load in your browser, prevents site viewers from copy/pasting your text content, prevents using the browser's Find feature within the page, and prevents you from being able to apply hyperlinks on ranges of text. Muse does automatically generate "alt tags" for the image, so search engines will still be aware of the original text content.
    If a System Font is used, it will only render well if the background of the text frame is 100% opaque. (It has a solid fill color. An 100% opaque gradients. Or it has a 100% opaque fill image.) This is due to the fact smoothing the edges of the type on an LCD display requires knowing the color of the pixels behind the text. If the text frame is transparent then the smoothing will be performed using an inferior approach that is color agnostic to avoid creating color artifacts on the edges of the type. (Note that bringing in a transparent image containing the type from some other source will have the same problem.)

  • Equation in Captivate 7 looks pixelated

    I installed Captivate 7 to get the new equation editor. After creating an equation or using the default in the trial version, it looks pixelated on my slide. Why? How can I fix it so that it looks good? I am using the default font.

    Don't believe everything you see in Captivate error messages. The issue may not necessarily be an actual variable name.  It could be related to the name of an advanced action, a screen object, or even a slide.  If the name of any object happens to transgress into territory of actionscript keywords it can cause an issue. 
    The other thing that can sometimes cause these errors is using punctuation characters in names or fields or even CC text.
    From what you describe, the issue would appear to be related to something on either the first few slides or else something that gets loaded right at the start of the project.
    What happens if you hide the first few slides?  Does it then publish without issue?

  • Issues with 1920 resolution, fonts look tweak and broken

    i just bought a new led display, wich allows 1920x1080 resolution.
    With this resolution fonts looks like tweak and broken, very annoying.
    Firefox is the only application that suffers this problems. Opera and Internet Explorer looks perfect, and also all the others applications installed.
    Clear Type option is activated, and works perfectly.
    The only way to solve the probleme is to reboot firefox and execute in safe mode.
    I have no extensions nor personal preferences (bookmarks either). I've just uninstalled Firefox with all personal data and reinstalled. And the issue stays.
    In safe mode all looks perfectly.
    I'm running windows 7 64bits
    Graphics: RADEON HD 6950

    I did a test using Chunk and a few other fonts that are similar plus one I know works well and the fonts that are similar to Chunk tend to look very pixelated when viewed in Firefox. Look fine in Chrome and Explorer...
    This might be something that the techs at Adobe (Type Kit) would have to look at.
    I posted an image, but not sure if it shows the problem that well.

  • Photoshop CS6 looks pixelated on Mac Retina screen

    I have Photoshop CS6 running on a MacBook Pro with a 15" retina screen. By default it runs in low-resolution, which makes everything pixelated. When I right-click on the app and go to "Get Info" I see an option to "Open in Low Resolution". When I uncheck it Photoshop opens in high-resolution and it looks beautiful, but it's unusable: I can't click on any of the tools, the sidebars, or anything. So I bring it back to low-resolution and everything works well, except that it looks pixelated again.
    I have the 13.0 update (the latest one) and there aren't any additional updates according to Photoshop.
    Is there any way to have Photoshop CS6 run in high-resolution?
    Thank you very much!

    Thank you, Gene, but that's exactly what I was trying before and it doesn't work. In my OP I explained what happens when I try that:
    When I uncheck it Photoshop opens in high-resolution and it looks beautiful, but it's unusable: I can't click on any of the tools, the sidebars, or anything. So I bring it back to low-resolution and everything works well, except that it looks pixelated again.
    When I open Photoshop and go to Help > System Info this is what I see:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Mac OS 10.10.3
    It's not 13.0.6. However, when I go to Help > Updates it tells me that all my applications are already up-to-date.
    Any other ideas?

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