Forms procedures Vs. Database schema procedures - performance question

What performs more efficiently, a procedure coded in a program unit or trigger in a form, or the same logic coded in a database procedure?
I have a proc in a form program unit that runs a select sentence and does some data manipulation before inserting records in a table . If I susbstitute this select statement for a view and the general process for a procedure in the database, will this perform faster?

Hi there
You have to consider if your procedure is computing-intensive or dml-intensive. For example Designer attaches to every form a set of 4-5 libraries. If you look at them, they work completely with forms predefined procedures and objets (they work with internal forms objects). This is an extreme case in which there isn´t any reason to have those libraries in the database (they wouldn´t compile anyway).
If you have to do queries, insert, update and delete records, the logic should be in the database, as stored procedures, functions and packages.
The good think is that from the form´s point of view, it doesn´t matter if a procedure is local to the form, inside an attached library or compiled in the database.
So, I would go for stored procedures, functions and packages first. Only If the performance of the database is in risk would I consider to put transactional logic in libraries attached to forms.
Good luck.

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    I have read so much on the net and my code seem ok but i,m just so lost.
    stored procedure
    PROCEDURE [dbo].[UpdateCustomer]
    @ID INT,
    @Firstname VARCHAR(30),
    @Surname VARCHAR(30),
    @Age INT
    UPDATE Customer
    SET Firstname = @Firstname,
    Surname = @Surname,
    Age = @Age
    WHERE CustID = @ID
    update code
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand();
    command.Connection = conn;
    command.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    command.CommandText = "UpdateCustomer";
    SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter();
    param.ParameterName = "@ID";
    param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Int;
    param.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
    param.Value = txtCustID.Text;
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CustID", txtCustID.Text.ToString());
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Firstname", txtFirstname.Text);
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Surname", txtSurname.Text);
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Gender", Gender.Text.ToString());
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Age" ,txtAge.Text.ToString());
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address1", txtAddress1.Text.ToString());
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Address2", txtAddress2.Text.ToString());
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", txtCity.Text.ToString());
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Phone", txtPhone.Text.ToString());
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Mobile", txtMobile.Text.ToString());
    command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Email", txtEmail.Text.ToString());
    lblMessage.Text = "Your Record(s) Have been Updated";
    lblMessage.Text = "Your Record was not updated please try again";
    Thank you for your help

    To expand on Mike's advice.
    Change your catch to:
    catch(Exception ex)
    { // Break point here
    lblMessage.Text = "Your Record was not updated please try again";
    Put a break point in where the comment says.
    Run it.
    Hover over ex or add a quickwatch ( right click it ) and see what the error and inner exception is.
    I see several problems though.
    You have way too many parameters and Age should be int.
    They are objects  - they have a type.
    It'll be a string with your code there.
    Something more like
    command.Parameters.Add("@Age", SqlDbType.Int);
    command.Parameters["@Age"].Value = Convert.ToInt32(txtAge.Text);
    Although that might not cut and paste, it's air code intended to give you the idea.
    Hope that helps.
    Technet articles: Uneventful MVVM;
    All my Technet Articles

  • Priveleges to create procedures/functions in schemas

    I have a default schema associated with my user account. Can permissions be given for my user account to create functions and procedures in another schema without giving that user priveleges to create in ANY schema.
    Our default schema for HTMLDB is not the schema associated with my user account. I want to be able to create my functions inside that schema, but our DBA's havent been able to find out how to give the privelege without opening up all schemas to that account.
    hope this made sense,
    Cliff Moon

    Okay Cliff, no problem.
    Now, Michael, I don't know of any prepared docs specifically about this but fwiw, I'll try to recap how it works.
    1. HTML DB uses a public account to create (or reclaim) a distinct database session to service each page request. The connection is configured with the modplsql DAD and the database user (schema) that owns the session is HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER. (The exception to this is when you configure a DAD for basic authentication.)
    2. The public packages (like wwv_flow) and procedures (like f) invoked through each HTTP request are owned by schema FLOWS_xxxxxx. Packages like wwv_flow use definers rights. This means, among other things, that they can execute any other packages owned by the FLOWS_xxxxxx schema, including the highly privileged, non-public packages that execute user code.
    3. The more privileged non-public packages do all the real work of rendering pages and processing POSTed pages. During these phases, your application code is executed (your report region queries, your DML operations, your page processes, validations, condition evaluation, your API calls, everything). All of this code is "parsed as" the database user (schema) assigned to your application. (Only one schema is assigned to a given application, although the assigned schema can be changed using the builder whenever you like.) The HTML DB engine can execute all of your application code as the "parse as" schema because it has SYS privileges to do so.
    4. Any of your code that HTML DB executes dynamically runs with the security privileges of your application schema. These privileges must have been granted explicitly and not through roles. So if your report query does 'select * from emp' it's necessary for emp (or a synonym for it) to exist in your application schema and for that schema to have select privilege on emp.
    5. The SQL Workshop works the same way, except things happen there at a workspace level, not at an application level. A workspace has one or more database schemas mapped to it. This means only that a conscious decision has been made (by an admin) to allow each workspace to access specific schemas. The list of schemas mapped to a given workspace appears in LOVs in various places, such as the SQL Command Processor. Selecting a schema from this LOV allows you to perform operations in that schema. You can perform operations in any of the other mapped schemas by selecting them from the LOV in turn.
    Note: so far we've said nothing about who the authenticated user is using your application (or the SQL Workshop application), because it has absolutely no bearing on anything so far.
    6. HTML DB allows developers to specify a plan to be used by the engine at the start of every page request to perform the chores of authentication, initial session registration and session management. This plan is called an authentication scheme. HTML DB provides standard schemes that are used by most developers, but developers can also design and build custom authentication schemes over which developers have complete control.
    7. During the execution of the authentication scheme for a page view (show) or page processing (accept) request, it is common for the scheme to cause a branch/redirect to a login page if it determines that no valid session yet exists. The operation of the login page results in the user being challenged for credentials and for those credentials to be verified. If they check out, related housekeeping tasks are performed such as recording the session ID in a table and session cookie creation. And a token is established to be used to identify the authenticated user for the duration of the HTML DB session. This value is stored in APP_USER and can be queried by developer-owned code and HTML DB-owned code as required.
    8. The credentials verification step is where user accounts come into play. It doesn't matter to HTML DB whether your application uses custom tables, an LDAP directory, an SSO infrastructure, or database accounts to verify credentials -- the verification takes place, usually once per HTML DB session, and that's that. The authentication scheme determines the exact method used.
    9. One example of an application that uses its own custom tables to hold account information (usernames/passwords) is HTML DB itself. You get the first account created for you during product installation and then you create administrator and developer accounts as you create multiple workspaces for developers at the site. These accounts are just rows in tables, a username, a password, an email address, the ID of the workspace, basic stuff like that. They are not database user accounts (schemas). And with these accounts, you can authenticate to HTML DB and use the Builder, the SQL Workshop, and the administration functions. Just remember, the database knows nothing of these accounts (they are like Oracle Applications user accounts).
    10. These HTML DB user accounts exist primarily to allow developers to use HTML DB. But they can also be used to allow end users to authenticate to applications created using HTML DB. That relieves each developer of having to "reinvent the wheel" and set up account repository tables and to have to write APIs to store/manage passwords, the work we did for HTML DB itself. Your application can simply use the built-in HTML DB authentication scheme which uses the account repository for credentials verification. It's not the only way for your application to verify credentials. In fact it's best suited for experimental applications, small workgroup applications, prototypes, apps on that scale. Applications that are slated for actual production deployment should be fitted with enterprise-level identity management solutions.
    11. Finally, HTML DB provides a very, very basic group-membership model that allows developer accounts (not database schemas) to be assigned to arbitrarily organized named groups. There is a supporting API for queries against these groups and an admin UI to create/maintain these groups. The same caveats given for using developer accounts for production applications apply to this facility.
    Database accounts: HTML DB does not use these accounts, their roles, or their privileges except to dynamically execute application code using these schemas as the "parsing schema".
    HTML DB user accounts: No relation to database schemas (*). They exist in custom tables owned by the HTML DB product. Accounts can be created and used by application developers as an out-of-the-box credentials verification method for authentication.
    *Exception: The "default schema" associated with an HTML DB user account is the name of a schema used to prime an LOV when the user sees a list-of-schemas LOV in places like the SQL Workshop.

  • How do I get data to the from in a form based on a stored procedure

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    We are developing an entire HR system for our organization using portal forms. I am trying to prototype in HTML DB to see if we can switch our future development to this new product. However, we already have 50 or so forms that follow a certain user interface look and feel in portal. I am trying to create this interface look and feel in HTML DB. What we are doing in Portal is have a lookup section at the top of each form where you find the record you want to update with LOV's, sometimes 2 or 3 bound together, and then have a lookup button that does PL/SQL to read the database and populate the fields on the form. Then there is an Update button at the end of the form that takes the fields off the form and passes them to a stored procedure. I can not figure out how to do the Lookup button type of code to read information and bring it to the form when doing a form based on a stored procedure.

  • Form based on Front End (Form based program Unit -Stored Procedure)

    I have a form based on a front end package.
    Package spec:
    PACKAGE fpkg_csm_stud IS
    type stud_rec is record
    (s_id student.s_id%type
    ,s_last student.s_last%type
    ,s_first student.s_first%type);
    type stud_ref_cur is ref cursor return stud_rec;
    type stud_rec_tbl is table of stud_rec index by binary_integer;
    procedure sp_student_query(iotb_query IN OUT stud_ref_cur)
    Package Body
    PACKAGE BODY fpkg_csm_stud IS
    procedure sp_student_query(iotb_query IN OUT stud_ref_cur)is
         open iotb_query for
              Select s_id
              from student;
    end sp_student_query;
    I have a datablock, STUDENt based on "fpkg_csm_stud.sp_student_query"
    When I query the form I get an error, FRM-40505, on 9iAS.
    However, if I created the same package as a stored database object, and based my form datablock on the database stored procedure everything works fine. I cannot find a reason why.
    I know that forms can be based on front end based procedures OR backend based procs. Dont have a clue here, any help is great.

    Hello Vijay,
    as far as i know there is no way to base a block on a 'front end stored procedure',
    assumed that you mean a package in a library or form.
    But what should be the reason for doing so, or the other way 'round why not just use a database package?

  • Calling PL/SQL Procedure In Another Schema Gives Unexpected Result

    I have a SQL Script that does this:
    conn pnr/<password for user pnr>;
    set serveroutput on;
    exec vms.disable_all_fk_constraints;
    SELECT owner, constraint_name, status FROM user_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'R';
    and the disable_all_fk_constraints procedure that is owned by user 'vms' is defined as:
    create or replace
    procedure disable_all_fk_constraints is
    v_sql   VARCHAR2(4000);
    dbms_output.put_line('Disabling all referential integrity constraints.');
    for rec in (SELECT table_name, constraint_name FROM user_constraints WHERE constraint_type='R') loop
    dbms_output.put_line('Disabling constraint ' || rec.constraint_name || ' from ' || rec.table_name || '.');
    v_sql := 'ALTER TABLE ' || rec.table_name || ' DISABLE CONSTRAINT ' || rec.constraint_name;
    execute immediate(v_sql);
    end loop;
    When I run the SQL script, the call to vms.disable_all_fk_constraints disables the FK constrains in the 'vms' schema, whereas I wanted it to disable the FK constraints in the 'pnr' schema (the invoker of the procedure). I know that I could make this work by copying the disable_all_fk_constraints procedure to the 'pnr' schema and calling it as "+exec disable_all_fk_constraints;+" from within the SQL script but I want to avoid having to duplicate the PL/SQL procedure in each schema that uses it.
    What can I do?
    Thank you

    You have two issues to solve.
    First you need to write a packaged procedure that works with INVOKER rights. The default is DEFINER rights.
    The difference is excatly what you need. Usually the package has the rights from the schema where it is defined (=Definer rights). In your case schema VMS. Whereas you need the privileges from the user that calls the package (PNR).
    => Check out the documentation for INVOKER rights
    The second problem is that the view "user_constraints" will not give the results you expect when called from inside a procedure in another schema. An alternative could be to use the view DBA_CONSTRAINTS with a filter on the owner (where owner = 'PNR'). Not sure if there are other working possibilities. Well you could create a list of constraint names that you want to disable, instead of creating the list dynamically.
    And you could have another potential disaster creeping up upon you. If you run this thing, then at this moment you don't have any referential integrity anymore. You can't be sure that you can create the FKs again after this action. This is EXTREMLY DANGEROUS. I would never ever do this in any kind of production or test database. I would be very careful when I do it on a development database.

  • Import procedure from database

    hello all
    i have oracle 10g database
    and i have full dump file
    which contains tables and procedures for all schema's
    and i want import only one procedure from this dump file to my new database
    is there is any way to do this

    murad wrote:
    by dump file using export command
    fullI'm not aware of an "<tt>export</tt>" command. Did you mean <tt>exp</tt>, or maybe <tt>expdp</tt>?

  • Export: ". exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions"

    Hi all,
    I am trying to do a full database export from the server and an import to another PC.
    I tried exporting recieved the following warnings:
    . exporting synonyms
    . exporting views
    . exporting referential integrity constraints
    . exporting stored porcedures
    . exporting operators
    . exporting indextypes
    . exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes
    . exporting posttables actions
    . exporting triers
    . exporting matrializes views
    . exporting snapshot logs
    . exporting job queues
    . exporting refresh grups and children
    . exporting dimensions
    . exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions
    EXP-00008: ORACLE error 903 encountered
    ORA-00903: invalid table name
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_RULE_EXP_RL_INTERNAL", line 311
    ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_RULE_EXP_RULES", line 142
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    EXP-00083: The previous problem occurred when callig SYS.DBMS_RULES.schema_info_exp
    . exporting user history table
    . exporting defualt and system auditing options
    . exporting statistics
    Export terminated successfully with warnings.
    I been through the forum and was advised to run the catalog.sql, then rerun the exp command.
    I did as suggested but the export hangs at the last line:
    Export donw in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
    About to export the entire database ...
    . exporting tablespace definitions
    . exporting profiles
    . exporting user definitions
    . exporting roles
    . exporting resource costs
    . exporting rollback segment definitions
    . exporting database links
    . exporting sequence numbers
    . exporting directory aliases
    . exporting context namespaces
    . exporting foreign function library names
    . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms
    . exporting private type synonyms
    . exporting object type definitions <- hangs here
    Is there a way to resolve this? Or should I approach another method?
    Any of your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
    Thanks and Regards

    I am also trying to figure all the stuffs out. I try to answer as much as I know. Thanks.
    What is the export utility version?
    Using exp, "Export: Release"
    What is the import utility version?
    Using imp, "Import: Release"
    What version of Oracle database are you trying to export?
    Into what version of Oracle database are you trying to import?
    What are the database character sets and values of environment variable 'NLS_LANG' for each case?
    Not sure about this but I didnt change any parameters of the character set, should be
    Using WinXP OS, <- quite problematic, having a hard time trying to configure. :(

  • Local Procedures Calling Database Packages

    I have a procedure in a form which is calling a procedure in a database package. There are various parameters being sent to the package. The package is not executing. If I copy the same code of the package in to the form procedure, the same code is executing.
    One of the paramters being passed to the package is null. Is it that you cannot pass a null value to a database package or is there some other thing that I need to check?

    Definitely, the cause of the problem isn4t the null parameter. I frequently do this and it works. Analyze your package better.
    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pushpak:
    I have a procedure in a form which is calling a procedure in a database package. There are various parameters being sent to the package. The package is not executing. If I copy the same code of the package in to the form procedure, the same code is executing.
    One of the paramters being passed to the package is null. Is it that you cannot pass a null value to a database package or is there some other thing that I need to check?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

  • Are ADF BC4J based on database package procedures?

    Hi all!
    Is it possible to create ADF BC4J components base on database package procedures like building ORACLE FORMS blocks on case generated module api?
    If yes, how can I achieve this? In the wizards I only see tables, views an so on!

    Read capital "26.4 Basing an Entity Object on a PL/SQL Package API" in "Oracle® Application Development Framework
    Developer’s Guide For Forms/4GL Developers"

  • How to call a procedure from database executing commandButton...

    I´m using Jdev, I´d like to know how can I execute a procedure from database when I click a command button..??
    is that possible?
    thanks again.

    Yes, it's possible.
    Since you don't say anything about technologies you are using, I will assume ADF Business Components and JSF.
    You can write a service method in your application module - see Section 25.5 of the ADF Developer's Guide for Forms/4GL Developers
    Then, you can drag-and-drop the service method from the data control palette on to your JSF page and select ADF Command Button when you drop.
    You will, in all likelyhood, find numerous examples when you search the forum as well.

  • How to execute another schema procedure from toad?

    i want to execute procedure from another schema from toad. already i have created synonym for that procedure and provided execute permission.
    how to execute procedure from toad?

    The vendor of that product is running their own forums
    Not sure how they feel about
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  • ER - Database related facilities in Database Diagrams (procedures/objects)?

    I am having a look at JDeveloper 11g Preview (
    Our environment is (still) very much a relational environment using Oracle Forms/Reports (and Designer for analysis/design, not generation).
    I am pleased to note, that materialized views can be "copied online" from a database, which was not possible in JDeveloper 10. But materialized views cannot be represented on a database diagram.
    The Database Diagram tool resembles the Server Model Diagram (SMD) tool in Designer, and it is fine when comparing the two tools. What I could have found useful in Designer, in the SMD tool or otherwise, is to be able to add database functions, procedures and packages to the database diagram.
    Also, representation of database types on the database diagram would be useful. This sort of "dropped out" in Designer :-}
    Taking this thought at step further, it would be useful to have a diagramming tool that could represent dependencies among database objects graphically.
    So, on the whole, a strengthening of the database related diagramming facilities would be appreciated.
    Thomas Kirchhoff.

    Hi Thomas,
    Thanks for your feedback.
    In the next technology preview of 11g (TP3) you will be able to represent materialized views on the diagram.
    Unfortunately we cannot add functions, procedures and packages etc to the diagram.. But feedback from users like yourself is useful for future planning. When you talk of 'representation of database types' are you talking PL/SQL or the specific database (aag, XE...)
    What kinds of dependencies would you like to see? We have things like view usages and we are conscious of making diagrams 'too busy'. However, we do provide the diagram annotations: attachment, dependency, link and note for you to annotate your diagrams.

  • Customizing a Create Database Deployment Procedure Error

    I'm trying to set up a DbaaS, as it's part of the training I'm undergoing in Oracle in Caracas, Venezuela.
    In a topic, of the same title, I was asked to "please post your questions to internal forum. Please check out" because "It appears that you are an Oracle employee" and shortly after, my thread was closed, I am not a Oracle Employee, I do not have access to this internal forum, my supervisor has, not me, and my supervisor has denied my plea to get this issue posted on the internal forums or MOS, mostly because its just training and it has nothing to do with a client, I'd appreciate feedback instead of offtopic comments, getting my thread closed will certainly not get me any answers.
    I've managed to set up my zone, install the software, configure it and everything is running smoothly, until now. I've been following this cookbook and the information on the documentation for EM12c and I ran across this little issue which, seems like, no one in the office seems to have ever gotten (makes sense, considering I'm the only one who's actually managed to install the EM12 in the laboratory, and the only one who was assigned with the DbaaS). Running on a Solaris 11 SPARC zone.
    If you check the page 22 on the cookbook (linked above) I have to launch the "Create Oracle Database" deployment procedure, after this, the wizard asks me to select the version ( and lock it, also have to tell the wizards its a single instance, after this I select the host and the ORACLE_HOME where the db files are installed. Once I do that and try to go for NEXT, I get the following error:
    User "oracle" is not the owner of Oracle Home "/oracle/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1" on target "dbaas"
    and I'm not able to continue setting up my DbaaS. One of the trainees thought it was a good idea to, from /, use chown -R /oracle oracle:oinstall to see if that would fix the error, sadly he was mistaken, after this, the wizard told me I had to run the from the Agent Home, there are 3 folders that must be owned by root and once I ran the I still got the same error. I have no idea if there are any logs I can check about this, if they are needed, It'd be nice of you to tell me where I can find them.
    Another thing I tried, was using the Create Like... option, make a copy of the "Create Oracle Database" and edit the error handling in the procedure steps by selecting Continue On Error, but I can't. Trying to select Continue On Error justs brings Stop On Error again.
    I also had this problem before:
    Can't locate db/dbclone/ in @INC (@INC contains: /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ /u01/app/oracle/product/ .) at - line 1
    Luckily my supervisor told me he went in to the MOS website (website I can't visit, but my supervisor can) and found a way around it, he simply told me to edit the Privilege Delegation to: /usr/bin/sudo -E -u %RUNAS% %COMMAND%, but he wasn't able to find any feedback on the error I posted before, I'd just like to know if this two errors are related, maybe there's something we missed.
    Thank you very much beforehand, this would really help me with my training. Also, please bear with me, I'm currently in the first semester of Computer Science and I had absolutely no experience or any knowledge on installing/configuring/running Oracle products and what I would call "advanced" UNIX handling (because apache server and mysql isn't really rocket science) until 3 weeks ago.

    you should not have run chown -R for oracle software. where was your agent installed ?
    was that also installed on /oracle ? by what OS account it was installed . if it was oracle, you did the right thing by running as root.
    however rdbms s/w could still be in mess. can you please restore it to its original owner/permission. and then when launching the "Create Oracle Database" deployment procedure, use original owner (of rdbms s/w) credentials to continue.
    for setting up DBaaS, you must NOT use "Create Like".

  • * * Procedure needs a way to  perform  update, insert or delete to...

    Hi Gurus,
    I got Assignment & need your help how to write this procedure efficiently.
    ** The procedure needs a way to actually perform the update, insert or delete to bring the reference data up-to-date with the refresh table.**These columns are for internal use and should not be compared to the refresh tables.
    Column 1
    Column 4
    Column 5
    Column 7
    Column 9
    Column 12
    Column 22
    Column 24
    1)     I would list out the columns in the cursors in place of the *. Or better define a record with %ROWTYPE.
    2)     You will need to include a way to look for rows that may be in one table and not the other.
    a.     Insert the rows that exist in the refresh table, but are missing from the reference table.
    b.     Delete the rows that are found in the reference table, but do not appear in the refresh table.
    3)     You also need to provide for handling the expiration date. Our default expiration date is ‘01-JAN-2500’, meaning if the refresh table has a futuristic expiration date or null, then our default expiration date is considered valid. Also this date needs to be added to any new rows created as a result of the refresh, if you leave the EXPIRATION_DATE column out of the insert it should default to the above date.
    4)     I assume that Differences is where you plan to list the actual data values that differ. If you don’t list the whole row I would at least list the primary key, in addition to what columns are different.
    5)     The procedure needs a way to actually perform the update, insert or delete to bring the reference data up-to-date with the refresh table.
    Thanks in advance

    Take a look at merge
    Keep Smiling
    Bob R

Maybe you are looking for