Gaming - American McGee's Alice

This is an old game that i just uploaded to my iMac. The game is playing fine but it's options for quick load (F1) & quick save(F4) don't respond when I use the keys on keyboard. Anyone have any recommendations why this may be or what i could do to fix? Thank you

you could try to set it to IGD in your BIOS to get the Integrated only working (find a option in your BIOS that is set to PEG and change it to IGD and see how it goes)
NOTE: if you find that settings see if it has a both option!

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    Fair enough.
    I started doing this before unlimited data and emails on phones was a common commodity, on my Samsung Blackjack.
    I then continued it due to its convenience. My only counter argument is this:
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    01/04/2009 - Should be the start of 1st week of 2009...... 01/11/2009 will be the start of second week and so on.
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    It's a bit trickier because the ISO rule has some fine prints.
    Take a look at the example below:
    SQL> with t as (
      2  select to_date('01/02/2010', 'MM/DD/YYYY') dt from dual union all
      3  select to_date('01/03/2010', 'MM/DD/YYYY') dt from dual union all
      4  select to_date('01/03/2009', 'MM/DD/YYYY') dt from dual union all
      5  select to_date('01/04/2009', 'MM/DD/YYYY') from dual)
      6  --
      7  select dt,
      8         to_char(dt+1, 'iw') tweaked_week,
      9         to_char(dt, 'ww') nls_week
    10    from t
    11   order by dt;
    3/1/2009    01           01
    4/1/2009    02           01
    2/1/2010    53           01
    3/1/2010    01           01
    SQL> If may notice that 02/01/2010 is week 53 and and that at the same time 03/01/2009 is already week 1, being 04/01/2009 week 2.
    The reason is in the docs:
    An ISO week always starts on a Monday and ends on a Sunday.
    * If January 1 falls on a Friday, Saturday, or Sunday, then the ISO week that includes January 1 is the last week of the previous year, because most of the days in the week belong to the previous year.
    * If January 1 falls on a Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, then the ISO week is the first week of the new year, because most of the days in the week belong to the new year.It depends on what your requirement asks.
    If you need to prevent any January 1st that fall on Monday to Thursday from becoming your week 1 you'd probably have to adjust that implementation and fine tune it further.
    Let us know if that will do or what your rule would be otherwise.

  • Z97 GAMING 9 AC - PCIE and the wi-fi module no longer detecting

    I 'm Overclocking enthusiast and recently decided to take to my hometown in Brazil using a platform products from MSI, to make disclosure of benchmark tests in social networks and in gaming blogs.
        So i purchased a new system including the MSI Z97 GAMING 9 AC motherboard and MSI Gaming N770 TF 4GD5/OC GeForce GTX 770 4GB graphics card. After building the system I initially had problems with the graphics card not being detected and the wi-fi module (that hard to fit in the mobo) don't even appear in device manager. I already tried to dismount and remount the module on the motherboard with extreme care, no success. After some research I updated the bios to 1.5 and used the onboard graphics card to install windows 8.1, drivers etc. After windows, drivers etc were installed the graphics card and the wi-fi module still would not detect.
    I have tried another graphics card in this system and it does not seem to work either. In bios it just always says that the PCIE slots are 'empty'.
    So I have tried the following:
    1. Cleared CMOS.
    2. Updated BIOS.
    3. Updated Chipset, drivers etc.
    4. Tested the Graphics Card in other computers.
    5. Used a different graphics card in this system.
    6. Tried PCIE 2.0, 3.0 and auto.
    7. Completely reformated and started from scratch.
    So after many attempts I am disappointed with MSI and need some solution to my problem, since I saw that several customers who have purchased from MSI are the same product with exactly the same problem which possibly conclude that MSI has a duty to resolve these cases.
    Full Specs:
    •   EVGA SuperNOVA 1300G2 ATX12V/EPS12V 1300W 80Plus Gold Power Supply 120-G2-1300-XR
    •   Corsair Cooling Hydro Series H100i Liquid CPU Cooler - Extreme Performance CPU Cooling and Built-In
    •   Intel Core i7 4790 LGA1150 CPU 3.6Ghz
    •   Corsair Vengeance Pro 16GB 2x8GB DDR3
    •   2 x Kingston 120GB SSD 6Gbs
    •   Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit OEM
    •   MSI Z97 Gaming 9 AC Motherboard
    •   MSI Gaming N770 TF 4GD5/OC GeForce GTX 770 4GB 256-Bit GDDR5 PCI Express 3.0 HDCP Ready SLI Support Video Card

    I have the exact same problem with my gaming 9 AC only the PCIe slot for gfx card worked initially. MSI support sent me a new WiFi adapter, it also didnt work. When I installed it, the PCIe slot would not identify my graphics card anymore. MSI support then advised me to return the board to the reseller, where it is now - they are checking it for defects before they do anything.
    Ill keep you updated how they proceed from here. If there are any more problems I will just ask my reseller to downgrade me to a gaming 7, I can add a pcie wifi card on my own, and avoid the hassle.

  • Z97 GAMING 9 AC - PCIE no longer detecting

    So I recently purchased a new system including the MSI Z97 GAMING 9 AC motherboard and MSI R9 280X GAMING G3 graphics card. After building the system I initially had problems with the graphics card not being detected. After some research I updated the bios to 1.4 and used the onboard graphics card to install windows 8.1, drivers etc. After windows, drivers etc were installed the graphics card still would not detect until I went into the bios and changed the PCIE to 2.0 (instead of auto). This then used the 280x instead of onboard and allowed me to install the graphics card drivers. I switched the PCIE to 3.0 after it was working.
    Initially everything was working but the next morning I had the same issue again: only the onboard graphics card was being used. I switched back to PCIE 2.0 and it worked again. Until the next morning: the 280x is no longer being detected at all in any PCIE slots or in PCIE auto, 2.0 or 3.0. I have ruled out a graphics card issue as the 280x works in other pcs. I have tried another graphics card in this system and it does not seem to work either. In bios it just always says that the PCIE slots are 'empty'.
    So I have tried the following:
    1. Cleared CMOS.
    2. Updated BIOS.
    3. Updated Chipset, drivers etc.
    4. Tested the Graphics Card in other computers.
    5. Used a different graphics card in this system.
    6. Tried PCIE 2.0, 3.0 and auto.
    7. Completely reformated and started from scratch.
    Any suggestions as to why the PCIE slots seem to have stopped detecting?
    Full Specs:
    Corsair AX860i ATX Power Supply,80 PLUSPlatinum Full Modular
    Corsair Cooling Hydro Series H100i Liquid CPU Cooler - Extreme Performance CPU Cooling and Built-In
    Intel Core i7 4770K LGA1150 CPU 3.5Ghz 8Mb Cache Haswell
    Corsair 16GB (2x8GB) DDR3 CMY16GX3M2A1600C9R 1600MHz Dimm, Unbuffered, 9-9-9-24, Vengeance Pro Red H
    Samsung 250GB SSD 840 EVO SATA III 6Gbs 2.5 7mm 540MB/s/520MB/s
    Microsoft Windows 8.1 Pro 64bit OEM
    MSI Z97 Gaming 9 AC Motherboard
    MSI Radeon R9 280X Gaming 3GB

    Was this issue ever solved as im seeing the same issue.
    When I first booted the machine all was well however when I came to reboot my machine for the first time it no longer sees I have a GPU and so switched to the Intel onboard 4600.
    At first I assumed the GPU had come lose or some BIOS setting needed changing. BIOS is set to use PEG (PCI-E Graphics card device) so i reseated the card and rebooted. This didn't work.
    I reset the BIOS CMOS and that fixed the issue, my machine booted using the graphics card again however as soon I rebooted windows again it lost the card switching back to the onboard.
    According to the BIOS the PCI-E slot is empty. I swapped the card out for an older ATI 7870 but had the same problem. PCI-E slot is empty unless I clear the CMOS (I made no changes in the BIOS).
    At this point it sounds like some kind of software issue I have updated my BIOS to the latest version (1.5) but that hasn't fixed the issue. Whenever I shutdown or restart it will lose sight of my card unless I clear the CMOS or power down at the wall.
    Intel 4790k
    Nvidia 970 GTX
    MSI Z97i Gaming AC mini-itx
    8GB 1866mhz Kingston
    Corsair 600w PSU

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