German Question: HImmel Einbläuen

dass es ein buch gibt habe es grad  wieder probiert, leider färbt sich der himmel nicht blau, man kann mit  einem großen pinsel, einem runden pinsel mit 800 Pt oer so was blau  machen aber 1 x klicken und rüberziehen geht nicht. Und es kommt dann  immer so ein symbol von einem ehring einem doppelten , und jedes Mal bei  dem Bearbeiten ist oben das Pulldown Menü mit Natur usw. das erscheint  ständig und ist immer da und geht nur weleine X drückt, und das beste ist, oben kommt immer so ein Kästchen mit 3 Fenster, eines ohne eines mit kleinem roten + Zeichen udn eines mit grünem. Keine Ahnugn wieso die dauernd erscheinen. Jednefalls ist es bis jetzt nicht gelungen den Himmel zu bläuen. Wieso?

der link geht nicht dass video schon und bei dem video ist *** problem mit so einer vorlage oder so, ich will dass mit der F taste machen nur blöd ist dass bie jedem bild, egal welchem dass was nach der F taste erscheint dass pull down menü da oben nie verschwidet sondern immer da ist und das stört und ändern tut sich nix am himmel, bei natur geht es komischerweise bei himmel nicht
und das allerbeste, wenn man den blauen Himmel dann rüberzieht, dass geht, dann da rechs auf multiplizieren geht, das geht, dann links das farbige Verlaufswerkzeug G auswählt, dann links vordergrundfarbe einstellen, das weiße kästchen ist über dem schwarzen, dass geht, dann das mit dem Strich ziehen wie m Video - ov?brs=366&bri=1.2 - da verschwindet z.b. unten die wolken die ich rüberzog als hintergrund, die sind dann einfach weg, einfach nicht da, also da ist dann alles weiß unten, so hoch der strich ist, verstehst du? dann noch dazu den pinsel auswählen, oben links dann kalligraphiepinsel 20 auswählen größe 100 Px oder so und wenn ich drüberfahre über die obere Ebene geht das leider nicht, weil dann die wolken auch weg sind wenn ich drüber fahre nicth wie im Video. wieso?
wie man sieht ist dass ganz anders, der himmel ist nicth mehr blau sondern weiß wie man sieht, und im video sieht man aber wie die dame mit dem kreis drüberfährt und der himmel nicht verschwindet, also was mache ich falsch?

Similar Messages

  • German: Das Einbläuen vom Himmel geht nicht

    das allerbeste, wenn man den blauen Himmel dann rüberzieht,  dass geht, dann da rechs auf multiplizieren geht, das geht, dann links  das farbige Verlaufswerkzeug G auswählt, dann links vordergrundfarbe  einstellen, das weiße kästchen ist über dem schwarzen, dass geht, dann  das mit dem Strich ziehen wie m Video - - da verschwindet z.b. unten die wolken die ich rüberzog als  hintergrund, die sind dann einfach weg, einfach nicht da, also da ist  dann alles weiß unten, so hoch der strich ist, verstehst du? dann noch  dazu den pinsel auswählen, oben links dann kalligraphiepinsel 20  auswählen größe 100 Px oder so und wenn ich drüberfahre über die obere  Ebene geht das leider nicht, weil dann die wolken auch weg sind wenn ich  drüber fahre nicth wie im Video. wieso?
    wie  man sieht ist dass ganz anders, der himmel ist nicth mehr blau sondern  weiß wie man sieht, und im video sieht man aber wie die dame mit dem  kreis drüberfährt und der himmel nicht verschwindet, also was mache ich  falsch?
    der lin - ov?brs=366&bri=1.2 ist ja nett
    aber so bald es darum geht mti dem Radierer alles weg zu radieren kommt gar nix raus, wie oben am Bild ist, also wie geht das?

    boah du bist ein künstler
    aber es ging nicth
    also ich habe mit dem zauberstab links, der mit dem stern vorne drauf, auf die weiße fläche geklickt, ja die war dann so markiert oder so
    dannn ging ich auf weiche auswahlkante, pixel 3 eingegeben und ok gedrückt
    so sieht übrigns dass aus wenn ich den himmel rein vrschiebe
    dann ging ich auf ebene dupliziren? da erstellt er ne ebene
    dann kopire ich den himmel ein mit dem verchieben vom himmelbilid in dass kirchturmfoto und alels ist himmel
    das kam raus als ich dann auf multiplizieren ging, sieht man eh rechts und bild in der mitte
    dann rechts ebene auf multiplizieren gegeben, dann is dass so kirchturm udn himmel drüber und scheint durch, sieht ganz blau mit wolken alles aus
    dass mit dem verschien, jedenfalls habe ich dann rehts die ebene oben mit dem himmel nach unten verschoben, unter 3 geht das nicht, gin nur in die mitte verschieben wie du am foto siehst
    so sieht das jetzt au
    [url=][img] t/files/thumbs/80ua-bp.jpg[/img][/url]
    was mache ich falsch?
    jedenfalls nach dem 8. x durchlesen habe ich gesehen, man muß gehen auf
    ebene neu - ebene durch kopie, dann geht es
    so sieht es jetzt aus
    ich galube so paßt es oder? nur beim kirchturm sieht man irgendwie so einen weißen strich daneben wenn man hinschaut also der übergang ist nicht gut, wieso? stimmt das so?
    was für ein problem jetzt, mein originalbild hat 2227 x 3333 pixel, ist also längst, wolken zu finden die dann so reinpasen ohne dass man sie verzerren muß und von der größe stimmen ist sher schwer

  • German Question

    Photoshop Elements 8.0
    jedesmal beim starten und pE 8 öffnet sich
    auswählen - bearbeiten kommt die fehlermeldung Fehler:150:30
    beim suchen nach dem ordner FLEXnet Publisher in C:\programme\gemeinsame dateien\macrovision shared (???)
    beim löschen von dem hilft das auch nicht
    organisieren geht
    bearbeiten nicht

    der link geht nicht dass video schon und bei dem video ist *** problem mit so einer vorlage oder so, ich will dass mit der F taste machen nur blöd ist dass bie jedem bild, egal welchem dass was nach der F taste erscheint dass pull down menü da oben nie verschwidet sondern immer da ist und das stört und ändern tut sich nix am himmel, bei natur geht es komischerweise bei himmel nicht
    und das allerbeste, wenn man den blauen Himmel dann rüberzieht, dass geht, dann da rechs auf multiplizieren geht, das geht, dann links das farbige Verlaufswerkzeug G auswählt, dann links vordergrundfarbe einstellen, das weiße kästchen ist über dem schwarzen, dass geht, dann das mit dem Strich ziehen wie m Video - ov?brs=366&bri=1.2 - da verschwindet z.b. unten die wolken die ich rüberzog als hintergrund, die sind dann einfach weg, einfach nicht da, also da ist dann alles weiß unten, so hoch der strich ist, verstehst du? dann noch dazu den pinsel auswählen, oben links dann kalligraphiepinsel 20 auswählen größe 100 Px oder so und wenn ich drüberfahre über die obere Ebene geht das leider nicht, weil dann die wolken auch weg sind wenn ich drüber fahre nicth wie im Video. wieso?
    wie man sieht ist dass ganz anders, der himmel ist nicth mehr blau sondern weiß wie man sieht, und im video sieht man aber wie die dame mit dem kreis drüberfährt und der himmel nicht verschwindet, also was mache ich falsch?

  • German Question: Photoshop Elements 8.0 vs. 10.0

    gibts da nennenswerte unterschiede (habe xp, sp3)

    Negative Testberichte können durch viele Faktoren verursacht werden:
    a. Benutzer Fehler.
    b. unerfahrene Benutzer.
    c. Hard- oder Software-Problem für die Benutzer eindeutig.
    Deshalb empfehle ich untersuchen die Testversion für sich selbst. Das ist der einzige Weg, ob PSE ist geeignet für Ihre Bedürfnisse und Ihren Stil zu arbeiten.
    (Ich entschuldige mich für die schlechte Übersetzung, die vom Computer ausgeführt wurde.)

  • German Question: Fehler 150:30

    kann mir wer helfen? beim öffnen vom PE 8.0 was noch nie war kommt der fehler
    Auf Deutsch :

  • Reports in diadem 9

    I have created a report in diadem 9.
    I have chosen the layout option "name-oriented" and tried to work with different channel groups.
    The fact that the channels within the first group have the same name like channels within the second group seems to confuse diadem 9. also I tried to set the channels via vbscript and use the number to force diadem 9 to use the correct channel - wihtout any success. I have attached the files.
    Attachments: ‏41 KB

    Hi d.s.,
    If I understand your last (German) question correctly, you simply want to plot certain channel names from multiple groups such that if other channels from these groups are deleted, the same curves remain in the REPORT graph. I have loaded your posted data set and REPORT layout and noticed a few things.
    1) You currently have your REPORT layout configured for "Expand Curves". This may or may not be what you want. Curve Expansion is perfect for the case that you have N XY channel pairs with the same channel names and you ALWAYS want to plot ALL of these XY pairs as curves. Then with one quick curve configuration in the 2D axis, you get N 2D curves on the axis system.
    2) Your data set has 2 Groups with channels that have different names. This may be what you want or the type of data sets you expect to have to deal with, but it means that when you have "Expand Curves" selected you will only get 1 curve on your 2D axis.
    3) The data in your 2 groups is identical, which makes it hard to tell what's really being displayed on the 2D axis, because the different curves completely overlap.
    4) Your data channels are name-indexed in a way that the DIAdem 9 Beta versions did for you automatically. Note that the released version of DIAdem 9 does NOT do this anymore by default, although you can change this behavior as was pointed out by the first person to answer your question.
    I have prepared 3 examples for you in the attached ZIP file "" based on your original data set, REPORT template, and expressed wishes:
    A) Use your original data "test.TDM" with the REPORT template "test your data set.TDR". You will see that using your Group and channel names, we indeed get name-oriented curves from both Groups which are impervious to channel deletions. These curve configuration were created by dragging channel pairs [Example/Zeit, Example/Drehmoment] and [Example2/Zeit1, Example2/Drehmoment1] from the Data Portal either onto the 2D axis system or onto the configuration dialog for the 2D axis system. Note that this REPORT template does NOT use Curve Expansion.
    B) Use the data set "test Both.TDM" and the REPORT template "test Regular.TDR". You will see that this new data set has 3 Groups which each have 4 identically named channels. The values of the 3 data channels are now different from group to group so that you can distinguish their curves from one another. This REPORT template also does NOT use Curve Expansion and was created by dragging the respective XY pairs from the Data Portal onto the 2D axis system.
    C) Use the data set "test Both.TDM" and the REPORT template "test Curve Expansion.TDR". You will see that with only 1 curve configured in the 2D axis system that you get that 3 curves graphed, 1 from each Group. This is because this REPORT template is configured to use Curve Expansion, and each of these XY channel pairs are identically named.
    Please ask if you have additional questions,
    Brad Turpin
    DIAdem Product Support Engineer
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏84 KB

  • Erstellung eine komplexe SQL Prozedur

    ich möchte eine SQL Prozedur erstellen, welche Folgendes tuen soll.
    Ich habe zwei Spalten: SUPPLIER_NAME, SUPPLIER_ADDRESS
    SUPPLIER_NAME = Name der Lieferanten gespeichert (es gibt auch Zeilen, welche keine Name eingetragen ist, aber die Lieferantenadressen ist immer eingetragen.
    SUPPLIER_ADDRESS = Adresse der Lieferanten gespeicher.
    Ich möchte mit eine Prozedur, die leere Zeilen in SUPPLIER_NAME finden,
    nachdem ich es gefunden habe, nehme ich die dazugehörige Lieferantenadresse und möchte mit den anderen Lieferantenadressen vergleichen.
    Bei eine Übereinstimmung, nehme ich das SUPPLIER_NAME von der übereinstimmten SUPPLIER_ADDRESS und schreibe die in die leere SUPPLIER_NAME.
    Ich hoffe, ich habe mich verständlich ausgedruckt.
    Dazu habe ich folgende Code erstellt.
        INDEX_SUPPLIER := 1
              END IF;
            END LOOP;
            INDEX_SUPPLIER_ADDRESS := 1;
          END IF;
        END LOOP;
    Wenn ich es ausführe bekomme ich folgende Meldung:
    Errors: check compiler log
    die dazugehörige compiler log
    Projekt: sqldev.temp:/IdeConnections%23Ebis1.jpr
        C:\Users\Hasan H. Gümüs\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\EbisBereinigung.sql
            Fehler(1,46): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "IS" when expecting one of the following:     in out <an identifier> <a double-quoted delimited-identifier>    ... long double ref char time timestamp interval date binary    national character nchar
            Fehler(1,90): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "," when expecting one of the following:     . ( @ % ; not null range alter character
    Wenn ich danach meine Prozedure mit folgende Zeile ausführe:
    Bekomme ich folgende Meldung:
    Fehler beim Start in Zeile 200 in Befehl:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 43:
    PLS-00357: Table,View Or Sequence reference 'STAGE2_PURCHASES.SUPPLIER' not allowed in this context
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    06550. 00000 -  "line %s, column %s:\n%s"
    *Cause:    Usually a PL/SQL compilation error.
    und die dazugehörige Compiler log zieht folgendermaßen aus:
    Projekt: sqldev.temp:/IdeConnections%23Ebis1.jpr
        C:\Users\Hasan H. Gümüs\AppData\Roaming\SQL Developer\EbisBereinigung.sql
            Fehler(15,1): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "UPDATE"
    Könnt ihr mir hierbei helfen?
    Was habe ich denn bei meine Prozedur falsch gemacht?
    Vielen Dank im Voraus

    Hello Hassan,
    the first error is to post the question in a completely unrelated forum -> SQL and PL/SQL
    TIP: How to find a forum or community
    The next is to post a german question in an English forum. We (meaning regular users) know that not everyone is a native speaker (I'm not) and therefore noone expects perfect grammar or flawless spelling.
    The error in your procedure is, that you cannot define a type in the parameter list of a procedure.
    Define the type e.g. in a package specification
    END my_types;
    Now you can use it as parameter type
    TABLE_SUPPLIER   my_types.tab_suppliers

  • The search function and up next option on mini player has dissapeared?

    I don't know what I've clicked, or maybe not touched anything but in the last few weeks the search function and up next playlist has disappeared on the mini player. I'm using OS Mavericks, anyone else having this problem or know what to do? Thanks

    With the exception of the occasional Russian and German questions that appear here... If the manual is written in English, and the questions posted here are predominantly written in English, I'm not convinced that language is therefore the problem.
    I think it kind of works like this... When newbs come here, they:
    1) have no prior experience to realize how often a similar question's been posted
    2a) aren't familiar with the "etiquette" of searching for similar questions befor posting
    2b) aren't familiar the lameness of the search engine on this forum in order to even get answers; or, they've tried it and come up with years' worth of posts to sift through and quickly move to...
    3) ...posting a question because they want a quick fix -- they're probably excited about getting up and running quickly with Logic
    I have always had problems with the readability of the Logic manual, and I still find it difficult to comprehend because it's really poorly written (IMO). Most, sentences in, it read, like, this. And there's a wont of illustrations (pictures are worth...).
    I think some questions are so basic that they don't behoove a response moreso than "spend some time with the manual first". Occasionally I've indulged a total newb (not to single anyone out). It's maybe 75/25 that I felt like I had actually made a difference to their understanding, the poor ratio due to the fact that they simply needed to read the manual first.
    Yes, it's frustrating to see newb posts dominate for a while and push more serious questions to the bottom. The occasional OT post is OK, IMO, but what bugs me more is when they predominate.
    BTW, can anyone recommend some good strings for a 3-string backpack-style dulcimer?
    : ^ )

  • How to call German Support from Asia to reset security question?

    Dear Apple Support,
    my dealer for my very first MAC computer  tried to install software and update OS to prepare notebook for "reday to use"status.
    It turned out that Apple has no service access to allow dealer to install and register software on customer behalf.
    So I needed to give him full access to my account.
    Since I'm new in this Apple things I was scared because with other OS I never ever had that requierement.
    But I already confirmed my MAC order so I could not cancle and step away from Apple.
    So I tried to process this request as save as possible. I removed all credit from account and gave a temporary password.
    I also tried to set security question to temporary values for my dealers access.
    But here something went wrong. So I ended up with obiviously unknow security question answers what blocks the access.
    The instructions on the screen and some screenshots in the change settings iinstruction show different (outdated) forms.
    Also the alternative approach with alternative email was not working.
    Why is it not possibel to forward user request for this reset request automatically to relevant support?
    I found also that the German support can't be called from abroad.
    Why is this not mentioned in list of international phone numbers?
    For some areas there is such a note but not for the German number!
    Finally I raised a case request to call back under my number, but Apple does not allow to change the country code.
    Because that way I had no chance,  I ask my dealer to assist and he called Apple support in Germany, but as they found out that he was acting on my behalf they kicked him out too times without further help.
    That was the moment I really regret that I spend now so much money for buying an Apple thing.
    I immediately cancle the Apple Care policy. Why should I pay for somthing if not even basic support is reliable.
    Apples does really good marketing, but in reality on second view when in real touch with Apple service it looks very poor.
    From user interface over usability of support process and dealer service all is so weak.
    Since Apple support kicked out the dealer,  I called in next attempt  a German person to relay my telephone request while being on Skype session.
    But what we there experienced was far more unfriendly.
    We picked up the call after 2-3 ring  and a computer voice wellcomed us and told us that Apple was not able to reach us.
    Furthermore they announced to call agian 10minutes later (10:21am MET +10min) we waited in Skype session over half an hour but no call back.
    I tried than to request again a call with clear indication that they pleas have to use my abroad number.
    But this results  in an email answer from Apple support that they can't reach me although the number they confirmed to are correct!
    My umber is also given in my data records in Apple-ID. So why is Apple support not able to escalate to second support level if something goes obviously goes wrong?
    May be too much automated system administration?
    After 1,5 days and many many emails, calls and endless frustration on my site and on authorized dealer side I need to escalate my simple request now over all channels I can find within the Apple universum.
    ontact details are all known to you and many request emails in your inbox refer to this case. My dealer contacts I already forwarded to Apple support email.
    Hey guys, I need just to get my security questions reseted! Can anybody assist please?
    Please inform we when done or call me under my:
    1. day number
    2. evening number
    3. Mobile number.
    4. Apple-ID email
    5. ooptional email
    6. or contact my relay in Germany under the number I send to you.

    Thanks roaminggnome for reminding me on this reference,
    that was one of the confusing webpages I found for this problem while using a simple search :-)
    But in my case the screen looked different and the procdure even more different than described in this easy to search posting.
    But don't worry Appel support also approached it in same way.
    The solution for this problem was much different.
    The scaring story with all this is that I had to give full account access and security question answers to a third party person helping as a relay to comunicate to Apple support.
    A simple search in free forums showed me that I'm not the only one having trouble with this Apple security strategy.
    Many thanks again!
    Send from my Motion Computing Tablet WinXP

  • German Umlauts OK in Test Environment, Question Marks (??) in production

    Hi Sun Forums,
    I have a simple Java application that uses JFrame for a window, a JTextArea for console output. While running my application in test mode (that is, run locally within Eclipse development environment) the software properly handles all German Umlauts in the JTextArea (also using Log4J to write the same output to file-- that too is OK). In fact, the application is flawless from this perspective.
    However, when I deploy the application to multiple environments, the Umlauts are displayed as ??. Deployment is destined for Mac OS X (10.4/10.5) and Windows-based computers. (XP, Vista) with a requirement of Java 1.5 at the minimum.
    On the test computer (Mac OS X 10.5), the test environment is OK, but running the application as a runnable jar, german umlauts become question marks ??. I use Jar Bundler on Mac to produce an application object, and Launch4J to build a Windows executables.
    I am setting the default encoding to UTF-8 at the start of my app. Other international characters treated OK after deployment (e, a with accents). It seems to be localized to german umlaut type characters where the app fails.
    I have encoded my source files as UTF-8 in Eclipse. I am having a hard time understanding what the root cause is. I suspect it is the default encoding on the computer the software is running on. If this is true, then how do I force the application to honor german umlauts?
    Thanks very much,
    Ryan Allaby
    J2EE/Java Developer
    Edited by: RyanAllaby on Jul 10, 2009 2:50 PM

    So you start with a string called "input"; where did that come from? As far as we know, it could already have been corrupted. ByteBuffer inputBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap( input.getBytes() ); Here you convert the string to to a byte array using the default encoding. You say you've set the default to UTF-8, but how do you know it worked on the customer's machine? When we advise you not to rely on the default encoding, we don't mean you should override that system property, we mean you should always specify the encoding in your code. There's a getBytes() method that lets you do that.
    CharBuffer data = utf8charset.decode( inputBuffer ); Now you decode the byte[] that you think is UTF-8, as UTF-8. If getBytes() did in fact encode the string as UTF-8, this is a wash; you just wasted a lot of time and ended up with the exact same string you started with. On the other hand, if getBytes() used something other than UTF-8, you've just created a load of garbage. ByteBuffer outputBuffer = iso88591charset.encode( data );Next you create yet another byte array, this time using the ISO-8859-1 encoding. If the string was valid to begin with, and the previous steps didn't corrupt it, there could be characters in it that can't be encoded in ISO-8859-1. Those characters will be lost.
    byte[] outputData = outputBuffer.array();
    return new String( outputData ); Finally, you decode the byte[] once more, this time using the default encoding. As with getBytes(), there's a String constructor that lets you specify the encoding, but it doesn't really matter. For the previous steps to have worked, the default had to be UTF-8. That means you have a byte[] that's encoded as ISO-8859-1 and you're decoding it as UTF-8. What's wrong with this picture?
    This whole sequence makes no sense anyway; at best, it's a huge waste of clock cycles. It looks like you're trying to change the encoding of the string, which is impossible. No matter what platform it runs on, Java always uses the same encoding for strings. That encoding is UTF-16, but you don't really need to know that. You should only have to deal with character encodings when your app communicates with something outside itself, like a network or a file system.
    What's the real problem you're trying to solve?

  • German special characters not displaying on page instead of that Question marks displayed

    when i submit form,i need to send a mail with filled data.Here Suppose user entered german special characters.I am getting Question marks instead of ä,Ä,ö,Ö,ü,Ü,ß. I have used meta tag like
    <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />.But i am getting fine characters with IE and Chrome.I am using FireFox 3.6.16 english.

    Hello core team,
    Thanks a lot!!!!
    i m not only the person to use html form.So many non technical persons using the same. how can i tell to all persons regarding changing character encoding. i need some permenant solution,

  • Hi, I godt 2 Questions: 1) My Adobe PhotoShop Elements 10.0 for MAC cannot read the RAW files taken with the new Canon 7D Mark II camera. 2) My Photoshop Elements has changed from the danish language to german language, how do I put this back ?

    Hi, I godt 2 Questions: 1) My Adobe PhotoShop Elements 10.0 for MAC cannot read the RAW files taken with the new Canon 7D Mark II camera. 2) My Photoshop Elements has changed from the danish language to german language, how do I put this back ?

    You're in the wrong forum.  This is not the Elements forum.
    Here's the link to the forum you want:

  • How Questions are displayed by user's (Finnish, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Russian) in these language.

    How Questions are displayed by user’s (Finnish, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Russian) in these language.whether in SSPR Portal or Window Login(Ctrl+Alt+Del)
    Please provide any solution in Steps by Steps detail.
    Anil Kumar

    Hi Henry,
    Thank's for response.
    You mean to say first we need to create Creteria based Set in FIM 2010 R2 based on Active Diredtory attribute,if i have CO attribute value like (Finnish, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Russian) in AD then we set condition in
      Creteria based Set CO='Finnish' for Finnish Language Set after this we need create one Workflow Finnish Language and finally we need to create one MPR for Finnish Language that call Finnish Set and Finnish Workflow.
    but i want to know how will FIM 2010 R2 SSPR  understand Questions are displayed by user’s (Finnish, English, German, French, Spanish, Chinese (simplified), Russian) and how to convert these Language.
    Anil Kumar

  • German umlauts into question marks

    The problem is that the German umlauts are converted to question marks . I create a mail message (see below). After the ship in here: Outlook 2010 can be seen, the German umlauts as question marks.
    Gesch?ftsf?hrer: ....
    RG M?nchen ....
    mailmessage obj_message
    s_mapi_connector = 'SMTP:'
    obj_message.notetext = struct_drucker.s_email_message
    obj_message.recipient[l].address = s_mapi_connector + s_email_adress
    obj_message.recipient[l].recipienttype = mailto!
    obj_message.recipient[l].name = s_email_recipient
    // Email per MAPI-Client
    obj_session = CREATE mailSession
    en_result = obj_session.mailLogon(mailNewSession!)
    en_result = obj_session.mailsend(obj_message)
    en_result = obj_session.mailLogoff()
    DESTROY obj_session
    Does anyone know a solution?
    Thank You
    André Rust

    Hi André,
    Here is my code (also tested successfully with PB12.5.2 build 5703):
    mailSession l_mailSession
    mailMessage l_mailMessage
    l_mailMessage.Recipient [1].Name = "[email protected]"
    l_mailMessage.Recipient [1].RecipientType = mailTo!
    l_mailMessage.subject = "PB E-mail example from PB 12.6 Einflußgröße Gefäßschädigung"
    l_mailMessage.noteText = "Bla,~nbla, bla, ...~n"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "~n"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "Meßgröße"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "~n"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "Rückäußerung"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "~n"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "Rückstöße"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "~n"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "flächenmäßig"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "~n"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "rüstungsmäßig"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "~n"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "überläßt"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "~n"
    l_mailMessage.noteText += "äußerst"
    l_mailSession = CREATE mailSession
    if l_mailSession.mailLogon () <> mailReturnSuccess! then
    MessageBox ("E-mail error!", "Login failed!", Exclamation!)
    if l_mailSession.mailSend (l_mailMessage) <> mailReturnSuccess! then
    MessageBox ("E-mail error!", "Sending failed!", Exclamation!)
    MessageBox ("E-mail report!", "Message sent!", Information!)
    end if
    end if
    l_mailSession.mailLogoff ()
    DESTROY l_mailSession

  • Why are my security questions in German

    My store is uk and am temporarily in Germany. On the last apple update it has set my security questions to German and I can't see how to change it.
    Also how do I edit my birthday on Apple ID?

    Re: how to change apple id security answers 
    May 2, 2012 6:25 PM (in response to chuckbee)
    Well, I got the same wonderful letter and called Apple nontech support because my computer is  4 years old so I'd have to pay Apple to tell them they messed up!
    Fortunately on the 2nd call I got a Senior Adviser (first level folks know only basics so I usually ask for a manager or supervisor).  In fact, I was told by 1st guy there were no managers, but then later he went to get someone and the phone went dead. Thankfully person 2 'Sterling' told me he would ask a Senior Adviser (so now I have another word to use for person above).  I asked given this issues importance to talk directly to the Senior Adviser and was allowed.
    Sterling (yes the adviser's name was the same as the tel answerer) said that Apple has been updating security questions, and from what he could tell, since I could log in that it was likely a glitch in their reworking security questions that caused this trouble.  He got me into my account by asking other questions which hadn't changed (last 4 of credit card, address), and I got in with my old password.
    So it could be a case of Apple messing up their own information.  They are setting some security questions as standard and you have to choose to make your own if you want.  They guessed my answers wrong by this theory.  I am still not 100% as sure as Sterling is that it was an inside job, and will be careful to watch my American Express Card since it's tied to my account as my boys wanted small items at iTunes.  May small not turn to big :-)   So you may have to call Apple to get things reset. Hope this helps.
    Warmly, Yamasen

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