Getting ripped off here, help

There was an album I wanted to buy in iTunes that is $16.99, I was short a few cents though so I started buying some songs in the album separately. When the price knocked down to about $3.00 I decided to buy one more, as I knew to buy the rest of the album I would have to pay at least a few more cents... BUT, when I did so the album went back to the full price! Each song separately is $2.19, and I still have 4 more songs to buy now which adds up to $8.76 and apparently I have to pay $16.99 to buy the full album but really all that I would need to pay is $8.76 after this dilemma, but it shouldn't even be that, it should only be a few more cents, only about a $1.00. I really need this fixed because I don't have much money to begin with as I don't even have a part time job yet. I'm in high school, I shouldn't have to put up with this. Please help, I shouldn't have to pay another $8.76.

Here are some things you can do -
Yet, if still needed, you can also contact customer support for further assistance or instructions. Just open the link pasted below to see the instructions on how to get in touch with customer service -

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    Contact Apple.  800-275-2273 in the U.S.A. and I think Canada.

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    Which is precisely what I am doing. i will find a way to purchase direct from the US or UK. But I would still be keen to see some justification for the rip off apart from the "cause we can" mentality. Still doesn't make it right for Apple or the record companies if it is them that are setting the prices. Typical isn't it . The whole music industry's (ie the labels) approach to digital music right from the start - firstly fight it tooth and nail until such time as it is obvious you can't win so then change the rules and try and control it even more than ever before (DRM and sundry associated issues ) and again when even that is shown as a complete waste of time and effort introduce a pricing model that favours particular markets. And people wonder why people share music ?
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    So you are suggesting that the costs of supplying an Australian consumer is 33% more than the cost for a US customer . Basically this works out that every third album you buy should be free or would be free if the prices were comparable.

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    Not showing full zip code – I put in 07753 and it shows 7753 (missing the 0). Thank you for your help!
    Here is my code:
    var v7 = this.getField("ShipTo");
    var v1 = this.getField("ZipPostal Code").value;
    var v2 = this.getField("ZipPostal Code_2").value;
    if(v7.value == "0")
        if(v1.length === 0)
          v1 = "";
          v1 = this.getField("ZipPostal Code").value;
    event.value = v1;
    else if(v7.value == "1")
         if(v2.length === 0)
                v2 = "";
                v2 = this.getField("ZipPostal Code_2").value;
    event.value = v2;

    You need to get the value of the field using the valueAsString field property:
    var v1 = this.getField("ZipPostal Code").valueAsString;
    var v2 = this.getField("ZipPostal Code_2").valueAsString;

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    Normally, in a situation like yours, the suggested fix would be to try & force the phone into recovery mode & then restore from backup or set up as a new phone. Since you do not have a backup to restore from, all saved data on the phone would be lost. Something, I understand you're trying to prevent. My only suggestion would be to replace the battery(your battery "may" have failed) & see if the phone will turn on. This of course would assume that the problem is related to the battery & not the OS itself. If the OS has become corrupted, there is no way to retrieve those photos without a backup to restore from. Well, there is but the hardware & software to do so are extremely expensive & generally only available to law enforcement.

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    This will be our first podcast so do not currently have a page. Below is the feed.
    Thank you Roger.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <rss version="2.0" xmlns:atom="">
    <atom:link href="" rel="self" type="application/rss+xml" />
    <title>The Big Picture</title>
    <description>A brand new monthly movie show produced by DMS</description>
    <title>The Big Picture: Mission: Impossible-Ghost Protocol first podcast</title>
    <pubDate>15 Dec 2011 12:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
    <description>[CDATA[The cast of Mission Impossible - Ghost Protocol joined The Big Picture on the red carpet for the films UK Premiere! Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton and Samuli Edelmann were on hand to talk about this latest chapter of the popular series!]]</description>

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    First try Store > Check for available downloads in case it is in some sort of limbo between purchase & delivery.
    Occasionaly the iTunes interface can seem to lose track of a recent purchase, even though it is in the library...
    Try creating a smart playlist with the rule Name contains Death Will. Does the track show up? If so I can suggest ways to fix the general problem.

  • HOW TO GET THIS OFF?help needed...

    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    public class Calculator
    public static void main (String [] args)
    JFrame frame = new CalculatorFrame ();
    frame.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); ();
    class CalculatorFrame extends JFrame
    JTextField jtf;
    JLabel jlb;
    JTextField jtf1;
    JLabel jlb1;
    JTextField jtf2;
    JLabel jlb2;
    JButton jbt;
    JButton jbt1;
    JButton jbt2;
    JButton jbt3;
    public CalculatorFrame ()
    setTitle ("SIMPLE CALCULATOR");
    Container contentPane = getContentPane ();
    contentPane.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    jlb=new JLabel();
    jtf=new JTextField(15);
    jlb1=new JLabel();
    jtf1=new JTextField(15);
    jlb2=new JLabel();
    jtf2=new JTextField(15);
    JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel ();
         addButton (buttonPanel, "add",
    new ActionListener ()
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt)
         float a=Float.parseFloat(jtf.getText()), b=Float.parseFloat(jtf1.getText()), temp;
    temp = a+b;
              jtf2.setText("" + temp);
         addButton (buttonPanel, "subtract",
    new ActionListener ()
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt)
         float a=Float.parseFloat(jtf.getText()), b=Float.parseFloat(jtf1.getText()), temp;
    temp = a-b;
              jtf2.setText("" + temp);
         addButton (buttonPanel, "multiply",
    new ActionListener ()
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt)
         float a=Float.parseFloat(jtf.getText()), b=Float.parseFloat(jtf1.getText()), temp;
    temp = a*b;
              jtf2.setText("" + temp);
         addButton (buttonPanel, "divide",
    new ActionListener ()
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt)
         float a=Float.parseFloat(jtf.getText()), b=Float.parseFloat(jtf1.getText()), temp;
    temp = a/b;
              jtf2.setText("" + temp);
    addButton (buttonPanel, "Close",
    new ActionListener ()
    public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt)
    System.exit (0);
    contentPane.add (buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    public void addButton (Container c, String title,
    ActionListener listener)
    JButton button = new JButton (title);
    c.add (button);
    button.addActionListener (listener);
    when i compile the above program using the below statement
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14\bin>javac
    Note: uses or overrides a deprecated API.
    Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
    but if i run the program i get the output....
    for creating a jar file: i followed the following procedure
    1.first,i created a mainClass.txt file containing the info
    Main-Class: Calculator
    2.i used the statement
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14\bin>jar cmf mainClass.txt Calculator.jar *.class
    to create a jar file
    3.i had created a Calculator.jar file when i try to execute the jar file by using
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_14\bin>java -jar Calculator.jar
    i get the following error
    +Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Cal
    what should i do to execute my Calculator.jar file?

    First, open the jar with something like WinZip and verify the has the correct info.
    Also, verify that the file/dir structure is correct.
    Make sure that the mainClass.txt has a carriage return following the "Main-Class: Calculator"
    Have just tried this here with JDK6 and it compiles and works as it should.

  • Feel like getting ripped off by BT

    My monthly bill comes to around £60 combined for anytime calls, Infinity 2 and basic TV, which I feel is way too much. I have not used the TV at all in the last 10 months and my broadband speed, according to tests, is consistently under 5mb/s compared to the 60mb/s I use to get in the first couple of months of the current 12 month deal. The last few months it has been more like 5mb/s. However, I don't feel like the actual connection is slow as 5mb/s is fast enough for my requirements most of the time. The only time it seems slow is when downloading movies on iTunes. A movie that should take a few minutes is taking more like 30 minutes. The good thing is, since video now plays off the cloud, I can start playing it as soon I start the downloading. However, I notice that some movies (I play from the video librarary) keep stop-starting on a regular basis, sometimes to the point where I can't be bothered to watch.
    I will be cancelling the TV which will take £7 a month off the bill plus another £3 for BT sport HD. Any recommendations so I can bring the overall bill down to a more manageable £40 or so. I might downgrade to infinity 1 as I am not seeing the benefits of infinity 2 in terms of speed. Can I downgrade over the phone (without needing an engineer coming around)? I really can't be bothered with the hassle. I have the hub 4 by the way.

    aremeza wrote:
    My monthly bill comes to around £60 combined for anytime calls, Infinity 2 and basic TV, which I feel is way too much.
    I will be cancelling the TV which will take£7 a month off the bill plus another£3 forBT sportHD. Any recommendations so I can bring the overall bill down to a more manageable£40 or so. I might downgrade to infinity 1 as I am not seeing the benefits of infinity 2 in terms of speed. Can I downgrade over the phone (without needing an engineer coming around)? I really can't be bothered with the hassle. I have the hub 4 by the way.
    I think you should be able to downgrade to infinity 1 without any engineer visit required. You do certainly need to get your speed issue investigated though, something is amiss there.
    Without knowing the exact breakdown of the £60 it's hard to give specific advice, but in general  ...
    Phone Line Rental is £15.99 or £13.32 if you pay by Line Rental Saver a year in advance. 
    Weekend Calls are free.
    Evening Calls is now available as a £3.00 add-on (used to be included in certain packages). 
    Anytime Calls is now available as a £7.50 add-on (used to be included in certain packages).
    There are lots of other phone feature add-ons at extra costs.
    Infinity 1 (20GB) is £15.
    Infinity 1 (40GB) is £18.
    Infinity 1 Unlimited is £23.
    Infinity 2 Unlimited is £26.
    Just go to the MyBT page and click on the links at the top such as 'My Phone' or 'My Broadband'.
    However, if you are near to completing (or have completed) the minimum term for your current contract then you are in a strong bargaining position. The best thing to do is to phone the Customer Options Team on 0800 800 030. They will explain all the options and they can often give extra discounts over the phone if you commit to a new contract with a new minimum term. For example I just recontracted my Infinity 1 (40GB) at less than £18 and also got TV Essential at £2. 

  • Did I get ripped off?????

    Hello all:
    Bought a FX5200-T128 today and when installing it I noticed that it differed from what I had seen on MSi's website. For one its green not red. Two it has 4 memory modules instead of 2. Is this some other card placed in MSI retail packaging? Is there anyway to tell for sure?
    Thanks all

    A little birdy told me...
    The MS-8911-020 is indeed an OEM Video card. Basically the specifications are the same except for the TV –out connector.  There are some vendors who buy surplus devices from those manufacturers and sell it to some users. So sometimes you will get some OEM product on the market.

  • We are getting ripped off.

    Lets face it, {please keep your posts courteous}.  The largest bill in the house aside from rent is the "cable bill."
    The government gave these Co. Permission to charge what they want.
    What sense is it that it cost more money to remove a service, then to add one?  Why is it if you are a customer of a cable co., for over a year, your cost goes up.
    A new customer will get a reward and a better rate for one year.
    It is insane an it is our own government that is letting this happen.

    gettingrobbed wrote:
    A new customer will get a reward and a better rate for one year.
    New customers have a choice: a month to month contract with rising rates or a longer term contract with a guaranteed rate.  The reward they get is for agreeing to remain a customer for a fixed time. Many businesses (including local brick and mortar stores) give rewards for bringing business to them. In my opinion, it is unreasonable to expect a company to give customers that same discount every time they buy something.
    Perhaps some don't read what they are agreeing to. I do. When I signed a 2 year contract with Verizon, I knew up front that my bill would increase in 6 months, again after 1 year, and again after 2 years. I even knew the amount. Nothing was hid or in the fine print. I have no complaints with the pricing.

  • HT2534 I HAVE to use a credit card..Whats going on? I am getting ripped off

    I do not own a credit card of any source, and i am unable to create an Apple ID, to use on my IPod to download FREE apps, because i do not have a valid payment method. there is no option of "None", to use as a payment method.

    Follow these instructions for creating a NEW ID/account. You have to use an email address that you have not previously used with Apple and follow the instructions exactly;y.
    Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBookstore, and Mac App Store account without a credit card

  • What do I do to get my music back after getting ripped off?

    My balance was low-around $3-, but i was pretty sure i could buy one more song -$1.29- and when i tried to buy it and download it, it started popping up random things then when i checked my song, I didnt have the song yet my balance was lower -$1.29- lower.... What do I do??

    Not sure what your issue is... But...
    Contact iTunes Customer Service
    Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact Us

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