Getting White Noise in Logic Playback

Hi, I'm getting White Noise on an audio
track I recorded on playback
It sounded fine while recording,
the raw AIF files sound fine on their own,
but it is white noise in the Logic file
please advise, thanks

yes the last upade was 2005
i have logic 7.2 and os a 10.4.6

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    Willy, the procdedure you describe works perfectly for AppleTV G1. In fact, I frequently play DTS music discs ripped to my iTunes library as Apple Lossless (ALAC) and synched to the ATV. What happens is that, as far as iTunes and the ATV are concerned, a conventional stereo 16/44 audio file is being played; however my reciever detects the DTS data stream, and instead of outputting static, it decodes the 5.1 channels correctly. This process parallels the way DTS discs were designed to be played back: a conventional CD player is connceted, via digital out, to a DTS-aware reciever/pre-amp and the two channels of static are recognized as 6 channels of DTS-encoded audio.
    However this process will only work if the player (CD, ATV, PC, etc.) sends a "bit-perfect" 16 bit/44.1 khz data stream to the decoding device. In the case of ATV G2 and G3, as has been discussed elsewhere, the unit resmaples all audio - including 16/44 PCM (Redbook CD)  - to 16/48. While this is not a big deal for conventional audio CDs, MP3s, and AAC files, it mangles the fragile DTS datastream and renders it undecodable. The resulting static that you hear is just like the static you would hear if you played a DTS CD on a non-DTS capable system.
    Sadly, I'm not aware of any easy way around this. You could use a program like Foobar (and the DTS plugin) to convert your DTS CDs to 6-ch .wav or .flac file. From there you could transcode the file to AC-3 and then mux it into a video container that ATV supports. You may need add a dummy video track, for iTunes/AppleTV to be ok with the file, though I'm not sure. This may be a lot of work.
    Sorry for the bad news. I wish that the iTunes/ATV ecosystem had better multi-channel audio support.

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    chucknkd00 wrote:
    had this happen yesterday. at least we could SEE it in the waveform and turned down to check it. no reason at all to get it, but it just decided to do it.
    BTW, i used to have this happen to me in L7 and L8 sporadically after a few mins of recording on the same track, never did understand the reason behind it.
    Right, it's not new to Logic 9.
    I always thought this may happen when either... (pick one or any combination thereof)
    1. A drive was asleep (not necessarily the recording drive) and wakes up.
    2. The OS starts writing a swap file to the system drive.
    3. Journaling kicks in to record changes in the disk structure.
    I turn Journaling off on any audio drives.

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    Not sure why you think having to re-authorize would indicate an incompatibility or problem with their software unless you meant you have to keep re-authorizing the plugin?
    Some plugins need re-authorization when you change a certain file or files in your system.. or if the file structure itself changes.. or the drive is renamed for example.. It could simply be that IK used a different form of authorization routine to their other plugins or versions of their plugins, with Amplitude 2.... Nothing to do with an incompatibility...or problems.
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    Use the Audio MIDI Setup application (Utilities folder).
    If your recording setup is correct it should be identified with the app. Adjust the settings and test.
    If you can hear it through your headphones or speakers you can also use WireTap Pro (free version) to record in .aiff format.

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    Does anyone has the same problem? Did you find a solution?

    Originally posted by Stu Online
    do you mean white noise in the sound?
    Sorry, I think I wasn't clear in this respect  . Yes, white noise in sound.
    I have found out that the MSI MS-8606 Video Capture Driver 4.102.11 from 15042004 (the new beta driver) is the one that is not working correctly. When you disable it and then enable it again then the white noise IN SOUND is gone and the tv sound is back.
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    TrilhaSonora wrote:
    I have a Saffire 6 (USB 1.0 - unlucky draw!) bought on Amazon in November 2011.
    So, that's two years of service, and now my options are:
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    2. Lie to someone and trick them into buying it - If it's a PC owner I'd have to lie about the root hub issue to sell this thing.
    3. Pray that someone who works for Focusrite takes pity on those of us that are stranded with the USB 1.0 version.
    I had hoped to get more than two years of use out of my Saffire 6.
    I've got a Saffire 6 USB 1.1 and had a similar issue - no sound from it after the Mavericks upgrade. I saw a post on the Focusrite help twitter feed advising an S6 USB 2.0 user to try downloading the Class Compliant mode app from  Focusrite's US website (link here - the link mentions Scarlett, but the original query was about Saffire). I tried it myself and got my sound back - at least for the moment until there's an 'official' fix.
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    If you're on a budget the Logitech USB mic works well and you won't need other devices like the Griffin to get the mic to work. If you can spring a little bit more, then the Samson C01U is the best way to go. You'll also get much better results with the Samson for micing drums and other instruments. Here's a link for the Samson:
    The Logitech USB can be found in most stores, even Wal-Mart. Hope that helps

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    A stange thing in logic 7.2 that nor apple or digi design can fix. Any one seen this?
    The config ( my belif is that all drives and programs are the latest and greatest.)
    Macbook pro 2.6
    0s 10.4.6
    Logic 7.2.1
    Protools LE 7.1.1
    Digi core audio 7.1.1
    When I record enable a track in logic (using digi core audio) I get a very loud white noise feed back. Muting the track does nothing. I can play out of the digi core audio all day long with other apps as well as logic. the problem is record spicific. Protools works great
    I have wiped my computer and installed protools then logic with no luck.
    I have wiped my computer and installed logic then protools. No Luck.
    Macbook pro 2.6 Mac OS X (10.4.6)

    Just to confirm, you have -not- installed the CoreAudio standalone driver -and- the one that installs with ProTools? This can certainly cause problems.

  • Logic 9 busting into white noise while recording!!

    Well the title says almost all of it! I've been using Logic 8 happily for ...since it came out.....and I used Logic 9 successfully yesterday when just doing vocals over a backing track but today I tried my first full band recording in Logic 9 and at random places while in record, the audio just totally turns into deafening white noise! The Hard drive meter is showing massive peaks and logic shows a "too slow" error. The songs has a few virtual amplifiers in it (amplitube) but nothing lethal and I've loaded the exact same song (saved from logic 9) into logic 8 and it's working flawlessly so for now at least I'm reverting to using Logic 8 :-(((
    Oh well, I guess Logic 9 will be awesome when it's finished :-)) Any suggestions of things I can try or will this be a 9.01 situation?
    Many Thanks for any help,

    Hi Ya,
    Combo update , yes
    ProKit 5, yes,
    Restart, yes,
    Repair permissions, I'll try that
    and as for using it professionally...that's the only way I do use it!!
    Someone has to find the bugs for Apple to fix them.
    As for contacting our host, not exactly. I've been a happy logic user (and basically still am I should add) since Notator days but now that the tech support phone numbers have been long since discarded (Sound technology in the UK, bless them) I have no idea how to report a bug or a problem to Apple. I can get someone in Ireland to tell me where to take a broken mac back to, but support for pro software, I have no idea who to get hold of.Does anyone here know of a Tech support contact email?

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    PE10 has been working fine until today.
    Upon startup I get an error message saying my display driver is incompatible.
    I checked the driver in Windows 7-it says the driver is up to date and working fine.
    When playing back a video clip I'm editing in PE10, I get a white screen in the playback area with the correct audio. When I pause the playback, the video image appears. Play = white playback screen.
    I have
    -checked the display driver
    -rolled my computer back to an earlier restore point
    -uninstalled and reinstalled PE10
    -turned off my firewall
    Any other suggestions to try?

    What version of Premiere Pro? Include the minor version number (e.g., Premiere Pro CS5.5 with the 5.5.2 update).
    Premiere Elements 10
    Have you installed the recent updates? (If not, you should. They fix a lot of problems.)
    none available
    What operating system? This should include specific minor version numbers, like "Mac OSX v10.6.8"---not just "Mac".
    Windows 7 AMD dual-core processor
    AMD Radeon HD 6310 display driver
    What kind(s) of source footage? When telling about your source footage, tell us about the codecs, not just the container types. For example, "H.264 in a .mov container", not just "QuickTime".
    MVI files from camera -- all worked fine in PE10 until today - same files play fine in other players
    If you are getting error message(s), what is the full text of the error message(s)?
    What were you doing when the problem occurred?
    Starting up PE10
    Has this ever worked before?
    Yes, always until today.
    What other software are you running?
    Do you have any third-party effects or codecs installed?
    Tell us about your computer hardware. Be especially certain to tell us about third-party I/O hardware (e.g., AJA, Matrox, Blackmagic, MOTU).
    I'm not techie and don't know what this means - I don't have anything mentioned in brackets
    Are you using Mercury Playback Engine GPU Acceleration?
    Does the problem only happen with your final output, with previews, or both?
    Error message above happens during startup
    PE10 now loads really slowly (5 minutes)
    Playback in project gives white screen instead of video. Audio is fine.

  • Getting random white noise in Premier Pro CS3 audio

    I'm working with Premier Pro CS3 on a simple 15 minute slide show with approx. 150 pictures and 3 songs in WAV format. In each of the three songs, I'm getting 1-second bursts of white noise - on left or right or both channels - approx. 3-4 times in each song.  When played outside of Premier Pro, all songs are clean with no white noise.  None of the songs are too 'hot'; show three have good levels in Soundbooth. I've scanned all of the audio sections in Help and can find nothing that might explain the cause and I'd appreciate some guidance.  I've worked with previous versions of Premier Pro for years and have never run into this.  Thanks.

    Have you updated your Creative driver? That would be one of the first things that I would do.
    Next, in Soundbooth, do you see the noise in the Waveform? In PrPro, when you zoom in both vertically and horizontally on the Audio Track, do you see it in the Waveform?
    Some folk have had great luck using ASIO4ALL as their ASIO driver. It has cleared up many issues with a broad range of equipment. I do not recall your exact problem, but then I might have missed that one. Note: after you download and install ASIO4ALL, you'll need to go to Audio Hardware and set it as your Input and Output. This driver has been very helpful on the Audition forum, and with all sorts of issues and some very esoteric hardware.
    Hope that something helps, and good luck,

  • Why do I get sometimes my macbook to do white noise out of the blue

    Why do I get sometimes my macbook to do white noise out of the blue? It's a new mac so is it faulty?

    Never heard of that problem - seems as if something may be affecting your speakers, somehow.
    If you're still under warranty, you should take your machine to your local Apple Store or an AASP and have them check it out. Even if you're not still under warranty, the diagnosis and estimate for repair will be free.
    Good luck,

  • Logic Pro 9 Random White Noise

    Hi everyone,
    So I just bought Logic Pro 9.1.8, and after opening up a Logic project that I got from a friend, whenever I hit play, there is random white noise.  So the song will play for a few seconds, and all of a sudden there will be white noise in the left or right (sometimes both) ears for a second or so.  No it's not the recording, it seem to be the software, I've tried pausing the song right as the white noise comes on and even though all the music stops, the white noise lingers on then faides out for a second or two.  I was editing this project on my friends computer before and it was working fine, and now it's not working on my computer.  It's also not the project, I've opened up multiple projects and it still does it.  Any help would be AWESOME because I really need to finish this song.
    Just incase it's needed:
    Macbook Pro Mid 2012 13 Inch
    Mac OSX 10.8.3
    2.9 GHz Intel Core i7
    8 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 RAM

    Nevermind! I have found the problem.  If anyone else if having one, check if you have any demos of plugins! Sometimes they input random whitenoise or silence points to remind the user that they have not bought the full product.

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