Graph suggestions wanted

I have some data which is say quantity for 7 days. this
quantity value on 1st day is 1541 and 2nd day say 1543 , 3rd day
say 1541 and so for 7 days just varies by 1 or 2 units.
I created a line graph to depict. But as the quantity varies
to a small value every day so the graph does not look interesting
at all. It looks like a straight line (at least to human eyes). So,
any suggestions to draw a graph which looks interesting showing
this small variation a bit prominent.
Just to add further i choose this line series graph coz i had
three such quantities. Say product A quantity, product B quantiy
and product C quantity. Product A quantiy starts at 1541 and varies
+/- 1 to 2 every day and similarly product B's start at 645,
product C's start at 115 with same degree of variation.
In all graph looks just 3 straight lines.. how to make a bit
interesting grpah with such type of data?

Ahh, right. If you are going to toggle lineseries on and off,
quickest way is to set the dataprovider for that line series to
I haven't seen your dataprovider, so I'm using my own. I hope
this gives you some ideas. Paste into new project to see it
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx=""
<mx:ArrayCollection id="series1">
<mx:ArrayCollection id="series2">
<mx:Button x="10" y="10" label="Remove Series 1"
click="s1.dataProvider = null"/>
<mx:Button x="10" y="40" label="Add Series 1" width="121"
click="s1.dataProvider = series1" />
<mx:LineChart x="154" y="10" id="linechart1" width="679"
<mx:LinearAxis baseAtZero="false" />
<mx:LineSeries id="s1" displayName="Series 1" yField=""
dataProvider="{series1}" />
<mx:LineSeries id="s2" displayName="Series 2" yField=""
dataProvider="{series2}" />

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    Hi Ranendra,
    For basic understanding of Dashboards and Models you can use standard Templates or samples which ll come along with dashboard designer(Formly Xcelsius) installation.
    For path   File-->Templates(or Samples).
    Under Templates you ll have different categories and for each you ll find the dashboard Templates.
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    There are people who would argue that excellent and Mr. Burleson do not belong in the same sentence.
    1) Yes, you can still use parallel (and nologging) to create the index, but don't expect 20 - 30 times faster index creation.
    2) It is the number of columns to compress by, they may not neccesarily have duplicates. For a unique index the default is number of columns - 1, for a non-unique index the default is the number of columns.
    3) If you do a lot of range scans or fast full index scans on that index, then you may see some performance benefit from reading fewer blocks. If the index is mostly used in equality predicates, then the performance benefit will likely be minimal.
    4) It really depends on too many factors to predict. The performance of inserts, updates and deletes will be either
    A) Slower
    B) The same
    C) Faster
    5) If you are on 10G, then I would look at temporary tablespace groups which can be beneficial for parallel operations. If not, then allocate as much memory as possible to sort_area_size to minimize disk sorts, and add space to your temporary tablespace to avoid unable to extend. Adding additional temporary tablespaces will not help because a user can only use one temporary tablespace at a time, and parallel index creation is only one user.
    You might want to do some searching at Tom Kyte's site for some more responsible answers. Tom and Don have had their disagreements in the past, and in most of them, my money would be on Tom to be corerct.

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    yep your missing some techniques, though some will say that you can make logic behave in a similar way to cubase if you want it to.
    changing the anchor point is for very high resolution editing. if you have an exact spot you want to sync to then set your anchor to it then move the audio file in arrange or by using the key command "pickup clock - move event to SPL". the anchor point is what is lined up with the SPL. so...
    Is it possible to move this anchor without modifying your clips in the arrange window?
    the whole point of moving the anchor in sample edit is to change it (very exactly) in the arrange. why do you want to change the anchor if you don't want to modify it in arrange?
    if i understand you correctly what you want to do is fix tempo inaccuracies with the recorded material. having established the tempo you want, the best thing to do would be to cut at the beats (even if it is in the middle of a phrase), zoom up really close (hold down control and drag-enclose the area you want to fill the screen - control cllick background to go back to original zoom) then roll in or out the regions to the beat (look at an appropriate waveform) and then hit the key command for pickup clock, and ping all the regions will move onto the beat. it's quite quick, but you may need to do it quite a few times if your recording has a lot inaccuracies. when you are done select the regions that have been cut and set xfades for them in the paramters box. avoid time stretching.
    the success of this depends on the type of material and how inaccurate it is. i have used this technique successfully on orchestral parts to bash them into shape after the film had been re-edited after the music record. hated doing it but i can't deny that it wasn't effective - you really couldn't tell it had been edited.
    if you are trying to make your tempo match your material exactly - that is another process.

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    Ok..  iTunes...
    Try here > Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    Try disabling your anti virus software and turn off the Firewall.
    Disable antivirus software
    Turn Windows Firewall on or off

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    I often see posts about characters and encoding , converting char sets and stuff. That might be interesting, I know this is very general but one often sees solutions that are very unflexible and complicated. Here is an example I came across, for which you might have a very short and clever solution.
    Ph. Hein

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    The way I do this one is to use a tabbed control. Put each graph on a different page, and the user selects the tab for the graph they want to see. This makes the programming trivial.

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    If this is the kind of graph you want to build, just add Z values lower than the lowest Z scale value to your data.
    See the attached vi.
    Message Edité par chilly charly le 08-27-2005 03:05 AM
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
    3D to infinity.png ‏31 KB
    3D to ‏68 KB

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    The problem is that the X Axis scale markers are fixed.  I would like to ask the graph what is range property of the X Axis scale.  Then use that information and a derived position signal to replace the marker values with values from a derived signal that includes relative motion. 
    For example, measuring a unit 100 feet long results in measurements of 200 feet worth of data (out and back).  The customer would like to see this data unwrapped 0, 50, 100, 50, 0. 
    One alternative is to use an XY Graph, but the data on top of itself.  Not necessarily a bad thing, but not the same as what they have always had.
    I found a similar post to display the scale at a rotation (CW or CCW) and was able to get it to work for my specific case.  The problem is that my picture marker values are not aligning nicely with the corresponding gridlines. 
    Position vs MeasuredDistance.PNG ‏43 KB
    Position vs. PseudoPosition.PNG ‏37 KB

    Thanks for replying to my post.  XScale.Range does not handle this situation.  In "rigorous" terms, LV does the right thing with X axis scale markers and put them where you want.  I tried to set custom Marker values as: {0, 50, 100, 50, 0} and only saw the first three values.  My guess is that under the hood, the spacing is set to 'Arbitrary' and my custom values are overwritten.  Not what I intended, but I admit my task is not the normal use case.
    Today I am prototyping the entire application with each WvfmGraph replaced with XYGraph's.  Good thing I used a modular design and passed Refnums around to all my subVI's.  Depending on a review of this prototype, I might skip this graph scale formatting.
    FYI, the original graph issue wanted to rotate the marker labels CCW.  They hid the graphs XScale and used a custom picture to display the new scale.  There is a VI that formats an axis with custom labels, where the font, text, etc. can be customized.  I have a working example of that custom scale on a Wvfm graph.  I stopped refinement when I tried to consider use cases for how the user would zoom on the data, how the graph's label's would appear if the DAQ signal indicated that the part reversed on itself.  All the data is better visualized on an XY Graph.
    p.s. are you one of the Waterloo Labs engineers?  Great stuff!

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    Go to Solution.

    Hi Graham,
      Thank you very much for the reply, I really appreciate it.
      However I don't quite understand your descripton. Yes I do spit my data in two arrays, one for forward sweep, and the other for reverse sweep. I can plot with different colors in XY graph by appending several XY graphs into one, but by doing this I can not see the data real time. I quickly made a vi to demonstrate my problem,  hope this will give you a better understanding. Thanks. 
    Attachments: ‏108 KB

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    First I want to say thank you in advanced!!  Let me describe the situation a little bit.  My front panel VI (see attachment) has a tab control and on each tab window I have an intensity chart with a free-drag cursor.  Below the tab control window I am trying to display either the row or the column of data where the cursor is located, I can do this for each intensity chart individually.  I am trying to clean the block diagram up a little bit and instead of using 4 Waveform Graphs, I want to use only one, can the data that is displayed in the wave form graph is associated with which page is active on the Tab Control.  Can this be done?  And how can I do it?
    Thank you again,
    ~Daniel DeWitte
    Go to Solution.
    Changing Waveform graph data.JPG ‏123 KB

    Simply wire the tab terminal to a case structure that switches the data going to the graph terminal
    (sorry,posting by phone, cannot look at your code...)
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

  • Ploting new plot in xy graph on button click

    hi all experts
    i need your help.
    i want to plot multiple graph, on a single xy graph
    i want -->if user want to plot a new plot
    user will place new button,give value of parameter using control,do needed operation .
    then press button name as plot.
    on button click user must see all previous and new plot.

    Joe is right, you will need to use build array to add plots to the previous one. Specifically, you can refer to the XY which demonstrates a couple different methods for graphing multiple plots to an XY Graph.
    Jyoti F.
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏49 KB

  • How to get y axis value(in a numeric control) by providing x-axis value using wave graph

    I'm new here, Sorry if i have selected wrong Location.
    I want to get Y-axis value (in a numeric Control) by providing X-axis Value using Wave graph.
    i want to do calculations with the obtained value.
    i have attached File and Snapshot.

    Well, you are using the Dynamic Data Type, which I almost never use, but if you convert the data to a WaveForm (using From DDT on the Signal Manipulation Palette, which is a choice when you right-click on the DDT Wire), you should be able to do this.  Do you know about how Waveforms are stored?  They are a Cluster, with t0 being a TimeStamp for the start of the Waveform, dt being the time step, and Y being the samples.  So if you want a point at 0.5 seconds and dt is 0.001, you would pull out the point at Index 499 (offset 0) from the Y array.
    Bob Schor

Maybe you are looking for