Green Screen in Motion – export to fcp? Send to from FCP?

Hi I have footage from two different cameras with way different lighting on each subject (interview style). I did not shoot this, only trying to fix it.
I am editing them in FCP and would like to know the best way to get them to and from Motion... There are jump cuts between each person speaking so each camera has to be keyed independently.
Should I highlight clips from the same camera and export as a QT movie? Should I highlight and send to Motion?
Also, when I was doing this before the clips were not transparent... Is there some setting in Motion that I am choosing incorrectly?
Thank you for your help...

Don't export out of FCP at all then. Just open the color corrected-rendered-exported-as-native clips in Motion. Apply your keying and matting. You will export the processed clips out of Motion using ProRes4444, RGB+alpha.
There is no tangible gain trying to process individual, trimmed shots. If you apply the color correction to each scene, you will have a long clip that can be edited-cut-trimmed just like the raw clip, just be sure to keep the audio unless you're confident in marrying the tracks. That's just my preferred method.
If you have already trimmed your scenes (the clips that go from start to stop) into individual shots, you can assemble them into a sequence, maybe add some black between them, nest the sequence, and apply one color correction to the whole sequence. This, of course, is useless if you're already locked into or tied to timecoded edits.
All of this advice is based on my theory that complicating anything in FCP unnecessarily is not just asking for trouble, it practically assures disaster.

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    In Motion, click export.
    Export: Quicktime Movie
    Use: Lossless + Alpha
    Include: Video & Audio
    Codec: Animation
    Resolution: Full
    Color: Color + Alpha
    Render Quality: Best
    Frame Blending checked.
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    Quality: High
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    John Schenkel

    Don't export out of FCP at all then. Just open the color corrected-rendered-exported-as-native clips in Motion. Apply your keying and matting. You will export the processed clips out of Motion using ProRes4444, RGB+alpha.
    There is no tangible gain trying to process individual, trimmed shots. If you apply the color correction to each scene, you will have a long clip that can be edited-cut-trimmed just like the raw clip, just be sure to keep the audio unless you're confident in marrying the tracks. That's just my preferred method.
    If you have already trimmed your scenes (the clips that go from start to stop) into individual shots, you can assemble them into a sequence, maybe add some black between them, nest the sequence, and apply one color correction to the whole sequence. This, of course, is useless if you're already locked into or tied to timecoded edits.
    All of this advice is based on my theory that complicating anything in FCP unnecessarily is not just asking for trouble, it practically assures disaster.

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    Why would you export anything at all? Why not just import the Motion project file directly into FCP? And when you say "imported directly from FCP" do you mean you sent your clips from FCP to Motion? If so, if you select the Embed checkbox (selected by default) the Motion project will already be in your FCP timeline.

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    Simply import the Motion project file and edit it into the FCP timeline.

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    Primatte RT is brilliant in motion. Add effect, choose Primatte RT, change menu output type from processed to matte, move noise removal to far left then Matte density a bit to right and then go back to noise removal again until you get a really solid black and solid white image. By toggling these 2 sliders; the object is to get to just black and white. Change output type back to processed foreground and then move spill suppression to get rid of purple and to balance the colours.
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    piff aroni wrote:
    I have started to use a green screen, and for the most part, its good, except for a few places in my actors head that fade in and out, I was wondering if there was a better, more powerful plugin to key out the green screen then what comes with FCP? thanks
    Better than what ? what are you using? FCP6 up has excellent chroma keying capabilities .. I use FCP 7.01 but had FCP 6 before, both have (under effects) Keys; color smooth 4:2:2 then the Chroma Keyer .. There is a lot of fine adjustments of the Sat, Luma and edge softening which affect the end result .. To get it right it is long adjust / correct process but quality results often take time ..Have a look at Ken Stones tutorial (old, 2004, but still very valid principles): +
    A tip on posting here is to give lots of detail on what you are using, what the end deliverable is (media / format etc) it helps the real experts .. I exclude me from that list I am fairly new .. many users on this forum are industry experts and the detail you give the more helpful their responses will be..
    Have a look
    Good luck

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    Right click the clip in the timeline and click "unlink".

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    Try the following.
    Right click on the video ( green screen ) and select Settings.
    Remove the tick from the box next to 'Enable Hardware Acceleration' and then click close.
    Refresh the current page and see if the video now plays Ok.
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    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Try the following.
    Right click on the video ( green screen ) and select Settings.
    Remove the tick from the box next to 'Enable Hardware Acceleration' and then click close.
    Refresh the current page and see if the video now plays Ok.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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    Be sure to try a Reset first
    This "reboots" the iPod.  If that does not help, try doing a Restore on the iPod in iTunes (from the iPod's Summary tab).  This erases the iPod, re-installs its software, and sets it to default settings.
    If that does not help, the cause is likely to be a hardware problem.

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    Try the following first.
    Start a video playing.
    Right click on the video ( green screen ) and select Settings.
    Remove the tick from the box next to 'Enable Hardware Acceleration' and then click close.
    Refresh the current page and see if the video now plays Ok.
    If the above fails to correct the issue, try a clean installation of the flash plugin/ActiveX as follows.
    First, download the Flash uninstall utility on the link below and save it to your Downloads folder.
    Flash Player Uninstaller.
    When the download has completed, close all browser windows, open your Download folder and run the uninstaller.  After this has completed, restart the notebook.
    When windows has reloaded, download and install the latest version of Adobe Flash.  Note: You may want to deselect the option to include McAfee Security Scan Plus before downloading.
    When the installation has completed, restart the notebook.
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    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

  • Live demo match move on green screen- on stage

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    On a dolly on track ( probably fischer 10 )
    With either 2  20' x 20' butterflies with green screen (at right angles) or painted cyc and return
    Any suggestions for real time trouble free match move and compositing would be appreciated.
    Thanks - Rod

    Yes, every time I see a green screen cyc, I think of that one scene from The Exorcist. Can't disassociate the two in my mind/memory. I can still recall the William Freidkin piece on that film in American Cinematographer. Also, their articles on The French Connection, and 2001 A Space Odyssey. Great mag back in those days. Wish that I had not moved, and recycled those.
    Now, going to the cyc, we had a 30' wide, by 14' high, with a 20' runout apron - no side coves/returns, but we were using this for stills. I had a client, who wanted it done in neon purple. I offered that color to several art directors at a major discount - just touch up, and four took me up on it. I got so tired of seeing that color, but it did pay the bills! I think that HP did two entire brochures with that color on the cover - board test, and emulation. Nowadays, I'd shoot those grey products with just the reflections and lighting that I needed, and drop them into the neon purple background. Then, we had to deal with the reflections in the surfaces that "saw" the color, and hang flags all over the danged place. Oh, how I love digital!!!!!!

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    "I understand from Wolsky's book that you really can't deal with HD green screen in Final Cut Express 3.5."
    Really? I said that? There is one particular problem with HD material in FCE in that that AIC color space is 4:2:0. There is no color smoothing filter for this. I believe Graeme Nattress has one for this. There is a color smoothing filter for DV NTSC standard definition, which is 4:1:1. DV PAL has the same problem BTW, as it's also 4:2:0.
    Aside from that the chromakeyer works decently with well shot material. For a really high quality key you should look to third party software.
    There is no difference between 3.5 and 4 in this regard.

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    new computorfor about 2 weeks-did I delete something orwhat?

    Try the following.
    Right click on the video ( green screen ) and select Settings.
    Remove the tick from the box next to 'Enable Hardware Acceleration' and then click close.
    Refresh the currnt page and see if the video now plays Ok.
    ****Click the White thumb to say thanks****
    ****Please mark Accept As Solution if it solves your problem****
    ****I don't work for HP****
    Microsoft MVP - Windows Experience

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