H.264 encoder (in cs3) produces really bad aliasing from AVI MJpeg source

I have many 640x480 mjpg avi files from a Canon Powershot camera that I put in a 640x360 project.  I keep the vids at 100% scale and just leave them cropped top and bottom.
What I find interesting is that when I encode my project out using h.264 (keeping the same 640x360, square pixels, ridiculously high bitrates, etc etc) I great really terrible aliasing.  If I use MPEG2 (with basically the same settings, though obviously much lower bitrate), it looks fantastic and quite similar to my original videos.
Can anyone enlighten me as to why this is?  Is there some secret setting in h.264 that I'm missing?
My project settings are:
Timebase: 30.00 frames/second
Frame size: 640x360
Pixel Aspect Ratio: Square Pixels (1.0
Fields: No Fields (Progressive Scan)
The AVI files show these properties in Premiere:
Type: AVI Movie
File Size: 50.4 MB
Image Size: 640 x 480
Pixel Depth: 640
Frame Rate: 30.00
Source Audio Format: 11024 Hz - 8 bit - Mono
Project Audio Format: 48000 Hz - 32 bit floating point - Mono
Total Duration: 00:00:28:05
Average Data Rate: 1.8 MB / second
Pixel Aspect Ratio: 1.0

John T Smith wrote:
>Tell me something that helps me for free
I like free as much as the next guy... but it seems, from some of the attitudes I've read in various forums, that some people feel "entitled" to free software
A few Billion ticks of the computer clock ago, I wrote a specialty database application (dBase III compiled by Clipper... way back pre-history in Dos days) and cast it out upon the Shareware waters
As a bonus for registering, I had a version with additional reports... and was amazed at the GALL of people who would write in wanting more reports... and who had never sent in a registration fee
I finally gave up on Shareware... but I'm still amazed at people who want something for nothing
I had to chuckle at the email I received this morning... see below
Hunt has been around a long time, and we've given advice in the same message many times, so I'm sure he knew that I was simply adding a comment to what he said about being wary about giving software advice
But... someone seems to be upset by me saying some people have an "attitude" about wanting free software
Though the content you posted was reported for abuse, it has been approved by our moderators:"

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  • H.264 Encoding Questions...???

    I am now starting to convert different video files to my iTunes for my AppleTV and have some questions...
    BTW, I am using VisualHub and using H.264 - high quality setting for encoding on a G5 iMac with 1GB RAM.
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    Thanks in advance.

    Don't use VisualHub myself, but do know that h.264 encoding is extremely processor intensive and time consuming. The actual source material probably won't matter too much unless it's high definition or uses a particularly computationally intensive algorithm to decode (and for most decoding is miles faster than encoding).
    For example, on my iMac (2.16GHz Intel core 2 duo) converting a 2-3GB '.rec' TV recording from a Topfield PVR (which in essence produces MPEG2 transport streams), via MPEG Streamclip can take 3-4 hours for say a 90-120 minute program, and that's without using 2 pass encoding.
    VisualHub is regarded as one of the faster converters, but High Quality setting will take longer than 'Standard' and the 'Go nuts' option will take even longer.
    Hopefully (though it may not be what you want to hear) someone with a G5 and VisualHub will reply to confirm the sort of encoding times you're experiencing - I say hopefully as if their times are much faster it points to some other factor than VisualHub.
    Elgato make a hardware USB h.264 encoder which is supposed to speed up encoding considerably but it only accelerates specific applicatiosn (eg iMovie) or their own conversion application (so far - the latest MPEG Streamclip release suggests they will add an option to harness it if possible/feasible - it may not be).
    There are mixed reports on the Elgato device - biggest gripes being lack of customisable settings and an 800x600 resolution maximum. I've got one on order - for some older stuff recorded off a PVR it'll probably be more than adequate but for newer things software encoding is likely to be better. Time vs quality trade off really.
    Best h.264 encoding results for most at the present time will almost certainly be achieved in customisable converter software - there are probably professional high quality h264 hardware converters available but these would be prohibitively costly for most of us.

  • Very Slow H.264 Encoding in FCP 10.1.2 and Compressor 4.1 on nMP

    I have a fully maxed out 12-core nMP and editing with this machine in FCP 10.1.1 has been a delight.   I recently completed a 4K project from footage shot with the Sony AX-100 and then output the project from FCP X using File>Share>Master File to ProRes 422.  This operation occurred in about the same length of time as the length of the project (18.5 min.). I then brought this 75 GB ProRes .mov file into Compressor 4.1, and set up Compressor to encode to an H.264 file at 70 Mb/sec.  This encode to h.264 is only 1/4 complete at 48 min. and it appears that it will take Compressor about 4 hours to encode this 18 min. project to h.264. Furthermore, I noticed that with the share to a master prores file FCP X was using 50-60% of my total CPU resources while the encode to h.264 in  Compressor is using barely 16% of the total CPU.  Thus it appears to me that while FCP 10.1.1 is optimized for the nMP, certainly Compressor 4.1, at least for h.264 encoding, is not.
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    Thanks for sharing any thoughts on this you may have.

    Thanks for responding. 
    I am encoding only a single project from FCP X in Compressor 4.1 and using only a single instance of Compressor.  I don't really see that using multiple instances of Compresor with a single job would be helpful, but perhaps I don't understand something. 
    The project has now been encoding for 2.5 hr and is slightly less than half complete.  The CPU usage is still at 16-17%.  Overall this seems like a ridiculously slow encode to h.264 from a ProRes 422 file in Compressor 4.1.
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    The irony is that my nMP will play then entire 18.5 minute 4K project from the timeline with virtually no dropped frames, but rendering it to h.264 at 4K and high bit rate seems to take forever. 
    If you have any other thoughts, I would love to hear them.  Thanks so much for responding, and I would love to hear from any FCP X experts who are encoding 4K to h.264.

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    Hi Harm,
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    whenever I encode .mov files  with the H.264 codec, they always come out looking like, well like a  first generation web video - ie like S$*T.
    I did a quick test of an H.264 MOV earlier today for someone else; check it out here. This is PAL DV to H.264, at about 2Mbps; I think it looks OK. I can get much better from the MainConcept H.264 encoder, or an external encoder, but it's usable.
    My best guess is that the profile is preset to use 'baseline' - if so,  is there a way to change this?  I can't find any options to change to  change the profile, or levels, or anything with regards to H.264 - there  is a "codec settings" button, but that is grayed out.
    According to MediaInfo, the H.264 MOV generated by Premiere is actually using the Main profile; the Level varies based on frame size and where you limit the bitrate. You don't have a lot of options here because, well, I don't think Apple's/QuickTime's implementation of H.264 gives you many options. It's a pretty rotten encoder, at least in comparison to some of the other choices out there.
    If you want more flexibility in creating an H.264 encode, use the H.264 format; it's in the same list as QuickTime. You'll have much more you can choose from and more flexibility when controlling your encode. It still doesn't give you as much control as, say Sorenson Squeeze (MainConcept codec) or x264 (open source H.264 encoder, which gives you even more than MainConcept), but you can get some decent looking encodes. The video will be put in an MP4 container, which will playback in QuickTime.
    Do you need an MOV? If so, check out MPEG Streamclip. I'm assuming you're using Windows, so that's where the link goes; there's a Mac version as well, however. Anyway, MPEG Streamclip is my go-to gadget when I absolutely have to send an H.264 MOV. It's still using Apple's encoder, but it looks better, and you have a little more control. Just spit out an uncompressed file from Premiere (has to be an uncompressed AVI or else any kind of MOV) and encode from Streamclip--works a treat.

  • Do you need to use H.264 encoding?

    Good morning.
    I'm using VisualHub to convert/encode my movies for my AppleTV. Do you need to use the H.264 encoding option or is it just a personal preference?
    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.4)   20" Apple Cinema Display, iBook G4, MacBook Pro

    Do you need to use the H.264 encoding option or is it just a personal preference?
    I can't speak on VisualHub specifically (though I hear great things about it) but, yes, I'd would say that it's personal preference.
    I'm sure you've read this elsewhere, but the benefit to h.264 is that it's a more efficient algorithm compared to MPEG-4. In non-tech speak, that means that it produces smaller files size at the (relatively) same quality. The major downside, of course, is that h.264 takes substantially longer to encode than MPEG-4.
    Depending on the your needs – how demanding are you about quality? - and constraints - do you have a lot of stuff to encode, but not enough time? - MPEG-4 should be fine.

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    Thanks for the replies. I went to the Apple store and purchased one, since there's no restocking fee. But playing with it last night, it definitely won't do what I want it to do. So, it's going back.
    But, your note on upping processor performance has noticeably helped when I'm scrubbing video on my MB. It's more responsive now. Also, the encoding time improved. I had a sample 720p clip I am have testing against. After upping the processor (choosing "performance" over the default "normal") improved the encoding time from 65 to 48 minutes. That's a nice little boost. Thanks.

  • H.264 encoding with Episode Pro or Compressor ???

    I will be doing some HDDVD soon and was wondering if anyone have used Episode Pro for H.264 encoding. I'm using CinemaCraft for SD encoding and find it much better than compressor but at the moment there's no affordable H.264 encoders other than Episode pro...Any suggestions ??? Thanks

    Currently, I have Episode Pro 4.2.2, which is the latest version of Episode Pro. The limitations with it are that there are several small things like with H.264, where it will only do 2 pass encoding, instead of multipass, which if you're a stickler for detail like I am, you will see the difference.
    Episode doesn't base it's encoding on QT, though it does make use of the codecs contained in QT. As one of the people at telestream said, they use there own proprietary engine and as a result, for the most part, does very fairly nice job.
    If you were to really put to the test Episode Pro against compressor's multipass encoder, you find that all things being setup the same, that compressor would yield a technically superior image, (due to multipass encoding.)
    If you are in a hurry and the quality of image is not as important as time, Episode Pro is you're choice. Now in defense of Telestream, they are a company that listens to there end users, unlike some I know, (Auto Desks Cleaner 6.5 comes to mind.) I have emailed there technical team and made suggestion on improvements to Episode Pro and believe it or not, they will be implementing my suggestions within the next 6 to 8 months. My moneys always on the company that listens to there customers.
    When I have very critical work, dealing with H.264, compressor when setup correctly gives outstanding results, but now that when I have corresponded with Telestream over the last month, I'm betting that the limitations that Episode currently has, will rapidly disappear in a very short time, they just listen the there customers.
    I also have 3 copies of Cleaner 6.5 and it also, (when it works) also uses multipass encoding for H.264 and resulting files look fabulous. The only problem is that I can never keep a batch running for more than a day.
    Long story short, for day to day output, were perfection is not a concern, Episode Pro is a very good choice, (I own 3 copies.) For mission critical work, where high quality is a must, I unfortunately have to still use Cleaner 6.5, even though it hasn't seen an update in over a year, (not even bug fixes.) The reason for using Cleaner 6.5 is that, I guess I'm just use to the software and know were all the gotchs are, so I just work around them. Compressor again is a very good choice, but the setup is still not on par with the other encoders, this is why I use Cleaner 6.5, (for critical work) and Episode Pro, (for day to day use) there easier to setup.
    Sorry for rambling on so much, I have been dealing with finding the best solution for a long time now, and still there isn't just one app that has it all, YET! I even own a copy of Sorenson 4.5, but don't use it at all.

  • Have plan feature H.264 Encoding for Cameras on Mobile?

    Have plan feature H.264 Encoding for Cameras on Mobile?
    Thank you

    Generally speaking H264 is supposed to be about twice as efficient as MPEG2. I think that's probably overstating the case somewhat (i.e. H264 isn't really twice as "good"). However you can certainly cut back somewhat from what you'd use with MPEG2.
    Next consideration is the resolution/dimension of the final video. Do you want to go 640x480 (NTSC 4:3 aspect ratio) or something smaller? Since you're starting with video tape I'd suggest something like 480x360 (that should be large enough by a good margin to get all of the quality from a video tape). However, you might even want to drop down to 320x240 since that would be compatible with the video iPod and potentially other mobile, hand-held devices.
    Finally, if you go with 640x480 I'd suggest something in the 3Mb to 4Mb per second range (for relatively demanding material, less for so-called "talking heads," and perhaps a bit more for extreme action), that would scale to 1.7Mb to 2.3Mb per second for 480x360, and 750Kb to 1Mb per second for 320x240. If you plan on using Front Row and want to store your video on a remote server (accessed either wirelessly or over ethernet) then you will definitely want to enable the "streaming" option when you encode the video. In fact you may want to use the streaming option in every case (for future compatibility).
    If you plan on viewing this video on a computer display or any type of LCD or high-definition device you may also want to consider a de-interlace step for the 640x480 and 480x360 resolutions. You won't need that for the 320x240 video since 240 is exactly one half of the vertical resolution for standard NTSC DV (720x480). However, if you're using PAL you'll need to adjust all of the above resolutions to fit the proper form factors.
    As always, the beauty will be in the eye of the beholder. Thus I'd suggest that you try something near the above and adjust accordingly (based upon what you see and like or dislike).

  • Photoshop CC really bad lagging on new rMBP

    I resently bought a new Retina MacBook Pro 13" with a nice fast 2,8 i7 proccesor and a big chunk of 16 Gb ram. After using it on my older iMac I was exited to use it on my new MacBook. But its lagging really bad. It makes it unusable for me. I don't work with large files and we mostly use it for small UI design. I use a Bamboo Wacom and use OpenGL is on. when turned of its a lot faster but this results in masive graphic bugs.
    Anyone know how to fix this? Because I'm really thinking of switching to Sketch 3 (http://bohemiancoding.com/sketch)

    Well, something is up with your system to make it slow.
    Do you have any third party plugins? Have you tried disabling them?
    Do you have any utilities that would interfere with other applications (antivirus, firewall, etc.)?
    And the "graphics bugs" mean that you have a driver problem which will have to be addressed by Apple.

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    So here's what happens. This happens at random times, unexpectedly. I click on a new link, any link, and suddenly, Firefox blares up, automatically turns to private browsing, and goes to a bunch of random websites.
    Then, it lands on ''www.xnxx<!-- -->.com'',(<sub>'''edit''', un-linked -J99</sub> ) which I have identified to be a pornography website. After that, it suddenly picks on a random porn video and crashes before the video plays.
    This really worries me, because just before this first happened, I had done a quick scan with both Microsoft Security Essentials and Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Pro, and there was absolutely NO problem.
    Not only that, I had gone only to trusted websites.
    I'm a high school sophomore, so this could turn out REALLY badly for me if someone sees this happening and thinks that I'm TRYING to watch that stuff.
    I have already sent a crash report to Firefox and included the website that I crashed in, which is the porn website. I haven't sent any other details, though.
    Could I be getting hacked? I don't think so, because this only happens with Firefox; Chrome, Opera, Maxthon, and IE don't have this problem.
    I'm running Firefox 15.0.1 in Windows 7 x64 (why the crash report said Windows NT x86, I have no idea).
    PLEASE help me fix this!

    On looking at your System Details aside I note that you include a Crash ID.
    That particular crash is probably related to use of Norton software. You may find that you can use the Norton security software without crashes if you disable the '''Norton Security Safe '''feature (Please confirm - or otherwise - that you are using that ). Note I am not suggesting you turn of the security software, just the utility/toolbar.
    For forum cross referencing purposes
    * Report for your CrashID [https://crash-stats.mozilla.com/report/index/6658b458-9955-4c98-8054-118f12121007 6658b458-9955-4c98-8054-118f12121007]
    ** Crash Signature:'' coffplgn.dll@0x3b4e2''
    ** Related Bugs ? (none specifically listed). <br /> Apparently this one may be related'' Bug 783369 - Norton Confidential 2012 crashes (couictlr.dll, coffplgn.dll) ''

  • App for Windows 8 are really bad

    The apps Microsoft made for Skype are really bad.
    Any chance for a update so you have some chance of getting to things like call and chat and make it more clear who are online.
    Out of a lot of bad apps for windows 8 this take the cake!!

    Is there a reason "Elaine" (http://community.skype.com/t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/88058) had to edit/moderate EVERY one of the posts here?
    This thread started some time ago, so please correct me if I'm wrong, but it looks like the word "sucks" was replaced with "are really bad" in the last 12 hours.
    The only reason I bring this up is because this is censorship and let me tell you Elaine that it is NOT helping Microsoft/Skype's case here!
    If something SUCKS it means it IS REALLY BAD. The word "sucks" is VERY well known throughout the english speaking world to mean this. Any moderation on the grounds that the moderation was done "In deference to international sensibilities" is ridiculous! This stinks of corporate censorship!
    Rather than censor everyone's comments, how about you (the company) just fix the issues and let us know they are fixed OR if fixing them isn't going to happen in the near future at least let us know that you're working on it!
    I have not seen even one official comment by Skype or Microsoft staff regarding this issue! NOT ONE! That implies to me that there is something seriously wrong and its almost definitley not going to be fixed any time soon!
    Perhaps after all these years of being a happy customer it is time to start looking at moving away from Skype to another service...

  • Media Encoder in CS3?

    Is there a shortcut for media encoder in CS3?

    I can't pull up CS3 at the moment, but I think the option under "Export" was "Adobe Media Encoder" which was separate from "Movie" for example.
    A shortcut that directly sent you from a sequence to the export settings for cs3-ame-whatever it was called, would have been nice. After all, you had to keep doing that over and over, after each one was exported.
    That was a huge feature addition: batching exports in CS4!

  • Mail handles .Mac really badly-what's up?

    Since I put my .Mac email account into my Mail application, it has worked really badly and I am considering just deleting off the .Mac account and not using it anymore as it is so annoying. Essentially, having the .Mac account in Mail slows everything else (my other email accounts) down to a ridiculous level. When I check "All", and sometimes when I send even one email, the Activity Viewer shows me that Mail is struggling to open .Mac mailboxes and stuff like that, and while it is struggling to do various things with .Mac, including synchronizing, the other email accounts are held up in the queue (ho hum... very boring). To prevent this, I went into the .Mac account and unchecked the "Include when automatically checking for new mail", but this has no effect whatsoever, probably because I usually check for new mail manually anyway.
    I have two Macs at present, an older G4 flat panel iMac (1.25 Ghz), and a brand new dual core intel MacBook (2Ghz) and the problem is exactly the same on both Macs. Anyone having similar problems or knows a fix to this? Would love to hear!

    There is a setting under the Advanced tab for the
    account preferences to not keep all messages and
    their attachments available for offline viewing but I
    don't use this setting and don't experience the same
    To clarify, do you mean that you "do not" keep all messages (etc.) available for offline viewing, or that you "do" keep all messages (etc.) available? At present, I have this option to "keep all messages and attachments available for off-line viewing" checked positive, by default I presume.
    After first creating the account if there
    are a number of server stored mailboxes and messages
    available on the server, the mailbox and message
    synchronization process takes longer than normal and
    the time it takes for subsequent synchronization
    should not be a real long process unless a number of
    changes have been make with server stored mailboxes.
    Odd thing is that I only have one saved message in the .Mac account, and that is a tiny weeny one (about 10K) with no attachments or anything! By the way, since I have just been going through everything all over again, I notice that what really seems to be holding things up (I've now changed synchronization to "manual" on both computers) is when I "Get Mail" and Mail is trying to open the .Mac mailbox - this goes on interminably (as I can see in Activity Viewer).
    Try using the Rebuild Mailbox function on all server
    stored mailboxes. All messages will disappear
    temporarily and the mailbox will be resynchronized
    with the server.
    Sorry for being dense, but I've been all over my Mail application and all over my .Mac settings and I can't find this "Rebuild Mailbox" function. Could you please tell me exactly where I can find this Rebuild Mailbox function?
      Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    I have a MacBookPro and an iMac that I try to maintain with similar configurations and applications, however; I am at a loss with a "problem" that has appeared on my laptop. In each corner of the screen are what I would describe as "quarter moons" or