HDV Export Resolution

I know that with HDV camcorders, I can record full 1080 and all that, but when I import it into iMovie and put it through iDVD, will that HD quality stay the same? Won't it be converted to MPEG-2, which would downgrade the quality to SD and make the whole HD thing useless? Or will it be converted to SD, bt still look better than regular DV camcorders?

I haven't got much to add to mish's reply, except some opinions;
"..Won't it be converted to MPEG-2, which would downgrade the quality to SD and make the whole HD thing useless?.." ..Yes, pretty much. Unless, as mish says, you use Apple's (..rather expensive..) DVD Studio Pro, which can burn hi-def video onto a normal DVD ..but that kind of DVD can only be replayed on a Mac, and not on a normal standalone DVD player.
"..will it be converted to SD, bt still look better than regular DV camcorders?.." ..I don't think it does look better than regular DV. I think it looks worse.
So HDV looks terrific when played from the camera into a suitable HD TV, and it looks terrific after importing into your Mac, and played on an Apple Cinema Display, or other DVI-connected big screen. But after editing it in iMovie HD 6, your options are rather limited:
(a) Play it on a big screen connected to your Mac,
(b) Save it onto a hi-def DVD burned with DVD Studio Pro,
(c) Maybe 'Toast', or another application, will burn it as hi-def onto an external HD or Blu-Ray hi-def burner, for playing on a standalone HD or Blu-Ray player (..but d'you know anyone with one of those?..)
(d) Export the edited hi-def movie back to your camcorder - if the camcorder has a facility to accept it from iMovie - and connect the camcorder to an HD TV to play the edited tape.
HDV is wonderful for shooting with ..but the other end of the business - showing the edited hi-def movie - isn't quite properly in place yet..

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    Conform Aperture only affects how movies play within QuickTime Player - the setting has no relevance to any of the FCS apps as best as I can tell - so as long as DVDSP (or whatever app you're using) can 'see' your HDV file as having a 16:9 ratio (meaning that it understands that the codec is anamorphic), you should be good to go.
    Or where you going to make a DVD data disc to simply share the QT movie with someone?
    As far as setting the Confrom Aperture Property by default, I'm afraid that no FCS app (in my experience) writes to that property. Only when capturing from tape (a QuickTime function, actually) does that get set. (I haven't been able to test the Log & Capture function to see if that sets it, though.)
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    > ... destined only for the screen (as a PDF) ...
    The developers of PDF will thank you for that statement!

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    Anyone know how to change this?
    20" iMac G5   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Okay, so there are thrid party apps to do it, and I
    greatly appreciate you explaining them, but is there
    no way to set Aperture to export at 300 dpi for
    everything except web and e-mail outputs?
    I guess what I'm getting at is that Aperture is
    supposed to be the ultimate workflow solution,
    eliminating all other applications except Photoshop.
    Surely there must be way to set Aperture to export
    at 300 dpi.
    The thing is that DPI really means nothing independent of resolution - it is only a kind of hint to other programs as to what the size may be, but does not by itslef really control print size or anything else. Just a default size in some applications. Even though I have given a workaround for setting DPI I really don't use it myself as I simply export and then use the images in other programs, like InDesign, or send them off for printing.
    Aperture currently simply ignores these values, passing them on from the original RAW file. So right now it has no way to alter DPI as it does not know what it is for any file. Aperture does not care, it does not need to as it scales images up or down as required by the task at hand.
    I agree that Aperture should have some way to select a DPI for export, or possibly let you edit the metadata value for the resolution in a version (along with lots of other metadata). But I also think it really doesn't matter that much, as all that really matters in the end is how many pixels there are in the image you are outputting. That is something Aperture does let you control (though not quite as well for upsampling as I would like).
    Does this make sense, or am I not understanding
    something here?
    No, you are understanding the current limitations perfectly. What is it you need the DPI set specifically for?

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    Thanks for the help!

    Then I would try - just to in-circle the possibly culprit
    • Start a new User Account (Apple-menu / System Pref. / Accounts / Plus sign)
    • Log out of this Account and into the New one (Apple-menu down to las option)
    • Now start iMovie and import some material and re-try Share function
    If this now works - then my Guess is that the problem is in
    • iMovie pref file/s - or -
    • iMovie Casche files
    in the old account - and that trashing them will be the medicine (as iMovie now has to create New and error free ones)
    This is a very common problem - most often due to - Panic/Forced Quits - as they induces errors in lot's of places ( finally adding up to a Major Break-down ). So by
    • Trashing these files
    • Running - Repair Permissions (Disk Util tool)
    • Running - Repair Hard Disk (Disk Util tool - but now You first has to start Mac from DVD or ext. Hard Disk)
    I can keep this Major problem away as long as possibly.
    (and only Force Quit - when there are no other option (as just waiting it out)
    Yours Bengt W

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    Is this a nutty question? Or is there a setting to tell CS3: just copy the mpeg2 HDV video exactly - when possible?
    Thanks in advance!

    The question is not nutty but uninformed. Datawise there is no such thing as a single frame in native HDV. You should know that HDV is a compressed format which combines information over multiple frames. In other words a group of frames are compressed together and the processor decompresses them into separate frames when you watch the video. However, when you render, the processor re-combines multiple frames. Therefore you can not render on the frame.
    The only way to render on the frame is to use a codec which decompresses the native formet once and for all into single frames. From there on you can go down many generations with minimum loss.
    Use the award winning Cineform codec, either Aspect or Prospect (Aspect works perfectly for me).

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    Hi C.David,
    I have done extensive testing of this with CS3. The .M2T export is NOT lossless. I'm a videophile and compared the footage on a few different HD displays, and a 1920x1080p projector. Even if you do no filters, overlays, color correction, etc., just straight cuts then re-export to HDV (via the export to tape/pull the cable trick) .M2T, you will see artifacting during scenes of extreme motion or scenes where the MPEG encoder has a very hard time with (my torture test is a pan following a woman walking along a beach where the ground is all stones, all the small stones are a killer for mpeg encoding). There is very noticeable motion artifacting on the .M2T output as compared with the original M2T shot from the camera.
    BTW, I also did extensive experimentation with using some type of AVI intermediary, for both editing and as an output format, and NO avi, whether it's cineform or using smth like Lagarith lossless, provides the same degree of "3D" or "you are there" feeling as the original M2T footage has. Even if there is no 'generation loss' in terms of motion artifacts or loss of resolution, there is a definite and visible deterioration of the image quality when using either an AVI intermediary for editing (regardless of what kind of AVI) or outputting to avi. I was going to write a detailed report about this but I've been too busy...
    Best results, by far, for me come with editing in native m2t and outputting to H.264 at about 30mpbs.
    It really is a bummer. Re-encoding in PPro CS3 does have a generation loss, even without adding effects. Best results I've gotten is exporting to 1920x1440 H.264 at 25-30mbps (and then I distribute on BluRay or WMVHD for the web).

  • Custom book export resolution problem in PDF - only 150DPI!?

    I've been using the custom book option and when it came to exporting my PDF I have run into a problem involving the undocumented output resolution of a PDF at a given size. The custom book dialog allows you to create a book with a certain size in inches, but this really has no real meaning since the resolution of that output cannot also be specified in either the layout option or the print dialog. For example is it 150dpi or 300dpi? From some investigation it appears to be locked at 150DPI.
    Now I would have thought that Aperture was intelligent enough to just treat the album layout (this is my assumption) as some kind of smart object, where the layout is resolution independent and the final output resolution can be determined when printing to a printer or PDF. In that case the dialog for the setup of the custom size is correct. However, there is no option that I can see in the print dialog to actually specify the output resolution; Aperture is left to its own devices to specify an output resolution, which is undocumented.
    I use a printer that accepts JPG or TIF files and I need 300dpi for an album size of 10x13 inches. This equates to 3900x3000 pixels per page. I am able to export to PDF in the print dialog and then used an automator action to export each page of the PDF as JPG and reimported back into Aperture 2 in the same action. In the PDF>JPG conversion option there is the ability to set the DPI to 300. That works fine and the resulting JPG images show as 300dpi (3900x3000px). When looking at the images though they look a little soft, which leads me to believe that my action was simply interpolating a 150dpi image in the PDF into 300dpi.
    So to test this, I noticed that if I exported just one page of the album as a PDF and opened the PDF in Preview it does indeed tell you that it is 13x10 inches (no mention of the pixel resolution though). So, you can actually reimport a single page PDF into Aperture and if you do this it appears that the actual resolution is 1950x1500 and that equates to 150dpi for a 13x10 inch layout.
    So there are two things that could possibly be going on here:
    1. The actual layout of the album is locked at 150DPI and the save to PDF simply takes that and exports a PDF at that resolution.
    2. The layout of the album is resolution independent, the size of the album (in the custom dialog) simply controls the aspect of the page layout, and the print dialog (save to PDF) is exporting as 150DPI as default. When I run my automator action (these are the Leopard PDF actions), the save each page to JPG action is up-res'ing the image to 300dpi.
    This is where I need help. Is 1 or 2 (or something else?) happening. Also, does the PDF save as JPG12? That too is undocumented.
    If number 1 is happening I may have to set my album size to 26x20inches to get a 10x13 inch page at 300dpi.
    If number 2 is happening I need to find a PDF/TIFF/JPEG print driver to enable me to export at 300dpi as the print dialog in not standard (and we don't get the nice 'save as' drop down where we could do other things. So far my search has led me to CUPS-PDF, but that still doesn't allow for resolution to be set: http://www.codepoetry.net/projects/cups-pdf-for-mosx
    Why can't Apple just figure this thing out correctly and allow the resolution to be specified by the user - what an oversight given all of the feedback requests for the custom album tool. We need 300dpi as a minimum as we can always down-res if we want.
    Any ideas? I've got albums to send to clients! Help!

    When you import any PDF into Aperture, I think it rasterizes any PDF you import to a 150dpi flat image on import, even if it was a high res PDF to begin with. But theres the thing, PDFs don't have dpi (as such). Any shapes or text is a vector so don't have a DPI as they'll scale when printed. The images use their DPI when they were imported from the program that created the PDF.
    So I did a quick test and put a page I made from Aperture in to Acrobat and ran a preflight check on all images to check the resolution. It came back at 349.956 ppi, so this example was over 350dpi.
    I've attached the screenshot

  • HDV exports have new sound sync problem in Quick Time

    I'm on FCP 5.1.4. Prior to a few weeks ago, I've had no issue with exporting HDV files and playing on QuickTime. Now, regardless of the Quicktime Conversion I use, the exported video lags the sound. I went back to old projects and exported. Same thing. All the clips play fine in FCP. QuickTime is 7.5. I've read elsewhere people have had to downgrade to prior versions of QT. Anyone have a similar problem or have an idea what the root cause might be?
    Specs of captured footage (pretty normal)
    Capture video: 1440x1080
    Copressor: HDV108060i
    Video Rate: 29.97
    Audeo: 48hz
    Hope we can get some help here because I know others have the problem--and like me--are dead in the water on projects.

    Figured out a solution. For those of you who have equipment/software similar to mine, FCP 5.4.1, IMAC G5 and QT 7.5. My project had multiple layered soundtracks. Sending to QT with any kind of compression didn't work. I wanted to ultimately get to an IPOD format. Here's what I did:
    Export project as self-contained movie.
    Open QT (don't just click on the file - it'll launch FCP).
    Open the reference file you just made.
    It'll open, but probably stutter because size of raw file; doesn't matter.
    Stop QT from playing.
    Choose Export; then any file type you want that's smaller.
    I chose IPOD.
    Works flawlessly.

  • Export resolution and camera resolution question

    I am thinking of buying a new camera- specifically one that will film video in widescreen as well as widescreen photo's. I have been looking at some that have a maximum video resolution of 848x480, which will come out fine.
    With iMovie, so far I have been using my wife's Casio camera which records video at 640x480 (4:3 ratio), and I have been cropping the video in iMovie and exporting as 640x360 widescreen. The next resolution up from 640x360 in iMovies export settings is 960x540.
    My question is, if my new camera has a video res of 848x480, when I export that in iMovie, will it have to be down-scaled to 640x360, or will there be an option to export at the same resolution (I don't think it will let me upscale it to 960x540)?
    Message was edited by: wastedyuthe

    As long as you don't have "constrain" checked, it won't resample.

  • Vanishing point export resolution problem

    Hi . I have a Hi-res image.When I trying to export Vanishing Point data for After Effects , Photoshop exports png images with very small resolutions. What is the problem with this ? I m using cs4. Thanks.

    We just released an update that fixes this issue. You can find more information on the update here: Photoshop CC 2014.1 update now available

  • HDV export preset?

    I began my motion project with an HDV 1080i 60 preset.
    When it came time to export I exported to a quicktime file using the HDV1080i60 compressor. (1440x1080)
    When go into FCP and try and drop the file into an HDV 1080i60 sequence I am forced to render...
    How can this be when all settings are equivalent.
    I also noticed that there is no HDV preset for export in motion, even with the HDV settings motion is calling the export preset a "customized" DV NTSC movie
    Any suggestions on how to get it in to FCP w/o rendering again?

    Although I don't use HDV, I use DVDPROHD, I think I can answer your question since they work the same in Motion. FCP needs to render a Motion project regardless of what settings you've picked in Motion - in Motion, the settings are not tied to a specific codec, they're simply width/height/frame rate/etc. Think of a Motion project on the FCP timeline as an uncompressed file with HDV dimensions and frame rate - FCP needs to render the file before it can play in realtime alongside the HDV-compressed material you are editing with.
    So, you can either let FCP do the rendering of the uncompressed file to HDV, or you can do it in Motion by exporting to HDV codec, but either way, a render of some kind has to take place, it's just a question of where you do it. The advantage of letting FCP do it is the round-tripping works better since you can go back and edit the Motion file multiple times without re-importing, so that's usually the best way to handle it.
    Motion didn't include a DVDPROHD preset, either. Hitting the Options button just temporarily modifies whatever preset is currently shown in the list, which is why it says customized on the DV NTSC export preset after you change it. But that's ok - I made my own, there's a preferences pane in Motion where you can make new export presets. I just copied one of the existing ones, renamed it to DVDPRO HD 720p 30 QT, and set up the codec and other settings how I wanted it. I made that the default and now I get DVCPRO HD movies every time I export, it should work exactly the same for HDV.
    PowerMac G5 1.8 Ghz    

  • HDV export to H.264 jittery within Media Encoder

    I'm rendering out a 50 minute documentary shot and edited in HDV 60i. I did  it within Premeire Pro CS4 using Adobe Media Encoder CS4. First I exported it as a Quicktime H.264 1920x1080 29.97 progressive video. The video looks PERFECT, and is 31GB.
    Trying to get the video file to less than 4.7 gb to burn onto a dvd as a image file, I then exported both the PP timeline and the QT H.264 file in Meda Encoder to the MP4 H.264 1920x1080 29.97 progressive and it came out to 4.5 GB. The image quality looks good, but scences that have a lot of movement the video is noticably jittery. The reason I want this encode to work is because I would like to be able to burn the  HD image file to DVD to distribute along with the regular SD DVD. Does anybody know why it's jittery? Is there a setting I have to change? Is there another Codec someone could recomend to get me under 4.7 HD while keeping the full HD quality?
    Funny thing is if I play the jittery MP4 H.264 though my Western Digital HD player (plays 1080 movies off a portable usb hard drive to a television monitor up to 1080p via HDMI cable) it plays perfect, no jitters. But if I burn the same file to dvd and open on another computer (after copy/paste to hard drive) it is jittery.
    Thanks for the help!!

    Please submit a bug report here:
    I agree with you that the error message should be more helpful, and I consider the fact that the existing error message is misleading to be a bug.

  • Hdv export wrong format on a .mov file.

    i've set up a hdv project and both the easy setup and sequense settings says : hcv 1080i50 1440x1080. But when I export using quicktime conversion with any codec and setup(allmost) I get a.mov file with a streched format.
    why is that I ask.
    dual 2.5 G5   Mac OS X (10.3.6)  
    dual 2.5 G5   Mac OS X (10.3.6)  

    hmmm.. sorry don't get it. Have I overlooked any settings when exporting using conversions? because i'm pretty sure i didn't.. OOOOOHH wait a minut. I think I get it.
    I can't use "current size" i need to manually put in the frame size?
    Auch.. you have cought me in some pretty silly posts here... thanks though

  • Animated swf export resolution

    I created a 3 minute animated cartoon episode in Flash at a resolution of about 500x300 pixels. I'm wanting to export it as an mov of a larger size, however, it's pixelated and it appears that flash is still rendering at the smaller size even though the final video is the right size. Is there any way to export a smaller flash animation to a larger video size without changing the size of the artboard?
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    Thanks for the reply!  I had considered that fact, even though I couldn't find any documentation for it.  However, even with a static mask, drawn onto the layer, the rasterization still occurs.  Is there a way to have even a static mask produce a non-rasterized export?  It seems it should be the case considering it's a 'supported feature.'   Do I need to import vectored shapes from Illustrator as masks, instead of drawing them in AE?  And yes, Continuously Rasterize is checked (althought it doesn't seem to be necessary in any other of the Illustrator layers).   Any ideas?

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