Headphone jack hardware malfunction?

My 5g 80GB ipod is less than a month old and something has gone wrong with the headphone jack. It's not the headphones - I've tried 3 different pairs. It sounds like there's a short - sometimes it plays for a little while, then cracks up and stops. If I wiggle the headphones where they're connected, sometimes is works again, but not usually. Anyone else have this issue?
macbook pro   Mac OS X (10.4.10)  

Eberica I think I might have the same problem as you. Mine is I plug in my headphones and then it goes into pause mode I have to push play again for me too hear anything. I can listen for a few seconds then off it goes again sometimes it work for a min or two but it will go to pause again. I tried to play it in my car but it also does it with that extensions so I am not sure if it’s the iPod or what. I came home to do a reset did it and will try later today too see if that helped if it dose I will let you know that why you can try it and I hope it works for both of us. I also read someplace on this site that we should fully charge our iPods that it might help but like I said I will tell you if it helped so I did both.

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    Presumably a Zen Micro? If so, you're one of the many that have experienced it. Next port of call is Creative Support, links for contact are in the FAQ post.

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    I had the same problem and chatted with tech support and they told me to reset the PRAM and SMC which did not fix the issue.  After contacting them a second time I was told my computer needs to be repaired.  Which is not the problem it is a software issue.
    What finally fixed it was (this was done after resetting the PRAM and SMC):
    * Note: you can try this first and maybe it will solve your issue if not reset the PRAM and SMC then do the following.
    1. Open system preferences
    2. Chose sound
    3. Chose Output then headphones
    4. With headphones plugged in I checked the mute box on the bottom right and unchecked it they worked.
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    OS X Mavericks: Reset your computer’s PRAM
    Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    Hope this helps others!!

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    jenrss wrote:
    The headphone-jack connection is worn-out. I've tried using 3 different headphones with the same male specifications and music was still audible from the iPod and not through any of the headphones. Thus, I am sure that the iPod headphone-jack is malfunctioning. It was purchased about a year ago, but it only has a one year warranty and I no longer have the receipt.
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    The earphones must be pushed very hard into the iPod. So hard, that the white part of the plug must touch the iPod in order for the external speakers to turn off. You will hear a click.
    If you do a forum search, you will find this same solution. If it does not work, you will need to take your iPod to an apple store or call the Apple iPod tech support if still under warranty or you have Apple Care.  You may have a hardware problem.

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    Hi @svltn,
    Welcome to the HP Support Forums. I saw your post regarding your concern about the audio jack not working. There is a good chance that is it not a software issue because then you won't get any sound from the speakers either. You can try setting the headphones as the default audio device if you haven't already. This third-party link will show you how. It is for Windows 7 but if you are using Windows 8 just search for Control Panel from your main tile page and the rest is the same from there.
    Have you tried a different set of headphones or the current headphones in another device to see if it is the headphones themselves that are broken? I don't think it is the RAM but if you still have the 4GB RAM put that back in and see if the headphones start working again.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue.
    Click the “Kudos Thumbs Up" on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Thank you,
    I work on behalf of HP

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    Jonz,?I also am a newbie and I joined to look for people with your Zen Micro headset problem, so I could pass on the help I got. When you read below, you will know why Creative won't help you--Too much to admit!!!. The below web site provides guidance on how to probably fix the problem you have. I just fixed my daughters after finding this fix. When you open up your Zen, you won't believe how cheap the soldering is on both the Headset and the USB connection points. It appears to be generic the 6GB Micro. So, its not IF your Headset won't work, its just WHEN. These are not electrical connections, but rather connections that keep both Headset and USB pieces from moving on the circuit bd. There are 8 total. On my daughter's Zen, one of the four on the Headset module was just sort of laying on top of its mounting point, letting the Headset connector move a lot on the board, as if no solder was installed at all. The other 7 looked they were just glued down--waiting to come loose. Two things not mentioned in the fix.
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    Hi jeronomije,
    Welcome to the forum,
    please get in touch with the Contact support team with the below details
    Note: Customers in some areas may need to incur some charges when calling the numbers below. We cannot guarantee that this information is up to date since rates and calling plans of telephone operators may vary significantly over time.
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    hope the information helps

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    AFAIK, you can't, it's a hardware switch, attached to the back of the headphone port.

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    OK problem solved. The flat connector on the card at the back of the computer was very slightly loose on one side only. I could only tell when I actually tried to move it myself - it certainly looked OK. Strange that the audio made it to the speakers OK but not to the headphones!

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    if it is indeed the headphone jack that is the issue, then it is very difficult to repair it. I suggest you get a usb sound card or a expresscard sound card (the latter is better since it sits flush in the system). 
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

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    It is still under warranty and there was no damage to it from anyone. The headphone jack is faulty and it is a hardware problem not user damage

    If they determine it to defective, then they will replace it.

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    it's a hardware issue

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    You need to get the busted plug out of the headphone jack. Because there is a micro switch in-side the headphone jack that tells the MIDI setup to only send the sound out to the headphone jack.
    Go to > Removing a broken headphone plug - Google Search or take it to your local AASP for service.

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    Sounds hardware related. If it's brand new, and you're still under warranty I would have it checked out.
    I have not experienced this on my computer.
    As I understand it, you have analog RCA outputs from an 1/8" to left and right RCA outputs. when you're randomly using the computer, it'll switch to internal speakers, then to digital audio, back to your stereo analog external speakers.
    This should not be happening and if it's happening with streaming content (I am unaware of anything that streams in 5.1 digital audio) then this must be something that an apple specialist should look at and consider.
    Does this happen with the headphone jack out? when you hold your finger over the headphone jack area does a red beam come out of it *blinking* or just on? This will be a good indicator that your audio hardware is faulty. are you running HDMI out?

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