!! Help for a looong script... begin with compare name of files, date...

Hello Everybody, and thank you very much if you can answer to my little problem
So here is the beginning of my script. At the end it will be a script to batch convert Psd files to jpeg in different resolutions, in different folders.
I wanted to understand subtlety some parts of applescript, but I have to say that I failed for this case.
So the part I am looking for is to compare files between two folders, not exactly like syncing.
In the first Folder, psds files.
In the second, Jpgs, wich have been made from the psds, with a 2nd part of the script, batch to jpeg.
I want to compare these files to tell the 2nd script not to batch them to jpeg if they have not been modified.
So the steps I would like to write :
tell applescript to :
1 -
get every files of folder "psd" without invisibles
get only the names of these files without extension
get the modification date of these files
get every files of folder "jpg" without invisibles
get only the names of these files without extension
get the modification date of these files
3- compare the names of the files in psd's and jpg's folders (it's why I didn't want the extension)
if some or all Psds already exist in jpg folder, then
compare the modification dates of these same files
and if these files in psd folder are more recent than in jpeg folder, then
get only these modified files in psd folder, and, also the new ones (not existing in jpg folder).
and --
4 - launch my batchconverttojpg for this result
(at this moment I only want to find steps 1, 2 and 3)
--- It is important for me to do that, because the files in psd's folder will always change, and I can have really big files (like 500 or 800 mo each), and it will be really faster to batch only modified files…
--- Here is the beginning of the script I am writing, but … bug bug bug, I don't find the good way to write that…
set folder1 to "Macintosh HD:Users:Me:Desktop:test batch convert-script:psds" as string
set folder2 to "Macintosh HD:Users:Me:Desktop:test batch convert-script:jpegs:Jpegs" as string
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ""
tell application "System Events"
set imgsources to every file of folder folder1 whose name does not start with "." and (file type is "psd" or file type is "JPG" or name extension is "psd" or name extension is "jpg")
set imgcibles to every file of folder folder2 whose name does not start with "." and (file type is "psd" or file type is "JPG" or name extension is "psd" or name extension is "jpg")
end tell
--tell application "Finder"
repeat with i from 1 to the count of imgsources without invisibles
set img to (item i of imgsources as alias)
set infosource to info for img
set nameimg1 to name of infosource -- recupere le nom de limage + extension
--set extimg2 to items -1 thru -4 of nameimg2 as text -- recupere l'extension
set nimg1 to items 1 thru -5 of nameimg1 as text -- recupere le nom
set moddateimg1 to modification date of infosource -- recupere la date de modif
repeat with i from 1 to the count of imgcibles without invisibles
set img2 to (item i of imgcibles as list) -- recupere tous les elements du dossier
set infocible to info for img2 -- recupere les infos
set nameimg2 to name of infocible -- recupere le nom de limage de destination
set extimg2 to items -1 thru -4 of nameimg2 as text -- recupere l'extension
set nimg2 to items 1 thru -5 of nameimg2 as text -- recupere le nom
set moddateimg2 to modification date of infocible -- recupere la date de modif
tell application "Finder"
if nimg1 = nimg2 as text then
--set nimg1 to nimg1 as string
--set nimg2 to nimg2 as string
--set name of img2 to folder2 & ":" & nimg2 & "-" & "2" & extimg2 as text
set name of img2 to nimg2 & "-" & "2" & extimg2
-- I am just trying to rename the file at this step.
-- After this, I will compare the dates, and then, batch convert.
end if
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
So if one of you have the good solution It will be a miracle for me
I have to say that if I wrote this script in a simple way like that, it's to be able to understand what I do, or to understand the script after 6 month, without thinking about it…
Thank you very much for your answers

Ok so there are a lot of things I didn't know about some details… And I see that I will never have succeed to write something like that…
I don't really understand why to "set psdNames to --> {}" this last detail is unknown for me…
And if I understand, the thing I missed is to do a listindex of the items ? it's why I didn't succeed to compare the files ?
Then I though that it could be interesting for you or differents users to see the result. I think it works perfectly now.
Of course, I am not professional in applescript editing, so if you have some comments or modifications, do not hesitate to post them here
Thanks again to Red_Menace !
Here it is :
(sorry I didnt translate all the notes to English. Just have to know that the script proceed in the folder where it is. If it's not save in the good folder before execute, or save as application in the good folder, then it will proceed in the default folder "applications"... so careful
display dialog " Attention, Le script va créer un dossier psd, et déplacer les fichiers psds ici dans ce nouveau dossier" & return & " Et va ensuite procéder à la création de" & return & " Jpegs dans différents dossiers" buttons {"Ok", "Annuler", "+ d'explications"} default button "OK"
if button returned of the result is "+ d'explications" then
end if
--Application utilisée : adobe photoshop CS3
--Changer la version si besoin dans les lignes ci dessous
--Changer le nom des dossiers ici, sans avoir à changer le reste du script
set nomdossierpsds to "psds"
set psdsFolder to nomdossierpsds
set tempFolderName to "Exports"
set tempfoldername1 to "Jpegs_HD"
set tempfoldername2 to "Jpegs_SD"
--Pour changer la taille des Jpegs SD --
set choixtaille to "1200"
tell application "Finder"
set racine to get folder of (path to me) as Unicode text
set nomprojet to name of folder racine
--if folder psd exists but with different case
if exists folder "psd" in folder racine then
set name of folder "psd" in folder racine to psdsFolder
end if
if exists folder "Psd" in folder racine then
set name of folder "psd" in folder racine to psdsFolder
end if
if exists folder "Psds" in folder racine then
set name of folder "Psds" in folder racine to psdsFolder
end if
--2 -- check si le dossier psd existe, sinon le crée.
if not (exists folder psdsFolder in folder racine) then
make new folder in folder racine with properties {name:psdsFolder}
set psdsFolder to folder psdsFolder in folder racine as alias
open folder psdsFolder
--display dialog "Avant de Continuer, Placer les images dans le dossier Psds" buttons {"Annuler"} default button 1
set psdsFolder to folder (racine & "psds") as alias
end if
--if Psd folder didnt exists, then move psd files in
set psds to (files of folder racine whose name extension is "psd")
move psds to folder psdsFolder
--Dossier Jpegs Racine -- outputFolder -- check si present sinon creation
if not (exists folder ((racine as string) & tempFolderName)) then
set outputFolder to make new folder at racine with properties {name:tempFolderName}
set outputFolder to folder ((racine as string) & tempFolderName)
end if
--Dossier Jpegs HD -- outputFolder1 pour photoshop -- check si present sinon creation
if not (exists folder (((racine as string) & tempFolderName as string) & ":" & tempfoldername1)) then
set outputFolder1 to make new folder at outputFolder with properties {name:tempfoldername1}
set outputFolder1 to folder ((racine as string) & tempFolderName & ":" & tempfoldername1)
end if
set outputFolder1 to outputFolder1 as alias
--Dossier Jpegs SD -- outputFolder2 pour photoshop -- check si present sinon creation
if not (exists folder (((racine as string) & tempFolderName as string) & ":" & tempfoldername2)) then
set outputFolder2 to make new folder at outputFolder with properties {name:tempfoldername2}
set outputFolder2 to folder ((racine as string) & tempFolderName & ":" & tempfoldername2)
end if
set outputFolder2 to outputFolder2 as alias
end tell
--recupere le chemin du dossier des psds à procéder
tell application "Finder"
set psdsFolder to folder (racine & nomdossierpsds) as alias
end tell
tell application "Finder" -- get file items from the folders (coerce list items to aliases for use later)
set psdFiles to (files of folder psdsFolder whose name extension is "psd") as alias list
set jpgFiles to (files of folder outputFolder1 whose name extension is "jpg" or name extension is "psd") as alias list
end tell
set psdNames to {} -- get the psd file names (these are in the same order as the file items)
repeat with anItem in psdFiles
set the end of psdNames to (justTheName from anItem)
end repeat
set jpgNames to {} -- get the jpg file names (these are in the same order as the file items)
repeat with anItem in jpgFiles
set the end of jpgNames to (justTheName from anItem)
end repeat
set filesList to {} -- figure out the files to process
repeat with X from 1 to (count psdNames)
set theName to contents of (item X of psdNames) -- get a name from the psd list
if theName is in jpgNames then -- found a jpg match, so check the date
set match to (listIndex of theName from jpgNames) -- get the index of the matching name
tell application "Finder" -- look up the file items for the matching names and get the dates
set psdDate to modification date of (item X of psdFiles)
set jpgDate to modification date of (item match of jpgFiles)
end tell
if psdDate > jpgDate then set the end of filesList to (item X of psdFiles) -- newer file, so add
else -- no match, so add
set the end of filesList to (item X of psdFiles)
end if
end repeat
filesList --> this list contains items (aliases) that are not in jpgsFolder or have a newer modification date
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
set display dialogs to never
close every document saving no
end tell
repeat with aFile in filesList
set fileIndex to 0
tell application "Finder"
-- The step below is important because the 'aFile' reference as returned by
-- Finder associates the file with Finder and not Photoshop. By converting
-- the reference below 'as alias', the reference used by 'open' will be
-- correctly handled by Photoshop rather than Finder.
set theFile to aFile as alias
set theFileName to name of theFile
end tell
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"
open theFile
set docRef to the current document
set docHeight to height of docRef
set docWidth to width of docRef
------------------------------------------------------------------- 1st Export to jpeg
--Convert the document to a document mode that supports saving as jpeg
flatten docRef
tell docRef to convert to profile "sRGB IEC61966-2.1" intent perceptual with dithering and blackpoint compensation
if (bits per channel of docRef is sixteen) then
set bits per channel of docRef to eight
end if
--The first copy is simply saved with additional document info added
set infoRef to get info of docRef
set copyright notice of infoRef to "Copyright Frédéric Perrin"
set docName to name of docRef
set docBaseName to getBaseName(docName) of me
--set fileIndex to fileIndex + 1
set newFileName to (outputFolder1 as string) & docBaseName & ".jpg"
save docRef in file newFileName as JPEG appending lowercase extension with options {class:JPEG save options, quality:12, format options:optimized}
------------------------------------------------------------------- 2nd export to jpeg
-- The second copy is saved resized to width of 100 pixels proportionally
-- There is no scale constraint in the resize image command.
-- Use the height/width ratio to simulate the option.
set ruler units of settings to pixel units
set type units of settings to pixel units
resize image current document width choixtaille height (choixtaille * docHeight / docWidth)
-- repete la mise en memoire des variables, sinon des bugs
set docRef to the current document
set docName to name of docRef
set docBaseName to getBaseName(docName) of me
--set fileIndex to fileIndex + 1
set newFileName2 to (outputFolder2 as string) & docBaseName & "-" & choixtaille & ".jpg"
save docRef in file newFileName2 as JPEG appending lowercase extension --with options {class:JPEG save options, quality:12, format options:optimized}
-- The original document is closed without saving so it remains as it was
-- when opened for batch processing
close current document without saving
end tell
end repeat
-- Routines
-- Returns the document name without extension (if present)
on getBaseName(fName)
set baseName to fName
repeat with idx from 1 to (length of fName)
if (item idx of fName = ".") then
set baseName to (items 1 thru (idx - 1) of fName) as string
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return baseName
end getBaseName
on justTheName from someFile
get the name from a file path
parameters - someFile [various]: a complete file path (POSIX or Finder)
returns [text] - the base file name
set someFile to someFile as text
tell application "System Events" to tell disk item someFile
set {theName, theExtension} to {name, name extension}
end tell
if theExtension is in {missing value, ""} then
set theExtension to ""
set theExtension to "." & theExtension
end if
return text 1 thru -((count theExtension) + 1) of theName -- just the name part
end justTheName
to listIndex of anItem from someList
get the (first) index of anItem in someList
parameters - anItem [various]: the item to look for
someList [list]: the list to look in
returns [integer]: the index (0 if not found)
set theIndex to 0
repeat with X from 1 to (count someList)
if (contents of (item X of someList)) is anItem then
set theIndex to X
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
return theIndex
end listIndex
on explications()
tell application "TextEdit"
make new document
set text of front document to ¬
"--- Attention --- Le Script se lance pour gérer le dossier dans lequel il se trouve." & return & return & ¬
"Pour ne plus voir ce message, ouvrir le script/application et l'éditer avec un éditeur comme Editeur applescript : Effacer alors le premier paragraphe --> End Message" & return & return & return & ¬
"Il vérifie l'existence d'un dossier Psd, s'il existe, mais pas dans la bonne casse, renomme le dossier --" & return & "Donc -- attention -- si d'autres scripts sont chainés à ce dossier, il faudra mettre à jour la casse ou orthographe, sinon changer les variables en début de script afin que tous les scripts marchent avec le meme nom de ce dossier psd" & return & return & ¬
"Une fois cela géré, le dossier -psds- est créé, sil n'est pas deja la. Les fichiers psds pouvant être présents à la racine du dossier, où se trouve le script, seront déplacés dans le dossier psd" & return & ¬
"Ensuite, création d'un dossier jpeg contenant deux autres dossiers : jpgs HD et Sd, le 1er contiendra les jpegs à la resolution source du psd, le dossier Sd à la résolution de 1200px, soit acceptable pour le web ou le partage temporaire" & return & return & ¬
"Pour finir, le script peut être relancé à l'infini, les dossiers se synchronisent en fonction du dossier Psd et JpegsHD. Si de nouveaux fichiers se trouvent dans le dossier Psd, ou bien sils ont été modifiés, alors ils seront re-batchés en jpegs dans les dossiers correspondants." & return & ¬
"Donc -- Attention -- , ne jamais faire de retouches sur les fichiers Jpegs, seulement sur les psds, et -- attention-- aussi, les fichiers jpegs correspondants aux psds retouchés seront écrasés" & return & ¬
"Pour conserver des versions des fichiers, à la main, renommer séquentiellement les psds à l'enregistrement dans photoshop, ainsi les jpegs seront séquentiels aussi" & return & return & return & ¬
"La préférence, de choisir à la main la séquence des fichiers psds semble être plus pratique à l'usage, et de garder un minimum la main sur les images, afin de s'y retrouver" & return & return & return
end tell
end explications

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        -- a subroutine to handle text item delimiters. Useful tool, but so danged wordy.--
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            set output to input as text
            set output to text items of input
        end if
        set my text item delimiters to oldTID
        return output
    end tid
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    try this:
    set f to choose folder with prompt "Choose the root folder containing your files."
    on traverseFolder(fold)
         tell application "System Events"
             set containedItems to every disk item of fold whose visible is true
             repeat with thisItem in containedItems
                   if class of thisItem is folder then
                       my traverseFolder(thisItem)
                   else if type identifier of thisItem contains "plain-text" then
                       my processFile(thisItem, fold)
                   end if
             end repeat
         end tell
    end traverseFolder
    on processFile(thisFile, itsFolder)
         tell application "System Events"
             set fName to name of thisFile
      -- the following line assumes that the file name has a three character extension, like '.txt'
             set foldName to text 1 thru -5 of fName
             set newFold to path of (make new folder at end of itsFolder with properties {name:foldName})
         end tell
         set fp to open for access thisFile
         set bigText to read fp
      close access fp
         set parsingText to "All Rights Reserved"
         set parsedList to tid(bigText, parsingText)
      -- the following line requires that the file name be exactly in the form "<prefix>_<suffix>" with only one underscore
         set {prefix, suffix} to tid(fName, "_")
         repeat with i from 1 to count of parsedList
             set newFName to prefix & "_a" & i & "_" & suffix
             set fp to open for access (newFold & newFName) with write permission
      -- uncomment the following line if you need to overwrite old files, otherwise it will append
      -- set EOF of fp to 0
      write ((item i of parsedList & parsingText) as text) to fp
      close access fp
         end repeat
    end processFile
    on tid(input, delim)
      -- a subroutine to handle text item delimiters. Useful tool, but so danged wordy.--
         set {oldTID, my text item delimiters} to {my text item delimiters, delim}
         if class of input is list then
             set output to input as text
             set output to text items of input
         end if
         set my text item delimiters to oldTID
         return output
    end tid
    I changed to system events for efficiency reasons (the Finder can get bogged down with too much scripting).  the only place you might run into issues is line 11, where it says else if type identifier of thisItem….  that might miss files if they have odd type identifiers (though it should get most plain-text files).  I only put that if statement in there to keep from processing spurious files that might be in the folders - you can replace that whole line with a simple else if you find it's gumming up the works.

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    Try to import the model file first by going to SLD->Administration->Import CIM Model. If the problem sticks, then try to remove the systems. The preview version has lots of pre-exist system name in the technical system, which you can find giving errors since they're not reachable. So you can remove them from SLD (Home->Technical Systems) if they are preventing you from procceeding.
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    Hope this helps...
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  • Action to be able to save an overlaid graphic with original name of file

    Question -
    Please help I want an action to keep the name of a file after I have copied it and put it over a new background.
    It would normally be saved as "unidentified.jpg"
    Thank you.

    Boyd3756 wrote:
    Question -
    Please help I want an action to keep the name of a file after I have copied it and put it over a new background.
    It would normally be saved as "unidentified.jpg"
    Thank you.
    An action can not do what you want though a script if it knew what layer was the original image and the layer had the name you want the file to have  a script could be programmed to do what you want.  However.
    If you copy a file into a new folder or copy a file in the same folder with a new name.  Just open this new copy and replace its background by placing the new back below or over the image and mask the correct layer the let the background  show through the original image or mask the new background to let the original image below it show through.  Then when you save it the name should remain the same as the file you opened. Untitled-x is a new document default mane. You could also just type in the file name you want when you open the new document in you current work-flow.

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    Hello to all
    it's my first message on this forum, i'm seeking for help because i'm kind of new with Mac systems.
    I'm gonna explain the problem
    So we are going to buy a mac pro and put 4*2To inside with raid 5 and osx server.
    The problem is that the cost of installation of sotwre and deployement etc is really expensive.
    I need to create a vpn too, this mac pro is gonna be a storage and multiple users must have acces to it. In fact this mac will be connected on the router and users will acces to it on local network then later we're gonna move from our base so the mac will be at the home of one of us and other users will have to access it from outside.
    I was thinking avoyding cost of install by doing it myself.
    So i've thinked that the best way to do it is by asking help to the community.
    Is anyone can help me with this or tell me where i can find tutorials to do it?
    I have skills but this is hard form me. The thing is that i learn fast. But i need help.
    Maybe my post is not really clear i write as it comes to me, english is not my langage too.
    So feel free to ask me questions or informations if you need.
    In the same time i'm reading posts on the foum about this kindof installations.
    Thank u so much

    Dear Marcassin
    i am happy to help to your problem .
    first i would say you must read the Documentation. and you should familier with Mac Os installation System.
    in your Mac Server DVD you will find the schedule sheet . print that and plan your server first. it will really help full. then come and list down the all the requirements.
    may be you will need more services after that.
    But again again again . read that sheet and fill all the requirements. and come back or read specific captors in the Documentation.
    if you want more details about the installing sachira.herath at gmail
     certified Pro 10.6/10.5

  • General design help for a basic web app with DB

    I'm fairly new to Java EE development (lots of years of Java SE experience). In the not-so-distant future I'm going to be tasked with writing a web access feature for a database-backed catalog-like application. The application helps biologist keep track of all the dead animals they have in their research collections. It is meant to be a full-featured desktop application with the ability to setup a web portal to allow other researchers to search the contents of a collection (to see if there are specimens that they would like to see or borrow, etc). So, I have to write a bunch of servlets, JSPs, JSF pages, or something like that to provide a search page and a number of results views including tables, forms, maps, etc. Our desktop app uses Hibernate for ORM.
    From what I've seen of the framework, I would really like to use JSF to do the views and navigation. Can I use JSF with Hibernate persistence? My Hibernate mappings are in *.hbm.xml files. How can I meld these technologies together. Better yet, can this be done using the Visual Web Developer pack for Netbeans 5.5?

    web app or desktop app? pick oneOur main product is a desktop app. However, we also ship with the feature to install a webapp that allows searching the collections via a web browser.
    with the ability to
    setup a web portal to allow other researchers to
    search the contents of a collection (to see ifthere
    are specimens that they would like to see orborrow,
    etc). you don't HAVE to have a portal for that you know...I realize that I could pull this off even with a few CGIs written in perl, but I want to make something that would later be expandable into a full-featured web app, allowing for data entry as well as searching.
    It sounds to me like a very simply web app and you
    are going way overboard. You don't need much code,
    much less a bunch of extra frameworks, API's, etc.
    I'd make a few servlets/jsp's and avoid getting into
    JSF, hibernate, etc. unless you know they are worth
    your time.I'm planning on using Hibernate because all of the Hibernate data classes and bindings are already setup. I guess in the initial version that doesn't do anything but view the data, I could avoid Hibernate since I don't need any ability to detect user changes to objects and commit those back to the DB.
    I'd really like to write the web app using the Java EE 5 persistance API (JPA) and not have any Hibernate-specific code in the mix.
    One requirement I forgot to mention was the need for a login page that can allow for access above the standard, anonymous guest level. Some information that these guys collect, such as where they located a rare plant variety, is highly sensative (since pharma companies have been known to want this information). For that reason, some of the info is not made available to anonymous web access users. Users with a registered account can get at more info.

  • F4 help for a selection screen parameter with filename created dynamically

    Hi All,
              I have a requirement where in an F4 help should be present for a selection screen parameter. After selecting the filepath and clicking OK button on the Dialog, the filename should be dynamically get created in the selection screen parameter field. For example:
    if the path is D:\DOCS then at the end of DOCS the filename should automatically get populated.
    Like below string:
    Is there any function module or method which does this kind of activity.
    Thanks in advance,

    this code will help:
    FORM get_filename  CHANGING p_filename.
      DATA      : lv_filename  TYPE string,
                  lv_rc TYPE i,
                  li_filetable TYPE filetable.
      CONSTANTS : lc_fname TYPE string VALUE 'ZRPP4000.XLS',
                  lc_fpath TYPE string VALUE 'C:\',
                  lc_extn TYPE string VALUE 'XLS'.
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
          default_filename        = lc_fname
          initial_directory       = lc_fpath
          default_extension       = lc_extn
          file_table              = li_filetable
          rc                      = lv_rc
          file_open_dialog_failed = 1
          cntl_error              = 2
          error_no_gui            = 3
          not_supported_by_gui    = 4
          OTHERS                  = 5.
    IF  sy-subrc = 0 .
        READ TABLE li_filetable INTO lv_filename INDEX 1.
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          p_filename = lv_filename.
      REFRESH li_filetable.
    ENDFORM.                    "get_filename
    " p_filename is selection screen parameter

  • Need help for drill up and down with sum urgently !!

    Hi everyone,
    I'm now using Discover plus but I've got problem with using drill up and down.
    L supplyname
    L $600
    Jancode1 ---sum $300
    L aaaaa-------$100
    Jancode2---sum $300
    want to do
    L supplyname
    L $300
    Jancode1 ---sum $300
    L aaaaa-------$100
    Jancode2---sum $300
    as showing exsmple,
    the sameitem(Jancode) value are same area and sum is separetated as correctly then do drill up, but the reslut of sum is 600 which I don't want the double result like example. I want to make correct result(sum) such as 300 which means not summing double item value as 1item value.
    does anybody know what I should do with it or has any idea for it??
    I really need it know ASAP if it possible to do it or not and also if I can do,
    please tell the how to do it.
    Thank you for reading.

    Usually you can tailor your antennas to the coverage pattern you need. AP placement, antennas, and power level are best determined pre-install by a good, comprehensive site survey.
    It may be possible to change your antennas to higher gain types (i.e., 180 degree patch or sector antennas instead of Omnidirectional rubber ducks).
    Be advised though that changing to higher gain antennas will also change their coverage pattern; you might reach farther in one direction but less in another. Each antenna should have a chart that describes the side profile and overhead profile of the radiation pattern.
    Running in mixed mode (b & g) will reduce your throughput, but it shouldn't affect your range. The brief version is that it takes time to switch modes, and the AP has to notify clients on one protocol that there's activity happening on the other protocol ... it all takes time & bandwidth.
    Both are the same frequencies and have the same basic coverage.
    CCX (Cisco Client Extensions) should not affect your client's range or throughput; they are extensions - if you don't use them, they are pretty much ignored.
    Each vendor has there own "formula" for when to roam to the next AP. Some vendors use Inter Access Point Protocol (IAPP) to communicate between the old AP and the new AP so the handoff happens in a coordinated fashion. Using a single vendor for all of your APs (at least in the same / adjacent neighborhood) increases your chances of a smooth handoff.
    Good Luck

  • HT2534 need help for signing in to itunes with out cc.

    why i cant find the none box in the cc line in laptop & iphone 5?

    Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

  • Need help in writing the script in windows to read the file at runtime

    Hi All,
    I need a help with a Script. I need to read a filename from a directorty based on a specific format. I will be looking for the file in a directory that will have a file added to it each month. The script will need to go out to that directory determine the current month and Year and then grab that file based on the MONTHYEAR contained itn the file name and
    in the same script pass the filename to SQL Loader.
    The filename will consist of three parts VARIABLECONSTANTDATE.ext (example: FUELFILE11262007.txt: FUEL is a VARIABLE, FILE is constant, 11 two digit month, 26 two digit day,2007 four digit year.)
    I am stuck as how to how to read that into a string, find the file name and then pass that to sql loader.
    Any help much appreciated..
    Looking forward for your response.

    Use of External Tables will ease your problem...
    Here's what you can do:
    1. Create External tables (fuelfile.asc)
    2. Use Java code to read all filenames in a particular directory and store them in table
    3. Use PL/SQL block to loop through each filename in the table and write the file to the file of external table (fuelfile.asc)
    3.1 Transfer data from External table to main table
    Aalap Sharma :)

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