Help? Library module broken!

I use a MacBook Pro and Lightroom 5. My options in Library module to edit have disappeared and now have only gray on both sides of my photo. How can I get back the menu to edit from Library module? Thanks, Mark

Try hitting the tab key.

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    There is a menu bar at the top right of the Lightroom screen that should say "Library Develop" and some other things. If you these are the menus you mean by "File Handling dialog box" then right-click on Develop and place a check mark next to Library. If "File Handling dialog box" means something else, I guess you need to describe it in more detail.
    You can always get to the Library from anywhere else in Lightroom by pressing G

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    Dont know if this is a new occurrence or very many details but try changing "permissions".
    Navigate to the following folder: /Users/[user name]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Lightroom
    Highlight the Lightroom folder and chose File > Get Information
    Under Sharing & Permission, verify that your have Read & Write Privileges. If not, click the padlock icon at the lower right, enter your password when prompted, then click the Read only entry and select Read & Write.

  • Photos in Library module and after export look different than in Development module

    I experience a problem.
    After I update photos in the Development module, the updates seem not to be shown in the Library module. And when I subsequently export to Flickr, Flickr is also showing the original photo, not the adapted one.
    I noticed this the first time after making Blacks a bit deeper, causing a sunflower to become a deeper yellow. I thought that my adaptations were not applied in the Library module. After I checked with cranking down the Saturation all the way back (to almost black-and-white), that adaptation WAS applied in the Library view. So it had to be something else, causing the same color difference between the Library and Development modules.
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    I use Lightroom 5.6, Camera RAW 8.6.
    Please help me, as this is very annoying. I currently cannot export my photos to Flickr or anywhere else, unless I overcompensate before exporting. And I really don't want to do that. My Lightroom photo is my perfect photo, and I want to keep it that way...
    Many thanks in advance for any help,

    Hi ssprengel,
    Thanks for your reply. Let me react to each possibility you mention and provide some extra information.
    - "Check your Export / File Settings / Image Format and make sure they are set to JPG not Original". Done that, it's not on Original, but on jpg. This would not explain why I see the difference in the Library and Development modules, by the way. But better to know for sure.
    - "...the most likely thing that is wrong is your color-management on your computer is not working properly". It is a PC with Windows 7. I have been using Lightroom for maybe 6 years and I never had this problem before. The last time I changed my setup is more than a year ago and this problem only started to happen a short while ago (after the update to Lightroom 5.6? I'm not sure, but that's the only thing that has changed lately). I use a Spider to create a custom profile that is correct for my setup and do a regular update on the profile.
    - "what brand and model of monitor do you have?" I have an EIZO FlexScan S2411W and use that for a long time as well. I chose this brand of monitors for its good color reproduction and I have been happy with it for years now.
    What I am not getting is why would all this show a difference between the Library and Development module? The only difference is the Lightroom software that is switching from one module to another, and that should deliver the same photo. I'm also stating in my first post that the differences are very noticeable using the Adobe Standard Camera Profile in the Development module. I have a feeling that the profile is part of the problem.

  • Specific Problem with Library Module 1:1 Preview Loading

    Hi everyone.  I've spent hours searching Google & forums for specific tips to try but I've found nothing that solved my problem.  I have a very specific problem loading 1:1 previews in Lightroom 3.3 while zoomed to 1:1.
    When I initially import a shoot (usually 3000 to 6000 images), I always render 1:1 previews during import.  My understanding is that this activity writes full-sized previews to the "Previews" folder, but I also have observed that .DAT files are created in the "Camera Raw Cache" folder.  I have my Lightroom Previews folder and my Adobe Camera Raw Cache folder on the **same** solid-state hard disk, which is dedicated to Lightroom.
    When I browse these newly-imported images in the Library module in Loupe view at 1:1 zoom, it's very zippy and fast to switch between images.  The images load without any message at a lower resolution, and then "snap" to full resolution after 0.25 to 0.5 seconds. No "Loading" message appears.
    However, once the previews have "sat around for a while", even if they are still supposedly available in the Previews folder, loading the image at 1:1 in Loupe as described takes 3-5 seconds.  Shortly after going to an image, the message "Loading..." is displayed (it doesn't say where from), and 3-5 seconds later, the full res image appears.
    This has nothing to do with changes to image settings requiring re-rendering of the preview.  These are images that I've imported but haven't browsed in a while.  I know that the previews are valid, because I can go to "Library > Previews > Render 1:1 Previews", and the task will complete within 20 or 30 seconds without re-rendering any photos after examining them and apparently finding that there are still valid 1:1 previews for all 4000 of them.  After doing this "re-render," the slow loading behavior is the same as before, because the re-render process always completes without actually updating the previews that it found are already there and presumably decided were still valid.  Discarding previews by "Library > Previews > Discard 1:1 Previews" and then trying to re-render them also does nothing, because LR3 apparently doesn't immediately delete the discarded previews, so they are picked back up again As-Is by the re-rendering process.
    If I had to guess at the reason for this behavior based on the symptoms, I would say that it seems like Lightroom is forcing itself to re-render 1:1 previews upon browsing to images that are older than a certain age (very possibly the same "30 days" after which the 1:1 previews are supposed to be discarded).
    Now, I've also observed that deleting the DAT files in the Camera Raw Cache folder has no adverse impact on load speed (which is what I would have expected to see if LR3 was looking for and loading images from this cache instead of the Previews folder).
    What this means to me is that once the image previews reach this "outdated" state, I can't get fast 1:1 browsing performance in Loupe with any reliable procedure other than manually deleting [in Windows Explorer] the entire Preview folder and then re-rendering the 1:1 previews for this shoot.  This is of course terribly inconvenient when there are recent previews that I want to save.
    Note:  I do not have any slowness under any circumstance when browsing at "Zoom to Fit".  This is only a problem when I'm browsing at 1:1 zoom (like when I'm comparing sharpness between a set of photos).
    Note:  For images with the slow behavior described, once the image has been loaded once at 1:1 zoom, it's henceforth snappy again when returning to the image (as if Lightroom was once again accepting the Preview file as valid).
    So, here's a summary:
    Previews (X:\Lightroom Catalog Previews\) and Camera Raw Cache (X:\Lightroom Cache\) are on same, dedicated, fast drive
    1:1 previews from recently-imported files load full-res at 1:1 zoom in less than 1/2 second.
    Older 1:1 previews take 3-5 seconds to load full-res at 1:1 zoom, even though the previews are supposedly being loaded from still-valid 1:1 previews in the Previews folder.
    I'm really tired, so i hope this makes sense.  I don't see how this could be a hardware problem, because I get good performance with recently-imported images.  I'm running LR3.3 on Win 7 Pro x64 with 8 GB of RAM and a 2.4 GHz Intel Core2 Quad CPU.  Never had LR3 beta installed - upgraded to 3.0 from the last 2.X version.  After upgrading, in response to this exact issue, I deleted my entire previews folder and rebuilt, but I continue to have the exact same problem on every shoot that I import.  It's most noticeable on the large shoots, because I end up having to browse at 1:1 zoom to compare a set of similar images.
    Only workaround I've found:  in Windows Explorer, manually delete the Previews folder.  Return to Lightroom and rebuild 1:1 previews.  This forces the previews to be rebuilt for all images.
    Another possible workaround I am going to experiment with: setting the Previews to "Do Not Discard", in case the defualt "Discard after 30 days" that I've used is causing or contributing to the problem.  If Lightroom is actually discarding the images after 30 days but forgetting that it had discarded them when asked to re-render 1:1's, maybe setting to "Do not discard" will bandage that problem by never discarding them to begin with.
    All right, I'm falling asleep at the keyboard.  I'm afraid to add more details as they may become incoherent.  Hope to hear some good news, as fixing this problem would make my LR3 experience so much more pleasant.
    Can anyone assist with this problem?
    - Tyson

    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    Ian Lyons wrote:
    The behaviour after previews have been around for a while (i.e. previews for unedited images) is not normal. There have been a few other reports of similar behaviour, but no real clues as to why it happens.
    Yes - this is my problem.  Previews should still be valid, and "Library > Previews > Render 1:1 Previews" says the images are still valid, but then Loupe rebuilds them anyways.
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    Ian Lyons wrote:
    If everything was working correctly, the setting for discard shouldn't have any effect on whether the previews go stale or not. ...
    My understanding is that if everything were working as intended, the "setting for discard" that I was referring to (Edit > Catalog Settings > File Handling > "Automatically Discard 1:1 Previews") should be the sole determinant of whether 1:1 previews must be rebuilt for images with unmodified settings.
    For example, if I import an image and render a 1:1 preview, and if I set the "Auto Discard 1:1" setting to "30 Days", and if I make no changes to the image's settings, then I would expect that the image should render quickly (under 1/2 second) at 1:1 zoom in Loupe view for the next 30 days.  On the 31st day, I would expect the image to take longer to load as a new 1:1 preview was rendered and stored, and then I would expect this new preview to be retained for another 30 days.
    I would furthermore expect that the 30-day counter would be reset every time the image was re-rendered (i.e. if I go into Develop and change something).
    To a certain extent, this is functioning correctly on my system.  When I go to one of these "problem images" that inexplicably load slowly, returning to them subsequently is quick.  I think my problem is just, as Rob suggested, that some part of Lightroom's "brain" has wacky ideas about whether an up-to-date 1:1 preview exists or not.
    If I choose to "Never" automatically discard 1:1 previews (which is what I just switched to), then I should "Never" see unmodified images taking 3-5 seconds to "Load" at 1:1 zoom in Loupe.
    Since I just nuked my Previews folder again last night and re-rendered 1:1's overnight for a 3000 image shoot, it might be a while before I start encountering this bug again.  I will certainly post any further related experiences here and will keep checking for anyone who has further insight.
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    Ian Lyons wrote:
    ...we know that Lr3.4 RC fixed the manual discard bug, so, if I were you I would focus any further tests on Lr3.4RC.
    Thanks for pointing this out.  I will upgrade to 3.4RC - at least then I will be able to force a rebuild of previews from one shoot without having to manually delete the previews for my entire catalog.  I'll no longer have to throw out all the food in the refrigerator just because something smells funny.
    function(){return A.apply(null,[this].concat($A(arguments)))}
    Ian Lyons wrote:
    The DAT files are created at the same time as Library previews. However, they are only used in Develop module.
    Yes, I definitely agree with this (although, the Cache is probably also used while rendering new previews after "Quick Develop" changes in the Library module....).  I posted my observations to this effect just in case someone else wondered the same thing I did.  It is clear that the DAT files get written every time a preview is rendered for RAW file.  Rob, now that I'm thinking with a clearer mind, I think the only thing these Cached files are used for is if you "return" to recently rendered settings in Develop or Quick Develop - then, that particular combination of settings yields a match in the cache, and LR loads the image from the Cache into Previews and onto the screen.  It is logical that the cache wouldn't help us when going to new settings, because the new settings would create a partially or completely different rendering than any other combination of settings.  Adobe may be going to more advanced levels of "reusability" than this, but I'm sure this is the general state of things.
    You may want to open back up write access to that Cache folder...
    Thanks, Rob & Ian!
    So, my question, or bug report, still remains for now - why am I biting into a bag of chips marked "Fresh" and finding them Stale?  And why does it say "Paper Jam" when there is no paper jam?

  • Working with multiple files in Library module

    I am trying to work with a subset of files in the Library module. Doing things like delete, rotate, flag etc. I select the files by Ctrl-Click (WXP) and then try to do the function--sometimes it works, other times it may delete or roate the wrong file. How can I get this to work everytime?

    This may not help, but the times when that happens to me is when I go too fast and some operations haven't finished. I then try to select a file that hasn't completed and the file I select is in the process of having the data updated. The worst is when it is trying to render as I am doing something.
    I hope this helps some.

  • Different view to develop and library module

    Hello everyone, I have a big problem during my workflow, or when working images from the development at the end of the work as the images are like me and very sharp. But when I see in the library module are not sharp and the blacks are very mordibi. Below I post the link to see for yourself.
    The problem is that when I export my image is identical to the form LIBRARY and not that beautiful clear form DEVELOPMENT. So I find myself not export images with crisp blacks and dishes.
    I already tried to delete the cache, but does not change anything, and I use 1:1 previews, you have no idea how to fix my problem?

    twenty_one wrote:
    Ah, now I see the rightside of that screenshot, with, as you say, sharpening 150 and NR 0. That's a combo it would never even occur to me to use, not in a hundred years...
    Anyway, I tried this with an ISO 1250 shot, but couldn't see any differences anywhere. But maybe you need to go higher.
    I've learned to never take anything for granted when reviewing LR forum posts. An ISO 1250 shot is probably too low with most DSLR cameras to see this issue. On my 5D MKII I could really only see the "lightening" between Develop and Library views with ISO 6400 raw images. It may also show up at lower ISO settings with images that are heavily underexposed (i.e. LR Exposure +1 and greater), and with smaller sensor cameras (1.6 crop, P&S).
    Gianlu24, keep in mind that Adobe increased the Sharpening amount from '100' in LR3 to '150' in LR4 when using a high 'Masking' setting. For most normal images and Masking settings you should use a Sharpening amount below '100.' There are two basic types–Capture and Output sharpening, each adjusted using separate controls. In addition you can apply both Global and Local Capture Sharpening in LR. These three articles by Laura Shoe may be helpful: pening/

  • Show file name in the library module

    In Lightroom 2.7. there was the option in the library module to show the file name of the photograph in the area under the photograph. In Lightroom 3 I can not find this option anymore. Can anybody help me to find it ?
    Thank you

    Info is not available in LR3.  You could use the info overlay.

  • Develop module & library module aren't matching

    When I am editing, my photos look how I want them to in the develop module, but when I switch over to the library they look different. Some photos it doesn't apply the clarity, highlights, noise reduction, or sharpening. I haven't had this problem up until a month or two ago. It used to be the same between the two modules and I no problems editing. Now it's a pain to edit because I have to switch to the Library to see what the image is really looking like, go back to develop to try and change it, but cant end up getting it to look how I want. Images look the same zoomed in, but not in normal view. I am on Windows, Lightroom 3.6. I have tried reupdating the software, downloading an older version. also updated my video driver, and nothing helped. trying to avoid reinstalling all of lightroom because I do not want to lose any previewly modified images.
    first one is the view from develop. you can tell its a lot more noisey.
    second picture is from the library. it's a lot more smooth.
    so basically my images aren't being shown correctly. I have looked through a lot of discussions on here and no one seems to have an answer...please help me! editing should be fun, not frustrating.

    Rivosyke wrote:
    Thanks for the response. This appears to be more the issue with image that is exported is using the algorithm for the library module as opposed to the changes made using the develop module. The histograms are different when switching between the two modules (Library/Develop) for the same image.
    Camera: D7100
    Image Type: RAW
    ISO: 3200
    Bingo! You're using an ISO 3200 image with fairly high sharpening settings, which is going to increase noise in the image. If you view the image at 1:1 in the Develop module the noise should very visible. The Develop module and Library module 1:1 previews should both show the noise and look very close to each other. The reason why less than 1:1 Zoom previews (i.e. Fit, Fill, 1:4) and histograms look different is explained in my reply #29 under this heading MORE THAN YOU PROBABLY NEED TO KNOW (For Techno Geeks & Nerds Only). The Export module uses the same Bicubic algorithm as the Library module, which is why the Library module's preview is more accurate than the Develop module. Virtually all image editors (not just LR) use the same Bicubic resizing algorithms and will produce the same discrepancy when compared to LR's Develop module preview.
    Fortunately there is a very easy solution to this issue. Unfortunately many people prefer to complain, say it is a LR "bug," and don't listen further to suggestions on "fixing" the issue. If you fall into the latter camp don't bother reading further! Sorry if this sounds crass and cynical, but I can only provide advice. Whether you believe me and try it is your decision! It works for me using five different camera models with both raw and JPEG image files.
    High ISO and/or High Sharpening Preview Discrepancy Fix
    1) Set Develop module to 1:1 Zoom View.
    2) a. Adjust Sharpening panel settings for desired look.
        b. With noisy images it's best to keep the Detail setting no higher than 35.
        c. Try using the Masking slider to reduce noise in even toned areas.
    3) Increase Detail panel Color setting until the color noise is barely visible.
    4) If there is still some residual color noise try increasing the Color detail setting to ~80.
    4) Increase the Detail panel Luminance setting until noise is barely visible or gone.
    5) If the image has lost significant sharpness try increasing the Luminance Detail setting to ~80.
    6) If necessary go back to steps # 2-5 and make small adjustments to the Sharpening and NR settings.
    Now compare the Develop and Library previews at Fit view or better yet at 1:8, 1:4, or 1:3. They should look very close to each other with the Develop preview very slightly sharper. Full-size and reduced size Exports should look very close to what you see in the Develop module. When Resizing images don't forget to add Export Output Sharpening. When images are Resized the Output Sharpening setting has more influence on image sharpness than the LR Develop Sharpening settings. For most images the Screen Standard setting should produce crisp images. If you want more try the High setting. I generally find the Screen Low setting produces the most natural look. YMMV dependent on lens performance, camera shake, focus issues, or simply poor lighting (cloudy, foggy, etc.).

  • Why does the library module looks so different from develop

    Ok, so the library module on my lightroom 4.4 does not match my develop module. Especially in the noise reduction department. It's like I haven't even made any changes and yes I zoomed to 1: 1 to check the differences between the two and they are still there.
    Also when I export it looks like the library module's version of the photograph, washed out and filled with noise.
    Is this a glitch? What the heck is going on? This just started doing this to me today.

    Please let me know how to adjust the master volume.  I am having the same problem with my Garageband '09 (version 5.1) and the sound fades out after about 18 seconds when creating a ringtone.  Also, when I move the yellow bar anywhere but the beginning, the music plays but no sound at all.
    Please help!
    Thank you!

  • My photos look terrible in the library module after editing in the develop module.  They look nothing alike.  How do I solve this issue?  Using Lightroom 5.

    anyone have any ideas?  The only way I can get around this is export the photo back into iPhoto and try to edit out the mess.

    The waves you are seeing on your monitor must be more pronounced than what I'm seeing in the posted screenshots. The Library module uses Adobe RGB AND 8-bit JPEG preview images, which can cause banding in fine gradient areas (compared to Develop view), but I'm not seeing a huge difference in your screenshots. Here's a screen shot with my non-wide gamut monitor calibration profile. If my screenshot shows less banding than what you are seeing with the original images it indicates a monitor profile issue as described by twenty-one. A hardware calibrated monitor is recommended to prevent these types of issues.
    The Library image also appears lighter in the shadow area, which probably indicates more Luminance NR needs to be applied or perhaps less sharpening. Try it and see if that helps with the issue.

  • Photo count wrong in library module

    I Have wrong photo count on all my catalogs in the Lightroom 3 in the library module. It always show 0 count on the top level folders. This creates problem on photo search. I have tried all resources and could not find a solution. Please help!

    I couldn't believe it's that easy. It should really be the default setting.
    Thanks a million.

  • Selecting same photo in film strip and library module

    When I select a photo in the library module, the same photo is not selected in my film strip, how do I change this?
    The problem is when I select a photo in the library and then click develop, the photo that loads in the develop module is the one I have selected in the film strip, not the one I just clicked on in the library module. In my previous version of LR when I select a photo in the library module the same photo would become selected in the film strip so this problem would never occur, I am trying to find a way to restore this setting.
    Also when I click "Ctrl A" in the Library module it selects all photos in my film strip, I would like to select all photos in library module instead so I can click "Sync Settings".
    Thanks for your help!

    What version of Windows? I'm using Windows 7 with 8 GB RAM, and don't see those problems. I would suggest that you upgrade to the current version, 5.7.1.
    Product updates
    The other suggestion would be to delete your Lightroom preferences so that Lightroom can generate a new preferences file.
    Preference and other file locations in Lightroom 5

  • In 3.2, adjustments don't appear when moving back to library module from develop module.

    I just upgraded to 3.2. When I make a series of adjustments in the develop module, the adjustments do not carry over to the library module. This did not happen with 3.0. In 3.0, the most recent adjustment made would be how the image would appear in the library module. Now, only the original import, without adjustments, appears in the library module. Even if I make a snapshop to the image, the adjustments do not seem to carry over back to the library module. When I go back to the develop module, all of the adjustments are still there, but what is initially seen is the image as it had originally been imported. I shoot in RAW (NEF for Nikon), and have a MAC 10.6.4. Never had this problem before the upgrade. Help.

    I will try these two suggestions, bur first two questions: Are you suggesting that I select the image in the library and then zoom in and out, or are you suggesting that I zoom in and out while the image is still in the develop module after I have made a series of adjustments to the image? Perhaps I am ignorant, but I am not sure what you mean by making a preview image. All of the images when imported into light room are standard previews. Thanks for your help.

  • LR 5 Library module issues

    I have read all the problems that other have been having with LR5 & the library module running slow. I have been using LR5.2 since it was released with no issues of slowness, the only issue I had was that sometimes the position of images shown in LR did not match what was shown in Finder. Opening & closing LR seemed to correct this.
    I have a Mac with Version 10.8.5. 2.8 Ghz Intel Core i5, 4gb 1333 Mhz Memory & 3Tb hard drive. I have 56,000 images in one catalogue.
    Everything was fine until this morning. Last night I uploaded 700 images. This morning all was fine. I had shot some images to use for HDR, so decided to update Photomatix Pro HDR from version 4 to version 5. Despite following the instruction the automatic download & install did not load the plug in into LR & it kept loading version 4. I deleted Photomatix 4 & 5 from the computer & re-loaded version 5 only.
    From then on the library module has locked up & I can not get access to the catalogue. I have logged out & back in several times. I have a LR back-up & have exported the key words to a back up file.
    I am a photographer not a computer expert so if anyone is able to make any suggestions they will need to be simple.
    Is uninstalling both Photomatix Pro & Lightroom & reinstalling them an option?
    What do I need to carefull with so as not to lose information on the images?
    Any help would be appreciated.
    Neil Vincent

    I had been using Photomatix Pro 4 as a plug-in to LR, I upgraded to Photomatix Pro 5, it appeared to have installed correctly.
    When it first happened I was in the library module as that is from where you access the plug in. I tried the plug in Photomatix Pro 5 for the first time & the HDR image which was created did not re appear in LR as it was supposed to. I tried a second time & the same thing happened, the image created did not appear in the LR light table view. I scrolled through the LR files on the LHS of the screen & found two “ghosted” image icons (still in LR library module). I tried to delete these from within LR & it would go through the normal delete screens but right after I clicked that I agreed to “remove them from the disc” a message would come up saying something like  “they could not be deleted as they were aliases”. (I cannot recreate this message as the library module is frozen)
    I tried a number of times but the same. I went to Finder to the original folder containing these “aliases” to delete them from there but they were not there. I searched Finder using “date created” but there were no files of that name.
    Using a program called Appcleaner I deleted all versions of Photomatix from the computer & then downloaded & re-installed Photomatix Pro 5. This time it worked with LR creating a HDR & loading it back into LR in the correct position. LR Library module was working fine at this point.
    The two “aliases” were still showing so I decided to close LR to see if that cleared them. When I reopened LR the files down the LHS in the library module did not all “fill” some were greyed out, when I tried to scroll down I noticed that some folders were missing. As I used the slider on the LHS to scroll down it would not go passed a point about halfway down the screen, it would let me go back up but not down passed that point. I was not able to expand the parent folders (the visible parent folders are six months shooting, inside each is the  individual shoot folders) but if I selected one of the parent folders slowly it would show all the images in that folder on the light table view but I was not able to scroll down those photos.
    I opened & closed LR several times with the same result. I completely shut down the computer & re-opened LR with the same result. I then changed modules to Develop module to see what was happening there, all was good, the same with the other modules. I then tried to go back into Library module & the tab in the top right hand corner changed from Develop to Library but rest of the screen stays as the develop module screen. The tabs along the top line only read Lightroom/File/Edit/Window/Help none of the other library module tabs are there, if I go into develop they are all as they should be. It stays like this... frozen, I can go back into the other modules & they work.
    While writing this email I switched back to the Library module & received an error message for the first time. It read “an error occurred when attempting to change modules”
    I have replied to your email directly as when I went to the forum I could not find a reply key. Where is this?

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  • BSEG - Select statement slow

    Good day master's! I'm having a so slow query with this code: SELECT EBELN BELNR AUGBL GJAHR KOSTL INTO TABLE IT_BSEG FROM BSEG WHERE EBELN EQ LS_EKKO-EBELN AND BUKRS EQ S_BUKRS. I use ABAP debugger and found out the cause why my program are so slow.

  • Pricing procedure linkage to  EXIT_SAPLFYTX_USER_001 external tax calculati

    Hello friends, We are using sabris for external tax calculation. I am new to SD in our pricing procedure I need to make changes to add 20 more fields  to send to Sabrix. I understand that Pricing procedure calls   EXIT_SAPLFYTX_USER_001 for sending f