Hi Fi Volume wil nt increase past a low level???

Using my Hi Fi with 20G ipod and the volume on the Hi Fi would not increase beyond a low level compared to other times I have used the Hi Fi. The volume would lower and when trying to increase the light on the Hi Fi would turn from green to orange and not increase past a certain level??? Please advise.

Do you have batteries in the Hi-Fi? If so, check that the power cord is properly (firmly) in place. If so, then make sure that power outlet hasn't been turned off at the wall-switch. What you're describing sounds like what the Hi-Fi is designed to do when running on batteries. ..As the batteries wear out, the maximum volume is reduced.
If you do not have batteries in the Hi-Fi, then I'm at a loss to explain your problem.

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    Thank you for the question.  The article below should help you with this issue. 
    Adjust volume for individual items in iTunes
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    Downloading past purchases from the App Store, iBookstore, and iTunes Store
    Jason H. 

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    Hello , Welcome to the HP Support Forums!
    I understand that you're getting a 'Low Ink' message on the front panel of your HP Officejet Pro 8500 Wireless All-in-One Printer and would like to bypass this message. The ink system in your specific model of printer requires ink to be in the cartridges for the printer to function. Ink is required for printing, but also for regular maintenance on your printer. The Semi-Permanent Printheads within your product control ink for going on the page. If your printer is not able to perform regular maintenance because it has empty ink cartridges installed, damage may be caused to the Printheads. Should the Printheads become clogged or defective they will also need to be replaced. For additional ink usage information please click here.  When printing from your computer, colour ink may be used to print black, depending on the program that you're printing from. If you prefer to print in only black ink and save your colour cartridges you can set your print driver to 'Black Ink Only'. However, your printer cannot be in an error state for these changes to take affect. Therefore, if you would like to adjust your print driver setting to use only Black ink when printing black only documents, you will need to replace your depleted cartridges first.  I am happy to provide additional assistance with adjusting your print driver setting once you have replaced the depleted cartridges. I look forward to hearing from you!

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