High Memory utilization for a single project

Hi All,
I am facing one issue with one of the projects configured. We have endeca installed on a Windows server and there are multiple projects setup. I am observing that dgraph.exe for a single project is taking as much as 80% of memory on server. I do see that the project is receiving around 300 to 350 requests every day which is slightly higher than other projects. I am required to manually restart the project before business starts and that releases the memory. I am not able to identify whats causing this issue. Any ideas on how to troubleshoot the issue?
Any suggestions will be of great help..
Thank You,

The number of threads will not have any impact on memory usage, however, I agree with Saleh that this doesn't make any sense.
I would suggest the following:
Grab the stats page XML (http://[your server name]:[your port]/admin?op=stats).
Restart the dgraph and see how much memory is taken up on the initial load. Then, assuming the memory consumption is reasonable, issue a couple N=0, N=something queries to the index and track what's happening with how much memory is being taken up.
If you're still at a normal level, it seems like there must be some process or "bad query" that causes the memory to spike. A possible culprit might be found on the "most expensive queries" section of the stats page but it's possible it won't be there as that only tracks queries that have completed, not queries that are still in process or taking forever.
The only other explanation I can think of is a rogue "bulk export" query where a user is trying to (for example) export the entire index to excel or something like that. Does your application offer that functionality?
Patrick Rafferty

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    Virtual memory system.  Committed memory is the physical memory for which space has been reserved in the disk paging file.  So, you are paging, which is quite common in virtual memory systems.
    On a completely different topic.  Lync is an application that works best on real cores.  Most systems are configured by default to use hyperthreading.  Hyperthreading increases the logical processor count on a system and logical processors
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    . : | : . : | : . tim

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  • Error : PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project

    Dear all,
    I'm using Project using Cost / Cost as revenue accrual/Billing method
    and I try to Generate Draft Revenue but I have a problem
    Please suggest what could be wrong.
    Log file :
    Projects: Version : 11.5.0 - Development
    Copyright (c) 1979, 1999, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
    PARGDR_SINGLE module: PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    Entering parmai()
    ...Connected to Oracle
    Accrue Thru date from Command line is : 2009/08/02 00:00:00
    project:35 delete:N regenerate:Y acc_thru_dt:02-Aug-09
    start project: end project:
    Revenue is running in Normal revenue mode
    Revenue is not based on specific project type...
    Revenue is not based on specific organization...
    Revenue is not based on specific customer...
    Revenue is not based on specific Agreement...
    Revenue is running for MCB/Non MCB projects...
    Revenue is running for release revenue mode...
    Revenue is not creating the detail report ...
    Revenue Processing Parameter List
    -------------- < parameter list > -----------------------
    Accru Through Date ----------------------------------------> 02-Aug-09
    Project ID ------------------------------------------------> 35
    From Project Number --------------------------------------->
    To Project Number ----------------------------------------->
    Adjusting Revenue Run -------------------------------------> No
    Project Type ID -----------------------------------------> 0
    Organization ID ------------------------------------------> 0
    Customer ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Agreement ID ----------------------------------------------> 0
    Multi Currency Projects -----------------------------------> No
    Release Draft Revenue -------------------------------------> Yes
    Include Detail Report -------------------------------------> No
    -------------- < End of parameter list > -----------------------
    ...Request ID = 804880
    This concurrent request is not being rescheduled
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...about to delete revenue for project id 35
    ...0 draft revenues deleted
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...about to process adjustments
    SELECT p.project_id, p.segment1,
    p.distribution_rule, p.project_level_funding_flag,p.project_currency_code,
    FROM pa_projects p, pa_project_types t
    WHERE p.project_id = :project_id
    AND pa_project_utils.check_prj_stus_action_allowed(p.project_status_code,'GENERATE_REV') = 'Y'
    AND :start_project_number||'x' != :end_project_number||'y'
    AND p.project_type = t.project_type
    AND t.project_type_class_code = 'CONTRACT'
    AND EXISTS (SELECT /*+ INDEX(pf pa_summary_project_fundings_u1)*/ NULL
    FROM pa_summary_project_fundings pf
    WHERE pf.project_id = p.project_id
    AND nvl(pf.revproc_baselined_amount, 0) != 0)
    FROM pa_draft_revenues r2
    WHERE r2.project_id = p.project_id
    AND r2.released_date||'' is null
    AND r2.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'Y', r2.generation_error_flag)
    FROM pa_expenditure_items_all i
    WHERE i.project_id = p.project_id
    AND i.cost_distributed_flag ||''= 'Y'
    AND i.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND i.expenditure_item_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt),sysdate)
    FROM     pa_draft_revenues r, pa_cust_rev_dist_lines l
    WHERE r.project_id = i.project_id
    AND      ((l.expenditure_item_id = i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id AND i.adjusted_expenditure_item_id is not null )
    OR (l.expenditure_item_id = i.expenditure_item_id))
    AND      NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND      l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND      r.project_id = l.project_id
    AND      r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    union all
    FROM pa_events v
    WHERE v.project_id = p.project_id
    AND ((v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'N'
    AND v.completion_date
    <= NVL(TO_DATE(:acc_thru_dt),sysdate))
    OR (substr(p.distribution_rule,1,4) = 'COST'
    AND v.revenue_distributed_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.completion_date
    > TO_DATE(NVL('02-Aug-09', sysdate))))
    AND (DECODE(NVL(v.bill_trans_rev_amount, 0), 0 ,
    DECODE(NVL(v.zero_revenue_amount_flag, 'N'), 'Y', 1, 0),1) = 1)
    AND NVL(revenue_hold_flag, 'N') = 'N'
    FROM pa_tasks t
    WHERE v.task_id is not NULL
    AND t.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.task_id = t.task_id
    FROM pa_tasks t1
    WHERE v.task_id is NULL
    AND t1.ready_to_distribute_flag = 'Y'
    AND v.project_id = t1.project_id )
    AND Exists (select null from pa_draft_revenues r,pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines l
    where l.project_id = v.project_id
    AND ( l.task_id = v.task_id OR v.task_id is NULL )
    AND l.event_num = v.event_num
    AND NVL(l.reversed_flag,'N') = 'N'
    AND l.line_num_reversed IS NULL
    AND r.project_id = v.project_id
    AND r.draft_revenue_num = l.draft_revenue_num
    AND (r.released_date||'' is not null
    OR r.generation_error_flag||'' = decode(:mass_gen,
    1, 'N', 'E')))
    union all
    FROM PA_Billing_Extensions be, PA_Billing_Assignments bea
    WHERE bea.active_flag = 'Y'
    AND bea.billing_extension_id = be.billing_extension_id
    AND (bea.project_id = p.project_id
    OR bea.project_type = p.project_type
    OR bea.distribution_rule = p.distribution_rule)
    AND be.calling_process in ('Revenue','Both')
    AND nvl(be.call_after_adj_flag, 'N') = 'Y'
    AND be.trx_independent_flag = 'Y'))
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...0 projects processed for adjustments
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...about to generate revenue for project id 35
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'PRE', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:45
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    ...Else loop 1
    ...else loop 2
    ...else loop 4
    ...else loop 5
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Leaving pauoarchn()
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:48
    ...generated revenue for project id 35, number DP700150.01
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'REG', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:48
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'REG', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    List of error messages for project id 35 for Revenue at location REG
    Procedure Name Message B Assgn Id Task Id
    pa_billing_pub.inse Create a default event type for this Bi 1
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 35, number DP700150.01 calling loc REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'POST-REG', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...generated revenue for automatic events for project id 35, number DP700150.01 calling loc POST-REG
    ...about to call pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'POST', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...exiting pa_billing.bill_ext_driver( 35, 'Revenue', 'POST', '02-Aug-09', 804880 )
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...Fetching next project
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    ...about to call AutoAccounting
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:49
    Warning in Flex Validation for line '35:353:1:1'
    Null GL# 50269 key flexfield is not allowed
    Warning in Flex Validation for line '35:353:2:1'
    Null GL# 50269 key flexfield is not allowed
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...returned from AutoAccounting
    ...about to update pe_expenditures_all for intercompany processing
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Entering parddl()
    ...setting error codes and bad code combination id to null
    ... Update draft revenues for marking autoaccounting error if any
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    1 rows updated.
    ... Update draft revenues without generation error to normal state
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_event_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_events for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_cust_rev_dist_lines for setting bad CCID to null
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for marking AutoAccounting error if any
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    ... Update pa_expenditure_items_all for setting revenue_distributed_flag to 'N'
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated.
    Leaving parddl()
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated with Generation error due to ccid=-1
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    0 rows updated with Generation error PA_REV_GEN_ERROR
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...1 projects processed for revenue generation
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...about to update proj summary funding amounts
    executing pa_billing.check_spf_amounts('B',35, , ) Calling check_spf_amounts...Inside the Single projects If
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...about to generate reports
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50
    ...completed generating reports
    Process completed.
    Start of log messages from FND_FILE
    End of log messages from FND_FILE
    Executing request completion options...
    ------------- 1) PRINT   -------------
    Printing output file.
    Request ID : 804880      
    Number of copies : 0      
    Printer : noprint
    Finished executing request completion options.
    Concurrent request completed successfully
    Current system time is 29-JUL-2009 11:15:50

    Hi Dina, thx for your response
    I have error "Rejection Error : Auto Accouting Error"
    There is Output :
    Project Num Revenue(Credited) Customer Agreement Rejection Reason
    DP700150.01 1 NOKIA SI( 1058) PKS-01/NSN/09 AutoAccounting Error

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    CISCO-SYSTEM-EXT-MIB.my is a good place to start and you can determine the OID from the MIB.
    Once you feel as though you are on the right track, have a look at:
    I gather that what you need is:

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    However, on running the "PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a single project" the same are line amounts are not getting Generated, and are not being shown under Rejected Lines in the output file aswell.
    Can someone sugges what might be the issue?

    What is your PA Thru n FA Dates?
    PA date should be period end and FA date should be month end.........and also check CIP Interface amounts on Capitalization form..
    Ragahvender K

  • PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project shows error(The project does not have a baseline revenue)

    Project Num                    Project Name                        Revenue Project Invoice     Rejection Reason                             
                                                                       Accrual Invoice Method     
                                                                       Method  Method  at Top Task
    16                             Contract Project                    Event   Event   No          The project does not have a baseline revenue

    Hi Harvir,
    Please check:
    PRC: Generate Draft Revenue for a Single Project Showing Reject Reason As the Project Does Not Have a Baseline Revenue
    Thanks &
    Best Regards,

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    Kindly regards
    David Mayer

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    Do you have any idea what can cause this problem.
    I've tried to upgrade then to Cisco works Prime lan management 4.1, but server went with same issues.
    Thanks a lot

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    Hi Brandon,
    it is important to know what version are running your ASAs [ie 7.0(4)] and to collect some log, you can set it to error level (logging buffered errors), with the logging standby, so all of the message should be replicated on the standby unit.
    even the show crashinfo could give you useful info.
    show crashinfo
    : Saved_Crash
    Thread Name: vpnfo_thread_msg (Old pc 0x00b47b80 ebp 0x01c60634)
    You can check the caveats for you release from the cisco site, This link is for the 7.0(4)
    It could be a known bug solved in newer image.
    Here you can find useful info to perfom a zer o downtime upgrade.

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    Dear Friends
    my client is executinig trun key projects. One single project may be spread across different geographical locations. Say Project name is "PRJ001".
    PRJ001 will be executed in Bombay, Hyderabad, Chennai.
    There are 2 scenarios for procuring materail:
    1. Since my these places are quite far away, I might procure material from a venodr near to these locations.
    2. I might give PO to one single vendor to dispatch material to these different locations for project execution.
    In the both the cases, how to handle material?
    What will be best option? Should I create a storage location (my client stores material @ site as these projects run for years)?
    I'm procurial material as Project Stock (Q).
    Say Bomaby location needs 500 no. of material, Hyderabad location needs 700 no. of material, Chennai location needs 300 no. of material.
    Now how do I ensure that the right material with right quantity is reaching respective project site?
    In some cases, project runs in remote location. Where there won't be any connectivity/ access to system. In such cases, if the site engineer enters GR/ IR & activity confirmation in excel sheet & later on sends an e-mail with this excel sheet to the office. How can we upload it to the system so that it updates the required fields in the system?
    Please give your suggestions.
    I appreciate your support/suggestion .

    Hi Amaresh,
    I think your Option no. 01 holds good for your requirement. You can define the corresponding Project sites in Chennai, Mumbai and other places as Storage locations. Better define Seperate storage locations for different site locations.
    I think having a delivery schedule with the specific requirement quantities and the storage location should resolve your issue of handling different quantities for the same material. This you can discuss & sort it out with your MM consultant.
    Hope this gives some idea.

  • High memory utilization

    We have a system(32GB RAM and 2 TB hard disk, Windows7,SQL SERVER 2008R2 enterprise 64 bit). Looks like whenever i run some query(even query result 50 records) on the database, the Memory utilization is very high(30 GB) in task manager. How can i control this
    over usage? The memory setting is default in server properties(min 0 and max 2147483647).

    Hmm, just curios, do you really have EE installed on Windows 7???????
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

  • Norton security alert high memory use for a specific file shared by millions

    current version microsoft xp. computer frequently goes into a scan type mode followed by a norton security alert high memory usage. causes major slowdown in system use

    current version microsoft xp. computer frequently goes into a scan type mode followed by a norton security alert high memory usage. causes major slowdown in system use

  • Suggestions for increased performance and better memory utilization for FTE

    We all know that there is a pretty big downside to creating potentially thousands of DisplayObjectContainers (TextLines).
    o - they are slow to create
    o - they may be short lived
    o - they occupy lots of memory
    o - they may need to be generated frequently
    Currently, there is only one way to find out all the information you need and that is to create all the TextLines for a given data set.
    This means that FTE does not scale well. It becomes very slow for large data sets that need to be regenerated.
    I am proposing a possible solution and hope that Adobe will consider it.
    If we had the right tools we could create a sliding window of display objects. With large data sets only a fraction of the content is actually visible. So only the objects that are actually visible need to be created. There is no way to do this efficiently with FTE at the present time.
    So we need a few new methods and classes that parallel what you already have.
    New Method 1)
    TextBlock.getTextLineInfo (width:Number, lineOffset:Number, fitSomething:Boolean)  : TextLineInfo
    This method returns simple information about all the lines in a text block. No display objects are generated.
    class TextLineInfo
        public var maxWidth:Number;   // maximum width of all the textlines in the textBlock
        public var totalHeight:Number;  // totalHeight of all the textlines in the textBlock
        public var numLines:int;           // number of lines in the lineInfo Array
        public var lineInfo:Array;           // array of LineInfo items for each textline
    class LineInfo // sample - more or less may be needed
        public var rawTextLength:int;
        public var textWidth:Number;
        public var textHeight:Number;
        public var ascent;
        public var descent;
        public var textBlockBeginIndex:int;
    Now getTextLineInfo needs to be as fast as possible. Find an advanced game programmer to optimize, write it in assembler, put grease on it.... do whatever it takes to make it fast.
    New Method 2)
    TextBlock.createTextLines (textLineInfo:TextLineInfo, begIdx:int, endIdx:int) : Array
    Creates and returns an Array of TextLine objects based on the previously created TextLineInfo. A range can be specified.
    It should be obvious that the above functions will improve the situation. Since this parallels what you already have it should not be earth shaking to implement.
    New Display Object type
    Much of the time you do not need a full blown Display Object Container for a TextLine. I suggest an additional lightweight TextLine class. A good parallel would be similiar to the difference between Sprite and Shape.
    Now I have some done some testing with this idea. Since you cannot implement this fully as it stands, I had to make some concessions. This sample contains 100,004 characters of data. You can resize it and it will always be fast. This sample only creates the visible portion of the display, but you may scroll into view the invisible portions. Each time the page is resized, it will jump back to the top, because of the limitations of FTE currently.
    The sample also contains a caret and allows the selection of an area but no editng, copy, paste  etc., is available for this test.
    If I did not do special handling for this, it would lock up for sure and be very user unfreindly.
    Now it takes a moment to load 100k into the TextElement.so there may be a pause before you see that data. I may need to improve this. Once loaded it performs quite well.
    Without the above or similiar optimizations. FTE is just not going to scale up very well at all.

    Jeff, I don't see how a fix for that bug means waiting for a major release. It seems it just does not work as you expected and perhaps documented. It should not break any code, should it ? This seems a somewhat major improvement.
    Using recreateTextLine in 10.1 I have these results so far:
    My test case is 668 lines and using my slow test machine so the timing can be picked up.
    When using just createTextLine and creating all text lines:
    ......Using removeChildAt to first remove all the old textLines then create all textLines:
    ..........it takes ~670ms
    ......Removing all children at once by removing the container then create all textLines:
    ..........it takes ~570ms
    Using recreateTextLine, getChildAt, then create all textLines:
    ..........it takes ~670ms
    So recreateTextLine does not improve performance it seems, just better memory I suppose.

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    I find this from Exchange Team Blog for your reference:
    Ask the Perf Guy: Sizing Exchange 2013 Deployments
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • PRC: Generate Asset Lines for a Single Project shows error(The project has no assets with valid in service dates.)

    Project Number             Project Name                    Exception Reason
    15                         Capital Project Jatyuapura      The project has no assets with valid in service dates.

    HarvirSinghSaini wrote:
    Project Number             Project Name                    Exception Reason
    15                         Capital Project Jatyuapura      The project has no assets with valid in service dates.
    PRC: Generate Asset Lines For A Range Of Projects Prints Exceptions (Doc ID 1519498.1)
    Integrating Oracle Inventory Transactions Into Oracle Projects To Generate Asset Lines & Interface Assets To Fixed Assets (Doc ID 1392743.1)

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