How calculate the percentage of area...

I have 4 tables:
LS_ID          FL     AREA
EMS00046     P01     2.995,09
EMS00046     P02     0,78
EMS00046     PTE     1.435,48
EMS00046     S01     1.684,80
EMS00046     S02     1.694,12
EMS00050     P01     1.111,60
EMS00050     P02     1.054,16
EMS00050     P03     1.117,05
EMS00050     P04     1.087,24
EMS00050     P05     1.117,85
EMS00050     P06     646,99
EMS00050     P07     249,48
EMS00050     PTE     593,35
EMS00050     S01     91,15
EMS00011     P02     446,90
EMS00021     PTE     0,71SUM AREA_TI is:
LS_ID          SUM(AREA)
EMS00011     446,90
EMS00021     0,71
EMS00046     7.810
EMS00050     7.068Tab AREA_T0
LS_ID          FL     AREA
EMS00046     PTE     15,48
EMS00050     PTE     15,33
00001156     P01     3.379,82
00001156     P02     3.731,25
00001156     P03     2.686,88
00001156     PTE     2.279,49
00001156     S01     7.341,05SUM AREA_T0 is:
LS_ID          SUM(AREA)
00001156     19.418
EMS00046     15,48
EMS00050     15,33Tab AREA_FI
LS_ID          FL     AREA
04600411     P01     785,64
04600411     P02     829,72
04600411     P03     832,36
04600411     PCO     11,88
04600411     PTE     473,91
04600411     S01     1.740,42SUM AREA_FI is:
LS_ID          SUM(AREA)
04600411     4.673Tab AREA_EM
LS_ID          FL     AREA
00307374     P01     4.269,59
00307374     P02     8.362,79
00307374     P03     770,96
00307374     PTE     7.292,11
00307374     S01     1.425,90
00602037     P01     3.364,47
00602037     PTE     9.764,71
00602037     S01     75,17SUM AREA_EM is:
LS_ID          SUM(AREA)
00307374     22.121
00602037     13.204I'd like to get these results:
EMS00011  446,90    0     0          0     446,90                          1                       
EMS00021   0,71     0     0          0     0,71                                1
EMS00046  7810    15,48   0          0     7825,75  0,00197            0,99803
EMS00050  7068    15,33   0          0     7083,33  0,00216            0,99784
00001156   0      19418   0          0     19418        1                                   
04600411   0        0     4673       0        4673                  1
00307374   0        0     0       22121    22121                                    1
00602037   0        0     0       13204    13204                                    1PERC_T0=AREA_T0/AREA_TOT
I tried this:
How can I create a oracle view to get percentage of area FOR ALL LS_ID present in the 4 tables??

Hi Barbara
your query seem not correct
I tried this:
AREA ) AS select ls_id, sum(area_locali) area
from area_ti
group by ls_id
union all
select ls_id, sum(area) area
from area_t0
group by ls_id
union all
select ls_id, sum(area) area
from area_fi
group by ls_id
union all
select ls_id, sum(area) area
from area_em
group by ls_id
create or replace view PERC_AREA
select x.ls_id,
area_ti.sum area_ti,
area_t0.sum area_t0,
area_fi.sum area_fi,
area_em.sum area_em,
area_tot.sum area_tot,
area_t0.sum/area_tot.sum perc_t0,
area_fi.sum/area_tot.sum perc_fi,
area_ti.sum/area_tot.sum perc_ti,
area_em.sum/area_tot.sum perc_em,
round(area_tot.sum*100/area_gen.sum,2) perc_lsid
from (select distinct ls_id
from x) x,
(select ls_id, sum(area) sum
from area_ti
group by ls_id) area_ti,
(select ls_id, sum(area) sum
from area_t0
group by ls_id) area_t0,
(select ls_id, sum(area) sum
from area_fi
group by ls_id) area_fi,
(select ls_id, sum(area) sum
from area_em
group by ls_id) area_em,
(select ls_id, sum(area) sum
from x
group by ls_id) area_tot,
(select sum(area) sum
from x) area_gen
where x.ls_id = area_ti.ls_id(+)
and x.ls_id = area_t0.ls_id(+)
and x.ls_id = area_fi.ls_id(+)
and x.ls_id = area_em.ls_id(+)
and x.ls_id = area_tot.ls_id(+)
What do you think about solution??

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  • How to calculate the percentage of free space for a table in Oracle

    okay, I am a little confused here. I have been searching the web and looking at a lot of documents. What I basically want to find out is this, how do I calculate the difference between the number of bytes a table is using and the total bytes allocated to a table space (going that way to get percent free for a particular table). So I need a byte count of a table and total table space and the percentage difference. I have been looking at the DBA_TABLES DBA_TABLESPACES and DBA_SEGMENTS views. I have tried to calculated the space as num_rows * avg_row_len (if I am wrong, let me know). I have been trying to compare that calculation to the number in DBA_TABLESPACES and DBA_SEGMENTS. I am just looking for the total space allocated to the table space that the table sits in (seem logical right now) to make the percentage value work. Thus I want to be able to track the table as it grows as compated to the table space it sits in to see a value as it changes over time (days, weeks, etc.) each time I run this script I am working on.
    Can someone get me straight and help me to find out if I am looking in the right places. Any advice would help.

    You can use a little modified version of dbms_space from Tom, show_space. Have a look,
    SQL> create table test222 as select * from all_objects;
    Table created.
    SQL> delete from test22 where rownum<=100;
    delete from test22 where rownum<=100
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    SQL> delete from test222 where rownum<=100;
    100 rows deleted.
    SQL> analyze table test222 compute statistics;
    Table analyzed.
    SQL>  create or replace procedure show_space
      2  ( p_segname in varchar2,
      3    p_owner   in varchar2 default user,
      4    p_type    in varchar2 default 'TABLE',
      5    p_partition in varchar2 default NULL )
      6  -- this procedure uses authid current user so it can query DBA_*
      7  -- views using privileges from a ROLE and so it can be installed
      8  -- once per database, instead of once per user that wanted to use it
      9  authid current_user
    10  as
    11      l_free_blks                 number;
    12      l_total_blocks              number;
    13      l_total_bytes               number;
    14      l_unused_blocks             number;
    15      l_unused_bytes              number;
    16      l_LastUsedExtFileId         number;
    17      l_LastUsedExtBlockId        number;
    18      l_LAST_USED_BLOCK           number;
    19      l_segment_space_mgmt        varchar2(255);
    20      l_unformatted_blocks number;
    21      l_unformatted_bytes number;
    22      l_fs1_blocks number; l_fs1_bytes number;
    23      l_fs2_blocks number; l_fs2_bytes number;
    24      l_fs3_blocks number; l_fs3_bytes number;
    25      l_fs4_blocks number; l_fs4_bytes number;
    26      l_full_blocks number; l_full_bytes number;
    28      -- inline procedure to print out numbers nicely formatted
    29      -- with a simple label
    30      procedure p( p_label in varchar2, p_num in number )
    31      is
    32      begin
    33          dbms_output.put_line( rpad(p_label,40,'.') ||
    34                                to_char(p_num,'999,999,999,999') );
    35      end;
    36  begin
    37     -- this query is executed dynamically in order to allow this procedure
    38     -- to be created by a user who has access to DBA_SEGMENTS/TABLESPACES
    39     -- via a role as is customary.
    40     -- NOTE: at runtime, the invoker MUST have access to these two
    41     -- views!
    42     -- this query determines if the object is a ASSM object or not
    43     begin
    44        execute immediate
    45            'select ts.segment_space_management
    46               from dba_segments seg, dba_tablespaces ts
    47              where seg.segment_name      = :p_segname
    48                and (:p_partition is null or
    49                    seg.partition_name = :p_partition)
    50                and seg.owner = :p_owner
    51                and seg.tablespace_name = ts.tablespace_name'
    52               into l_segment_space_mgmt
    53              using p_segname, p_partition, p_partition, p_owner;
    54     exception
    55         when too_many_rows then
    56            dbms_output.put_line
    57            ( 'This must be a partitioned table, use p_partition => ');
    58            return;
    59     end;
    62     -- if the object is in an ASSM tablespace, we must use this API
    63     -- call to get space information, else we use the FREE_BLOCKS
    64     -- API for the user managed segments
    65     if l_segment_space_mgmt = 'AUTO'
    66     then
    67       dbms_space.space_usage
    68       ( p_owner, p_segname, p_type, l_unformatted_blocks,
    69         l_unformatted_bytes, l_fs1_blocks, l_fs1_bytes,
    70         l_fs2_blocks, l_fs2_bytes, l_fs3_blocks, l_fs3_bytes,
    71         l_fs4_blocks, l_fs4_bytes, l_full_blocks, l_full_bytes, p_partition);
    73       p( 'Unformatted Blocks ', l_unformatted_blocks );
    74       p( 'FS1 Blocks (0-25)  ', l_fs1_blocks );
    75       p( 'FS2 Blocks (25-50) ', l_fs2_blocks );
    76       p( 'FS3 Blocks (50-75) ', l_fs3_blocks );
    77       p( 'FS4 Blocks (75-100)', l_fs4_blocks );
    78       p( 'Full Blocks        ', l_full_blocks );
    79    else
    80       dbms_space.free_blocks(
    81         segment_owner     => p_owner,
    82         segment_name      => p_segname,
    83         segment_type      => p_type,
    84         freelist_group_id => 0,
    85         free_blks         => l_free_blks);
    87       p( 'Free Blocks', l_free_blks );
    88    end if;
    90    -- and then the unused space API call to get the rest of the
    91    -- information
    92    dbms_space.unused_space
    93    ( segment_owner     => p_owner,
    94      segment_name      => p_segname,
    95      segment_type      => p_type,
    96      partition_name    => p_partition,
    97      total_blocks      => l_total_blocks,
    98      total_bytes       => l_total_bytes,
    99      unused_blocks     => l_unused_blocks,
    100      unused_bytes      => l_unused_bytes,
    101      LAST_USED_EXTENT_FILE_ID => l_LastUsedExtFileId,
    102      LAST_USED_EXTENT_BLOCK_ID => l_LastUsedExtBlockId,
    103      LAST_USED_BLOCK => l_LAST_USED_BLOCK );
    105      p( 'Total Blocks', l_total_blocks );
    106      p( 'Total Bytes', l_total_bytes );
    107      p( 'Total MBytes', trunc(l_total_bytes/1024/1024) );
    108      p( 'Unused Blocks', l_unused_blocks );
    109      p( 'Unused Bytes', l_unused_bytes );
    110      p( 'Last Used Ext FileId', l_LastUsedExtFileId );
    111      p( 'Last Used Ext BlockId', l_LastUsedExtBlockId );
    112      p( 'Last Used Block', l_LAST_USED_BLOCK );
    113  end;
    115  /
    Procedure created.
    SQL> desc show_space
    PROCEDURE show_space
    Argument Name                  Type                    In/Out Default?
    P_SEGNAME                      VARCHAR2                IN
    P_OWNER                        VARCHAR2                IN     DEFAULT
    P_TYPE                         VARCHAR2                IN     DEFAULT
    P_PARTITION                    VARCHAR2                IN     DEFAULT
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec show_space('TEST222','SCOTT');
    BEGIN show_space('TEST222','SCOTT'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-00942: table or view does not exist
    ORA-06512: at "SCOTT.SHOW_SPACE", line 44
    ORA-06512: at line 1
    SQL> conn / as sysdba
    SQL> grant sysdba to scott;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> conn scott/tiger as sysdba
    SQL> exec show_space('TEST222','SCOTT');
    BEGIN show_space('TEST222','SCOTT'); END;
    ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00201: identifier 'SHOW_SPACE' must be declared
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    SQL> exec scott.show_space('TEST222','SCOTT');
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> set serveroutput on
    SQL> exec scott.show_space('TEST222','SCOTT');
    Unformatted Blocks .....................               0
    FS1 Blocks (0-25)  .....................               0
    FS2 Blocks (25-50) .....................               1
    FS3 Blocks (50-75) .....................               0
    FS4 Blocks (75-100).....................               1
    Full Blocks        .....................             807
    Total Blocks............................             896
    Total Bytes.............................       7,340,032
    Total MBytes............................               7
    Unused Blocks...........................              65
    Unused Bytes............................         532,480
    Last Used Ext FileId....................               4
    Last Used Ext BlockId...................           1,289
    Last Used Block.........................              63
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    I use this to find the space allocations.
    Just read your post again,this is not going to show you the percentage of the free/used space. This is going to be the number of blocks which are free/used. For the growth trend, you can look at (in 10g) Oracle EM. It has added now,Segment Growth Trend report which can show you for each object,comparing to the allocated space to the object,how much space is being used by it.

  • How to calculate the Percentage differencebased on two values

    Not sure how to do this.
    Just want to calculate the % difference of two values (seem to have a problem when one value is zero)
    Here is the current output
    49 Apr 2
    64 Aug 1
    55 Feb 0
    Here is the output I would like to see
    49 Apr 2 4.08%
    64 Aug 1 1.56%
    55 Feb 0 0.00%
    Here is the current SQL
    Select TO_CHAR (RCA_CLOSE_DATE, 'Month') "Month",
    Count(1) as "Count of Adjustments"
    where (RCA_CLOSE_DATE between nvl (:P8_DATE_FROM,FORM_RECEIVED)
    and nvl (:P8_DATE_TO, FORM_RECEIVED))
    group by TO_CHAR (RCA_CLOSE_DATE, 'Month')

    You can try something like this one:
    Select TO_CHAR (RCA_CLOSE_DATE, 'Month') "Month",
    Count(1) as "Count of Adjustments",
    round(count(1)/SUM(CASE WHEN RCA_CODE = 'BI&D' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) * 100,2) || '%' percent
    where (RCA_CLOSE_DATE between nvl (:P8_DATE_FROM,FORM_RECEIVED)
    and nvl (:P8_DATE_TO, FORM_RECEIVED))
    group by TO_CHAR (RCA_CLOSE_DATE, 'Month')
    Best Regards
    Krystian Zieja / mob

  • How can i calculate the percentages and update the progressBar in the splash screen form ?

    I created a splash screen form:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.ComponentModel;
    using System.Data;
    using System.Drawing;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Text;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.IO;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace GetHardwareInfo
    public partial class SplashScreen : Form
    public SplashScreen()
    private Mutex mutex = new Mutex();
    public void SyncedClose()
    public void UpdateProgressBar(int percentage)
    if (this.InvokeRequired)
    if (!IsDisposed)
    this.BeginInvoke(new Action<int>(UpdateProgresPRV), percentage);
    private void UpdateProgresPRV(int per)
    if (progressBar1.IsDisposed) return;
    progressBar1.Value = per;
    private void SplashScreen_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
    The SplashScreen form have in the designer image and on the image a progressBar1.
    Then in form1 i did in the top:
    List<string> WmiClassesKeys = new List<string>();
    IEnumerable<Control> controls;
    string comboBoxesNames;
    SplashScreen splash = new SplashScreen();
    And in the constructor:
    controls = LoopOverControls.GetAll(this, typeof(ComboBox));
    string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(@"c:\wmiclasses\wmiclasses1.txt");
    foreach (string line in lines)
    foreach (ComboBox comboBox in controls.OfType<ComboBox>())
    if (line.StartsWith("ComboBox"))
    comboBoxesNames = line.Substring(14);
    if (line.StartsWith("Classes"))
    if (comboBox.Name == comboBoxesNames)
    foreach (ComboBox comboBox in controls.OfType<ComboBox>())
    comboBox.SelectedIndex = 0;
    The method GetAll is to loop over specific controls:
    public static IEnumerable<Control> GetAll(Control control, Type type)
    var controls = control.Controls.Cast<Control>();
    return controls.SelectMany(ctrl => GetAll(ctrl, type))
    .Where(c => c.GetType() == type);
    When i'm running the program it's taking some time to make the foreach loops in this time i need to show the SplashScreen and update the progressBar untill the foreach loops over.

    Don't use Application.Doevents. It's not required and can cause problems.
    I do not really grasp the approach you are taking here. So let me make a different suggestion:
    using System;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    using System.Threading;
    namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class SplashScreen : Form
    private static SplashScreen DefaultInstance;
    public SplashScreen()
    public static void ShowDefaultInstance()
    Thread t = new Thread(TMain);
    t.Name = "SplashUI";
    public static void CloseDefaultInstance()
    DefaultInstance.Invoke(new Action(DefaultInstance.Close));
    private static void TMain()
    DefaultInstance = new SplashScreen();
    public static void UpdateProgress(int Progress)
    if (DefaultInstance.InvokeRequired)
    DefaultInstance.Invoke(new Action<int>(UpdateProgress), Progress);
    DefaultInstance.progressBar1.Value = Progress;
    using System.Windows.Forms;
    namespace WindowsFormsApplication1
    public partial class Form1 : Form
    public Form1()
    for (int i = 1; i<=100; i++)
    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(20); // simulates work
    EDIT: Please note that the progressbar itself is being animated by the system, so it might look slower than it really is. To workaround this, there are solutions available (you'll find them) that first set the value one higher than necessary, then
    back to the actual value.
    Edit #2: You do need a different thread, otherwise the UI is locked while the loop is running in your Form1's constructor.

  • How to calculate the percentages

    Hi Gurus!!
    I am having a key figure(say suppose KF1) which had undergone currency conversions in query designer level to USD.
    Now i want one more field(KF2) in my report in which i should get the values of percentages based on KF1 and its overall result.
    Means i have 1000,2500,3400....under KF1 and the total is 25000. Finally under KF2 i should get as mentioned below
    So like wise i shold get the percentages based on KF1 and its total.
    I had tried SUMGT and %GT functions as mentioned below:
    kf1/sumgt(kf1)  and  kf1/%GT(kf1)  and for both of them the query is showing errors like you cannot use these functions in the query. correct the query.
    Pls suggest me the solution.
    Thanks in Advance
    Edited by: Jitendra Yuddandi on Jun 9, 2009 12:20 PM

    check these links

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    this method return the x, y in 3d, but the z axis not found...
    how discovery the z axis?
    (sorry for the bad english)

    I don't have LV 7 installed so I can't post the VI sorry.. here's the short answer to your question, you have to use property and method nodes from the ActiveX palette (see screen shot), item 0 is scale X, item 1 is scale Y and item 2 is scale Z.
    More generally there are loads of threads dedicated to 3D graph issues, just do a forum search .
    Hope this helps
    When my feet touch the ground each morning the devil thinks "bloody hell... He's up again!"

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    % Of total loan
    Other sources
    I would like to find the two unknown percentages.
    I am totally new to Adobe, so please explain in a step by step manner if this is possible.
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    On the iPad my example looks like this:
    To fill the formula down you tap cell and then Fill:
    And drag the bottom part of the yellow rectangle down:
    Wayne's example would look similar.

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    hi there
    use the color - Tool, select transparent for background and foreground color and click on the control.
    Best regards
    CL(A)Dly bending G-Force with LabVIEW
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    When we come to this screen again when i perform search with the bindvariable and click on search then the previously applied filter is also getting applied
    becuase the value in that filter is still there.
    So How can i remove the value which is entered in filter attribute of the VO programatically.
    Please help me.

    would this help you:

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    at present, using the filter method, I get a consolidate jobs status mail. some think like this.
    Shridhar Gowda

    Hi Shridhar,
    Redwood system maintains statistics for each job Definition.
    In job statistcis you can notice Execution Completed Count  and Execution Error Count .
    You can use Redwood script to pull those statistics
    Use following methods to extract them.
    You can write code to get the error percentage and completed percentage.
    Hope this helps.

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    Hello Duygu,
    restrict the original cost keyfigure with a variable which is based on fiscal period (this will be actual cost). And then create a new keyfigure(copy of original keyfigure) and use same variable but in detail of restriction use -1 for offset( this will be previous). And then define a new formula and subtract actual from previous or opposite)

  • How to calculate the Percent change in a dynamic

    hi All,
    I'm trying to get the percent increase/change of two dynamic
    colums.  In my report, the user has a checkbox where he can select two colums to calculate the percent growth.
    My DataSet is PilarName, Calification(is a decimal value) and Period (this is a string).  I created the Matrix this way:
    PilarName [Period]
    [PilarName] [Calification]
    Which give me these values:
    So, now I need to create another column to calculate the percentage change between these two colums.  I tried this:
    I added a Adjacent column group for Period column and I grouped by the calculated column "ColumnDiff".  Add the following expression.
    =(SUM(Fields!Calificacion.Value)- Previous(SUM(Fields!Calificacion.Value),"ColumnDiff"))/Previous(SUM(Fields!Calificacion.Value),"ColumnDiff")
    After that I get: 
    I'm getting the sum of the two columns instead.
    Any clue about what I'm doing wrong? Please help me, I've been looking for the answer but any solution works for me.
    Luis Carlos

    Hi Luis,
    According to your description, you have a report with different dynamic columns. Now what you want is show your user percentage growth in your matrix report after your user select two of those columns (I think you may use parameter to achieve your “checkbox”
    function). Is my understanding correct?
    In Reporting Service, we can’t calculate dynamic columns with our build-in arrogation functions. So we need to add custom code into our report, and call those functions which defined in custom code in our expression. We have tested your scenario in our local
    environment. Here are steps and screenshots for your reference.
    Go to your Report Properties, add the custom code below into your report:
    Dim Shared Num1 As Double
    Dim shared Num2 As Double
    Public Function GetCalification(Calification as Double,Type as String,Type2 as String) 
    If Type = Type2 Then
    End If 
    Return Calification 
    End Function
    Public Function GetPec()
    Return (Num2-Num1)/Num1
    End function
    Create a matrix. Put PilarName into Row field, put Period into Column field. In Data field, put the expression below into the textbox:
    In our sample report, we created a parameter (named Period) for selecting two columns. You can replace “Parameters!Period.Value(0)” with your own parameter.
    Add an outside column at right (%Growth), put the expression below into the textbox:
    Save and preview. The matrix and result looks like below:
    Custom Code and Assembly References in Expressions in Report Designer (SSRS)
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best Regards,
    Simon Hou

  • ORPAS:How the percentages in curve profile and resulting buy periods define

    Dear All,
    Am new to RPAS Assortment planning application,and I have a query in Assorment planning Maintain Curve Profiles
    The percentages which are entered in maintain curve profiles will change in resulting buying periods If the length of the buying period does not match that of the lifecycle curve (with exception to curves 1 and 2), the percentage distribution over weeks is extrapolated and normalized to
    100% using the shift and resize logic.
    Can anyone explain how this percentage distribution over weeks is extrapolated.Appreciate if any one can give explanation with examples

    GretagMacbeth ProfileMaker can tweak profiles. This program is discontinued,
    probably replaced by X-Rite's i1-Profiler.
    The main purpose of ProfileMaker is not tweaking but constructing of profiles,
    based on measured targets for specific inks, specific paper and and specified
    rasterization algorithms.
    Ink colors, dot gain and Lab values for all printed patches are results of measuring.
    For the construction of a profile one can choose:
    Rendering Intent, Black generation and Total ink limit.
    Black generation is defined by UCR or GCR with different levels of strength.
    The gray balance is optimized automatically.
    If the gray balance is disturbed, then one doesn't have to adjust the Black generation.
    Ideally, different strategies for the Black generation lead to the same visual result,
    but a multi-ink black with less CMY is more stable and less prone to illuminant
    Epson offers for inkjet B/W prints a special "Advanced Black and White Mode":
    Obviously there is a very strong GCR Black generation, but still all inks are used.
    In ProfileMaker I'm using for B/W a special profile with explicitly very strong GCR,
    thus avoiding that Epson's internal strategy bypasses my valid profiles.
    Altogether: these commercial programs are not suitable for creating ICC profiles
    merely based on abstract data (ink colors, assumed dot gain, theoretical rasterzation
    or 'halftoning'), but for creating profiles based on measured data.
    Additionally for tweaking already available profiles, but this will lead inevitably to a
    disturbed gray balance – my experience.
    As time goes by things may have changed – corrections are appreciated.
    Best regards  --Gernot Hoffmann

  • How to calculate Sales percentage difference between selected year and its previous year in a Matrix

    I'm trying to generate a report using matrix like this
    Product     PreviousYearSalesAmount    SelectedYearSalesAmount      %SalesDifference
    I can populate year sales amount, but i cant calculate the percentage.
    Can Anyone help me please.
    Note: Month and Year are passed as parameters.
    Thank you.

    Hi Abhiram,
    As per my understanding you can show your fields in matrix.
    Only problem is to create the additional column which will have the  %SalesDifference value right?
    If yes,
    Just create one column as shown in below screen,
    It will create one column, Name the header of this newly created column as %SalesDifference
    In below this header , where you want to show the value for %SalesDifference as
    Set the property of the column in number as Percentage.
    run the report, you will see as below screen.
    For your reference I am attaching my RDL code, you can save as .rdl file and run the report (sample Data inside the report only)
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <Report xmlns="" xmlns:rd="">
    <Textbox Name="textbox1">
    <Tablix Name="Tablix1">
    <Textbox Name="Textbox16">
    <Style />
    <Textbox Name="Textbox17">
    <Value />
    <Style />
    <Textbox Name="SalesAmount">
    <Style />
    <Style />
    <Textbox Name="Textbox76">
    <Style />
    <Group Name="month">
    <Textbox Name="month1">
    <Group Name="year">
    <Textbox Name="year">
    <TablixMember />
    <Textbox Name="Textbox61">
    <Textbox Name="Textbox62">
    <Value />
    <Style />
    <Group Name="Product">
    <Textbox Name="Product1">
    <Style />
    <Style />
    <Style />
    <Style />
    <DataSource Name="DataSource1">
    <DataSet Name="DataSet1">
    <QueryParameter Name="@year">
    <QueryParameter Name="@Month">
    <CommandText>select * from
    select 'apple' Product ,1 month ,2014 year,2000 SalesAmount
    select 'apple' Product ,1 month,2015 year,3000 SalesAmount
    select 'dell' Product ,1 month,2014 year,3000 SalesAmount
    select 'dell' Product ,1 month,2015 year,2500 SalesAmount
    select 'apple' Product ,2 month,2014 year,1500 SalesAmount
    select 'apple' Product ,2 month,2015 year,3000 SalesAmount
    select 'dell' Product ,2 month,2014 year,3000 SalesAmount
    select 'dell' Product ,2 month,2015 year,5500 SalesAmount
    where year between @year-1 and @year
    and Month=@Month</CommandText>
    <Field Name="Product">
    <Field Name="month">
    <Field Name="year">
    <Field Name="SalesAmount">
    <ReportParameter Name="year">
    <ReportParameter Name="Month">
    Mark this as Answer if it helps you to proceed on further.

  • Finding out the percentage  from 2 different reports

    Hello Friends,
    I am using OBI 10g. I am trying to divide values from one report which has a total count with another report which has a count with a particular criteria. For example, one report has count of people living in various states and the other report has a count of people who are above 60 years living in those states. Now I want to calculate the percentage. Say 80 people are living in Florida and number of people over 60 years living in Florida is 40, so I have these 2 reports already on my page. I want a 3rd report which gives the % of these two reports ie (40/80)*100 = 50. I want to use this 3rd report on the same page. Please let me know how to accomplish this. Also, let me know if you need any other information.
    Thank You.

    Hello Srini,
    Thank You for the reply. Here the report for people over 60 years living in Florida is the result of combination of 6 reports (*using combine with another request*). I am not able to figure out how to pull people over 60 years living in Florida and
    people living in Florida in the below formula
    FILTER(Fact."# People" USING ( people over 60 years living in Florida))/FILTER(Fact."#People" USING ( people living in Florida))*100.0
    It will be helpful if you can advice me in this regard.
    Thank You

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