How did I end up on Verizon's no service zone??

FiOS FiOS everywhere but not a fiber to see!   FiOS has hit our neighborhood, its been here for awhile.   Its in the street behind us, to both sides of us and the culdesac's below us to either side.   It is even on on road, just the other side of the intersection.   Spiffy little FiOS flags flying everywhere but my little piece of the world.    Seem's we were forgotten or left of the map for what ever reason.      Now I'm stuck with Comcast, and since they just "xfinitied" us, we're really sucking wind.     I crawled back to Verizon pleading for DSL and Home phone services and planned on going back to Direct TV, but now I'm told that since FiOS is all around us , we are no longer eligible for DSL or phone services?!?!   That stings, I had given up on FiOS a few years back, with family demand for bandwidth we tried the local company (pre-comcast)   UGH!!!   Hello wound, here's some salt for ya!!!
Is there anyone I can plead our case too, beg for a block of fiber to complete our streets run??    I can all but guarantee the entire street would switch over... especially considering the options available,  Jack and ... well you know the saying and the fact that Jack just left town!

That is strange that they would not go down the entire street as it not that long of a stretch.  I am waiting for western Stafford to get FIOS.  They use to release which streets were next on the Verizon VA website, but now it just says coming soon.

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    lostjr wrote:
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    A month ago I was in the middle of the moving process and was dreading the seemingly inevitable process of setting up the internet/television/phone, a process that I had to do many times before.  My son had informed me of Verizon’s transfer service, also known as “Moving with Verizon”.  As we were only moving 3 miles down the road, I figured that I would visit my local Verizon store as this would continue to be the store I turn to if I chose to stay with Verizon.  I had several concerns that I wanted to have addressed, chief among them were:
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    - Each time I move I am inconvenienced with having to distribute my new phone number to my friends and family.   Will I be able to keep my current phone number if I stay with Verizon?
    - When I first started with Verizon I had significantly less credit with Video on Demand than I do now.  If I stay with Verizon, will I have to go through the grueling process of building up my credit again?
    The sales associate was very kind and willing to help.  I was assured that
    -          I should be able to retain my purchases with Video On Demand
    -          I can bring my phone number from my previous address
    -          My Video on Demand credit could possibly be reset after the transfer, but a single phone call to customer service could set my credit back to normal with minimal effort
    Throughout my questioning I was assured that my current services would transfer uninterrupted by the time of the move.  As you could imagine I was ecstatic.  We scheduled a technician to show up to the new house, when I asked the representative on the phone “What should I do with my current cable boxes and internet router while I wait for the technician?”  I was told that the technician would handle it. 
    The technician arrived two weeks ago, we were given a box and instructed to package the previous equipment and drop it off at our local Verizon store.  The technician gave us our new number, when we asked him about our previous number he appeared to not know what we were talking about.   He was apologetic about the mix up and gave us a phone number that we could contact.  Shortly after the technician left, my family noticed that our digital library was completely empty.  The next day I went back to the Verizon store, was apologized to, and then instructed to only place one order in at a time, because multiple orders on a single account tend to slow each other down.  We decided to resolve the issues one at a time starting with the phone.
    My wife called and was told to wait a day or two.  After waiting two days, my wife informed me that she was bounced between different departments over the course of several days, but was assured that the issue was resolved.  I told my wife that I would handle the future endeavors with Verizon as she appeared to be a little flustered by the experience.  I later received a courtesy call from Verizon confirming that our phone number was restored.  I asked the lady whom I was talking to whether she could help me with my VoD service or transfer me to someone who could.  She assured me that she could help and asked me whether or not we had received new set-top boxes for our televisions. After I informed her of the new boxes, she apologized to me and informed me that due to copyright infringement laws that our digital library was lost and that we could not receive any kind of compensation.  I decided to call customer service, and after talking to representative for almost half an hour I was placed on hold and then told that there was nothing that could be done at this time and that I was going to be disconnected, before I could respond I was hung up on.
    Three nights ago I took my concern back to the Verizon store as I dropped off our previous equipment.  I was given several new phone numbers.  That evening I spent over 2 ½ hours on hold waiting for a representative.  After explaining my situation I was transferred to another representative who worked with me and put in a work order to have our digital library restored.  I was quoted 48 hours, but the issue was resolved that evening. 
    Not intending to cause any more issues with Verizon until our digital library issue was resolved, my family abstained from renting or purchasing any movies from Video on Demand.  I had promised my son and grandson that if the movies were restored, I would add the new Star Trek movie to our library so that we could watch it together. I was slightly irked to realize that when I tried to add a new title to my library an error message would pop up.  I called the number on the message and entered the error code.  I was placed on hold for almost an hour.  When I finally reached a representative, he informed me that the problem was that my credit had been reset during the move and the issue could only be resolved by another department which had just closed for the evening.  I decided to work at home the next day so that I could watch the movie when my son came home that evening.  The next morning I called and realized that the opening time quoted to me was obviously in a different time zone.  When I finally reached an agent, 2 hours later, I was told that I was 5 dollars over my credit limit.  I informed the representative of my situation, as proof I pointed to the fact that the bill that I had paid earlier this week was almost 200 dollars more than my current statement.  I was asked to wait 30 minutes and to call back if the issue hadn’t resolved itself within an hour.  An hour later I called, explained my situation to another representative, and was told to call back in an hour if the problem hadn’t resolved itself.  An hour later I called and after being sent to several different representatives I was asked to call back in an hour if the issue hadn’t resolved itself.
    Meanwhile my wife was contacted at worked by Verizon, informing her that there was no record of us returning the equipment and that we could be facing additional charges if we did not straighten out the issue.  After spending the next several hours assuring my wife and showing her how on the receipt, each piece of equipment was clearly scanned and entered into the system, I decided to call customer service again as my VoD was still displaying the same error message.  I was apologized to yet again, and was told that my order was being slowed down due to a high number of unresolved issues on our account.  I was assured that he would clear out the mess and that we should be able to order movies that evening, if not I should call back in 24 hours.  I apologized to my son and grandson yesterday evening, both of them took it surprisingly well.  This evening I waited until 7:30 to contact customer service (31 hours after I was told to wait 24 hours), I was placed on hold again and again for over an hour and a half.  I finally was told that my account would be cleared out to resolve the issue, I informed the gentleman that I was already told that would be done and then referenced the ticket number that I had received (and double-checked) from the gentleman the day before.  After speaking to his supervisor about the issue I was informed that there was no record of this action nor was there any ticket number matching the one I had given him.  The gentleman tried to help me for several more minutes until he transferred me to another department because neither he nor his supervisors could understand why my account wasn’t letting him change the date on my ticket, as he had reset all my resolved issues. 
    I explained my situation to the representative who after reviewing my account information informed me that I could have had the issue resolved on the 29th of August but someone during my process removed my order.  She then informed me that due to the number of unresolved orders on my account the system could not let her schedule a credit increase until the 26th of September.  After repeatedly asking her what I could do to expedite this process, I came to realize that all she could do was repeat to me the information that she had already said.  I then asked her who I could talk to resolve this issue or file a complaint.  After rambling for several minutes I was then transferred to the billing department.  After explaining my situation, yet again, to another representative, my account was reviewed again, and I was once again informed that I was over my credit limit.  After going into details a little more intimately, I was assured that the earliest that I could receive the credit increase was the 26th of September, and that I should make another payment.  I informed her that I had just paid over $550 dollars on my last bill and had given up the majority of my free time over the last 2 weeks trying to resolve issues that I was assured wouldn’t be a problem by a Verizon representative.   I asked if I could receive a small credit to my account ($30) so that I could just watch the movie and feel like I received a small victory for sacrificing so much of my time.  She informed me that only her supervisor could make that call.  She informed me that I would have to wait around 15 minutes on hold (what’s 15 minutes when I’ve already waited 8+ hours on hold?).  After explaining my situation to Cornell he reviewed my account and then reworded what I had just told him.  He informed me that the department that deals with my issue (the department that just transferred me to billing) was now closed and that I would have to wait until Tuesday (4 days) to have my issue resolved.  After explaining the fruitlessness of dealing with that exact department with the exact information he was trying to send me off with, he placed me on hold for several minutes and then came back and agreed to only meet me half way, a $15 dollar credit.  I was extremely offended.  This is not even 3% of my average bill.  $15 for 2 weeks of unsatisfactory service, in addition to 12+ hours of my personal time in addition to my wife’s time and visiting the Verizon store.  After explaining to Cornell that $15 was less than satisfactory, I asked for an email address or a complaint line.  He agreed with me that it was frustrating and explained to me that it was getting late for his department “almost 11:40 in the evening”, the exact time where I am.  He gave me, which after reviewing the page, I became insulted.  I have continually followed up with my phone calls and stayed loyal to Verizon, following the instructions of each representative that I have talked to in the last several days.
    Verizon has provided both my family and me with an excellent entertainment package as well as outstanding customer service in the past.  I would like to believe that despite the fact that I was lied to by both a sales representative and a supervisor that my family’s experience over that last few weeks with Verizon is not a common one.  I am more than willing to place this movie order on my next bill, all I ask is that you please help me to enjoy the advertised early release and to enjoy the services I previously had with your company.

    We've been having problem with our Verizon Fios set up since the moment we moved in to our new place. We've had several technicians come through, and then eventualy aftet two weeks of setting up appoitments and calling the customer service folks, they were finally able to resolve the issue. However, the nightmare doesn't end here. Last week, our neighbors switched over to Verizon Fios, and their technician swtiched our cables with theirs ( what a sloppy, lazy, job) meaning that they unplugged everything that was running to our apartments and transferred over to their becuase they didn't want to put in the extra work to chech and make sure that everyone was getting service. After, we had noticed the problem, my husband called  customer service to put in a ticket for the technician to come through and resolve the issue. The ticket was made for Wednesday, Nov 7th, 2013  under ticket number {edited for privacy}, the rep had clealry stated that a technician will come anytime from 3 - 7, which meant that one of us had to be home. My husband took off work and waited for the technician to come through, however, NOBODY showed up. Instead, they told us that they were came at 5 oclock but nobody was home. The same day we called customer service again, and reschudeled to the next day. Thankfully, someone showed up at literally 7pm, meanwhile my husband was waiting at home since 3pm. After hounding them down and calling every hour to make sure that they would show up. Sure enough, they coudn't fix the wiring with out a bucket truck, which the technician mentioned he didn't have since it was already late in the game and eveything was closed. So again, my husband called to make another appoitment, for Saturday, November 9th, 2013, and again, the customer service people  confirmed that someone will show up on this day from 8am-12pm. Guess what!? NOONE came, because NOONE issued a ticket, meanwhile we knew for a FACT that we made an appoitment. It's been one week, and no end to this problem. I am appalled, that a multibillion dollar company such as Verizon has such poor customer service in this area. It is sickening and sad, that noone can come and fix a small issue such as this. I hope that this will be resolved tomorrow, ( as they confirmed that they will come on Sunday) if not we have no other choice but to cancel our services and switch to something else. If only Google fiber was in town, things would have been so much easier, and not OVERPAID, especially now with the CRAPPY service we've been getting. 

  • Wrong phone listed as returned and still paying for returned phone, how did I finally get a credit?

    I went to the Rancho Santa Margarita store back in February. On the 16th I switched to the Edge program and added my boyfriend. We bought 2 phones under the Edge, however, we needed to return his phone the next day due to no service at his work.
    The sales representative was great and returned the phone, however, on the receipt he listed my phone as being returned. I have been back to the store twice to get it fixed, called them multiple times as well and still no credit for the phone I no longer have in my possession.
    I finally did a live chat with a representative online with Verizon and he said he would look into and take care of it. But recently, I received an email from him saying that there is no record that the phone was returned so I would need to go back to the store that apparently won't or can't help me either.
    It is obvious that the wrong phone was listed on the return receipt since I am using the returned phone listed on my receipt and still paying for it as well. The other phone I am paying for is not even connected to a phone number. So it should be common sense and obvious that the wrong phone was listed as being returned because how could it be if I am using still using the phone that was apparently returned and it is connected to my phone line.
    I have spent hours trying to get this resolved and have now paid $275.12 on a phone that is in Verizon's possession but they won't and/or don't care to acknowledge the mistake on their part of listing the wrong phone returned.
    How can I finally get this resolved and get my money back? Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. I have never had bad customer service until now and would hate to cancel my account, but am very close to that point.

    Ok so I am still perplexed by this situation and why Verizon chooses to ignore my pleas to help me get a refund for a phone that I no longer possess since I returned it to them the next day. I am still having to pay for this phone and am getting extremely upset at this situation.
    To make matters worse since I posted about this situation at the end of January, I did have one person contact me from Verizon and ask me for more information. I provided that information and have not heard back as well as now all receipts related to this incident have been removed from my account. Well I did keep a copy of these on my computer and on several zip drives so I still have the proof of them continuing to charge me for two phones when it shows a receipt of one being returned even though they listed the wrong one.
    I sure hope this was a mistake and not a cover up to try and eliminate all evidence of this mistake.
    Should I go to the better business bureau with this issue? Has anyone else had a similar situation and if so how did you finally get it resolved.
    Thank you in advance for your information and suggestions.

  • I want to run down how dissatisfied I currently am with Verizon Wireless

    I want to run down how dissatisfied I currently am with Verizon Wireless; this stated with the pre-order of the iPhones on Friday I like many other customers received the "ecdp" error on the web site and it took 45 minutes to actually be able to place the order.  I got the order in and had a 09/19/2014 ship date; spoke with a few Customer Service Reps in various areas such as 611, on many of the 800 numbers available, Internet Orders (including a Supervisor) and even a Social Media Service Rep all who have confirmed this ship date to be accurate. 
    Well today (09/17/2014) I check the Pre-Order Status page and my date has been changed to 10/14/2014 so I call in to speak to Internet Orders and the Rep advises me that yes my date was pushed back but no reason is supplied, I asked to speak to a Supervisor and was transferred to Howard, Operator # 2431235, who stated that yes the prior rep was accurate and that there was no reason available as to why my ship date changed.  Howard continues by stating that as per upper management, Apple reported to Verizon that no iPhone 6+'s would be available at launch for Verizon to ship and that this has been common knowledge, within the company, that the 6+'s were not shipping until 10/14/2014, and that prior Verizon employee's to include supervisors were misinforming me of my shipping date.  Howard continued to state that the reason I got the "ecdp" error was because of the company that I work for as Verizon offers a discount so the 'ecdp" error is not something Verizon is currently addressing.  Howard then tells me not to worry that with the 10/14 date is a guaranteed delivery date and not to worry, if the phones come in early the order will be filled, I at this point ask Howard to note my account with our conversation to include the fact that he stated the 10/14 was a guaranteed date, at this point he states that while he is telling me this he will not put it in writing as at that point Verizon would be obligated to meet that date at minimum and he was not willing to put his position on the line if the phone is not shipped by that date(this can be confirmed by reviewing the recording of the call as I was advised that I was on a recorded line).  I then asked to speak to his supervisor and was told his supervisor went home for the day and that he was the highest level supervisor on at this time.  When I then asked for his supervisors contact information to lodge a complaint he said that I would need to call back in on 611 from my handset as Customer Service handles complaints not supervisors. 
    I did call back and speak with a Representative on 611 who tried to assist but was not able to do much, this rep took my information and is having their supervisor call me to try addressing the way Howard handled the call however this has not occurred at the time of this writing.  I did tell this rep that I was honestly considering going to another carrier, (I have been with Verizon 7-8 years and currently have 10 lines of service on my account) I know I will not get the iPhone 6+ on launch day with another carrier which was not the driving factor but rather the way Howard dealt with the situation and the lack of respect that as a customer of Verizon I have always got from other representatives, as you know it takes one person to sour someone on a whole company, Howard even stated that if I want to go to another carrier that was fine with him.  However, the Customer Service Rep I spoke with after Howard (I wish I could remember his name) calmed me down not to leave Verizon but did agree that a complaint needed to be filed, personally I would like to file it directly with an Associate Vice President or higher but do understand that there is a “Chain of Command” that needs to be filed
    Let this be a warning to anyone who call internet sale and gets Howard, operator #2431235, I would suggest you immediately request a different supervisor that will treat you with respect.  As stated above Howard will tell you that the iPhone 6+ was not and has never been available to ship on launch day due to Apple purposely not providing enough units to meet the demand and that Verizon knew this while taking our pre-orders. 

    I feel your pain Robert. I do believe VZW and Apple knew all along the I6 Plus would not be available on 19 Sep and that it was a way to bolster new contracts, renewed contracts and apple sales stats. It's unfortunate the company wasn't more clairvoyant, most of us would have still pre-ordered but been a little less frustrated.

  • Email messages from my personal email account are being posted (copied) to SMS messages.  I have a new cell device, and this is happening on the new device also.  The copy/forward to SMS is NOT being initiated by my email provider.  How do I end this?

    Email messages from my personal email account are being posted (copied) to SMS messages.  I have a new cell device (swtched from Droid to iPhone) and this is happening on the new device also.  The copy/forward to SMS is NOT being initiated by my email provider, and not by Gmail.   How do I end ûVerizon's forwarding my personal email to SMS? 

    Maybe I'm missing something but how can Verizon have control over your personal GMail account?  Sounds like you do have your email set up to forward to sms. 
    I have certain emails that are forwarded to me as SMS but that is an option that is enabled on the email side of things and is independent from Verizon.

Maybe you are looking for