HP DVD/CD rewritable Drive: dvd557s-H07 4

I have a HP DVD/CD Rewritable Drive that I can not engage on my Windows 7 operating system. It turns on but the computer does not recognize it. I assume I need either or both software and/or driver. I can not find this product number any where on the HP site. Help. What do I need and where can I find it please? gs47

See if performing resolution steps 2, 3, 4, or 5 get the DVD drive to work...

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    My daughter has lost the software disc for her HP DVD/CD rewritable drive, model no: dvd550sH02 8.  She needs to reload the software.  I cannot find anywhere to download it from on the HP web site. Has anyone any ideas where I can obtain it?

    There isn't any software like that available for download.
    I use the free CD Burner XP software.
    I install the version without Open Candy, which you can find under the More Download Options Link.
    If you want a copy of the HP Roxio burning software, from my HP 6930p notebook, I will be happy to upload the software to my Skydrive folder and you can download it from there.
    It will probably work on any HP PC, but I can't say for sure.

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    Sony DRX-700UL DVD/CD Rewritable Drive as Rewritable.
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    Toast won't help read CDs/DVDs, it's only for burning. Try installing the Patchburn driver. 

  • Macbook Air. Complications with importing CDs using an HP CD rewritable drive. HELP!!

    I have reacently purchased an Macbook Air and am now in the process of uploading CDs into my new ITunes.
    I am using an HP CD DVD rewritable drive that connects through a USB.
    The issue comes usually around importing song 10 +. It isnt for every CD but more often than not.
    For some reason it works smoothly from songs 1-10 but then comes to a hault and will then take forever (10-20mins) to download the reamining songs. Which, once the CD has completed its importing, they are listed in my ITunes but dont have any song duration at all. Its just blank where the song duration should be.
    Also instead of the gentle "humm" of the drive it changes to like a stop/start clicking nosie (sounds similar to a scanner/photocopier) and doesnt sound healthy.
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    Please help!! i dont know what the issue is!!
    Thanks Alot

    I noticed you used the tag "virus" in your post, but note that this is not caused by a virus.
    Beyond being able to say that, I'm not an expert on the matter of optical drives, but would say it sounds strongly like it's a problem with the drive. The fact that it has been used successfully before doesn't mean it's not broken now.

  • ASUS DRW-0804P (DVD±R/RW Drive)

    is that one ok for ths mobos ?  i dont want trouble
    ASUS DRW-0804P (DVD±R/RW Drive)
    ASUS recently introduced the world's latest DVD ReWriter supporting both 8 X DVD-Write and 8 X DVD+Write. The all-new ASUS DRW-0804P also enables 4 X DVD-ReWrite, 4 X DVD+ReWrite, 12 X DVD-ROM, 24 X CD-Write, 24 X CD-ReWrite and 40 X CD-ROM to provide a flexibility and high-speed operation.  
    thinking about ordering one of those ...anyone got any experiences about ASUS ?

    Well, there shouldn't be any problems for the ASUS DVD drive to run with the mobo, but I think that you'll need to install the firmware manually before you could get the drive to run properly as that's what is required when I help my friend to install his DVD drive.

  • DVD/CD optical drive is recognized only occasionally and temporarily

    Hi, I recently bought an ASUS Essentio desktop model CG8350 running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit. My DVD/CD optical drive is not consistently being recognized. I've made few changes to the computer and have even tried reinstalling Windows (system recovery, factory settings), but no luck. The curious thing is that after booting up I can occasionally temporarily see the D:\ optical drive listed under My Computer or under Device Manager, but after a few seconds or about a minute after restarting or trying to read a disk, this disappears and the optical drive is no longer shown. I would take it back to Best Buy I bought it for repair, but unfortunately that was in the U.S. and I've since moved to Canada. It's frustrating that Best Buy Canada won't honor service warranties for items bought from Best Buy U.S. If there's something I can try in order to avoid shipping it off to ASUS or back to Best Buy U.S. (at my expense, and potential loss of PC for a few weeks), I would much prefer that. These are the things I have tried so far: 1) opening it up and checking/re-plugging the power cable to the optical drive and the data cable between the optical drive and motherboard. All cables seemed fine. The drive ejects and spins a little bit when a disk is inserted, but neither a blank CD/DVD nor a commercial CD are recognised after insertion. 2) looking at the registry to try the "delete UpperFilters" and "delete LowerFilters" trick that I've seen posted several times. Since the computer had Windows 7 from the start (was not upgraded), these entries were not visible under the suggested registry subkey. 3) under boot options, I've selected "Disable Driver Signature Enforcement" and have booted up. The optical drive showed up under My Computer and/or Device Manager for a few seconds or a minute, but then vanished. 4) disabled integrity checks: I've pasted "bcdedit /set loadoptions DDISABLE_INTEGRITY_CHECKS" into the Run window. After restarting, the optical drive is again occasionally visible, but only for a short period after which it disappears. 5) following a tip on one website, I tried shutting off and unplugging the data cable between optical drive & motherboard, restarting the computer so Windows could "see" there was actually no optical drive connected, then shutting off and connecting the data cable again and restarting. no luck. 6) I've run the Microsoft Support Fixit executable under "Your CD or DVD drive can't read or write media". The first time I ran this, it ran for about 5-10 minutes, but didn't diagnose a problem. The second time I tried to run it (after the Windows 7 re-install), is said my CD/DVD drive was not detected, so didn't run. 7) I've tried built-in Windows diagnostics and ASUS diagnostics, but they didn't help much. 8) I've updated ny BIOS to the most recent version. I've now run out of ideas and can't find any other suggestions on previous troubleshooting searches. The observation of the drive occasionally being seen for a few seconds/minute after start-up before disappearing seems like it might be a good clue, but I'm not sure how to interpret this. I did get it to play an audio CD a couple hours ago, but after trying to use my drive for something else after that, it's right back into the situation of not being consistently recognized, except sometimes immediately after booting up and then only for a short period. Any help or suggestions you have will be very very welcome -- thank you.

    Honestly since it was recalled due to the sandy bridge recall anyways, it is going to have to go to asus eventually so I would just have them fix both in one shot. The Canada and U.S. support number is the same and I'm sure they could fix both issues at once to save you time: 1-866-625-9873
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    *Remember to mark your questions solved and click the star to give kudos to show your thanks!*
    While I used to be a Best Buy Employee, I no longer have any affiliation with Best Buy.
    My opinions do not in any way shape or form represent Best Buy's Official decisions.

  • Cannot install DVD/CD ROM drive after upgrading from Windows 7

    I had a working DVD/CD-ROM drive before upgrading. Now it shows as Unknown Device in Device Manager, I tried uninstalling it and then scanned for hardware changes but it still does not work. I also tried manually selecting a CD-ROM drive for it but it
    ends up with an error code 31. I also checked for {4d36e965-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} registry but it did not have lowerfilters key. How do I install the driver for it?

    The error code 31 means that Windows cannot load the drivers required for this device.
    Considering that this issue mostly can be caused by compatible issue.
    Please check if you can fine the latest driver from Manufacturer’s website. If so, try to install it under Windows 10 compatibility mode: Right click the installer of the driver, choose Properties, choose Windows 7 under Compatibility
    mode to install.
    If the CD device still fails to work, I recommend to check the setupapi.dev.log under %windir%\inf, locate the device and find the line below:
    dvi:             Rank         - 0x00000000
    Then, corresponds the score in this link:
    Identifier Score
    The value 0x00003000 is the best identifier score and the value 0x00003FFF is the worst identifier score.
    The score near 0x00003FFF means that the driver and device may not compatible with current system, we may need to wait for the menufacturer’s driver update.
    Thanks for your understanding.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • T61 DVD/CD-RW drive fails to read and crashes

    Hello Everyone, I hope people still visit this area of the forums!
    I've highlighted and bolded the symptoms to make them easier to find.
    I recently purchased a T61 6457-C15 on eBay, and have been in the proccess of setting up and customizing it to suit my tastes. When I recieved the laptop, it looked as though Windows had been restored to original factory state, plus some free software, so I proceeded under that assumption. First I used Windows Update to download all the updates that it could find including IE8. I wanted to have an anti-virus program running on my computer before I used a browser to access the internet. I ran IE8 and went straight to the Microsoft Security Essentials website and downloaded the Install program. At this point I tried to remove the pre-installed and expired Norton Internet Security using the built-in uninstall, but it failed. A message box popped saying that I needed to put the Norton installation disc in the CD-ROM drive so that the uninstall program could find a Norton support file. My computer did not come with any discs, but my mothe had bought Norton 2008, so I took that disc and put it in the drive. The drive started spinning right away, and the uninstall program found the file it was looking for in a few seconds. The support file directed me to the Norton website to get their removal tool, which removed Norton from my system in short order. Afterwards, I ran the Microsoft Security Essentials install program and got MSE running on my computer before doing anything else.
    Then I went to the Lenovo support website and had it auto-detect my system. That took me to the support page for my system, where I went to the "Downloads and Drivers" page. I downloaded Access Connections and ThinkVantage Toolbox for Vista 32-bit (my OS is Vista Business 32-bit). I then used Lenovo System Update to retrieve all the updates it deemed neccessary from Lenovo, including those for itself and system components, both software and firmware. There were 35 or more updates suggested, and I trusted the software, so I started downloading them all. I'm not sure, but I think that a DVD/CD-RW drive update was included in the list, but I can't remember if it was auxiliary software, drivers or firmware. After Lenovo System Update was convinced that it had all the neccessary updates, I downloaded Revo Uninstaller and set about removing uneccassary and unwanted programs from my computer and trimming the startup list. I did not touch any Windows or ThinkVantage components, and I searched each program online, so I'm sure that I did not delete or disable any drivers or system files, or anything from Lenovo. I mainly removed Apple products and non-functional software from my system, including an integrated camera driver (my system does not have an integrated camera) and third-party programs that were already missing files or otherwise inoperable when I got my computer. Up to this point I had been using a gigabit ethernet connection to download software; I had not used the DVD/CD-RW drive except for the one time I specified earlier.
    Now that I had my system set up to my liking, including personalization and power settings, I started to install my first program: Command & Conquer the First Decade from a DVD-ROM. When I put the disc in the drive and closed it, it took a few seconds for the drive to spin up, and once it did, it was constantly running at high speed and I could hear the reader constantly moving back and forth quickly. After a few minutes the disc's install menu finally appeared, so I clicked on the install button. I waited several minutes but nothing happened, so I tried to view the contents of the drive by going to My Computer > DVD/CD-RW drive (D, right clicking and selecting explore from the menu options. When I did that, the address bar of the My Computer window started to fill up with a dark gray progress bar and said "loading (D", I think with the drive or disc name after it. After it took several minutes to fill completely, nothing happened. I waited a few more minutes to see if anything would change, (nothing did,) I clicked on the X button in the top right corner of the window to close it. A few minutes and clicks later, the My Computer window was labeled as (not responding), and the window itself became grayed-out. I started Task Manager and tried to close the My Computer window, but the entire Windows Desktop disappeared along with it, saying that it would attempt to restart. Even Task Manager became non-responsive and quit after closing My Computer. After a few minutes of staring at my background (and nothing else), I ejected the disc, and Windows Desktop reappeared immediately and acted as if nothing had ever been wrong.
    I checked Device Manager, but neither the DVD/CD-RW drive nor any of the ATA controllers were flagged; in fact they all said they were working properly with up-to-date drivers. I ran the ThinkVantage Toolbox diagnostics on the drive using a data CD, a music CD and a different DVD-ROM, but in each case the drive failed the tests and a message box popped-up saying that the discscould not be read because they were scratched or there was a hardware problem. I checked the discs both before I put them in and after I took them out, and they were not scratched; also, all of the discs are publisher-manufactured from a software or music company. I restarted my computer, booted the Rescue and Recovery option and Ran PC-Doctor from there. I ran the same drive read tests with the same failure results. The entire time the drive was behaving the same way it had when it first failed to read a disc. Next I removed and cleaned the drive both inside and out with a can of compressed air; I also cleaned the ultrabay itself. Finally I tried fixing the problem with Microsoft Fix It, but when it automatically ejected the drive and i put a disc in, the disc became trapped in the drive and Windows froze up like before. I had to restart Windows twice (once with a BSOD) in order to get the disc out. When the disc was removed the computer went back to normal operation once again.
    Please help me, my DVD/CD-RW drive is a Matshi ta UJDA775, my operating system is Windows Vista Business and my T61's model number is 6457-C15. I have tried all the troubleshooting fixes and none have worked. I have tried updating drivers and using diagnostic software and they have not worked. I have tried disabling drag-to-disc burning and it has not worked. I have treid removing and cleaning the drive and that has not solved my problem. I did notice that the driver for the "Intel(R) ICH8M-E/M SATA AHCI controller" is the only related driver that can be rolled back, so maybe that might fix it. I'm also wondering if a firmware change caused this, and if so, if there is any way I can undo that. The only other fix I've heard of that I haven't tried is editing the registry, but I'm hesitant to do that. I haven't tried booting from the CD drive because I have no bootable CDs and I'm worried that my computer might get stuck in that mode. I'm hoping that someone can tell me what I can do to try to fix this problem, preferably without wrecking my computer. Thank you for taking the time to read my post.
    P.S. Just adding a note; I went through both the Microsoft and Lenovo Update histories and the only related updates I could find were: ThinkPad BIOS update, Easy Eject utility, Intel Matrix Storager Manager driver for Windows (32-bit), and maybe one of the two Intel Chipset Support for Vista updates. I tried rolling back the AHCI driver but it had no effect.
    Go to Solution.

    Well, my problem is fixed, and here's how. I had some trouble figuring out how to contact Lenovo technical support; online options directed me to the IBM support website, which was clearly designed for businesses. Selecting the "Call technical support" option on the Lenovo support website and then choosing my country gave me a 24/7 hotline number. After waiting about five minutes on hold, a nice young fellow by the name of "Tyrese" answered (I maybe misspelling his name), but the connection was so bad that we could barely hear each other. Although he semed eager to help, when I told him my problem the first things he suggested were simple, like cleaning the drive, However, when I told him all of my efforts, described above, to fix the problem myself and read him the log from the Rescue and Recovery diagnostic program, after he checked the error codes against his computer database he promptly replied that the only fix was to send out a new drive. I was happy to have gotten such a successful resolution to a support call in less than fifteen minutes; apparently, all the work I had done trying to solve the problem myself had paid off in a way. Unfortunately, although I had tried to spell out my address for him, some of it got left off of the address label, which caused some trouble in receiving the new drive. Once I got it, I installed it using the uninstall & remove (old drive), shut down, start up, insert & install (new drive) method that I referenced earlier in this topic. I've been using the new drive since then without any trouble, so I guess that the only fix was to replace the drive. Also, I noticed that the new drive was a Hitachi, perhaps a T400/410 or T500/510 Ultrabay Slim drive, which should help me avoid the problems that other users were having with the older Matshi-ta drives. I hope this description helps anyone else having a problem with the optical drives on the T61/61p.

  • T61 no longer recognizes DVD super-multi drive

    My T61 for some reason has stopped recognizing my DVD super-multi drive (GSA-U10N).  I do not use the optical drive often, so I am not sure when during the past couple of months this occured.  I have tried finding it using Lenovo System Toolbox and Device Manager.  I have tried restarting.  I have tried physically removing the drive and putting it back in.  No matter what I try, my T61 says that there is no optical drive.  The little green light next to the drive slot remains on all the time.
    My T61 is a 7662 CTO, Core 2 Duo T7500, 4 GB ram, 100 GB HD, NVIDIA Quadro NVS 140M running Windows Vista Ultimate, 64-bit, SP2.
    Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    you should try to run a linux live cd, and see whether the drive is detected. If it is not, then either the cd drive or the motherboard is having a hardware problem. 
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • Dvd/cd rom drive deleted

    Somehow my Dvd/cd rom drive was deleted. I have a compaq presario f700 notebook computer. I looked in drives and the bios and it is no longer listed. I went to HP website and can not find any wheres to redown load it. Does any one know how to get it back?
    I am also having a problem with when I turn on my computer the screen is black it is booting up but I can not see anything. I shut it down and sometimes ttakes a few tries then it i can see the password screen. I did do a windows check and it said my nividia geforce needed updated, but again when I went to hp website and scanned it said it was up to date. So not sure what is going on........any ideas?
    [Personal Information Removed]

    With the iPod connected and allow use as disk drive checked, right click on the ipod icon on your desktop then change the drive letter of the iPod, say to P. Eject the iPod and disconnect it, reboot your computer and see if the drive is back.

  • Satellite A660 DVD/CD-ROM drive does not detect discs

    Hi there,
    I have a Toshiba Satellite A660 with a MAT****A BD-CMB UJ141ES DVD/CD-ROM drive. It is about 18 months old and recently I have noticed that it does not recognise any CDs/DVDs. It makes a couple of noises once inserted but then stops spinning and nothing happens or changes in My Computer view.
    Please note there seems to be no apparent problems with the drive:
    - It is present in My Computer
    - The device is working properly in device manager
    Things I have already tried:
    - Run Microsoft FixIt and CD-ROM/DVD Troubleshooter - both said it could not recognise media
    - Deleted upper filter in the registry as per many suggestions (no lower filter present)
    - Updated driver
    I don't know what else to do. Please help as this is frustrating for a relatively new notebook which never is moved from my desk (don't expect many damaged parts).

    As I said: clean the laser lens
    If you open the CD/DVD drive you will see the small laser lens.
    Use cotton wool tip and alcohol
    > Or at least provide a link?
    Dont know any

  • Pavillion dv9810us DVD/CD-ROM Drive and Vista Device Manager Question..​...HELP!!!​!!

    I have a Laptop, just over a year old, runs Vista Home Premium SP2. Here is the scenario
    Hadn't used the DVD/CD-ROM drive for 3 or 4 weeks at which time it worked fine. Tried to use it a couple of days ago and discovered it wouldn't respond. I figured I needed to maybe rollback the Driver or something. I checked in the Device Manager and saw the main HDD was listed but there was no DVD/CD-ROM drive in the Device Manager List. Does Vista remove the DVD/CD-ROM drive if it's inoperable (DEAD) or has something happened that removed the Device from the List. I've had Drives go South before in Windows 98 and 2000 but they were never removed from the Device Manager List they just didn't work but I know Vista is a OS of a different color so I don't know. Just trying to figure out if I'm fighting a Hardware or Software fight here, I'm at a loss and can't afford to just take it into a shop for diagnosis. Any answers or tip on how to definitly isolate the problem would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance for any Help.

    I have the same problem, dvdrw not showing in device manager.  Bought a new TS-L632N dvdrw by TSST and it still does not show in device manager.  This started after I ordered new recovery disk from HO (vista Home Preminum) and reloaded the OS.  I know HP knows about this problem but will not do anything about it.  Online support not good and a 500 dollar repair bill would be a waste when you can buy a new laptopn for that.

  • Satellite P105 - DVD/CD ROM drive does not work

    The DVD/CD ROM drive on my P105 does not work at all.  I've tried the registry fix for the upper/lower limit thing - didn't fix the problem.  The drive does have power, does spin a disk, but it is not recognized by the system.  It doesn't show up in the device manager at all.  I need to get this working and I'm hoping it doesn't need a new drive as this machine is out of warranty (of course!).  Thanks for any and all suggestions on hot to fix this problem.

    Howdy folks. This thread has a lot more views than the one I posted to, but go here to the following message for a possible solution to your CD/DVD Drive issue:

  • Re burning a cd or dvd on optical drive

    trying to backup photos and files . have tried a cd-rw and a dvd-rw. the drive erased the contents fine but then will not show the blank disc. when try to burn a pop up says: you will need a disc with X amount of free space
    when try to open disc in finder a window pops up with:
    the disc could not be used because the disc drive is not supported.
    have used this drive to burn copies just a week ago on the same medium
    any advice would be helpful

    In theory all the below:
    CD-Write: -R, -RW
    DVD-Write: -R, -RW, +R, +RW, +R DL
    should be working fine, however i have come across threads where people had similar problems.
    Just try another make of disc and see whether that helps.

Maybe you are looking for