HT1277 e-mails on all devices without iCloud?

In order to receive e-mails on my iPhone, computer AND iPad mini, do I HAVE to use the cloud? Before iPad was set up for e-mail, I was getting all incoming mail on both my iPhone and computer.  I didn't mind having to delete in 2 places.
Now, I just noticed that when I get an e-mail on the iPad, I don't get it anywhere else.  I've lost more e-mails than I even know this way.  I have no desire to use the icloud.
Any suggestions?

They are def not there.  I had a friend e-mail me a few tests.  If I open it on the iPad, it doesn't show up anywhere else.  But if I first open it from Computer or iPhone, then it still shows up on the iPad.
I did find this:  I wonder if I want the iPad set to POP??
IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol):
When you set up Yahoo! Mail using the mail client on your  mobile device, it automatically uses IMAP servers to sync your phone's  mail client to your Yahoo! Mail account. This means the emails  are retrieved on the device and remain within your  Yahoo! Mail account. Both (webmail and device) will mirror  each other. What this means is that if a message is deleted from your  phone, the message will also be deleted from your account. Likewise,  when changes are made in your Yahoo! Mail account, the  changes will be reflected on your device. IMAP servers sync your device  and account constantly, so they are the same.

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    beckyfromoz wrote:
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