HT2488 Hot to auto-rotate movie files

Hello, I have a relatively simple operation that I can't seem to figure out using automator:  I want to create a droplet that rotates any movie files selected by 180 degrees. I can do this manually using QuickTime 7, not QT X, but it's tedious for multiple files.
Manually, I open the movie file (a ProRes clip) in QT7, hit command J to open movie properties.
Select 'Video Track'
Select 'Visual Settings' tab.
Click on the rotate 90 degrees button (either rounded arrow) twice.
Then save, exit and repeat.
Is this possible to do in automator?  I've looked into other auto-rotating programs, but they all involve re-rendering and way too much time and diskspace for what is a very simple operation in QT7.
Any thoughts on the matter are greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

Paste this into AppleScript Editor, save it as an Application, drop some movies on it.
on open theFiles
        repeat with afile in theFiles
            tell application "QuickTime Player 7"
                open afile
                rotate document 1's track "Video Track" by 180
                close document 1 with saving
            end tell
        end repeat
    on error errMsg number errNum
        display alert errMsg & return & return & "Error number" & errNum buttons "Cancel"
    end try
end open

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    Bridge CC does not auto rotate my D4S files on import. It does rotate my D300s files.
    This is not an auto feature of Bridge but has to be set to on in the camera software, check your D4s manual for this, it should provide you with several options. The camera writes metadata to the file, Bridge reads this and applies the rotation from the info of the metadata
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    Look -- this is simple: Camera RAW 2.3 broke Auto-Rotation and recognition of duplicates if images remain on a card after previously capturing them. This has been confirmed and a bug report filed by a number of people. Shortly we should expect a new camera RAW update. CRAW 2.3 also impacted iPhoto in similar ways.
    I have not found any EXIF data to be missing.
    In the meantime I have found it only a minor inconvenience, and continue to use Aperture 2.1.2 to good advantage.
    Message was edited by: Ernie Stamper

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    I believe that what you see is normal. Perhaps I can explain why.
    You turn your camera 90 degrees to take the vertical shot. Although your camera never shows you this, the shot is horizontal, with an added flag to display as rotated. When you import it into your library, iPhoto recognizes the original RAW photo and saves it in the Originals file. But iPhoto also recognizes the rotate flag, and it obeys. Since the core philosophy of iPhoto is to preserve an untouched original file, the rotated version gets created and saved into the Modified folder (as a jpeg, see below). There is no way to turn this off.
    A note about RAW files. iPhoto will store the RAW file and even export it for you, but it can't display or directly edit the RAW data. So, the RAW file is tucked safely away in the Originals folder, and a jpeg version is created and stored in the Modified folder. In your case, this jpeg is also being rotated to portrait orientation. Again, there is no way to turn this off.
    What you can do about the rotation dilemma is turn off the auto-rotate feature in your camera. Upload using Image Capture to a file on your desktop. Open the portrait photos in Photoshop and save (overwriting the original, unrotated image). Once saved, import the folder into your Library. This should give you the correctly oriented RAW in Originals, which will export when you drag it to Photoshop. Note: Preview will not work for rotating the file, because all it does is add the rotate flag, telling Preview to display the file with rotation. It will look okay, but when you export or upload to a website you will still see the original, unrotated file.

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    (I was actually surprise that you don't have a topic, with all info, and you would simply point the guys to that same topic..., instead of writing again and again..)
    etc.. etc...
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    After looking around here, I found the reason.
    And now, the auto-rotate is turned off on my cameras. (and I will try your Xee, to rotate before importing to iPhoto)
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    Only solution is to reimport all, in a new library ? (I can't imagine doing again all the events... even if it's only 7 months worth of pictures...)
    Thanks for your info and suggestions.

    I don't know of any software to remove that tag. If you did and imported the files they would be displayed in the landscape orientation which is not how they were taken. So if you wanted to view them correctly you'd have to rotate them from within iPhoto thus creating a modified version and be back from where you started.
    Your best bet would be to go thru the photos using Quicklook to find those portrait oriented photos and use Xee to rotate before importing.
    Or use a different DAM (digital asset management) application that can handle those types of files without creating modified versions. I use Expression Media which lets me rotate the files from inside the application without creating modified files.

  • Since my last software update the auto rotation on both my ipad air and my iphone 5c won't work. I have tried everything, including; checking the auto-lock - it isn't on lock. I've checked the settings in the Control Centre and they're as they should be.

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    Any suggestions please?

    The fact that was in your host file to begin with is an indicator that your computer was used to jailbreak or hack an iOS device at some point in the past. You can not get help here for a hacked or jailbroken device. If your phone was hacked or jailbroken, Apple won't touch it.
    RecBoot and Tinyumbrella are hacking tools.
    Google "iPhone DFU mode".
    Try restoring in DFU mode. If that doesn't fix it, make an appointment at the genius bar and see what Apple has to say about it.

  • Auto selection of file from folder during uploading??

    Hi all friends,
    Iam facing with one problem I am developing one uploading software for that i have used swing and servlet.Now my problem is i want to give auto selection of file from one folder means user just copy the files from any computer on network and paste it in predefind folder.And when they click on upload button it should start uploading of file one by one and after completion of uploading it move that file into another folder one by one.Now my software doing it perfectly but if user copy and paste any file in that predifined folder from network computer during uploading then they have to click upload button again after completion of first queue of files(for example if user first copy 10 files and start uploading and inbetween uploading of that 10 files if user copy another 10 files from network computer then they have to click on upload button again after completion of uploading of first 10 files).But my user requirement is they want to click on upload button once only at the time of starting my application and my application automatically select the file one by one from folder and send it to destination.Means if they copy the file from network machine inbetween uploading or any other user from network send file in that folder then my application should select those file automatically and start uploading means they don't want to click on upload button again.Can any one plz guide how I can slove this problem.Below r my codes:-
    Upload.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    try {
    File ff=new File("d:\\DTMS\\Upload");
    File[] files = ff.listFiles();
    fileList = new Vector();
    if(files == null)
    textArea.append("There is no file");
    for (int j = 0 ; j< files.length ; j++)
    java.util.Collections.sort(fileList, new FileComp());//sorting by size
    new Thread(new Runnable() {
    public void run(){
    for (int k = 0; k < fileList.size(); k++)//loop for queue {
    File fname = (File)fileList.get(k);
    String str=fname.getName();
    log("Destination:" +" "+ dest);
    log("Uploading Progress\nPlease Wait....");
    result=doPost(fname,dest);//method for read file & send to servlet
    String str2="Transfer apparently failed.";
    String str3=result;
    else if(suspendflag==true){
    File newfile =new File("d:\\DTMS\\Archives\\"+str);
    log("File" +" "+ str+" "+"Upload Completed !");
    else if(suspendflag==false){
    Error("** Transfer Suspended**");
    }catch(Exception exp)
    Error("Error : " + exp.toString());

    Hi Chandan,
                        All the multiselection files are stored in it_tab( i:e file_table in method). you need to loop the every record to upload the data for selected files. please check the code Below...
    DATA: file_str1 type string.
    data: it_tab TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF file_table,
           wa_tab TYPE file_table,
           lw_file LIKE LINE OF it_tab,
           gd_subrc TYPE i.
    SELECTION-SCREEN begin of block blk with frame title text-100.
    parameters : p_file like rlgrap-filename .
    SELECTION-SCREEN end of block blk.
    CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_open_dialog
    window_title = 'Select only Text File'
    default_filename = '.azt'
    multiselection = 'X'
    file_table = it_tab
    rc = gd_subrc.
    *READ TABLE it_tab INTO lw_file INDEX 1.
    *p_file = lw_file-FILENAME.
    loop at it_tab INTO wa_tab.
       file_str1 = wa_tab-FILENAME.
         filename                      = file_str1
    *    filename                      = '\\\Volume_1\_projekte\Zeiterfassung-SAP\test.azt'
         data_tab                      = it_string
    IF sy-subrc <> 0.

  • How do I get the codec for .mov files recorded on an ipad, so I can edit them in premiere El. 12?

    I have .mov files recorded from an ipad with these specs:
    AAC, Mono, 44.100 KHZ
    H.264 320x568 (yes the ipad was used vertically, not horizontally)
    29.96 fps
    I want to edit them in premiere 12, but get this error message:
    This type of file is not supported or the required codec is not installed.
    What are my options? Thanks!

    Thanks for the reply.
    As for orientation, there is a rotation feature in Premiere Elements the Timeline level, you can right click the clip and select Rotate 90 Left or Rotate  90 Right. So that may help.
    This is what you may want to try and see what this looks like
    1. Open Premiere Elements 12 to its Expert workspace
    2. Go to File Menu/New/Project and Change Settings
    3. In the Change Settings dialog, change the project preset to NTSC DV Widescreen.
    4. Before you exit that area, in the last dialog that you see (new project dialog), make sure you have a check mark next to "Force Selected Project Setting on this Project".
    5. Back in the Expert workspace, use Add Media/Files and Folders/ to bring your video into Project Assets from where you will drag it to Video Track 1. We can talk about edits if necessary.
    6. Publish+Share/Disc/DVD disc with preset set for NTSC_Widescreen_Dolby DVD.
    7. Place your DVD 4.7 GB/120 min disc in the burner, in the burn dialog, have a check mark next to "Fit Content to Available Space". Hit Burn.
    If you decide to take the Timeline to YouTube instead,
    Publish+Share/Social Websites/YouTube, using Presets = Flash Video for YouTube (Widescreen)
    Hit Next and follow the instructions.
    (Upload to YouTube from within Premiere Elements 12 has limits of 2 GB and 15 minutes. Anything exceeding that, you need to export to file saved to the computer hard drive and then upload that file to YouTube at the YouTube web site where you might be able to get extended limits.
    Please let us know if you are OK with the above information.
    Add On...If you want to "decorate" the black borders in the Timeline content, drag the video to Video Track 2 and put a colored background on Video Track 1 directly below the Video Track 2 content.

  • Windows 8.1 with .mov files crashing

    I have spent 12 hours with the so called professionals at Microsoft trying to get my daughters laptop to open .mov files.
    This is as I write an unresolved issue that a tier 2 technician is supposed to be responding to today 05/01/15.
    Although unresolved it made me wonder if this problem is unique to windows 8.1.
    The answer would seem to be NO.
    I booted up my old desktop PC running windows 7 32 bit with media player 11.
    Guess what. The files don't crash the explorer window or indeed media player, although they will not open either.
    As these files have been on my desktop for maybe two years I have to ask is this due to some update posted by either Microsoft or Apple as part of a compatibility enhancement?
    I cannot be certain, but I feel sure they used to open with no problem at all.
    Apple or Microsoft?
    I will keep you posted as to the outcome of my discussion with Microsoft.
    In the meantime has anyone else had a similar issue and managed to resolve it?

    I have tried lots of fixes including renaming files. The only thing that works for me is to remove the following windows updates:
    Turn  off auto updates before you start as you need to reboot afterwards.
    I set auto update to the download but let me choose option otherwise these 2 re install themselves.
    I'm hanging on for our free upgrade to Win 10 now....

  • IPhoto reads wrong date of .mov file from iPhone!

    Hi all
    Need some help/advice please.
    I have a bunch of files I am importing in to iPhoto that were initially downloaded to a windows laptop. I used Graphic Converter (GC) to successfully rotate and align the creation/modified dates so iPhoto reads the correct date. Now GC edits the .jpg and .avi file metadata fine, but wont edit .mov files from my iPhone? So now the iPhone videos are strewn all over the place in iPhoto compared to where they should be date-wise. Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
    The .mov files in GC show the correct creation date, but iPhoto reads the actuals file's modified date instead of the internal creation date? So strange?

    iPhoto gets it's date and time from the Photos Exif metadata, not the file creation or modification dates. It will only use those if your photos have no Exif.
    If you subsequently export these files then the created and modification dates a re very likely to change.
    You can adjust the date and time rather more easily in iPhoto (Using either the Photos -> Adjust Date and Time and/or the Photos -> Batch Change commands) You can also write the corrected date and time to the Exif of the oriignals files, and export it along with the file in the future.
    I'm not sure what's up with the dates on these mov files, but Movies don't have an Exif. You might want to check with the makers of Graphic Coverter for help.
    You know that you can move pics and movies around inside iPhoto, right? Drag them from Event to Event?

  • I have lots of .MOV files on my iPhone5 that I need to transfer to my PC.  Using QuickTime Player 7.7.4 I am unable to view them once they have been copied to a hard drive or directly from the iPhone via USB. 1% of the time a vid is viewable

    I can tranfer them to a hard drive on my PC, but am unable to view most of them using QuickTime Player 7.7.4. Doesn't matter if I'm viewing them via a USB connection to my iPhone5 or from a hard drive after the file has been copied via USB.  1% of the vids are viewable, 20% open with a black screen and audio only. The rest open with a blue, purple and green stryrated mess and no audio.  Yes its a Quick Time problem I know but where do I post this question in the community?  Also searching my drives for other .MOV files downloaded from the net I find the same problem with them.

    Heres what I don't like about VLC, but at least the files are viewable...somewhat.
    1. You can't flip the image 90degrees, needs to have a rotate feature for sure.  This needs to have keyboard shortcut so vids can be rotated easily as one may have shot video horizontally and vertically in the same take.
    2. Opens file to a very large window, most of it off the screen, it should REMEMBER what you resized it to, so the next time a video is played you don't have  to drag the window back on the screen so you can get to the resizing handle in the lower corner.
    3.  Doesn't buffer while playing, so the movies are extremely erractic, starting and stopping every 3 seconds, highly annoying. 
    OK so maybe my PC is too slow, its a dual processor 486 Hyperrthread 2.8G but I only have 2Gigs of memory, however, bettery than 50% of the memory is still available while playing a vid (memory is checked every 4 seconds with a program), but I have 90-100% CPU useage going on while playing.
    Maybe I should think about a new computer.

  • 8.1 | 11s | Auto-rotate only works for landscape & button does nothing

    The way auto-rotate is sort of doing it's own thing right now. The way it works is if  the screen is upside down (winbutton up) -> tablet mode, rightside up -> laptop mode. Those are the only two switches that it makes, and it doesn't rotate to a portrait mode, which I would really like.
    The auto-rotate button doesn't seem to do anything anymore. The dialog will appear on-screen but it rotates the same wether it's on or off. 
    I can make the switch with ctrl+alt+<,> but that doesn't disable the keyboard, and it flips back to landscape when I move it. 
    Is there some list of upgrade issues?
    Other issues I have/had are: cpu throtling in tablet mode, dolby stopped working though audio works fine with new driver. Also the upgrade messed up my DNS settings. Updating the wifi driver & forgetting the network driver didn't solve it. I had to go to the conection's settings and set the DNS manually on IPV4 and disable IPV6.
    Check for newer drivers and install if any, then post if you still have the issue.
    Microsoft MVP: Windows Consumer Expert
    Yoga Tablet 2 10 || ThinkPad X1 Carbon (20A7007MPH) || ThinkPad Helix (3698-6EU) || IdeaCentre B540
    Twitter: @jonashendrickx

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